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Chapters Title Page

1.1 Fact checking

1.2 Terms related to fact

1.3 Misinformation
1.4 Fake news

1.5 Classification /types of

fake news
1.6 Characteristics of fake
1.7 Statement of the


3.1 Methodology

3.2 Research design

3.3 Source of data

3.4 Scop and limitations

3.5 Objectives



5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Reference

5.3 Appendix
Chapter 1

Fact-checking is the process of checking
accuracy of a media content. It is an identifiable
category of journalism, provide accurate, unbiased
analysis of statements made in public. Now a days it
plays an important role in our society.Spread of fake
news, misinformation, and disinformation that led to
the emergence of fact checking trend in journalism.
Now the internet makes it easy for billions of
people to access with a few simple keystrokes.
However it also make it easy to spread fake
information, which can have disastrous effects on
both individual and society as a the need of
fact check is very important.
Misinformation can sway your opinion, in turn your
opinion can largely inform your actions. If you based
your own action on false information, you can easily
make the wrong decision. These decision can lead
to unintended consequences.
As we know that the middle aged people(40-65)
or householders haven't think critically about a
media content.Any videos or messages when they
received through any social media they like, they
think it's true, not only middle aged people, but also
every category of people can be the victims of fake
news and misinformation. Why because we can't
understand is that true or false, if he/she is
literate.That kind of originality makes the content.
Content creaters not only manipulating videos, but
also manipulates texts in a message too. There are
more examples have to analyze this. One is the
very relevant issue that takes place within a month,
that was a leopard spotted in sabharimala aravana
plantation, many fact checking platforms proved
that is fake. That was the video reported by The
New Minutes on 17 December 2022 at Telangana,
in hetrophrama facilities. That video become viral
through the context of Sabharimala plantation
report.even the television channels too spread this.
Fact checking is the process that cleares the
fact of a media message. Even its text messages
and video content. Fact checkers are the persons
who already doing the job fact checking officially
as a part of an organization. Fact checker who
checking all pros and cons of a video or media
content thoroughly, and checking the facts again
and again.if it's message he/she checks the
words,sentences, date, place,time, preferred
organization, logo, is the characters are accurate,
and anything that included in a message.if it is a
video content they checks is the video is related to
the message or voice note, is the video is edited or
not, and if it used any effects, and all about the
video. If it false the respected organization that
upload on their own sites. The main operation they
using to find false/fake is reverse images check.To
understand these here iam choose this topic.why
because we are living in internet era,more chances
have to be if you don't become foolish
we must aware about the scop and uses of fact
check must be help to find out what is
true or false.It makes you perfect about current
issues. So in this report we are focusing and
studying about the problems and solutions of fact
checking with two different problems as a

