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Various concepts about Knowledge

Submitted by
Anu Priya R
English department
 School subjects are human constructions in
response to social, economic, cultural, political and
educational realities and needs.
 Knowledge is a familiarity or awareness of
someone or something such as facts, skills or
objects contributing to ones understanding.
A.Concept of Firm Knowledge
 Knowledge is the sum of what is known and resides in
the intelligence and the competence of people. Firm
knowledge is a familiarity, awareness or understanding
of someone or something such as facts, information,
description or skill which is acquired through
experience or education.
 Few teachers have high level of proficiency in subject
knowledge as well as in communication skills
 They are considered as Firm Knowledge or solid
Three Domain of ‘Firm
 Three Domain
1. Pedagogical Knowledge
2. Discipline Knowledge
3. Pedagogical Content Knowledge
1. Pedagogical Knowledge
 It is the specialized knowledge of teachers in giving
effective teaching and learning environments for all
students, independent of subject matter.
i. Focussed on student’s outcome
ii. Focussed and essentials in teacher practice
iii. Knowledge of effective classroom management
iv. Knowledge of activities that develop metacognitive
v. Improvement of student’s performance depends
on improving the quality of teaching.
vi. Understanding about learners, how they learn
and how learning can be supported by teaching
2. Discipline Knowledge
 It is intended to bring competence in managing the
class and to develop a sound understanding of
concepts within discipline.
a. Collaborative, involvement, reflection and
b. Data to guide improvement and measure impact
on the basis of evidence
c. Generating student interest
 In depth knowledge of subject area- the facts,
concepts, ideas and products within a discipline
and the relationship between them
 Understanding what affects the organization of
subject- knowledge and the question that guide
further inquiry
 Teachers need to participate in continuing
professional development programmes.
3. Pedagogical content Knowledge
 It is a combination of content and teaching
 General pedagogical skills are insufficient for
preparing content teachers as was education that
stressed only content knowledge
Key elements of pedagogical content
 Knowledge of how students learn a particular
subject matter.
 Skills to organize the present subject matter
including use of models, charts, examples etc.
 Knowledge of available curriculum materials for
 Knowledge of the purpose content
B. Concepts of Objective Knowledge
 Objective knowledge comes from observation.
 The scientific knowledge is also based on
objective knowledge since it is based on
experiments and observations.
 Newspapers, textbooks and video recordings be a
source of objective knowledge.
 Objective knowledge is universal
 When we say ‘be object’, we typically mean the
 Be unemotional, not getting agitated or distressed
 See things as they really are, not from a personal biased
view point
 Using objective knowledge, teachers improve their
efficiency in classroom management
 Objective knowledge was measured by asking the
respondents to answer a series of questions specifically
developed for this study
 The objective knowledge 2+3 =5, though could not
be proved directly, could be established by using
various indirect examples.
 Mostly scientific knowledge will be objective
c. Concept of Impersonal Knowledge
 Online learning platforms provide detailed
information on any content/topic. The knowledge
thus obtained is called impersonal knowledge.
 Students get more information from internet then
from their teachers.
 It contained a wealth of knowledge that can be
searched at any time.
 Now days some students are more informative
than their teachers because of impersonal
 Online schooling has become very popular.
Teachers, officials, librarians can work during the
day and go to school at night via on line schooling.
 Internet is a great resource fro teachers
D. Concept of Diverse Knowledge
 Diversity refers to the range of identities that exists
in a group of people.
 Common identity categories referenced when
discussing diversity include race, class, gender,
religion, nationality, language and socio economic
 Teachers must demonstrate the following diversity
proficiencies appropriately to meet both individual
differences and group differences
 Awareness
 Communication
 Curriculum instruction
 Respect
 Resources
 Social Justice
E. Concept of Dialogical Knowledge
 Learning that takes place through dialogue is
called dialogical knowledge.
 The concept of dialogic learning is not a new one.
 Dialogical knowledge has been mostly based on
cognitive and structural approaches by means of
face-to face interaction through talk and verbal
Number of formats of instruction that
have been recognized as dialogic
 Interactional: Dialogue involves student-teacher
talk and interaction exchanges.
 Question-answer: Dialogue involves either a
teacher asking students questions and eliciting
answers from the students or students asking
questions and eliciting answers from the teacher.
 Conversational: Instructional dialogue is modelled
after natural ordinary everyday conversations.
 Without authority: Dialogue guidance occurs
among equal peers as authority distorts dialogic
 Paulo Freire considered dialogical pedagogy to be
fundamental for bringing about social change and
 It involves student and teacher learning together,
both experiencing intellectual growth and building
mutual understanding
 This method improve their thinking skills
F. Concept of Subjective Knowledge
 Subjective knowledge refers to feelings and
experiences that depend on the individual’s own
particular view point and traits.
 It is the mental knowledge of a particular situation.
 Objective knowledge consists of things that can be
observed or reproduced or is made up of hard facts
 Subjective knowledge is domain of personal
attitude and belief
 Subjective Knowledge or Personalized knowledge

depends upon the one who thinks and not by

things which are contemplated.

Difference between Objective
knowledge and Subjective Knowledge
Basics for Objective Subjective
Meaning Statement which is Statement which does not shows
completely true and clear picture or it is just a
unbiased person’s outlook or expression of
Based on Facts and Observation Assumptions, beliefs, opinions

Truth Provable Subject relative

Verification Verified Not-verified
Reporting Same Varies to great extent from person
to person, day to day
Decision Making Yes No

Used in Text books and Diary, comments on social Media

G. Fluid Frame Knowledge
 Frames of knowledge are simply a structure to allow
students to demonstrate their understanding of a topic
 Easily allow the teacher to differentiate for the varying
needs of their students
 Fluid is a substance that moves and spread when
subjected to a stress no matter how small that stress
may be.
 This kind of fluid frame help the students to understand
a topic clearly by observations, and interacting with
 Fluids have the nature of moving and spreading
around i.e. they are more flexible.
 This kind of fluid frame of knowledge is
considered to be helpful in solving new problems,
approaching new situations in a logical manner
and identifying general trends.
 Example: Fluid Frame of Knowledge –Maths
(Four Frame)
Examples of cuboid are books, Geometry box, Match Box etc.

it has eight edges It has three

Cuboid (Physical)
Ex dimensions,l,b.h

It has six faces .Areas of the opposite faces are equal

H. Porous Frame of Knowledge
 Porous materials has many small holes which
allows liquid and air that can pass through slowly,
Porous soil absorb water.
 If something is full of tiny holes or openings called
 Learning is also considered as porous which
absorb knowledge, skills, values or preferences.
 School subjects are constructed in response to
social, economic, cultural, political and
educational realities and needs.
 Education achieve social and individual needs
Accepted goals of Education are
 To provide boys and girls with the skills that will
enable them to live responsibly.
 To enable individuals to be self reliant
 To make an interest and taste for knowledge
 To make boys and girls critical
 To enable boys and girls develop appreciation for
moral and cultural achievements of mankind
 Promotion of social equality
 Attempting to meet the needs of society

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