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BASF The Chemical Company MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name: [MASTERSEAL® 540 (Saratsic) PART A ‘company BASF Constucton Cmca Singapore Ple Us ‘Singapore 630000, “Telephone number +60 60616766 Fees ‘es e061 3108 Emergenylelephone numbers: $85 66816766 "ZHAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Sateyhazards: Notified Heamnazarés: Eyelniant. Skin tant Enveormental nazar Please refer o secon 12 ‘3. COMPOSITION INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS. emia! Sarason Aqueous erulsion of copter azardousngedents) nas caS No nae Ferd oymeas: as. Repases ae Ss enceraton: ae. 4 FIRST AID MEASURES. mediate waatment Eye contact: Fish wih wate for least 15 mires Ingeston Dik water andinaicevonsng. Oban inet medial advice Irermatin fr pryscans: 5. FIRE FIGHTING WEASURES Spocilnazarés: __Notdontfed Protective equpment: Eye pctecton requ. Eramgucing agente ilipot bun For eed! ols, use water spray, coon dois, ry hamicl br unersl ype ears [MASTERSEAL 610 (Goraate)PARTA Page Lol Revoon Nort on 18 Aor 2007 3» BASF ‘The Chemical Company MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Personal precautions Eye protection and skin protection requted Envtonmentl precauons; Maybe fustedo sewer local regulations part Mahodorcoaring ip Cover ep wr abcorbent maton (2. sand). Nash down with water it Tocalepultin prs, [-HANDLINGANDSTORAGESSSOSSCSCSC‘SYS Hang na Requirements forstonge roms: Keep conisiners dosed ‘Aaons!wlematon Recommended sel ifs in unopened ants 12 months Merde neta stzedtogeber. na [E EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ——————SSSSSSS—~Sd Persona protection Respratory reecon na Eye protection Wier stety lasses. and eceeton Proecive gloves of auatie barr team esonmanded Body protein: na ‘3, PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Phys! tate Luis ‘colour vince dour Sight Frezngtenperate: ne Bing pot ne Mating poe fa Fah pant na (aqueous) EL: na Vopourpressue: aa Vapeurdonsty na. Relawve censiy: Approx 1.09 gem? @2s'c Soni na pH va: 7s-85@2'¢ Vicon na WASTERSEAL 40 (Gara) PARTA Page 2018 Reve No? on #8 Apr 2007 Prine on 104007 OG: BASF ‘Tne Chemical Company MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET set ‘Stable under ambient conatons (eons to avi Freecg Hazardous decomposton posits: na 7, TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ‘Acute tole (thal dose) {050 orat Abin rat Dose ae Destorainfomaton nk Internation spples te: ——«MASTERSEAL S40 Part A ose na Deiter nfernaten nd Inkrmaion apples to) = MASTERSEALSAO Pan A ‘Acuto trl itaton,sentization ote) ye tation Albin abit Symptons na toa na ‘Skin tation Albino rabbit Resut na Symptoms: no eto na Delayed or chronic tasleotgiclefects ‘Aaciionaletoratn na O-BASF Tire Chemical Company MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (G2-ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ean] cotoxcty Aitional information eat nd Biochemical oxygen demand con: ad boo na [TS.DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS) Dispose in approved nthe forndueral acta in accordance wih la lpllatonrequements 14, TRANSPORT FORMATION. dangerous goo in any vanspr rqucton Read transport ADR RIO has: nas. Numbetteter nt Waring so na Hazard No nas Mace ir transport MDG Case: nas IDG cose page: a8 MASTERSEAL 640 (Gursusc)PARTA Pape Aol Finn No on 18 A207 Print on 0007 |» BASF ‘The Chemical Company MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 45. REGULATORY INFORMATION cassteston Ne hazardous arr ae Nene eared Reshases nae Sprrases: nas. National egulatory informatio Other rgutations, restrictor and prohibitions: [TE OTHERINFORWATION OO SCS—~SY Prue shoul be stored on stein nak pot and rupture rot containers. MASTERSEALlsic Pat Als pat ofa wo-conponent sym. Reason fr les: Naw format bad on National Cade of Pract fr the preparation f MSDS ~ 2 ein [NOHSC 2011/2003} Change of company name. ‘Tis mss summarises ou bet knowledge fhe heath ane eft azar infomation of the produc ana ‘owt aly hana and use na produ nthe werkplace. Each user sud fead ns MSDS ana cote! the neaten in the coro cf how the prosut wi be herded sd used he worpace nudge _Sunaton wh ter promis leon orate information noaded fo esr that an aperopnte ‘st assessment canbe made the User should cots! ts company. Our responsibly fr poses sla = ‘Sines ou sland tm and condor, cap of hich sort to or customers ands seo seaible ‘nroques A information cotaied ne M&S ste accuste and uptodate bs posse, No waranty ‘Stpreated or mpl mad a scruracy, katy or ompstoness [MASTERSEAL 60 (Garant) PARTA Page 015 Revisor Nor? Pred on v4.07 |» BASF ‘The Chemical Company MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Prost name MASTERSEAL® 540 Geran) PART B company: BASF Constucton Chemis Srgapor Pte Lis aes Si Tuss Avene 1 Singapore 639080 “Telophone number sea eao! 6708 Face esea61 3108 Emeroenytleonone numbers: +65 68616766 [EHAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONS Safety hazards ecient iene ‘iat em ay prod can caus aon tees When wt ne pod igh sine causing kn rtston demateo bura win tng Envronmertal hazards: Prost sha net bedscarged it rans and sewers [S.COMPOSITIONTINFORMATION ONINGREDIENTS Sd) ‘chemical Shirerzaion Mare of mae coment an lars aeardous pesos nas, Hors symbols: a Repvases nae se enceneaten: as 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Eye contact Fue wi water or at ast 16 nto Shin contact ‘Wash wth soap ana water Ingestion: WT ewatowed, 00 NOT indice voting Give water Ca inmedite ‘nadine. eermation for physicians: Prot smited wih ages based rad whan used, When wet, 3 ‘rong ston of cout oda produced - BASF ‘The Chemical Company MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET [S-FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Specalnacarss: Nene Protective oqupmert na Extnguehng agents Protuctis noncombustible 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES cere etatveeesens, Devel ducerge ite inane ser Precast same os for Mebostrcesangig: _Calectend depos as genin 13. tng ey red a rt re, Reguitementsorstorage rooms; Keepy sere nttobesestogsnec na. ‘@. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION “Tectia measures na Personal protection Respratry protector Wer aust mas, ye prtecton Wier stety lasses, and protecton iar gots or suitable barr cam reeammendea Body rteton: Protective dust cating recomended DMASTERSEAL 540 (Sorat) PARTE Page Bot Revlon Ne? on 8 Age 2007 B- BASF ‘The Chemical Company MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ([S/PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES | Physical tate: ry powcr Cobur rey Freeenptemportue: na Baling pot na Mating pit na Fine eit na (ey soto) Pr na EPL na Vapourprestue: na Vapourdersty. na. Ralavedenaty: nd. Sout na pA vate 7 foc pros 8>12 whan zed wth water Pan coeicant na icon na 40, STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Sabi Stable unser noma storage constons Hazardous reactons ust generaten when hancing ry powder. Higyakaine when {canazens eave red wate atrial na Hazarsous deconpesion produc: Not dertes DASTERSEAL 540 (Sorta) PART BP Printed on 18042007 BASF “The Chemical Company MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ‘Acute toy (thal dose) {050 orl Abin rat Dose ne Pestonainematen: ng Information sppesc:——«MASTERSEAL 540 (Barlete) Pat 8 cso inhalationalbine rat Dose no ‘Aadionalinormation; nd. Intermtion apps: [MASTERSEAL 540 (Balas) Part 8 ‘Acute toxic (tation, sensitzation et) Eye eration Albino rabbit ‘Syrptoms: na Maton na ‘Skin tation Aine bb Recut: na Symptons: na Delayed or chronic toxleologlcloffcts BASF ‘The Chemical Company MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET cotoxcty cso aoe na Aioal information cate a Biochemical oxygen demand con: a6 Boo. as othe: na 73. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Follow al oa, stat or goverent equa conceing heath and potuten fer appropri pose procedures, 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Product int ciassed x dangerous gods nary anspor regulon, Road transport ADR RID omoetate: Warning son: UN Martine / ir tansport MOG Po ls WOG code page: 8 The Chemical Company MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 415, REGULATORY INFORMATION Clasaaton: Non nazardous Hazard ibe: Nona equres Repose nse Sophos: nae Natona eguatry Information: thor regulations, restrictions and prohibitions: 6. OTHERINFORMATION id Barlasic Pat Bis pat of @two-component yom, Reason lsu New foal bas on National Cade of race fr he preparation of MSDS ~ 2 ein [NonSC2011 2000) Change of eompany name ‘This MSDS sunearses or bes! trawl ofthe eat and sft hazard ifomaton of te product and how ostety nan and use te product nthe workplace. Each user sheud read is MSDS ahi cnet tho nfomaton in tbe covet of how tho produ wl be handled and used m De werilare ing ih Eonpneson wih ctor peduts. caiiaten er futher efematen eneeced oreo tat an appropie tak sesesement can be mac, to ser shoul Contact hs campany. Ou espa fo prodets sd {bjt oor stndar ome and conaiton, copy of whi ssa ou customers an le) avesble ‘nrequet Al ivomatoncotaned nts MES ete aceuste nd pts da os posse, NO waranty ‘Spresed of mpleaie mace a is ecurec,elabity oF cmplenose MASTERSEAL 60 (ara PART 8 pe Ft reed on NOT

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