Fake News : false news stories, often of a

sensational nature, created to be widely shared or
distributed for the purpose of generating revenue,
or promoting or discrediting a public figure, political
movement, company, etc.
And wikipedia saids that " Fake news is false or
misleading information presented as news. Fake
news often has the aim of damaging the reputation
of a person or entity, or making money through
advertising revenue.
Misinformation : American Psychological
Association said that "Misinformation is false or
inaccurate information—getting the facts wrong".
Disinformation : American Psychological
Association said that "it is false information which
is deliberately intended to mislead—intentionally
making the misstating facts".
1. Fabricated Content: Completely false content;
2. Manipulated Content: Genuine information or
imagery that has been distorted, e.g. a sensational
headline or populist ‘click bait’;
3. Imposter Content: Impersonation of genuine
sources, e.g. using the branding of an established
4. Misleading Content: Misleading information, e.g.
comment presented as fact;
5. False Context: Factually accurate content
combined with false contextual information, when
the headline of an article does not reflect the
6. Satire and Parody: Humorous but false stores
passed off as true. There is no intention to harm
but readers may be fooled;
7. False Connections: When headlines, visuals or
captions do not support the content;
8. Sponsored Content: Advertising or PR disguised
as editorial content;
9. Propaganda: Content used to manage attitudes,
values and knowledge;
10. Error: A mistake made by established new
agencies in their reporting.
Misinformation and Disinformation are the terms
that may seem interchangeable. Although there are
some similarities between it, they are not
same.Unlike misinformation which people spread
without knowing it's fales, disinformation is fake
information that people spread with full knowledge
of it's inaccuracy.In other words misinformation
can be more wide and harder to spot than
disinformation.In this cases that led to the need for
fact checking. It's so important to find if it false or
The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has
also given birth to new forms of misinformation
and disinformation.We call this Synthetic Media to
indicate the artificial production, manipulation and
modification of data and multimedia by automated
means, especially AI algorithms, to mislead or
change original meaning. There are fears that
synthetic media could supercharge fake news,
spread misinformation and distrust of reality and
automate creative jobs.
“Deep Fakes” are one type of synthetic media
where a person in an existing image or video is
replaced with someone else's likeness. While the
act of faking content is not new, deep fakes use
powerful techniques from machine learning and AI
to manipulate or generate visual and audio content
with a high potential to deceive. Deep Fakes have
garnered widespread attention for their use in
revenge porn, fake news, hoaxes and financial
fraud. Industry and governments are concerned to
detect and limit their use. Some countries already
have a national response or national institutions
are working on it.
Over the recent years, the growth of online social
media has greatly facilitated the way people
communicate with each other. Users of online
social media share information, connect with other
people and stay informed about trending events.
However, much recent information appearing on
social media is dubious and, in some cases,
intended to mislead. Such content is often called
fake news. Large amounts of online fake news has
the potential to cause serious problems in society.
Many point to the 2016 U.S. presidential election
campaign as having been influenced by fake news.
Subsequent to this election, the term has entered
the mainstream vernacular. Moreover it has drawn
the attention of industry and academia, seeking to
understand its origins, distribution and effects.
In recent years, to help online users identify useful
and valuable information, there has been extensive
research on establishing an effective and automatic
framework for online fake news detection.
Identifying credible social information from millions
of messages, however, is challenging, due to the
heterogeneous and dynamic nature of online social
communication. More specifically, it is difficult to
distinguish online truthful signals from the fake and
anomalous information, since the fake news is
intentionally written to mislead readers. Meanwhile,
the linguistic-based features extracted from the
news content are not sufficient for revealing the in-
depth underlying distribution patterns of fake news .
Auxiliary features such as the credibility of the news
author and the spreading patterns of the news, play
more important roles for online fake news prediction.
Furthermore, online social data is time-sensitive,
which means that they occur in a real-time pattern,
and represent the trending topics and events. As a
result, an online real-time detection system should
be designed for detecting, exploring and interpreting
fake information in online social media.

