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Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298

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Development of ship-specific recycling plan to improve health safety

and environment in ship recycling yards
Anand M. Hiremath, Sachin Kumar Pandey, Shyam R. Asolekar*
Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The recycling of end-of-life vessels has been identified as a key economic activity for sustainable
Received 16 June 2015 development. India is the world's leading ship recycling (i.e. breaking, dismantling) country working on
Received in revised form the principle of waste to wealth. However, the nature of operations carried out at ship-recycling facilities
26 December 2015
has raised concerns relating to occupational health, safety and environment (HSE). Though the efforts
Accepted 4 January 2016
made by both Hong Kong Convention (HKC) and European Union (EU) legislation on safe and environ-
Available online 11 January 2016
mentally sound ship recycling are commendable, there exists no standard example or case report showing
how to prepare the ship-specific recycling plan (SRP). Also, a clear guidance does not exist on preparation
Ship recycling
of the “ship-specific recycling plan” required for the three-step risk assessment method (reported in our
Hong Kong Convention earlier research).
Health safety and environment Nearly 80% of the vessels dismantled in Alang ship recycling yards in India include bulk carrier,
Inventory of hazardous materials container and general cargo ships. Therefore, two bulk carrier ships, two general cargo ships and two
What-if-Analysis container ships were tracked (one ship at a time) from beaching to complete recycling in this study and
Ship-specific recycling plan the life cycle of recycling process was investigated in-depth aiming at articulating the so called “ship-
specific recycling plan”. At the outset, it was understood that the lateral knowledge of experts involved in
risk assessment exercise needs to be complemented with the causeeeffect relationships. Therefore,
what-if-analysis was employed to articulate the HSE issues associated with the above six ships selected
for investigation. In addition, the inventory of hazardous/non-hazardous wastes generated during the
course of recycling of six ships under investigation were classified as per the Inventory Guidelines pre-
scribed by International Maritime Organization (IMO).
It was observed that bulk carrier, general cargo and container ships were broken in a similar manner.
There are certain limitations with respect to the number of workers that could be engaged and size of the
ship that could be beached in a given yard for recycling resulting from the physical size of the yard and
fluctuations in the price of steel in international market. It was articulated that, on an average,
1.762 ± 0.026 man days would be required to dismantle one LDT of a given ship. The number of man days
required for complete recycling of a given type of ship can indeed be used as the most important
parameter while developing and planning for recycling of a given ship. The ship-specific recycling plan,
what-if-analysis and wastes inventory developed in this research will further strengthen the three-step
risk assessment method. Also, it is hoped that the results of this research will play a major role in ful-
filling the legal obligations and eventually help in achieving the safe and environmentally sound ship
recycling as desired by HKC and newly passed EU legislation.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction such a huge magnitude impose heavy burden on environment in all

its phases, it's essential to lessen the burden on natural resources
Global steel production has reached approximately 1607.2 Mega and maximize the steel recycling and find all the possible sources
tonnes in the year 2013 (World Steel, 2013). As steel production at for secondary steel production. It is interesting to note that one
such potential secondary source of steel is ship recycling industry.
It is well known that ships are an integral part of world trade
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 22 2576 7867.
and serve as a key link in world manufacturer's global logistical
E-mail addresses: (A.M. Hiremath), asolekar@iitb. chain. Approximately 90e95% of international commercial goods (S.R. Asolekar). are transported by sea routes (Demaria, 2010; Chang et al., 2010;
0959-6526/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
280 A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298

Neşer et al., 2012; Hiremath et al., 2015). According to the study find ways to evade these regulations by selling ships to flag states of
carried out by International Maritime Organization (IMO) in the convenience, from where they are eventually sent to ship recycling
year 2010, total 104,304 merchant ships were found to be involved companies located in Asian countries (Garud, 2012).
in trading activity (IMO, 2012). Such huge number of ships needs to The International Labour Organization (ILO) published a report
be disposed off from the ocean at the end of their useful life. entitled: Safety and Health in Ship Breaking: Guidelines for Asian
Typically, the need for breaking and recycling of a ship arises Countries and Turkey in 2004. The guidelines are designed to
under two conditions. First, when the cost of operation of the ship follow the ILO standards, codes of practice and other guidelines on
becomes greater than the revenue which it can generate, and sec- occupational safety and health and working conditions. The
ond, when the age or market conditions make a ship not-profitable guidelines contain practical recommendations for use by all those
to operate for the owner (Moen, 2008). It is to be noted that recy- who are responsible for occupational safety and health in ship
cling of end-of-life vessels is an inevitable activity which reduces recycling operations.
the maritime burden of ships after their profitable operation The Hong Kong Convention (HKC) held in May, 2009 aimed at
(Deshpande et al., 2012). Ship contains more than 95% of steel and ensuring that ships being recycled do not pose any unnecessary
the scrap value usually depends on the price of steel in the market risks to human HSE and highlighted the importance of inventori-
(Reddy et al., 2003; SRIA, 2014; Demaria, 2010; Deshpande et al., zation of hazardous materials, development of ship recycling plan,
2012). authorization of ship recycling facilities and safe and environ-
The magnitude of items recovered from ship recycling varies mentally sound recycling of ship. The HKC addresses issues of
from valuable machineries and equipments, household accessories environmentally hazardous substances like asbestos, hydrocar-
to things that are as trifling as screws and nut bolts. Ship recycling bons, ozone-depleting substances etc. The HKC is currently being
industry can also be considered as a green industry as almost entire negotiated based on the draft formulated by the IMO under the
product can be reused, recycled and resold (Sarraf et al., 2010). auspices of United Nations Organization (Deshpande et al., 2012;
Ship recycling industry provides direct and indirect job oppor- IMO, 2013).
tunities to approximately half one million workers in both India The European Commission has also passed a new legislation
and Bangladesh. Country like Bangladesh is scarce in terms of Iron entitled: “Ship Recycling Regulation” e which was published in an
ore. In the year 2004, Bangladesh ship recycling industry contrib- Official Journal of the European Union on 10 December, 2013 (EU,
uted as high as 80% to the country's ever increasing steel 2013). As per this regulation all ships entering European Union
demand (Kumar, 2013). (EU) ports as well as EU-flagged ships should have an inventory of
In case of India, ship recycling activity contributes to approxi- hazardous materials (IHM). Ships departing for recycling should
mately 1e2% domestic steel demand e which is approximately 28% have an IHM as soon as the EU list is published, but not before 31
of country's total imported ferrous scrap (Ravichandran et al., 2012; December, 2014. The requirements for an IHM are expected to be
Mikelis, 2013). Therefore, ship recycling activity, if promoted, can detailed than for the Hong Kong Convention's IHM, specifically
become a great tool to fill this void of steel demand. concerning accuracy and comprehensiveness.
Even though the share (%) of wastes is minimal compared to the
1.1. Issues associated with ship recycling size of the ship, the wastes magnitude is huge (Hiremath et al.,
2015). Therefore, HKC and EU regulations have highlighted the
The recycling of end-of-life vessels has been identified as a key importance of preparing an inventory of the hazardous materials in
economic activity for sustainable development. However, the na- the vessel. The literature review suggests no published case study
ture of operations carried out at ship-recycling facilities has raised so far on recycling of particular type of ship - which may become
concerns relating to occupational HSE. The reason is twofold. First, the basis for assessing the potential damage that can be caused by
in addition to economically re-usable materials such as steel, ves- recycling obsolete vessels.
sels also contain hazardous materials such as heavy metals, As stated earlier, the cost of obsolete vessel highly depends on
asbestos, glass wool, thermocol, oily rigs, oily sludge, oily sand, the price of steel and scrap value in the international market. The
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), costs associated with improving health of workers, safety related
and organotins like tributyltin (TBT) etc., to which the workers get equipments in yards as well as environmental degradation caused
expose during breaking process as well as fraction of hazardous by ship recycling, however, is not included while estimating the
wastes may get release into the surrounding environment (Reddy cost of obsolete ship. It is to be noted that both HKC and EU legis-
et al., 2004; Asolekar, 2006; Neser et al., 2008; Mahindrakar lation understood and reported the importance of improving HSE
et al., 2008; Demaria, 2010; Chang et al., 2010; Deshpande et al., conditions at the yards for achieving sustainability of the sector.
2012, 2013; Kusumaningdyah et al., 2013; Hiremath et al., 2014, Thus, internalizing the HSE costs needs thorough knowledge of
2015; Garmer et al., 2015). Second reason is, due to the structural ship-specific recycling plan, occupational risks posed to workers
complexity of ships many physical risks to workers takes place and surrounding environment along with the quantity and location
during recycling activity leading to severe injuries and even fatal of wastes in a given ship.
accidents. For example, Demaria (2010) reported an average annual Gujarat Maritime Board (GMB), Government of Gujarat, ad-
incidence of fatal accidents in the Alang ship recycling industry in ministers and regulates ship recycling activity in Alang from last
India as 2.0 per 1000 workers (based on official data from 1995 to two decades. There are two landmark regulations made by GMB to
2005). make ship recycling activity environment friendly 1) “The GMB
(Prevention of Fire and Accidents for Safety of Workers and Pro-
1.2. Ship Recycling Regulations and guidelines tection of Environment During Ship-breaking Activities) Regula-
tion, 2003” and 2) “The GMB (Conditions and Procedures for
The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) was set Granting Permission for Utilizing Ship Recycling Plots) Regulation,
up by the IMO, the United Nations legislator of the shipping in- 2006”. The GMB regulations, 2003 regulates ship recycling activity
dustry to address the environmental issues relating to ship recy- and its safety, hazardous waste management, beaching permission,
cling and addressing the violations of the 1989 Basel Convention on etc., while GMB regulation, 2006 contains the terms and conditions
the Control of Trans-Boundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes that are required for getting ship recycling plot and renewal of
(Chang et al., 2010). However, ship owners from developed nations existing plot.
A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298 281

