From The Video We Watched

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From the video we watched, I learned that we humans tend to worship the wrong God.

We are
easily swayed by our own greed and selfishness. Our Imago Dei gets compromised, and instead
of worshipping God we worship other things such as power, wealth, pleasure, material things,
and more. We are the image of God, and as the representatives of God, we have a mission and
responsibility to accomplish. We should make our priorities straight and not be easily influenced
by false worship.

As the representative of God, I have come to realize that we should be proud of our religion and
not ashamed of what we believe in. If we silence ourselves, we will not be heard. We must
promote our religion in a way that doesn’t harm other people, as Christianity is nonviolent active
speech. Since we are representing God, we must be responsible for our actions. We shall not do
things that would bring shame to God and what we believe in.

According to the video and speech of Bishop Robert Barron, laws are crucial to our lives.
Without laws, it would be very chaotic, and everything would be in shambles and disorder. Like
Bishop Robert said, ‘law is not the enemy of freedom; it’s the condition for the possibilities of
freedom’. The law helps us discipline our bodies and minds to achieve what we want to
accomplish in life. Laws help us practice discipline. In life, we cannot just do what we feel like
doing, especially if it involves harming other people. There are things in life that must have rules
in order for it to work.

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