Fake News is news that is not true and
intentionally misinforms the readers.
Sometimes fake news creates panic among the
readers too. Stories are also made for different
wrong purposes.Fake News or stories influence
people’s views, push different political agendas,
and sometimes confuse the readers that can
often be a profitable business for people who
publish articles online.
In this section, we made a classification of the
different types of fake news. In detecting fake news,
it is important to distinguish the various forms of
fake news which include clickbait, hoax, propaganda,
satire and parody, and others .
Clickbait is a fake story with eye-catchy headlines
aimed at enticing the reader to click on a link.
Clicking on the link will generate income to the
owner of that link in the form of a pay per click. A
study finds most clickbait headlines to be enticing
and more appealing than normal news. They define
8 types of clickbait such as Exaggeration, Teasing,
Inflammatory, Graphic, Formatting, Bait-and-Switch,
ambiguous, Wrong and contend that clickbait
articles usually have misleading information in form
of gossip with low quality that is usually not related
to the headlines. Clickbait has proven to be a very
lucrative business especially to the Macedonia
teenagers, the Macedonia city of Veles is now
termed the fake news city as fake news producers
are already preparing for the 2020 US presidential
Propaganda is also a form of fake news, although
date back during wartime, propaganda was famous
in war reporting where journalists often report false
information to save the public from panic especially
during first and second world wars. Propaganda
refers ‘to news stories which are created by a
politicalentity to influence public perceptions’. States
are usually seen as the main actor of propaganda,
and recently it has taken a different turn with
politicians and media organs using it to support a
certain position or view. Propaganda type of fake
news can easily be detected with manual fact-based
detection models such as the use of expert-based
fact-checkers as well as crowdsourced-based
Satire and parody
Satire and Parody are a widely accepted type of fake
news, this is done with a fabricated story or by
exaggerating the truth reported in mainstream
media in the form of comedy, Satire is a form of fake
news that employs humorous style or exaggeration
to present audiences with news updates. The
difference with a satirical form of fake news is that
the authors or the host present themselves as a
comedian or as an entertainer rather than a
journalist informing the public. However, most of the
audience believed the information passed in this
satirical form because the comedian usually
projects news from mainstream media and frame
them to suit their programme. Satirical and comic
news shows like The John Stewart Show and The
Daily Show with Trevor Noah has gained prominence
in recent years. Contrary to parody, the entire story is
completely fake such that if someone is not familiar
with such site he/she is meant to believe the story.
Hoaxes are intentionally fabricated reports in an
attempt to deceive the public or audiences. Since
they are done deliberately, it is well coined such that
at times, the mainstream media report it is believing
it to be true. Some author refers to this type of fake
news as large-scale fabrications and alludes that
hoaxing has often caused serious material damage
to its victim. It is usually aimed at a public figure
formulated a Text Rank algorithm based on the
method of the Page Rank algorithm to detect hoax
news reported in the Indonesian language. Using
Cosine Similarity to calculate the document
similarity, the author could rank them in order of
their similar nature and then apply the Text Rank
algorithm. The result of the study was quite
impressive given the fact that it was done in the
Indonesian language.
Other (Name-theft, framing, journalism
Name theft refers to a fake news source that
attempts to steal the identity of a genuine or
authentic news provider in order to deceive the
audience to believe that such information is coming
from a well-known source. This is usually done with
the creation of a website that mimics an already
existing authentic news website, for instance, a
producer of fake news in order to deceive the public
may use credible news source websites such as
( to, This is usually
done with the inclusion of the site logo which easily
deceives consumers into believing that such
information is coming from the site they already
recognized as genuine. There is also the
manipulation of video to suit their narrative as well
as photoshop all aimed at deceiving the
public.Framing is also one form of fake news; this
aspect tries to deceive the reader by employing
some aspect of reality while making it more visible
meanwhile the truth is being concealed. Logically,
people will understand certain concepts based on
the way it is coined, consumers will normally
perceive something differently if framed in two
different ways although it all meant the same thing.
Framing is meant to give misconceptions and
conceal the fact, framing became more popular
during the US presidential debate when most media
will give misconceptions about what the political
aspirant actually said. For instance, suppose a
leader X says ‘I will neutralize my opponent’ simply
meaning he will beat his opponent in each election.
Such a statement will be framed such as ‘leader X
threatens to kill Y’ such a framed statement has
given a total misconception of the original
meaning.Journalistic deception is another form of
fake news, although we already mentioned above
that journalists are those licenses to give credible
information, at times journalist usually change the
narrative of a certain story in order to conceal the
truth. The different between journalistic deception
and framing lies with the author, framing can be
done by anybody, but journalistic deceptions are
done by journalists usually in a well-known media


•The volume of fake news: Without any verification
procedure, everyone can easily write fake news on the
Internet (Ahmed, 2017). There are lots of webpages which
are established purposely to publish fake news and stories,
such as,,, and so on. Those websites often
resemble legitimate news organizations (Allcott &
Gentzkow, 2017), and are deliberately created to distribute
hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation, often for
financial or political gain. Therefore, a massive amount of
fake contents are distributed through the Internet, even
without users’ awareness.

