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Term Paper
Topic: "Major Causes Of River Water Pollution in
Meghna River"

Code: ECO
Section: 01

Submitted By

Name ID

Aripanna Akter 2022-3-30-092

Sumaiya Akhter 2022-1-30-061

Sadia Islam 2018-3-30-042

Submitted To

Course Instructor:
Muntasir Chaudhury

East West

Date of Submission: 23 December 2023

" Major Causes of River Pollution in Meghna River"

In this study we trying to investigate the aspect of river pollution in the Meghna
River.We look over the types,reasons and consequences of this pollutions.The
findings are kind of the alarming because of the level of pollution. In this
research we asses the extent of pollutants and its impact of the public health.
This paper tries to come up with diminish the adverse effects of river pollution
in the context of Bamgladesh.

The Meghna river is one of the three major river (Padma,Jamuna,Meghna) in
Bangladesh located in Kishoreganj District and discharge in Chandpur.It creates
a significant part of Bangladesh before merging with the Padma river.In recent
years Meghna River faces so many pollution changes.Factors Analysis (FA)
indicated the river water was polluted.The main reasons of the pollution of the
river water were oil spilling,haphazard industrialization,domestic sewage and
agricultural inputs.These pollutants cntribute the water contamination.Also
including population growh,insufficient waste managment etc contribute to the
erosion of the water quality in Meghna River.
 Furnace oil spill:
In 26th December,2022 a large area in the meghna river has been polluted by
furnace oil spill.A vassel contained with 11 lakh littres of oil spill in the
river.This accident occured due to poor visibility caused by the dense fog.The
oil spill generated a thick layer on the top of the river water.Fishermen couldn’t
catch fishes due to smell and thickness of the water.On top of that Mrghna
banks haven’t been able to use the water of this river for a couple of
days.Because of this massacre caused excessive damage to the ecosystem and

 Hazardous Pollutants: Hazardous pollutants also known as air

pollution.There are so many toxin has been found in the Meghna
water. A total of 87 compounds were found above the detection limit a
small number compared to results from around the globe. Most were
detected at very low concentrations, although a few polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals were
detected at relatively high concentrations (>2.5 nanograms/liter). The
types of micro pollutants find in the Meghna river are-
 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: The occurrence of this
group of compounds in the aquatic environment is mostly the
result of atmospheric deposition and a number of diffuse
sources related to combustion in households, industry, traffic
and transport

 Pesticides: A small number of pesticides were detected in

relatively high concentrations in the Megha River, particularly
the insecticide dimethoate. Dimethoate is associated with the
growing of rabi crops (like oil seed), vegetables, spices, and

 Pharmaceuticals: A bit presence of paracetamol found in the

Meghna River, likely due of the absence of wastewater
treatment plants in the catchment areas.

 Industrial Discharges:
Industrial discharges emerge as a major player in the Meghna river pollution
narrative. In Bangladesh, the industrial units are mostly located along the river
banks. There are obvious reasons for such a position. It faces severe pollution
especially from the units located on its shores. Industrial wastes, including
hazardous chemicals from textile, tanneries, pulp and paper mills, fertilizers,
chemicals, manufacturing and refineries, are often left untreated. It contributes
to a significant biological oxygen demand (BOD5) and wastewater volume,
which affects water quality. In the catchment area, 3.4 million people generate
135 tons of BOD and 338,000 cubic meters of wastewater per day, which
directly leads to canal pollution. The dry season exacerbates canal pollution
and during monsoons, runoff pollution further erodes the Meghna River. Over
2,000 factories on the west bank, particularly in Narayanganj and Narsingdi,
and 13 direct spillways near the Meghna Bridge degrade local water quality.
 Climate Change Effects:

The Meghna River, like many others around the world, bears the brunt of climate
change. Changes in rainfall patterns and rising temperatures affect river basins. This
section explores the complex dance between climate change and water pollution,
emphasizing the need for adaptive strategies to mitigate environmental risks. Climate
change exacerbates the pollution problem in Bangladesh's Meghna River. Changing
rainfall patterns can affect the flow of pollutants into rivers, affecting water quality.
Increased temperatures may contribute to changes in water temperature and aquatic
ecosystems, affecting the spread of pollutants. Sea-level rise and changes in hydrological
conditions can lead to salinity intrusion, which can affect water quality and ecosystems
in river deltas. These combined factors intensify pollution challenges demanding
comprehensive strategies for mitigation and adaptation to preserve the environmental
health of the Meghna River.