Apart from these two regulations, the Supreme Court of India In recent years, the sector has been the focus of discussion
has passed the order in the year 2007 which recommended di- because relatively greater numbers of ships were scrapped and
rections for beaching, anchoring and ship recycling in India. Ac- obsolete vessels were sent for recycling due to the bad national and
cording to the ruling of the Supreme Court of India, order dated 6th international market situations (Asolekar, 2012). Modernization of
September, 2007 (Supreme Court of India (2007)), before ship recycling yards in Alang is essential as it is anticipated that for
commencing the breaking and recycling process, the recycler (yard coming next ten years, 10 to 15 million tons dead-weight of end-of-
owner) shall submit the ship recycling plan e which should have life ships every year will end-up for recycling (Asolekar, 2012;
“two components i.e. Ship-Specific Recycling Plan and Recycling Deshpande et al., 2012; Hiremath et al., 2014, 2015; Garmer et al.,
Facility's Management Plan”. Typically, ship recyclers submit only 2015).
the proposed ship recycling schedule (time required for cutting As far as the cumulative output of approximately 160 yards in
holds, engine room and cabin of the ship). The GMB, Government of Alang is concerned, statistically more than one ship is dismantled
Gujarat has been engaged with us because they are desirous of every day. Table 1 depicts the statistics on the six types of ships
receiving more detailed and structured plan from the yard pro- recycled in two consecutive financial years (1st April, 2011 to 31st
posing to dismantle and recycle a given ship. March, 2013) in Alang (data adapted from Hiremath et al., 2015).
The three detailed guidelines were provided by IMO (2015), Clearly, the general cargo, bulk carrier and container ships are the
namely: 1) Guidelines for the Development of the Ship Recycling Plan three most predominantly handled ships in Alang (nearly 80% of
adopted by resolution MEPC.196(62); 2011, 2) Guidelines for Safe the vessels dismantled every year). Apparently, as reported by
and Environmentally Sound Ship Recycling adopted by resolution Hiremath et al. (2015), these ships are often preferred by the ship
MEPC.210(63); 2012 and the 3) Guidelines for the Authorization of recyclers in Alang due to the relatively higher amounts of recyclable
Ship Recycling Facilities adopted by resolution MEPC.211(63); 2012, steel potentially derived from them.
though there efforts are commendable, there is still no clear un- Most of the yards in Alang have 60 m width (some yards are
derstanding in any of these documents on how to prepare the ship 100e150 m wide) and have 100e125 m long work-areas between
recycling plan. It is hoped that the results and framework presented high-tide line and exit gates. The schematic representation of a
in this research will help in fulfilling this gap. typical yard with notional yard boundaries, gate and the ship
In our earlier research, reported in Garmer et al. (2015), a three- beached in inter-tidal zone (i.e. between the high-tide and low-tide
step risk assessment methodology for ship recycling yards was lines) is shown in Fig. 1.
developed and validated aimed at minimizing the occupational and As seen from the Figure, the ship recycling activities are con-
environmental risks in this sector. Still two significant limitations of ducted in primarily four zones, namely: ship-cabin and inside of the
the three-step risk assessment method were observed from Alang. ship, inter-tidal zone, primary zone and secondary zone. The
First, the “step-1” of the three-step risk assessment method intertidal zone is the wet area between high tide and low tide lines.
should be articulated based on in-depth understanding of the type As far as possible, vessels are customarily beached during high tide
of ship to be dismantled. Interestingly, no published literature is and are dismantled progressively slice-by-slice. The slices are cut-
available even today except the typical ship recycling plan reported away and separated from ship in inter-tidal zone during several
by Hiremath et al. (2015). Even the international conventions (IMO, lowest tide periods (each period typically lasting for 1e2 h). The
2012; EU SRR, 2013) expect the yard owner to submit the SRP large slice of vessel is referred to as “zadap” in local language.
pertaining to the specific ship to be dismantled. The primary zone is the zone adjoining the inter-tidal zone on
Second, the method assumes that the risk assessment team can landward side (see Fig. 1). Once the slice is separated away from
undertake the assessment based on the lateral experience in ship with the help of winches, it is dragged from the wet inter-tidal
different industrial sectors. For that reason, a checklist approach zone to semi-dry primary zone for further clean-up, fragmentation
was adopted (in ‘step-2’ of the methodology). The listings focussed with the help of hand-held oxy-LPG torches. Specialized teams of
on the variety of hazards to be incorporated in the risk assessment workers clean-up the slices and systematically separate the wastes,
process. pack them and store in segregated rooms near the exit gate.
Workers fragment the large slice of vessel into relatively smaller
1.3. Site description pieces so that they could be lifted with the help of cranes and
placed into secondary zone for further processing.
India is the home for the world's largest ship recycling industry, In the secondary zone, slices were further cut into smaller
responsible for nearly 47% of all end-of-life vessels recycled annually. transportable sizes and the separated wastes are segregated and
Nearly 160 active ship recycling yards at Alang are engaged in recy- temporarily stored so that it is periodically cleared by the dedicated
cling more than 350 ships annually (approximately 2.7 million tonnes vehicles and transported to common hazardous wastes-treatment,
of recycled steel). The gentle slope of beach (100) with hard bottom storage, disposal facility (CHW-TSDF) for treatment and disposal as
sand makes Alang as a final destination for different types of end-of- per the law.
life vessels including passenger ships, general cargo, container, bulk
carrier, oil tankers, reefer and cruise ships (Deshpande et al., 2012;
Hiremath et al., 2014, 2015; Garmer et al., 2015). 1.4. Scope and objectives
The recycling process consists of approximately twelve broad
work activities, from vessel beaching to plate cutting and sending it As reported in Garmer et al. (2015), the three-step risk assess-
to re-rollling mills (Hiremath et al., 2015; Garmer et al., 2015). It has ment method was developed and validated using the pedagogic
been observed that 70% of the labour force employed at a single approach and it is easy to learn, use and administer in ship recy-
yard is engaged in cutting of plates. Alang yards have broken more cling yards. The so far gained experience of the three-step risk
than 6000 end-of-life vessels since from its existence (Deshpande assessment method indicates that this method could be a dialogue
et al., 2013). It is to be noted that the weight of ship is typically tool for analysis team of e.g. production managers, safety officers
referred as Light Displacement Tonnage (LDT), which is defined as and safety supervisors and serve as a systematic method for risk
the weight of the ship excluding general cargo, fuel, water, ballast, reduction to enhance health and safety in shipyards. However, the
stores, passengers, crew, but with water in boilers to steaming level real benefit of using “risk assessment as a tool for improvement can
(George, 2005). One LDT of ship is equal to 1 ton. be achieved when nearly all the potential hazards during the
282 A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298

Table 1
The statistics on the six types of ships recycled in two consecutive financial years (1st April, 2011 to 31st March, 2013) in Alang, India (data adapted from Hiremath et al., 2015).