•The variety of fake news: There are several close

definitions of fake news, such as rumors, satire
news, fake reviews, misinformation, fake
advertisements, conspiracy theories, false
statement by politicians etc., which affect every
aspect of people’ lives. With the increasing
popularity of social media, fake news can dominate
public’s opinions, interests and decisions. In addition,
fake news change the way that people interact with
real news. Some fake news are created intentionally
to mislead and confuse social media users,
especially young students and old people who are
empty of self-protection consciousness
( For example, some rumors were
propagated on Twitter immediately after the 2010
earthquake in Chile, which increased the public panic
and chaos in the local population (Castillo, Mendoza,
& Poblete, 2011). More recently, a story shared on
Facebook used selective TV ratings data to make
the misleading claim that Cable News Network (CNN)
was not one of the 10 most watched cable networks
in 2018 (Fichera). Another fake science news
reported that Physicist Stephen Hawking warned
“aliens existed on the far side of the Moon” (Daily).
We can see that online fake news is profound and
far-reaching into every aspect of our daily life.
•The velocity of fake news: Fake news creators tend
to be short-lived (Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017). For
example, many active fake news webpages during
2016 U.S. election no longer exist after the
campaign. As more attention is paid to fake news in
recent years, more fake news generators are nothing
but a transient flash in order to avoid detection by
the detection systems. Furthermore, most of the
fake news on social media are focusing on the
current events and hot affairs to bring more
attention to the online users. The real-time nature of
fake news on social media makes identifying online
fake news even more difficult. It is complicated to
evaluate how many online users are involved with a
certain piece of instant message, and it is hard to tell
when and how the far-reaching consequences of
fake news stop.
The issue of online fake news has gained more
attention by both researchers and practitioners,
especially after 2016 U.S. presidential election
(Horne & Adali, 2017). Fake news has been accused
of increasing political polarization and partisan
conflict during the election campaign (Riedel,
Augenstein, Spithourakis, & Riedel, 2017), and the
voters can also be easily influenced by the
misleading political statements and claims. Many
latest online fact-checking systems, such as and are based on
manual detection approaches by professionals,
where time latency is the main issue. Also, most of
the existing online fact-checking resources are
mainly focusing on the verification of political news,
so the practical applicability of those systems is
limited, due to the high variety of news types and
formats, and the widely and quickly propagation of
fake information in the social network. In addition, a
large amount of real-time information is created,
commented, and shared via online social media
everyday, which makes online real-time fake news
detection even more difficult.
By conveying biased and false information, fake
news can destroy folk’s faith and beliefs in
authorities, experts and the government. For
instance, 88% of customers rely on online reviews,
and 72% of them firmly believe a business with
positive reviews (Ahmed, 2017). Another example is
2016 U.S. presidential election. During this campaign,
hundreds or thousands of Russian fake accounts
posted anti-Clinton messages, such as “Hillary was
sick”, “Hillary was a criminal”, “Obama had a secret
army”, and so on, to influence soft Hillary Clinton
supporters (Russia used fake news, The fake
americans russia created to influence the election).
The voters can easily be affected by the false
information, and even work as fake news spreaders
by sharing the fake content and commenting on the
fake news. There is a view that Donald Trump’s
victory in 2016 U.S. president election is somehow
regarded as the outcome of fake news (The negative
impact of fake news, Allcott, Gentzkow, 2017). The
fake news continues to dominate the Internet these
days, which brings fateful consequences to the
society, to the politics, to IT and financial matters,
and to everyone who may live in a cyber environment
with the crisis of trust. There is an immediate
necessity for generating a well-established, accurate
-oriented real-time system for online fake news
detection and identification.
As fake news detection has become an emerging
topic, more and more technical giant companies are
seeking future solutions for recognizing online fake
information. With the help from fact-checking
professionals, Facebook allows users to flag and
report satires or news that are potentially suspicious
and anomalous (News Feed fyi, Mark zuckerberg).
Most recently, a new online service called “Google
News Initiative” is announced by Google, in order to
fight fake news, misinformation, and contentious
breaking stories (Google news initiative). This
project will spend $392 millions over the next
several years, which could make it easier for readers
to subscribe to quality publication. Also, it can help
readers on how to spot misleading news and reports
(Google announcement).
Here iam conducted to study on the impact of
fake news on a particular age group, and this report