 Weak Regulatory Measures:

Absence of a strong regulatory framework is increasing pollution in Meghna River. River

Meghna in Chandpur is facing pollution due to dumping of garbage including hazardous
waste. Locals who depend on the river can no longer use contaminated water,
threatening their livelihoods. Thousands of local residents affected by lack of access to
clean water. Despite the problem, municipal authorities insist on the urgent need for
sustainable solutions to address the environmental crisis, claiming a lack of alternative
waste disposal options. Urgent action is required to address the environmental and
health risks posed by ongoing river pollution. Strengthening regulations, enhancing
monitoring systems and imposing stiffer penalties for non-compliance are important
steps to address and prevent further degradation of rivers.

● Heavy metals in Meghna River causes water pollution :

Because of the toxicity and cumulative nature of heavy metals, the contamination
of river water and sediments has become a severe issue. The goal of the current
study is to evaluate the concentrations of heavy metals and the degree of
pollution in the sediments and surface water of the Meghna River. Samples of
water and sediment were gathered using Standard Procedures, processed, and
examined using a Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (FAAS) to detect
heavy metals. The average heavy metal concentrations in the river water were
Fe (1.0224 mg L-1) > Zn (0.0364 mg L-1) > Cr (0.0346 mg L-1) > Mn (0.0088 mg
L-1) > Cd (0.003 mg L-1) and Fe (1281.416 mg kg-1) > Mn (442.596 mg kg-1) >
Zn (0.0364 mg L-1) in the sediments. Ni (76.116 mg kg-1) > Cr (31.739 mg kg-1)
> Pb (9.4702 mg kg-1) > Cd (0.230 mg kg-1) is ranked higher than Zn (79.021
mg kg-1). In river water, Pb and Ni were determined to be below detection limits.
The results show that while the concentration of Fe was over the suggested
standard criteria, the Meghna river water can be regarded as unpolluted .

● Domestic sewages in Meghna River causes water pollution :

The government is carrying out two initiatives that will have opposing effects: one
would purify Meghna River water before delivering it to capital residents, while
the other will construct a sewage network to allow untreated liquid waste to be
dumped into the same river.
The MGSP is being implemented in 28 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs). Among other
activities, about 238 kilometers of a 369km drainage network has already been
constructed or repaired under the LGED project to carry both greywater – water
coming from kitchen and bathrooms – and blackwater that contains human
excreta to canals and rivers, including the Meghna.In rural and semi-urban areas,
families still use a common pit in the back of their homes for domestic
wastewater and other solid waste to go into .As drains have replaced these pits
without having treatment facilities, liquid waste directly flows into rivers and
canals.There are twenty-eight Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) operating the MGSP.
Approximately 238 kilometers of a 369-kilometer drainage network have already
been built or restored as part of the LGED project, among other things, to
transport blackwater—which contains human waste—and greywater—water from
bathrooms and kitchens to canals and rivers, including the Meghna.Families in
rural and semi-urban areas still dispose of their solid trash and household
wastewater into a communal pit at the back of their houses.

Conclusion :
The Meghna River pollution is a serious environmental problem that needs to be
addressed right away. The river has been harmed throughout time by a number
of pollution sources, such as home sewage, agricultural runoff, and industrial
waste. The ecosystem of the river, aquatic life, and the general well-being of the
communities that depend on it for different reasons have all suffered as a result
of these contaminants.

The Meghna River's pollution has led to a loss of biodiversity, including the
extinction of numerous fish species and other aquatic organisms or their sharp
population decreases. The river's water quality has declined to the point where it
is unfit for drinking, farming, and other necessary purposes. Human health has
also suffered as a result of pollution since exposure to tainted water can result in
water born.

According to a recent report released by the DoE, Dhaka Wasa and other
stakeholders, if the current pollution trend continues, a toxic mix of pollutants is
going to make the Meghna river water undrinkable in five years.


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