Sr. No. Type of ship 1st April, 2011 to 31st March, 2012 1st April, 2012 to 31st March, 2013 Cumulative data 1st
April, 2011 to 31st
March, 2013

Number of ships Cumulative LDT of ships Number of ships Cumulative LDT of ships % Ships % LDT of ships

1 General cargo 149 1,086,008 53 387,625 24.97 18.92

2 Bulk carrier 119 1,230,655 158 1,594,772 34.24 36.27
3 Container 50 405,474 111 1,234,110 19.90 21.05
4 Oil Tanker 62 650,143 31 347,841 11.50 12.81
5 Reefer 24 228,127 17 103,325 5.07 4.26
6 LPG/Gas Bulk carrier/Miscellaneous 6 65,014 22 174,702 3.46 3.08
7 Passenger/RoeRo 5 181,194 2 100,018 0.87 3.61
Total 415 3,847,000 394 39,42,393 100 100

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of a typical yard with notional yard boundaries, gate and the beached ship between the high-tide and low-tide lines. There are nearly 160 active
yards in Alang, having mostly 60 m width (some yards are of 100e150 m width) and 100e125 m length between high-tide line and exit gate.

process of ship recycling are incorporated in the assessment. In the types of ships through field surveys, primary data collection and
present research, two hypotheses have been put forth at the outset. analysis.
Hypothesis 1. The lateral knowledge of experts involved in risk
assessment exercise needs to be complemented with the cause-effect
2. Methodology
relationships particularly relevant to the technology model and
management practices implemented in Alang.
Two bulk carrier ships, two general cargo ships and two
Hypothesis 2. The dependable Ship-Specific Recycling Plan can only container ships were tracked (one ship at a time) from beaching to
be developed in the light of clarity on the two aspects, namely: (1) the complete recycling in this study and the life cycle of recycling
time-tested know-how of recycling a given type of ship and (2) the process was investigated in-depth. There was no precise reason
HSE-related issues for recycling the given type of ship. behind selecting these above ships except similarity in type of ship,
The explicit focus of this study involves 1) development of ship- LDT of ship and the year of manufacturing as well as availability
specific ship recycling plan for three types of ships, 2) preparation of during the study period. The uniform methodology was adopted in
hazardous wastes inventory generated from ship recycling process as this study, as depicted in Fig. 2, for investigating the process of
per the IMO guidelines and, 3) identification of HSEal risks associated recycling e especially, the ship-specific sequence of activities. Also,
with breaking of obsolete vessels and suggestions for improvement. the corresponding HSE as well as the hazardous waste
The scope of this research is limited to three types of ships, namely: management-related issues were studied in-depth.
bulk carrier, container and general cargo ships. Investigations were Literature review suggested that the activities that are poten-
restricted to all the hazardous job-tasks performed during the process tially threatening to the health and safety of workers and to the
of complete recycling. The activities outside the yard including trans- surrounding environment can be identified using the qualitative
portation of steel plates and scrap to re-rolling mills and electric arc methods including checklist, task analysis, what-if-analysis, hazard
furnaces, equipment, transportation of wastes to CHW-TSDF and its operability studies (HAZOP), safety audits, sequentially timed event
disposal as well as transportation reusable materials to second-hand plotting (STEP) technique etc.(Tixier et al., 2002; Ayyub, 2003;
material selling shops were not considered in this research. Marhavilas et al., 2009, 2011).
The methodology adopted to address the above objectives included As reported by Garmer et al. (2015), the ship recycling work-
identification of risks, inventorization of hazardous wastes and force is typically unskilled and the ship recycling sector happens
tracking of all the functions and operations related recycling of three to be primitive, complex and low-tech. In such a complex work
A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298 283

Fig. 2. The uniform methodology adopted for the six ships in this study for investigating the process of complete recycling e especially the in-depth analyses of ship-specific
sequence of activities and the corresponding HSE as well as the hazardous waste inventories.

environment one can, at best, investigate risks by employing the In the present study, the primary data were collected for each
traditional “what-if-analysis”. One desirable strength of the “what- step in the progressive recycling of a given ship with the help of
if-analysis” happens to be the adoption of the qualitative approach field observations, brainstorming sessions with safety officers,
and the results of the analyses can be meaningfully integrated with production managers and workers in the recycling yards (see work
the “three-step risk assessment method” developed and reported package 2 in Fig. 2). The hazardous/non-hazardous wastes sepa-
previously by us (Garmer et al., 2015). rated during the course of recycling from the ships were classified
284 A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298

as per the as per the Inventory Guidelines (2009) prescribed by IMO before detailed plans were chalked-out for undertaking primary
(see work package 3 in Fig. 2). The five-step procedure was adopted data collection on all the steps undertaken in the course of
in performing the what-if-analysis, as described in Marhavilas et al. beaching to complete recycling of a given type of ship selected for
(2011); see Work Package 4 in Fig. 2. the study.
For better understanding of the HSE issues associated with ship Hiremath et al. (2015) have recently published a detailed study
recycling process, the work activities were divided into four zones, conducted in nearly 100 yards from the “cluster of ship recycling
namely, inside ship, inter-tidal, primary and secondary. The ship- yards” in Alang Port and reported the so-called “typical ship recy-
specific breaking was analysed by regular interaction with safety cling procedure” adopted more or less uniformly by all yards.
officers, discussions with the Mukadams (the Indian terminology Reportedly, this procedure is rooted “in a commonly understood
for the shift supervisor on floor) by continuous field monitoring, logic that ensures economic, procedural, environmental and work-
interviews and group discussions. The steps adopted for recycling safety related advantages”. This time-tested tacit know-how prac-
of the given ship by the participating yard and the ship-specific ticed in Alang comprised of “a variety of work activities and the
primary data collected in the present study were compared and associated job tasks” (total 12 work activities). The number of days
contrasted to ascertain that the steps implemented by the given typically required to accomplish each work activity as well as the
yard were not freak or isolated and the protocol followed by the inputs and outputs of each work activity were also highlighted in
yard in fact conformed with the know-how (tacit knowledge) their study. Inspection of ship before beaching was activity 1 and
developed and practiced over the decades in Alang. Thus, the beaching of ship in the yard during high-tide was activity 2. These
confirmation exercise was conducted in nearly 45 ship recycling two initial activities will remain constant for any ship.
yards through door-to-door meetings with safety officers, workers, Similarly, the work activities 3, 4 and 5, as seen from the “typical
productions managers and yard owners. The emission factors based ship recycling procedure” remains nearly same for all types of ships
on the primary data corresponding to the six ships studied in this and generally span over a period of approximately one to three
research have been compared with the emission factors estimated weeks. The work activity 6 comprises of obtaining free from
on the basis of “cluster study” reported in Hiremath et al. (2015), contamination certificate, “gas free certification” followed by
see work package 5 in Fig. 2. Finally, the outputs from work package “vessel cutting permission” - which paves way for the actual ship
2, 4 and 5 will provide inputs to steps 1, 2 and 3 of the three-step recycling operation.
risk assessment method. One of the strengths of the “Alang business model” lies in the
fact that the most efficient recovery and recycling of non-ferrous
3. Results and discussion metals and reusable objects takes place in Alang yards (work ac-
tivity 7). Thus, the work activities from 3 to 7 are typically
Progressive recycling was tracked for a given ship from the first completed in nearly 1/3rd of the workforce required and it spans
step of beaching to the final step of transporting the materials and over four to six weeks (typically 1/3rd of total time) from beaching
wastes out of the recycling yard. Each work activity was observed to complete recycling. Interestingly, these recycling activities
carefully during the process of breaking of the given ship under the including recycling of non-ferrous metals engines, winches, power
investigation. At the outset, it was recognized that the bulk carrier, generators, air-conditioners, refrigerators, gadgets, furniture, con-
general cargo and container ships were the most predominantly struction materials and several other refurbishable objects have
broken ships in Alang and their hull structural members happen to been strengthening the financial bottom line of the recycling yards
be comparable. The internal structure of bulk carrier, general cargo in Alang. It is to be noted that the work activities from 3 to 7 were
and container ships comprises of slender, deep and vertical com- same for the all the ships under investigation. In other words, work
partments (typically named as “vaults”). These compartments activities 3 to 7 reported by Hiremath et al. (2015) were validated
were, more likely than not, constructed structure planar sheet through this research.
metal reinforced and structurally supported with welded angles,
struss-like structural elements. Therefore, owing to the similarity in 3.2. Ship-specific observations on gas (plate) cutting
the hull structural members of these three types of vessels the
“typical process for recycling” of the bulk carriers, general cargo The work activities 8, 9 and 10, as outlined in the ship recycling
ships and containers was articulated by tracking the six ships (one plan articulated by Hiremath et al. (2015), claimed rather major
ship at a time). share of workforce and time required for complete recycling. The
The complete recycling of a bulk carrier (ship code B1) weighing work activity 8 involved removal of insulating materials from vessel
24,295 LDT and physical dimensions of 290 m length, 47.5 m width and work activity 9 involved cutting of the ship into slices. Slices
and 24.3 m depth (built in 1985 and dismantled in 2011) was were further cut, segregated and loaded onto the trucks in work
investigated by IIT Bombay team in Alang. In all 141 days were activity 10.
required by the yard from beaching to complete recycling. During It was observed that typically six steps were performed between
the course of breaking of bulk carrier (ship code B1) the IIT Bombay work activity 8, 9 and 10. These observations were further validated
team made following observations. through interviews with safety officers, production managers, yard
owners and workers of 45 randomly selected ship recycling yards
3.1. Work activities 3 to 7 (other than yards selected for investigation) in Alang. Fig. 3 depicts
a typical ship-specific steps followed in work activity 8, 9 and 10
After obtaining the permission for ship recycling from GMB (the while recycling a bulk carrier ship in Alang yards.
regulator) the team of safety manager, production manager and It was observed that at first, the bow of the ship was sliced
selected foremen customarily conducts a reconnaissance survey of by a team of gas cutters using the hand-held oxy-LPG torches
the beached vessel in order to understand the architecture, special (step 1 in Fig. 3). After slicing the bow, workers could
features and structures on-board as well as to compare and contrast comfortably enter and exit the first hold of the ship. The front
deviations from the documentation on machinery and materials in wall of the first hold was sliced first followed by the sidewalls
the ship and the maps and documentation furnished at the outset. depending upon the availability of space to make the slice fall
The investigation team of IIT Bombay joined the reconnaissance outside the ship in the inter-tidal zone. Lack of space makes the
survey and started making observations and rough inventory workers to slice the back wall of first tank first and then side
A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298 285

