Grade 8 Speeling Bee

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1. fibrous (ˈfībrəs/)
-consisting of or characterized by fibers.

"The silk is the fibrous material that gives wood its strength."

2. belligerent (/bəˈlij(ə)rənt/)
-hostile and aggressive.

"he was in a belligerent mood""

3. contagious (/kənˈtājəs/)
- adjective
- a disease spread from one person or organism to another by direct or indirect

The disease is very contagious.

4. intermittent (/in(t)ərˈmitnt/)
-occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady.

"intermittent rain"

5. sieve (/siv/)
- verb
- put (a food substance or other material) through a sieve.

"sieve the flour and sugar together in a bowl"


1. subtlety (/ˈsədltē/)
-the quality or state of being subtle.

"she handled the matter with great subtlety"

2. grotesque (/ɡrōˈtesk/)
- adjective
- ugly, deformed or distorted

“the rods are carved in the form of a series of grotesques”

3. lieutenant (/lo͞oˈtenənt/)
- noun
- a deputy or substitute acting for a superior.

"he accepted his top lieutenant’s resignation with deep regret"

4. catastrophe (/kəˈtastrəfē/)
- noun
- an event causing great and often sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.

"a national economic catastrophe”

5. poignancy (/ˈpoin(y)ənsē/)
- noun
- the quality of evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.

“"the pregnancy has a special poignancy for her family"


1. misdemeanor (/ˈmisdəˌmēnər/)
- noun
- a minor wrongdoing.

"the player can expect a lengthy suspension for his latest misdemeanor"

2. chauffeur (/ˈSHōfər,SHōˈfər/)
- noun
- a person employed to drive a private or rented automobile.

"the chauffeur drives a limousine"

3. chrysanthemum (/krəˈsæn·θə·məm/)
- noun
- a type of garden plants that flower in the fall.

“I held a bouquet of refrigerated chrysanthemums in my hands.”

4. idiosyncrasy (/ˌidēəˈsiNGkrəsē/)
- noun
- a mode of behavior or way of thought unusual to an individual.

“Her worst idiosyncrasy involved repeating back every word that was said to her.”

5. onomatopoeia (/ˌänəˌmädəˈpēə,ˌänəˌmadəˈpēə/)
- noun
- the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named.

“a relatively large number of bird names arise by onomatopoeia"


6. wampum
- noun
- small cylindrical beads traditionally made by some North American Indian peoples
from shells, strung together and worn as decoration.

"strings of wampum"

7. con·sci·en·tious (/ˌkän(t)SHēˈen(t)SHəs/)
- adjective
- wishing to do what is right

” he was a conscientious student who always took pride in his work”

8. labyrinth (/ˈlab(ə)ˌrinTH/)
- noun
- a complicated irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find
one's way; a maze.

"a labyrinth of passages and secret chambers"

9. abolitionism
- noun
- political movement centered around ending slavery.

“Abraham Lincoln hated slavery and became an advocate of abolitionism.”

10. quixotic (/kwikˈsädik/)

- adjective
- exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical.

"a vast and perhaps quixotic project"

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