Misinformation that leads people to do
something. Why because, they are trusting media
content that get,while it's truth or not, they believe
it. Due to this, money and dignity are lost. It
demoralizes them.
For example once a news had viral about Natraj
pencil making at home.Many house wifes and
who aren't have a job, they believe it and go after
it and lose thousands of money . It was only
because of the intervention of the police that it
was realized that it was fake news and they were
hooked. Fact Crescendo found that the ad for
Natraj Pencil work from home job is a scam. The
company did not advertise neither it had
authorized anyone to post the
advertisement.(fact check by Siddarth Shanu)
Another example is very relevant video that viral
through social media and news channels.There is
a leopard spotted at sabarimala temple premises,
but the truth is that leopard spotted pharma
facilities in Telangana, not on Sabharimala temple
premises.All of us believed that was true.
Look at here news channels too believe and
broadcasted misinformation .According to
hypodermic needle theory media injecting stuff
into viewers/audience,and we think that's
true.However false the hypodermic needle theory
may be, in some cases it is absolutely true. We
often believe what the media tells us.
Under these problems here trying to study the
imapact of fake news among 40-65 age
category.They are the people who are believe
everything that media give.They can't know is it
true or false.
Over the recently years, the fast and explosive
development of social media have witnessed the
extensive growth in the number of fake news.
Nowadays, fake news is annoying, obtrusive,
distracting and all over the places. It has
profound impacts on both individuals and the
society. So it is significant for building an
effective detection system for fake news
Chapter 2



news’: Incorrect, but hard to correct. The role of
cognitive ability on the impact of false information
on social impressions ;
This literature review that help us to understand the
previous study conducted on the same area that i
am trying to study. It will help us to analys the
topic.The present experiment (N = 390) examined
how people adjust their judgment after they learn
that crucial information on which their initial
evaluation was based is incorrect. In line with our
expectations, the results showed that people
generally do adjust their attitudes, but the degree to
which they correct their assessment depends on
their cognitive ability. In particular, individuals with
lower levels of cognitive ability adjusted their
attitudes to a lesser extent than individuals with
higher levels of cognitive ability. Moreover, for those
with lower levels of cognitive ability, even after the
explicit disconfirmation of the false information,
adjusted attitudes remained biased and significantly
different from the attitudes of the control group who
was never exposed to the incorrect information. In
contrast, the adjusted attitudes of those with higher
levels of cognitive ability were similar to those of the
control group. Controlling for need for closure and
rightwing authoritarianism did not influence the
relationship between cognitive ability and attitude
adjustment. The present results indicate that, even
in optimal circumstances, the initial influence of
incorrect information cannot simply be undone by
pointing out that this information was incorrect,
especially in people with relatively lower cognitive


Recent Development in Scholarship on Fake News
and Misinformation, 2008 to 2017: Disciplinary
Contribution, Topics, and Impact
This review article examines 142 journal articles
on fake news and misinformation published
between 2008 and 2017 and the knowledge
generated on the topic. Although communication
scholars and psychologists contributed almost half
of all the articles on the topic of fake news and
misinformation in the past 10 years, the wide
variety of journals from various disciplines
publishing the topic shows that it has captured
interest from the scholarly community in general.
Male scholars outnumbered female scholars in
both productivity and citations on the topic, but
there are variations by fields. There are very few
scholars who have produced a large body of work
on the topic yet. Effects fakenews/misinformation
is the most common topic found in journal articles.
A research agenda by the different roles in the
production, spreading, and using fake
news/misinformation is suggested.