walls and pull them by winches so that they fall inside the ship. with the help of cranes; which were subsequently cut into smaller
This sequence of breaking holds is depicted in Step 2 of Fig. 3 plates as per the sizes preferred by re-rolling mills. These trans-
and can be illustrated with the help of photographs in Fig. 4. portable size plates were stored systematically in the loading area
Some of the indicative photographs from the field investigation near the exit gate of the yard and eventually were transported on
on recycling of holds in general cargo and container ships are the same day to the designated re-rolling mill. During the course of
depicted in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. fragmentation, solid and hazardous wastes were also collected
The slice taken apart from the first hold of bulk carrier under carefully, bagged and stored in the designated spaces and eventu-
investigation was dragged from the inter-tidal zone to the primary ally transported to CHW-TSDF. The scrap steel was also transported
zone for further separating structural elements, bolts, rivets as well to the designated electric arc furnaces. These sub-tasks have been
as non-planar and twisted scrap and fragmented into larger plates. outlined in steps 3 and 4 in Fig. 3 (see photographs of the opera-
These plates were typically lifted and placed in the secondary zone tions in Fig. 7).

Fig. 3. Typical steps followed in breaking of bulk carrier ships in Alang ship recycling yards.
286 A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298

Fig. 4. Typical steps involved in step 2 of breaking bulk carrier ship.

In case of the bulk carrier, which was being tracked during the yard so that it would be easier to drag the slice to the wet-
the process of recycling, had several holds lined up adjoining primary zone during the low-tide.
each other e separated by a “separator” (i.e. a wall of corrugated Before dragging the vessel, the bottom part of the first and
steel sheet between adjoining holds). According to the produc- second hold (typically called as hull of the ship) was also chopped
tion manager, it was possible to slice-off the second hold in the off and sea water was filled inside the ballast tank to balance the
inter-tidal zone without losing the balance of the beached remaining portion of beached ship (see step 5 in Fig. 3). At this
vessel. Therefore, steps 2, 3 and 4 were repeated and the second juncture yet another logical question was asked: “Can slicing be
hold was removed from the vessel. It was not clear if the ‘slicing continued?” Accordingly, the remaining holds were also broken by
team’ could continue slicing the third hold because there were repeating steps 2 through 5. Finally, after separating and processing
certain logistic difficulties in separating the third hold in deep all the holds of the bulk carrier, the cabin and engine rooms were
water. Thus, at the end of recycling second hold, a logical cleaned and chopped-off subsequently (see step 6 in Fig. 3). Specific
question was asked: “Is it safe to cut another slice without efforts were made at this point to study, survey the engine room by
dragging the vessel?” a team comprising of the Production Supervisor, Safety Officer and
It was concluded that slicing the third hold was not practical and the specialized team entrusted with recycling of the engine, asso-
it was decided that the ship would be dragged another 40e50 m ciated equipment, fuel vault and fuel supply lines as well as the
using the winches during high-tide close to the wet primary zone of cockpit and cabin.
A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298 287

Fig. 5. Typical steps involved in step 2 and step 6 of breaking general cargo ship.

First, the locations of hazardous wastes and equipments were cockpit (bridge or ship control room), were broken, collected,
marked carefully so that there would not be any accident in the packed and handed-over to the governmental authorities for
process of gas cutting in engine room. The engine room in the bulk disposal. Each of these compartments, cockpit and cabin were
carrier spanned three floors. In order to ensure adequate ventila- insulated using thermocol sheets and glass wool (see photographs
tion in the engine area, openings were cutout in the walls so as to in Fig. 8). Glass wool was removed by the specialized team equip-
act as windows (see photographs in Fig. 8). All the small equip- ped with personal protective equipments (PPEs), stored in the black
ments were safely disconnected from flanged joints (by removing plastic bags and were sent to CHW-TSDF to conform with the legal
nuts and bolts), fuel lines were carefully drained and wiped to obligation. Propeller of the vessel at the stern part was also sliced
minimize fire hazard and the separated objects were brought to the and dragged to the wet-primary zone and finally loaded into truck
secondary zone of the yard with the help of bringing the mobile using cranes and sent for non-ferrous recycling. Thus, the entire
cranes in the inter-tidal zone during low tide periode taking bulk carrier was sliced and cut in the inter-tidal zone progressively
advantage of hard surface sand. from the bow to stern and the fragments were further processed in
The engine consisted of several parts and hundreds of con- primary and secondary zones.
necting pipes (see photograph in Fig. 8). It was observed during the In all six ships investigated in this study, no hazardous materials
investigation that inside each pipe some trace amount of oil was were observed attached to the walls of holds because care was
present and chances of catching fire in the process of cutting could taken upfront to clean the ship thoroughly before commencement
not be ruled out. In order to minimize the hazard, helper was of cutting. At the outset, asbestos and asbestos containing materials
provided to each gas cutter was provided with a helper who slowly were categorically identified all over the ship, carefully sorted out
and continuously poured water onto the cutting zone. In addition, and sent to asbestos removal room in the secondary zone of the
three water lifting pumps were placed in the cabin to provide fire yard. The dedicated asbestos removing team was contracted to
safety all the time to avoid any sudden fire break-out. perform the specialized operations of separation, bagging, label-
Cabin consisted of crew room, offices, bed rooms, galley ling, storing in dedicated asbestos room and finally transporting to
(kitchen) and living rooms. All the navigational equipments in CHW-TSDF for treatment and disposal as per the legal obligation.
288 A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298

Fig. 6. Typical steps involved in step 2 of breaking container ship.

It was also observed by the IIT Bombay investigation team cutters and supporting helpers were provided with PPEs including
during the field investigation that the preventive measures were body harnesses while working on slippery surfaces and at height to
undertaken before breaking the six ships under study, using the minimize hazard of falling from height and suffocation and 4) the
hand-held oxy-LPG torches. The typical measures were: 1) slice was cut and separated in such a way that the fragmented ship
adequate ventilation was provided by creating sufficient windows would not lose its balance in the inter-tidal zone.
in the confined spaces of holds and cabins before commencing.the In summary, based on the field work and observations made
gas cutting operations in the vessel, 2) the part of vessel to be sliced during the course of tracking the six ships (the ship-specific
was carefully marked depending on the safe and comfortable place studies); it was concluded that the bulk carriers as well as gen-
for the gas cutters and supporting helpers to sit and work, 3) the gas eral cargo and container ships had comparable hull structural
A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298 289

Fig. 7. Typical steps involved in step 3 and 4 of breaking bulk carrier ship.

