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This research work was set out to look at the concept of soteriOl08) a significance to Adara tribe in the
northern Nigeria. The study is divided into five chapterS. Chapter one is the researcher's proposal which
deals with the background of the study Statement of the Problem, Purpose of the Study, Research
Methodology employed collecting information, Scope of the Study, Significance of the Study and the
definition of


Chapter two reviews existing literatures on the concepts of soteriology. This chapter deals with the
historical concept of soteriology, different concepts of salvation such as: Old Testament, New
Testament, African Traditional Religion, Islam, the early church, Evangelical concept of salvation etc., the
theological significance of soteriology is also dealt with in the chapter.

Chapter three of this research is dedicated to the methodology whereby the researcher presents the
data collected from the interviewees (respondents), and analyzes the data. The chapter also focuses on
research design, population, Sample and sampling techniques, and research instruments while chapter
four deals with research findinos and discussion of the findings. The researcher analyzes the responses
of the respondents on the concept of soteriology, the researcher also harmonizes the other concepts of
salvation with that of the Adara people in order to give a proper understanding of Adara concept of
salvation and its significance.

Finally, Chapter five summarizes the work, gives a conclusion and recommendations were made.


Thc conccpt of salvation discussed in Adara tribe is similar to that of African Traditional Religion (ATR).
Old Testament, and New Testament but it is not similar to that of Islam because the Muslims believe
one do good work before obtaining salvation. Adara people bclieve in physical and spiritual deliverance.
They believe that spiritual salvation will lead one to eternal glory if embraced. The political and
economic crises have brought fear and insecurity to many lives and problems such as hunger. poverty,
sickness and death are rampant among the Adara people. Their current situation is very similar to that
of the Psalmist who prayed to God for salvation from trouble, oppression, enemies, death, etc. Even
though the Adara people, having become Christians, do not ignore the spiritual aspect of salvation, yet
they place much emphasis on physical salvation because of their present situation. Like the Israelites,
Adara people want to be saved from the various enemies confronting them. Adara people cannot be
expected to have the same understanding of the word salvation as is found among other tribes and
religions in other parts of Nigeria or in other developed nations. This is because the things that are
creating problems for them in Adara land are comparatively non-existent in other parts of the nation
andin other nations. Most people in the world do not know what poverty is all about. They do not
experience Wat it mcans to be oppressed politically just as demonstrated in the just concluded
gubernatorial lenure in Kaduna state (20l5-2019). According to most of the respondents and the cry of
every Adara people in Kaduna state, the administration was a bitter one and a difficult to bear
considering the several insrgencies and political oppressions that took ane Speaking of sickness and
death, other parts of the country have better medical system and their life span is longer than that of
the Adara people. Therefore, one should not be eurprised to know that their basic understanding of
salvation is usually limited to the New Testament view - deliverance from the bondage of sin.


Based on the findings of this research, the following recommendations are hereby put forward:

1. Effective teaching of the concept of Soteriology by ministers should be the main focus in the Assembly
of God's people. This will make a great impact in aiding the members to be strong in faith.

2. Leaders in Adara land should pay diligent attention to applying Biblical principles, styles and
methodology in teaching the concept of salvation which can be of great value for men and women who
are believers and non believers to understand the grace of God that is made available for all men
through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. This grace rescues the entire human race from eternal damnation
to eternal

3. Adara people as Christians should understand that we now have joy and we shall not glorification.

only go to heaven by embracing the spiritual salvation but we would go to heaven

4. Ministers in Adara land should emphasize the importance of f the doctrine of salvation triumphantly.
among them, and how to secure this salvation. Ministers should focus their attention on teaching
salvation iovfully and never think of their reward, for their reward cannot be given fully here on earth. In
fact, some will never experience it until they get to heaven. Therefore, they are to wholeheartedly make
salvation understood by Adara people.

6. The indigenous ministers should always remember to play their vital roles in seeing that their tribe is
advanced in the understanding of the doctrine of salvation wherever they may be.

7. Ministers in Adara land should help the people to understand the difference between physical and
spiritual salvation and their advantages.

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