OTHERS ;The science of fake news
The rise of fake news highlights the erosion of long-
standing institutional bulwarks against
misinformation in the internet age. Concern over the
problem is global. However, much remains unknown
regarding the vulnerabilities of individuals,
institutions, and society to manipulations by
malicious actors. A new system of safeguards is
needed. Below, we discuss extant social and
computer science research regarding belief in fake
news and the mechanisms by which it spreads. Fake
news has a long history, but we focus on
unanswered scientific questions raised by the
proliferation of its most recent, politically oriented
DENNIS;Fake News On Social Media- People believe
what they want to believe when it makes no sense
at all :
Fake news (i.e., misinformation) on social media has
sharply increased over the past years. Conducted an
experiment collecting behavioural and EEG data
from 83 social media users to understand whether
they could detect fake news on social media, and
the factors affecting cognition and judgment. found
that confirmation bias dominates, with most users
unable to distinguish real news from fake. Users
exhibit greater cognitive activity when news
headlines align with their political opinions, and they
are more likely to believe them. Headlines that
challenge their opinions receive little cognitive
activity (i.e., they are ignored) and users are less
likely to believe them. The presence of a fake news
flag on a headline aligned with users’ opinions
triggered cognitive activity that could be associated
with increased semantic memory retrieval, false
memory construction, or increased attention.
However, this flag had no effect on judgments about
truth; flagging headlines as false did not influence
users’ beliefs. Only 17% of our participants could
detect fake news better than chance, with only one
detecting fake news more than 60% of the time. In
other words, most social media users would make
better truth judgments by flipping a coin.
Chapter 3


The study takes a quantitative approach with.The

data was collected through questionnaire from 45


I took questionnaire to share my questions to

respondents where ,I used google form for collecting
data.I conducted this research in quantitative


The primary source of my research is the
questionnaire where,I sent google form to people
through whatsapp
Secondary source is google data source.


There is a lot of potential in research.this

research will help you understand how affect fake
news on 40-65 age group of people.
I have lot of limitations in this study.The main
problems I faced in this study that are:
1.The most important issue I encountered in this
research was lack of time
2.People responses to data was low.
3.Due to lack of knowledge on this topic.

1. Is there have any need to teach about the fake
2. Is they have any ability to understand while
it's true or false.
3.Is they are ready to understand and
disseminate the importance of fact checking.
Chapter 4

Gender analysis:
Both male and female are submitted their
response on my Google form.there are 47
people are responded 47
there are 26 womens and 21mens.

Gender Frequency
Male 25
Female 26

1.Number of people who always know about

fake news.
Who have know how 41
about fake news
Who haven't no idea 10
about it

2. Shows major social media applications that

they used to know about daily news.
Whatsapp 14
Online website 6
News channels 17
Instagram 6
Facebook 8

3.Education analysis of people responded to

Google form.

Complete 32%
Completed pre 19%

4.shows who can know the websites and other

technologies that help to ditect fake news.

Know about it 9
Don't know about it 42

5.who are trusted the news that disseminate

through both social media and mainstream
media that leopard spotted on sabharimala
aravana plant in 2023.

Believing True 7%
Believing false 13%
Don't know it's true or 31%

6.shows who are believing job vacancies comes

through social media.

Ready to believe 13%

Not ready to believe 30%
Maybe believe 18%

7.shows who are ready to study more about

fakenews and disseminates how to fight fake
Who are ready 50%
Who aren't ready 1%
With the quantitative method I have used to
analyze the impact of fake news among the
particular age category (40-65) i am used
questionnaire in Malayalam language because
of their literacy.i think that makes the results
more better.With this I find that these category
of people aren't have proper media
literacy.that's why they can't critically think
about a news that is true or false.Some of the
people are skeptic and they trying to know what
is really done.but some are no one things to do
for it.
In 51 people are responded ,without 10 persons
don't know about fake news remaining 41 have
know how about fake news, moreover
sometimes they can understand which is true
or false news.But one thing these people too
foolished or they are confused about the news
that comes from sabharimala there spotted
leopard.7% of people that only know that it's
false news remaining 31 are confused about
the news ,and remaining 13% of people that
believe that is really true news.why because this
news is always disseminated mainstream
medial too as news channels. Considering the
social media and mainstream media that using
to know about daily news or information
majority of the people are news channels are
credible and accurate,in my findings that shows
in this 51 there are 17% of people are using
news channels, 14% using Whatsapp,6% as
Instagram and online websites,and the
remaining 8%that using Facebook for news.this
is too shows that news channels that credible
to know about news.
I mentioned that these people have no ideas
about techniques and methods that helping to
find treu news/messages.only 9 people can
only have know about there have a facility,but
not completely know about it, remaining 42
people have no ideas about these techniques.
But through this responses i noticed that
expecting one person all others are ready to
know more about the techniques and other
features that helps to ditect and fight against
fake news.
Factor Analysis
a-: Factually incorrect news on social media is
one of the major reasons that affect the
decision-making ability.
b-: Incomplete news is another major cause of
diminishing decision-making ability among
c-: Doctored images and videos flooding over
social media highly affect the ability to make
right decisions.
d-: Biased news that is inclined toward a
particular sector or society affects the
decisionmaking ability.
e-: Social Sentiments among the people can
encourage them to take hasty decisions which
can in turn be another strike on their
decisionmaking ability.
f-: People perception is directly associated
with the spread of fake news and spam
g-: Spread of fake news and messages on
social media closely is associated with people’s
decision-making ability.