members including holds, engine rooms, architecture of deck and the course of beaching to complete recycling of each ship were
cabins, utilities and material handling arrangements. Also, the categorically recorded during this ship-specific study. Each man-
environmental and work safety-related considerations were com- day is equivalent to the 8-h work period in Alang yards and it is
parable and therefore were broken in similar manner. mandatory that the recycling activity be conducted during the day-
In addition, this study presents the detailed account of tasks and light period (in one shift).
sub-tasks performed under the work activities 8, 9 and 10. It is As discussed earlier, the ship recycling industry is typically a
interesting to note that this study confirms that all the work ac- low-tech, labour intensive and unskilled worker-driven indus-
tivities required for complete recycling of a given ship, as outlined trial sector. On a given day, nearly all the workforce on the yard
in the ship recycling plan articulated by Hiremath et al. (2015), were would be the contract labour made available to the yard through
also performed during the course of recycling of the six ships several short-term labour-contracts. While many details were
tracked in this field investigation. The ship-specific recycling plan made accessible to IIT Bombay investigation team, the data on
articulated in this study can be used as an input to “Step-1” of the number of workers working in the yard and the corresponding
three-step risk assessment method. man-days for the day were not accurately available. Managing
and counting the exact man-days engaged on a given day in a
3.3. Data on time-frame and man-days from beaching to complete yard under investigation was rather complex on account of two
ship recycling reasons.
First, a variety of tasks were simultaneously conducted in the
The number of days and corresponding man-days required for yard with the help of workforce divided in two classes. One class
beaching to complete recycling of six ships were tracked by was engaged in repetitive and specialized operations (e.g. plate
employing the uniform methodology in this study. As depicted in cutting, engine cutting, plates grading etc.,) followed by other in
Table 2, the two bulk carrier ships, two general cargo ships and two multi-tasking (e.g. helpers providing oxygen and LPG cylinders to
container ships were tracked (one ship at a time) by recruiting plate cutters, helpers for winch and crane operators, cleaners, etc.).
different yards in our study with the help of regulating agency in Second, the multi-tasking teams engaged on the yard on a given
the cluster of yards in Alang. Among the several important data day may work only for a fraction of the day and therefore, may not
reported in Table 2, the total number of man-days required during appear on the pay-role of the yard for that work day.
290 A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298

Fig. 8. Typical steps involved in step 7 of breaking bulk carrier ship.

Table 2
The details of six obsolete ships investigated in this research along with the man-days from beaching of vessel to the complete recycling.

Type of ship Identification code LDT at the Dimensions Year of Year of Total man days from Total number of Range of the number
time of L  B  D in metre building recycling beaching to complete days for complete of workers on Pay-role
building recycling @ 8 h. recycling @ 8 h. in the yard during the
Work per day Work per day course of recycling

Bulk carrier 1st ship: Code: B1 24,295 290  47.5  24.3 1985 2011 37,000e47,000 141 110e400
Bulk carrier 2nd ship: Code: B2 22,103 260  43  24.7 1982 2011 34,000e43,000 128 110e400
General cargo 1st ship: Code: G1 5140 147.43  22  12.14 1978 2012 8000e10,000 59 50e190
Ship 2nd ship: Code: G2 9091 169.5  27  14.2 1985 2012 14,000e18,000 105 60e225
Container Ship 1st ship: Code: C1 5586 157.6  22.80  11.80 1990 2013 9000e11,000 65 50e190
2nd ship: Code: C2 6937 145.3  24.8  13.3 1987 2013 11,000e14,000 80 55e200

In the light of these facts, the cumulative man-days logged in data for six ships tracked in this study suggest that the number of
during the course of complete recycling of a given ship were inferred workers employed for recycling a given ship varied from ship-to-ship
and estimated using the data provided by multiple sources. Thus, at primarily on account of the different tonnages (LDT of the ships).
best, a range of man-days required during the course of beaching to The larger slice of ship was converted into transportable size
complete recycling could be estimated for each ship. In any case, the plates typically having 2000 mm length and 150 mm width varying
A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298 291

from 4 mm to 32 mm thickness. It was observed during field survey contained in those Guidelines, developed by the Organization.
that the nearly 70% of the total man days were consumed in plate Thus, the Resolution of Marine Environmental Protection Com-
cutting activity. Based on the time-motion study on steel plate mittee (MEPC) 179(59) which was adopted on 17 July, 2009 has
cutting using oxy-LPG torch, as reported by Deshpande et al. (2013), provided “Guidelines for the Development of the Inventory of
a team comprising of gas cutter and helpers typically delivers a cut Hazardous Materials”.
of 1 km length having 1 mm depth in one work-day (8 h period) in The Inventory consists of, Part I: Materials contained in ship
Alang yards. structure or equipment, Part II: Operationally generated wastes,
The time required to dismantle a ship could be attributed to and Part III: Stores. Guidelines are classified under “Table A”,
many of the following reasons: 1) the size of the yard engaged in “Table B”, “Table C” or “Table D” according to its properties. Table A
recycling, 2) LDT of the ship and 3) volatility of steel prices in the comprises the materials listed in appendix 1 of the Convention,
international market. On an average, a yard is approximately 60 m Table B comprises the materials listed in appendix 2 of the
wide with typically 100-m long working zone. However, some of Convention, Table C (potentially hazardous items) comprises items
the yards are 100e150 m wide and have made arrangements for which are potentially hazardous to the environment and human
augmentation of secondary zone in the vicinity of their yards on the health at ship recycling facilities and Table D (regular consumable
landward side. Thus, the infrastructure required for accommoda- goods potentially containing hazardous materials) comprises goods
ting larger number of plate cutters and the associated grading, which are not integral to a ship and are unlikely to be dismantled or
storing and loading facility varies significantly on the basis of treated at a SBR Facility. Table A and Table B correspond to Part I of
physical size of the yard. Consequently, the number of workers the Inventory. Table C corresponds to Parts II and III and Table D
engaged on a given day by a given yard or total days required for correspond to Part III.
complete recycling of a given ship varies from time-to-time and The field survey has resulted in the physical characterisation of
also from yard-to-yard. materials generated during obsolete vessel breaking. Table 3 pro-
Thus, the data furnished in Table 2 on the range of workers vides a brief description of the bulk carrier, general cargo and
employed for breaking the six different ships, the days required for containers ships hazardous wastes inventory. This inventory pro-
complete recycling of each of those ships and the total number of vides more systematic approach for handling wastes, precisely for
man days logged by the yard for complete recycling highlight the work activity 8 (i.e. removal, packing, storage and transportation
following three important lessons: wastes) as reported in Hiremath et al. (2015). This Table can be used
to prepare inventory of wastes generated from ships along with its
a) the number of man days required for complete recycling of a location and regulate the movement of hazardous wastes. This is a
given type of ship can indeed be used as the most important nascent step towards inventorization of wastes and reusable ma-
parameter while developing and planning for recycling of a terials from obsolete vessel breaking. The inventory developed in
given ship, this study can be used as an input to “Step-3” of the three-step risk
b) the yard management can deploy adequate workforce so as to assessment method.
be able to complete the task of recycling within a desirable time The wastes reported in Table 3 (see Appendix) were categorized
frame and into three types namely, waste disposable in landfill, incinerable
c) there are certain limitations with respect to the number of waste and bilge water (liquid waste) for in-depth analysis. The
workers that could be engaged and size of the ship that could be wastes disposable in landfill includes asbestos and asbestos con-
beached in a given yard for recycling resulting from the physical taining materials, glass wool as major wastes and rusted iron scales,
size of the yard and fluctuations in the price of steel in inter- ceramic, incinerator ash, fire ash, broken glass and cementing
national market. materials as the other minor disposable materials. The incinerable
wastes includes paints and coatings, oil rags, oily sludge, thermocol,
In summary, the observations made in this study corroborates polyurethane foam (PUF), rubber gasket, Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
with the work done by plate cutter team reported in Deshpande and plastic wastes.
et al. (2013). This study also corroborates the time-frame and The categorized wastes data reported in Table 3 was further
requirement of work force (2/3rd of the workforce and 2/3rd of analysed to know the emission of wastes in terms of Kg/LDT of ship
time) reported for conducting all the work activities e especially dismantled and it was compared with the emission models
activities 8, 9 and 10, as outlined in the ship recycling plan articu- developed in Hiremath et al. (2015).
lated by Hiremath et al. (2015). As reported in Table 2, the six ships Comparison of the emission factors (expressed in kg/LDT) for
investigated in this research having LDT of 24,295, 22,103, 5,140, the three hazardous waste streams (namely: wastes disposable in
9,091, 5586 and 6,937, respectively and average man-days recorded landfill, incinerable wastes and bilge water) predominantly emitted
for compete recycling were 42,000, 38,500, 9,000, 16,000, 10,000 in the course of recycling of end-of-life vessels in Alang, India has
and 12,500, respectively. Clearly, on an average, 1.762 ± 0.026 man- been presented in Fig. 9. The emission factors based on the primary
days would be required to dismantle one LDT of a given ship. Thus, data corresponding to the six ships studied in this research have
if one knows the total LDT of a ship then one can estimate the range been compared with the emission factors estimated on the basis of
of man-days required and allocate plate cutters teams in the yard. “cluster study” reported in Hiremath et al. (2015). The results re-
The inventory of hazardous wastes was also prepared for the six ported by Hiremath et al. (2015) were based on the cumulative
ships under investigation as per the Guidelines for the Development emissions from 159 ships (three types: bulk carrier, general cargo
of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials e which included the type of and container ships) dismantled in the yards in Alang during the
wastes, location and quantity of waste in the vessel. period of two years (cluster study for 2011e2013). It is interesting
to note that these results are comparable with the results from six
3.4. Inventorization of hazardous materials on board (work activity 8) ship-specific studies presented in this research.
This conclusion is borne by the linear regression of the emission
The regulations 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 of the Annex to the Hong factors based on the six ship-specific primary data reported in this
Kong Convention requires an Inventory of Hazardous Materials research with the emission factors reported in Hiremath et al.
which shall be prepared and verified taking into account (2015) based on the “cluster study”. The regression analysis yiel-
Guidelines, including any threshold values and exemptions ded R2 of 0.99 and slope of 0.8 for the linear function:
292 A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298

