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1.1 Background of the Research

Paragraph 1: The first paragraph explain about the meaning of language

Paragraph 2: The second paragraph explain about skills in learning process the
one of them is reading

Paragraph 3: The third paragraph explain about reading one of the

English skills

Paragraph 4: The fourth paragraph explain about the problems faced by

Indonesian students and teachers in reading

Paragraph 5: The fifth paragraph explain about ways for teachers to improve
students’ reading skills

Paragraph 6: The sixth paragraph explain about the meaning of Directed

Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)

Paragraph 7: The seventh paragraph explain about the problems faced by

students at SMP Negeri 2 Tinombo Selatan in reading

Paragraph 8: The eight paragraph describes the solution to the problem faced by
students and determination of research tittle using the technique.

1.2 Problem Statement

Based on the background, the researcher formulates the problem statement
in question form as follows:
“ is there an effect from using Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)
to improve students’ reading comprehension at SMP Negeri 2 Tinombo Selatan?

1.3 Objective of the Research
Based on the problem statement, the researcher formulates the objective
of this research is to find out:
The objective of this study is to find out there is an effect using Directed
Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA) to improve students’ reading
comprehension at SMP Negeri 2 Tinombo Selatan?.

1.4 Significance of the Research

1) Theoretical significance
2) Practical significance

1.5 Scope of the Research

The scope of this research was to find out the improvement of students’
reading comprehension by using Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)
at SMP Negeri 2 Tinombo Selatan. The kind of the text which observe is
Narrative text.

1.6 Operational Definition of Key Terms

Key terms: Reading, Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)

2.1 Related Study

1. The first related study was conducted by Akmal (August 2018), Vol.
(1), No. (2), ISSN: 2615-4307. The title of the journal was The Effect
of Directed Reading Activity Strategy (DRTA) in Descriptive
Reading Text
2. The second related study was conducted by Nelson Balisar Panjaitan,
et al. (October 2019), Vol. (7), No. (2), ISSN: 2476-9606. The title of
the journal was The Use of Directed Reading Thinking Activity
Strategy To Enhance Students’ Reading Comprehension.
3. The third that related study was conducted by Satriani, et al. (2022),
Vol. (1), No. (3), ISSN: 2809-3682. The title of the journal was
Students Reading Comprehension Strategy: Directed Reading
Thinking Activity(DRTA).
4. The fourth that related study was conducted by Mirna Ismail
(October 2018), Vol. (1), No. (1), ISSN: 2623-1565. The title of the
journal was The Use of Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)
To Improve Students Reading Comprehension of The First Grade of
SMK Pembangunan Kota Ternate.
5. The fifth that related study was conducted by Frida Hayu
Novendiana, et al. (2016), Vol. (3), No. (3). The title of the journal
was The Effect of Using Directed Reading Thinking Activity (DRTA)
Strategy on The Tenth Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension
Achievements at MA Unggulan Nuris Jember.

2.2 Review of Related Literature

In the review of related literature contains an explanation of the theories
related to the topic of this research. Explanations of these theories form the
basic of the theory used in conducting this research.

2.2.1 The Concept of Reading

- Reading comprehension
- Reading purpose
- Types of reading

2.2.2 The concept of DRTA

- The definition of DRTA

- Advantages and disadvantages of DRTA
- Teaching reading of using DRTA

2.3 Theoretical Framework

In the theoretical framework presented some theories and information

that explain the concepts in the study so that it becomes clear, namely
regarding the use of DRTA in students’ reading comprehension.

2.4 Hypothesis

(Ha): there is significant effect of using Directed Reading Thinking Activity

(DRTA) On the students achievements in reading comprehension.

(Ho): there is no significant effect of using Directed Reading Thinking

Reading Activity (DRTA) on students’ achievements in reading


3.1 Research Design

In conducting the research, the researcher apply quasi-experimental

research. The sample of the research will divide two groups. They are
experimental and control group. The experimental group is the class that will
give treatment of DRTA. The control group will not give a treatment.

3.2 Population and Sample

- Population: The students of the eight grade at SMP Negeri 2

Tinombo Selatan.
- Sample: Class VIIIA as the experimental group and VIIIB as a the
control group.

3.3 Research Variable

- Independent variable: the use of Directed Reading Thinking Activity

- Dependent variable: reading comprehension of the eight grade

3.4 Research Instrument

The research instrument of this research is a test. The test in the research
is used to measure the reading comprehension of students. The test will
distribute to students as a pre-test and a post-test.

3.5 Technique of Data Collection

The technique of collecting data in this research is the test. The purpose
of the pre-test is to find out the students reading comprehension before
treatment. Then post-test aim to find out students’ ability in reading
comprehension after giving the treatment.
- Pre-test
- Post-test
- Treatment

3.6 Technique of Data Analysis

To find out the ability of the students, the researcher computed the t-
counted score by using the formula by Arikunto.

To find out the ability of the students. The researcher computed the t-
value score by using the formula by Arikunto.

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