1.Evaluate, evaluate, evaluate

2.Google it
3. Reverse image check with google
will help to find images that are true or false.
4.check news in fact checking news websites.
5.Get news from real news sources.
6.Distinguish opinion from fact.
7.Watch out red flags.
Chapter 5

With this study i can understand that people
who haven't media literacy ,they can't finout
the misinformation that comes from both
social media and mainstream media.All are
crave with knowing about how to fight
against fake news and how can understand
it. They are ready to disseminate how it can
be done.
If you want to find while a message is true
or false you should search the same
content with fact checking websites in
Google. You can search images and
elements that used to represent the
message.that can be do done by Google
scanner.That will shows is the elements are
tire and it's background details.It is also
known as reverse image checking.And
another way is that contact the given
number for more information.This is all
about the news/information through
posters in socal media.While in video you
can also do the reverse image check.
Whatever the best way to find out the fact
inba media contact you can search fact
checking websites like News meter,Fact
checker in,Fact check org.,Full fact and such
Critical thinking is most important while
checking a news fairness.if you here a news
like Natraj pencil making at home ,no one
can make pencil in hand made that is the
final product after machine work .so think
critically about it,while it's spread through
social media or mainstream media.Your
critical thinking ability that helps you to fight
against fake news.
How iam came into study about the fact
check when I attended to a seminar
conducted by Factshala organization stands
for media literacy and fact checking.Fact
checker and researcher Habeed Rahman YP
sir is too helping me to complete my
study.He was the person who encourage
me to study on this topic.And finally i
focused on it.Thank you all for who are
helping me to complete my project on a
shot period.

2. Impact of fake news, message and spam
spread through social media on people decision
making ability Author-: Ashwin Nambiar, (Mittal
School Of Business, Lovely Professional
University, Punjab, India)
3."What is fact-checking and why is it important?
| Co-inform"
4."What is fact-checking? - Ballotpedia"
5."Misinformation and disinformation"
6."Viral Video Does Not Show Leopard In
Kitchen Where Sabarimala Temple’s Aravana
Payasam Is Made"
7."Work from-home job in the name of Natraj
Pencil circulating on social media is a scam -
FactCrescendo | The leading fact-checking
website in India"
Questions that iam used for Survey
1. In wich app that you use to know daily news?
 WhatsApp
 Facebook
 Instagram
 Online websites
 Twitter
 News channels
2. Do you know about what is fake news?
 No
 Yes
 Not at all
 Know well
3.Is it possible to identify fake news and
 Yes
 No
 Not at all
 Sometimes
4. When you see/hear a news, do you doubt
whether it is true or false?
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes
5. Have you lost money or dignity as a victim of
fake news?
 Yes
 No
 Never
6. Is the news of tiger landing in Sabarimala
Aravana plant true or false?

 Definitely true
 Completely false news
 Don't know true or false
7. Do you believe when you hear that you can
work from home and earn?
 Yes
 No
 Sometimes believe
8. Do you know any web sites or techniques to
check if it is fake news or not?
 Know
 Don't know
9. Do you already know that such technologies
and websites exist?
 Know
 Don't know
10. If known which ?

11. Are you interested in knowing whether the

news you receive is real or fake? If you know
that such systems exist, will you share that
information with others?
 Ocourse
 Never

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