Fig. 9. Hazardous waste streams (namely: wastes disposable in landfill, incinerable wastes and bilge water) predominantly emitted in the course of recycling of end-of-life vessels in
Alang, India: (a) Emission factors reported in Hiremath et al. (2015) based on the cumulative emissions of all the ship recycling yards in Alang during two years (cluster study for
2011e2013) and (b) Emission factors estimated on the basis of the six ship-specific studies reported in this research.

emission factor ðship  specific studyÞ Accordingly, the system boundary of the study was defined from
the beached ship in the inter-tidal zone to the exit gate of the yard,
¼ 0:8  emission factor ðcluster studyÞ:
as depicted in Fig. 1. One ship was tracked at a time through the
The error bars shown in Fig. 9 are the standard deviations of the entire ship recycling process and the issues pertaining to occupa-
statistical values corresponding to ship-specific study presented in tional health and safety as well as environmental pollution were
this research as well as the cluster study (reported by Hiremath included in this study. The critical job-tasks were carefully grouped
et al., 2015). Clearly, the larger standard deviations seen in the zone-wise and “what-if” questions were generated in each case and
cluster study (when compared with the ship-specific study) are due thus, developed recommendations for improvements wherever the
to a wide range of ship tonnages contributing to the data set of 159 risk of potential problems seemed uncomfortable or unnecessary.
ships as opposed to 6 ships studied here. For example, the bulk The potential risks in each zone, thus identified and reasoned
carriers ships studied in Hiremath et al. (2015) were in the LDT range based on causeeeffect relationships, were further conformed by
of 7000 and 27,000 as opposed to two bulk carrier ships studied in conducting meetings in several other ship recycling yards (nearly
this research having LDT of 22,000 and 24,000 LDT respectively. 45 yards) to ascertain that the risk or the jobetasks encountered in
Similarly, general cargo studied in Hiremath et al. (2015) were in the the investigation were not irregular occurrences resulting from
LDT range of 3000 and 12,000 as opposed to two general cargo ships uncommon and clumsy operations conducted in the particular yard
studied in this research having LDT of 5000 and 9000 LDT. Also, the recruited for tracking the ship. The risks involved with personnel
container ships studied in Hiremath et al. (2015) were in the LDT working in each zone of the ship recycling yard are illustrated
range between 4000 and 17,000 as opposed to two container ships below.
studied in this research having LDT of 5000 and 7000 LDT each.
In a planning exercise, it is a common practice to consider higher a) Inside the Ship: The health and safety related issues articulated
level of waste generation in order to design, transport, store and from the field investigation for the personnel working inside the
dispose wastes to have more safety and less risk in managing the ship were divided into two types. First, risks to the personnel
wastes. Thus, it is evident from Fig. 6 that the emission models working on the deck of the ship. Second, risks to personnel
developed and reported in Hiremath et al. (2015), are providing working in closed or confined space of the ship including holds,
adequate information to the authorities to estimate and plan cabin, engine room and cockpit. The following potential critical
transportation, storage and disposal of wastes (disposable, incin- factors for “falling from height” were observed to the personnel
erable and bilge water). working on deck of the vessel during the analyses:
Along with inventorization of wastes, what-if-analysis was
conducted in the yards under investigation in parallel and the a) because of the vibrations and tremors due to cutting process
outcome of the exercise was illustrated below. b) while transporting the cylinders out of vessel, c) while removing
the tied rope used for pulling the vessel, and d) slippery surface in
3.5. Analysis of occupational and environmental risks using the deck.
what-if-analyses The risks articulated from the field study for the personnel
working in the closed space or confined space of the ship include:
As stated earlier, the so-called “three-step risk assessment a) suffocation due to toxic gas accumulation in the tank because of
method”, published by Garmer et al. (2015), relied on lateral cutting using oxy-LPG torch or due to leakage of gas pipes in engine
experience of the experts engaged in the risk assessment exercise. room b) toxic gas leakage from cylinders c) explosion of the gas
In the present study, a what-if-analysis was undertaken to identify cylinders in the cabin d) fire catching and explosion by oil stored in
the causeeeffect relationships in different potentially hazardous barrels e) falling inside the hold due to slippery surface or failure of
work activities, tasks and sub-tasks. It is believed that the inclusion scaffolding or welded rusted ladders f) falling due to hindrances in
of this ship-specific field reality-based approach will bring out the pathway inside the cockpits, holds and cabins and g) slipping
additional and critical hazards and strengthen the outcome of the into open tanks or access way because of unsafe structured ladders
three-step risk assessment method. The overall methodology of the and lack of light in pathways.
what-if-analysis, as outlined by Marhavilas et al. (2011), was The risks of environmental pollution in breaking bulk carrier,
detailed in the Work Package 4 of Fig. 2. general cargo and container ships in Alang articulated from the
A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298 293

field study were: a) emission of toxic gases in cases of plate cutting 3.6. Recommendations for improvement of health, safety and
operation or emergencies like fire break-out b) release of stored environment
toxic gases to ambient atmosphere due to leakage and c) discharge
of carcinogenic substances such as asbestos while removal of Training workers use safety belts (other equipments for height)
asbestos and asbestos containing materials. while operations can achieve the minimization of risks in deck
space of the ship.
b) Inter-tidal Zone: The health and safety related issues articulated The minimization of risks in confined space inside the ships can
from the field study for the personnel working in the inter-tidal be achieved by providing adequate ventilation (by creating win-
zone were attributed to risks of the following: a) slice falling on dows or by using exhaust fans) before commencing the cutting.
personnel working in this zone b) sharp object penetration c) Removal of all cylinders from vessel before commencing the cutting
struck and hit by slices while moving in between zones and d) and checking all pipes for the presence of trace gas and oil before
failure of winch and ropes while pulling ship which may ulti- cutting is essential. Fire extinguishers must be placed on board at
mately lead to severe injury and in most of the cases fatality. all times. Recovered oil from ship must be stored in the yard in a
safe place and sent to the authorized agency as soon as it has been
The environmental risks in breaking bulk carrier, general cargo extracted from the ship. Compulsory use of gum boots and frequent
and container ships in Alang articulated from the field were a) cleaning of slippery surfaces may reduce the risk of falling. The
ballast water release to the ocean b) tilting and sinking of imbal- safety officer must check scaffolding every day and proper fitting
anced ship in water due to high-tide resulting in contamination of must be done. Obstacles at the human height inside the ship should
sea water, and c) sediment contamination due to oil spill. be removed. Open bottom holes of the hold must be marked and
properly closed. The helmets having torch must be provided to all
c) Primary and Secondary Zones: The health and safety related the personnel working in confined space of the ship.
issues in primary and secondary zone of the yard were observed Trained workers may be used to remove asbestos and glass wool
to be similar in both the zones. Therefore, risks to personnel without it being dispersed into the environment. Paint applied on the
working in both the zones were reported together. The risks steel plates should be scraped, collected before cutting and should be
articulated from the field study for the personnel working in the disposed in the CHW-TSDF after solidification/stabilization. It is to be
primary and secondary zone were: a) crane and winch rope noted that glass wool is not categorized as hazardous waste as per the
breaking while lifting slices between zones b) exposure to toxic Hazardous Wastes (Management, Handling and Transboundary
gases due to plate cutting operation can result in both acute Movement) Rules, 2008, enforced by the Ministry of Environment,
(irritation, headache and dizziness) and chronic effects (cancer Forest and Climate Change, Government of India. In addition, it is
and respiratory diseases) c) accident due to movement of trucks reported in the study carried out by Wilson et al. (1999), that glass
and tractor tailors inside the yard d) falling of steel plates while wool is five to ten times less risky (risk might be zero) and no cancer
loading onto trucks e) burning during plate cutting using oxy- attributable to the manufacture or installation of glass wool fibres.
LPG torch f) finger trapping and injuries to one's palm while However, as a precaution, the Gujarat Maritime Board, Government
operating lifting devices g) electric shock due to open connec- of Gujarat has directed ship recycling yards in Alang to send glass
tions h) penetration and injury caused by sharp edges of wool generated during the ship recycling process to Integrated
transportable size plates while loading into trucks i) back firing Common Hazardous Wastes Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility
and explosion of cylinders j) exposure to carcinogenic sub- (ICHWTSDF)” located near the ship recycling yards in Alang owing to
stances such as asbestos, glass wool which may result in chronic the contaminants associated with glass wool including PCB's and
diseases such as cancer, asthma and skin diseases and m) par- other solid hazardous wastes (which may combine with glass wool
ticulate matter, such as CO, NOx, SOx that is generated due to during recycling process) (Hiremath et al., 2015).
movement of trucks and tractors causing suffocation and Pre-alerting everyone on the field before winching up the slice
dizziness in workers. and periodic check of the winches will aid in minimizing risk in the
inter-tidal zone. The lifting device operator shall be well trained
The environmental risks in breaking bulk carrier, general cargo and workers shall be made alert before moving the slices.
and container ships in Alang articulated from the field were: a) The minimization of environmental risks within the inter-tidal
release of CO2 from cylinders and Freon gas from refrigerator stored zone can be achieved by collecting ballast water and treating the
in the different zones b) stored material can catch fire in the yard c) same before discharging into the ocean. An oil spill can be pre-
paint chips and molten steel generated by plate cutting contami- vented by careful removal of oil from tanks during a low tide.
nating surface soil d) spillage of acids from battery and leakage of The periodic servicing along with regular check-up before
oil and grease from various equipment and e) emission of toxic starting the machines, scraping of paint from the metal surface
gases to atmosphere due to plate cutting operation. before cutting, sending the removed paint chips to CHW-TSDF and
The checklist named as Document E: Job task hazards and asso- wearing proper masks before cutting the plate minimize the risks
ciated causal risk factors used in step-2 of the three-step risk in the primary and secondary zones. Special care must be taken
assessment method can be strengthened by incorporating these while loading plates. Typically, a group of 5e7 workers (preferably
below risks specially identified in this research based on the cau- same linguistic and work experience) load plates. Oxy-LPG torches
seeeffect relationships: must be kept designated place after work gets over (specially,
The risk of falling from height because of the vibrations and during lunch and tea breaks). Trained and experienced workers
tremors created in the process of gas cutting and separating the slice shall be assigned for this job task. Open electric wiring in the plot
from the vessel in the inter-tidal zone, risk of falling from height area must be removed. Proper gloves and gum boots must be
while transporting the cylinders out of vessel, risk of falling from provided to workers. Gas pressure valves and control valves shall be
height while removing the tied rope used for pulling the vessel, risk checked before starting the work. Workers trained in asbestos and
of falling into open tanks or access way because of unsafe ladder glass wool removal must be appointed. Water shall be sprayed on
typically welded vertically to the walls in the holds and tanks, risk of the ground in order to reduce the particulate matter (dust) gener-
slipping as well as falling inside the tanks and holds due to darkness ation before starting the work and during lunch-break. Only the
and risk of back firing in oxygen and LPG cylinders. workers wearing all the necessary PPEs shall be allowed to enter
294 A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298

into the yard. Smoking shall be completely prohibited in the yard. specific study has provided insights into these broad work activ-
Workers shall be made aware by conducting frequent training ities by further developing detailed account on tasks and sub-tasks
programmes on HSE issues in the yard. needed for articulation of a realistic ship-specific recycling plan.
The minimization of environmental risks in the primary and In addition, this research provides valuable insights to the fi-
secondary zones of the ship recycling yard can be achieved by nanciers and managers of the recycling yards based on the size of
avoiding storage of cylinders in yard. Paint should be scraped from the given yard engaged in ship recycling, LDT of the ship and
steel plates before cutting in the secondary zone and paint flakes volatility of steel prices in the international market for justifying
must be collected every day after the working hours and sent to the number of workers employed and number of days required for
CHWTSDF for disposal. complete recycling of a given ship. The statistics on the six ships
Zero accidents and near zero pollution to the surrounding investigated in this research suggests that, on an average,
environment should be the ultimate goal of beaching method of 1.762 ± 0.026 man days will be required to dismantle one LDT of a
ship recycling in India. The zone wise risks to workers and sur- given ship. Thus, on the basis of total LDT of a given ship, one can
rounding environment articulated in this study through what-if- estimate man days required and accordingly hire plate cutter teams
analyses in Alang yards helps in developing risk minimization in- in the yard and finish recycling activity within a given time-frame.
terventions based on the causeeeffect relationship. The comprehensive emission factors (expressed in kg/LDT) for
In summary, the specific gap was addressed in the present study the three hazardous waste streams namely: wastes disposable in
by investigating beaching to complete recycling of three predomi- ladfills, incinerable wastes and bilge water for bulk carriers, general
nantly handled ships in Alang. The combination of expert knowl- cargo and container ships were developed based on the primary
edge and the risks articulated through causeeeffect relationships data collected in this research and were compared with the emis-
can further strengthen the three-step risk assessment method. The sion factors estimated on the basis of “cluster study” reported in
health safety and environmental issues associated with ship recy- Hiremath et al. (2015). It was concluded that the emission factors
cling in Alang identified using what-if-analysis can be used as an (averages and standard deviation) from six ship-specific studies
input to “Step-2” of the three-step risk assessment method (i.e. presented in this research were comparable with the emission
identification of risks). Also, the interventions suggested for mini- factors based on the cluster study reported by Hiremath et al.
mization of risks based on the causeeeffect relationships can be (2015).
used as an input to “Step-3” of the three-step risk assessment One of the missing links in ‘step-2’ and ‘step-3’ of the three-step
method (i.e. in-depth risk assessment). risk assessment were the lack of complete understanding of the
The ship-specific breaking articulated in this study along with “potential risks” posed in various steps during the course of ship
the HSE issues addressed through what-if-analysis as well as the recycling. The lateral knowledge of experts involved in risk
inventory of hazardous/non-hazardous materials reporting as per assessment exercise was complemented in this research with the
the inventory guidelines suggested by IMO would hopefully fulfil causeeeffect relationships particularly relevant to the technology
the expectations of the prevailing national, international laws, and model and management practices implemented in Alang. Based on
regulations on ship recycling sector. The outcome of ship specific the articulated risks using what-if-analysis method, recommen-
investigation will further provide inputs for conducting the three- dations for improving HSE quality in the ship recycling yards were
step risk assessment in ship recycling yards more thoroughly. suggested in this study.
It is clear from the findings of this research that both the hy- One of the benefits of this research will be realized when one
pothesis stated in this research stands true when it comes to incorporates the ship-specific recycling plan developed in this
strengthening three-step method by complementing with cause- research as an input to “Step-1” of the three-step risk assessment
eeffect relationships identified through what-if-analysis as well as method. Also, the combination of the lateral knowledge and the risks
clear understanding of both HSE related issues and know-how of articulated in this research through causeeeffect relationships can
recycling is imperative in developing ship-specific recycling. The further strengthen “Step 2 and Step 3” of the three-step risk
methodology followed in this research can be adopted in preparing assessment method. One additional benefit of this research will be
the ship recycling plan for any type of ship. accrued when one actually applies the three-step assessment
method to navigate the process of improving the ship recycling
4. Conclusions based on the guidance obtained through risk assessment for
improvement of technologies and further by implementing them.
Typically, the ship-specific recycling plans have been developed This research fulfils the critical gaps, which were missing in
worldwide on the basis of rudimentary understanding of the pro- completing the obligations of prevailing laws and regulations on
cesses involved in ship recycling and some insights derived from ship recycling sector. The insight provided in this research will also
prior experience (if any). In this research, the ship-specific recycling encourage ship recycling yard owners to incorporate the alternative
plan for the three types of ships predominantly broken in Alang were procedures that could potentially lead to minimization of adverse
investigated with the help of in-depth study of recycling of six ships. impacts on workers as well as to the immediately surrounding
Two bulk carriers, two general cargos and two container ships were environment and ecosystem. The suggested recommendations in
tracked (one ship at a time) from beaching to complete recycling. this research acts as a set of strategies that can ensure improvement
Based on the field work and observations made during the in HSE, if implemented with the spirit of innovation and commit-
course of recycling of the six ships; it was concluded that the bulk ment, and eventually achieve the safe and environmentally sound
carrier, general cargo and container ship had comparable hull ship recycling as desired by HKC and EU legislation.
structural members as well as the environmental and work safety-
related considerations and therefore they have been broken in the Acknowledgements
yards of Alang in a similar manner.
Recently, Hiremath et al. (2015) reported that more than 70% of The authors of this paper acknowledge Gujarat Maritime Board
the total work force in Alang was typically involved in removal of funded project “Green Alang Initiative” and Indian Institute of
insulating materials from vessel and cutting of the ship into slices Technology Bombay for partial funding for this work. Authors
and further into coupons of suitable sizes for re-rolling and finally also acknowledge ship recycling yards at Alang for their help and
segregating and loading them onto trucks. The present ship- support.

Table 3
Inventory of hazardous materials generated during the course of breaking of bulk carrier, general cargo and container ships.
Sr# Material from Physical property Type of wastes/Materials Equipment/System Location Quantity of Quantity of Quantity of materials Table/Part
obsolete ship materials materials generated from container of
Solid Liquid Gaseous Hazardous Non Reuse/
generated from generated ships breaking inventory
hazardous Recycle
bulk carrier from general
ships breaking cargo ships

1 Asbestos and Asbestos Steam supply and piping, valves, Engine room and B1 ¼ 19.3 MT G1 ¼ 12.9 MT C1 ¼ 12.7 MTC2 ¼ 14.2 MT Table A/I
Containing Materials miscellaneous insulations on water pipes machinery spaces, B2 ¼ 18.6 MT. G2 ¼ 11.2 MT.

A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298

(ACM) and other machinery equipment, boiler pump and boiler
drums casings, furnace insulations, rooms,
sanitary spaces, AC ducts, refrigeration accommodation,
pipes, steam supply piping, exhaust cabin, machinery
piping, brake linings etc. spaces
2 Paints chips Ship surface structure External topside B1 ¼ 0.150 MT Paint chips C1 ¼ 0.045 MT IMO
shell plate area, B2 ¼ 0.070 MT. were not C2 ¼ Paint chips were not guidelines
external shell collected in collected does not
bottom to bilge both the yards include
kneels, rudder truck paint chips
area, paints on ship in its
structure Inventory
Paints/rust stabiliser e Store Room B1 ¼ Not found Not found in Not found in both ships Table C/III
B2 ¼ 0.028 MT. both ships
Solvents/thinners B1 ¼ Not found Not found in Not found in both ships Table C/III
B2 ¼ 0.055 MT. both ships
3 Plastic Materials (PVC) Ceiling panels, linings and partition Accommodation B1 ¼ 26.4 MT G1 ¼ 23.6 MT C1 ¼ 24.2 MT Table B/I
and Thermocol panels, internal bulk carrierheads, spaces, sanitary B2 ¼ 28.9 MT. G2 ¼ 22.5 MT. C2 ¼ 27.5 MT
sewage and grey water drainage pipes spaces, machinery
4 Consisting of or Capacitors in light fittings, PCBs in oil Engine room, B1 ¼ 3.27 MT G1 ¼ 2.76 MT C1 ¼ 2.8 MT Table B/I
contaminated with residuals, gaskets, couplings, wiring and machinery spaces, B2 ¼ 5.25 MT. G2 ¼ 3.85 MT C2 ¼ 3.45 MT
polychlorinated cable insulation, transformers etc. cabin area,
biphenyl (PCBs), emergency
polychlorinated generator rooms
terphenyls (PCTs),
Gases sealed in ship's equipment or machinery
5 Refrigerants (Freon) AC plant compressor, refrigeration Engine room and B1 ¼ 8 G1 ¼ 5 C1 ¼ 6 cylinders Table D/III
systems, other small capacity upper cabin area, cylinders cylinders
refrigerators refrigerators in B2 ¼ 19 G2 ¼ 8
accommodation area cylinders cylinders
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Total flooding fire extinguishing system, Engine room, upper B1 ¼ 2 G1 ¼ 83 Not found in both ships Table C/III
for engine room and pump rooms, cabin areas, CO2 cylinders cylinders
emergency generator rooms etc. rooms B2 ¼ 416 G2 ¼ 22
cylinders cylinders
(continued on next page)

Table 3 (continued )

Sr# Material from Physical property Type of wastes/Materials Equipment/System Location Quantity of Quantity of Quantity of materials Table/Part
obsolete ship materials materials generated from container of
Solid Liquid Gaseous Hazardous Non Reuse/
generated from generated ships breaking inventory
hazardous Recycle
bulk carrier from general
ships breaking cargo ships

Acetylene (C2H2) Acetylene cylinders Acetylene room in B1 ¼ 2 G1 ¼ 14 C1 ¼ 5 cylindersC2 ¼ Not Table C/III
upper cabin cylinders cylinders found
B2 ¼ 2 G2 ¼ 16
cylinders cylinders
Oxygen Oxygen cylinders Store room B1 ¼ 3 G1 ¼ 20 Not found in both ships Table C/III
cylinders cylinders
G2 ¼ 22
HALON e 1211, HALON Total flooding fire extinguishing system, Engine room, upper Halon Halon Halon containing materials Table A/III
for engine room and pump rooms, cabin areas, single containing containing are safely recovered and
e 1301, HALON e 2402
portable fire extinguishers cylinders in materials are materials are reused
accommodation safely removed safely

A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298

areas and reused recovered and
Propane (C3H8), Butane Single pressure vessels for water heaters, accommodation Propane Propane Propane containing Table A/III
(C4H10) cutting torches equipment, ovens, space areas, workshop containing containing materials are safely
heaters etc. rooms in engine materials are materials are recovered and reused
room safely removed safely
and reused recovered and
Oils, fuels and grease:
6 Lubricating oils Main engine, generator engine, stern Engine room and B1 ¼ 0.25 MT G1 ¼ 0.82 MT No lube oil in both ships Table C/III
tube and sealing arrangement, propeller other machinery B2 ¼ 0.42 MT G2 ¼ 0.66 MT
and shaft, cranes etc. spaces
Hydraulic oils Hydraulic controlled systems, valves etc. Engine room and e e e Table C/II
other machinery
Oil residues Oil tank Furnace oil sludge B1 ¼ 2.75 MT G1 ¼ 1.56 MT C1 ¼ 1.85 MT Table C/II
tank, Lubricating oil B2 ¼ 2.21 MT G2 ¼ 1.25 MT C2 ¼ 1.78 MT
sludge tank
Waste oils Waste oil tank waste oil tank, fuel B1 ¼ 1.45 MT G1 ¼ 0.75 MT C1 ¼ 1.12 MT Table C/II
oil overflow B2 ¼ 1.86 MT G2 ¼ 0.95 MT C2 ¼ 0.88 MT
drainage tank
Fuel oil Fuel oil tank furnace oil tanks, FO B1 ¼ 2.5 MT G1 ¼ 3.5 MT C1 ¼ 4.2 MT Table C/II
settling and daily B2 ¼ 4.6 MT G2 ¼ 5.6 MT C2 ¼ 3.3 MT
services tanks
Diesel oil Diesel oil tank DO storage and B1 ¼ 0.15 MT G1 ¼ 0.89 MT C1 ¼ 0.28 MT Table C/III
service tanks B2 ¼ 0.21 MT G2 ¼ 1.11 MT C2 ¼ 0.94 MT
Marine Gas Oil(MGO) MGO tank GO service tanks B1 ¼ 0.35 MT G1 ¼ 0.95 MT C1 ¼ 0.75 MT Table C/III
B2 ¼ 0.88 MT G2 ¼ 0.85 MT C2 ¼ 0.82 MT
Grease Ship engine Engine room, Cabin B1 ¼ 0.020 MT G1 ¼ 0.030 MT No stored grease from both Table C/II
and other machinery B2 ¼ No stored G2 ¼ 0.054 MT the ships
spaces grease
Heavy Metals
7 Mercury and its Thermometers, bearing pressure sensors, Engine room, Material Material Material containing Table B/III
compounds led switches, fluorescent lamps hospital, containing containing mercury and its
Navigational bridge, mercury and itsmercury and compounds are safely
accommodation area compounds are its compounds recovered and reused
safely removed are safely
and reused recovered and
Lead and its compounds Cable insulations, batteries, paints Store room B1 ¼ No stored No stored paint No stored paint found in Table B/I
paint found found in both both ships
B2 ¼ 0.028 MT. ships
A.M. Hiremath et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 116 (2016) 279e298 297


Table C/II

Table C/II

Table A/I
Table B/I

Table B/I

Table B/I
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