Group Profile (The Proteus CTR.) 101811

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Our ability to READ the world, Your capacity to CHANGE it A partnership in sustainable development through cost efficient data processing and analysis, human resource empowerment, and institutional development

GROUP PROFILE: We are composed of highly skilled individuals trained in research, urban and regional designs, marketing, business and organizational planning and development. We have already established wide linkages with the different sectors notably the academe and the business sector. This wide base of solid professional experience and background is a rich resource in order to come up with integrated and socially relevant solutions for our clients. We also have an extensive network of expert resource speakers and consultants, who are able to provide the exact solutions to our clients concerns and needs. The group is registered in the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with company registration no. CN201031354. PERSONNEL: Chairman Members

ENGR. JOSELITO F. BUHANGIN Engineering ROBERTO I. BELDA Management, Marketing, Human Resources MILO SEVERINO N. DISTOR Political Science, Public Administration, Management JOSEPH PORFIRIO L. ANDAYA Sociology, Cultural Studies, Anthropology DAPHNE BERNADETTE OREDINA Political Science

JOSELITO F. BUHANGIN An expert in urban and regional planning, Engr. Buhangin has been involved in the engineering industry for more than 30 years already. His vast experience has been honed while working for various government and private organizations notable of which was a stint at Binga Hydroelectric Plant as Chief of the Rehabilitation Dept. and at R.G. Chan & Associates as Structural Designer. He is currently a Professor at Saint Louis University (SLU) who also served as Dean of the SLU, College of Engineering. He is also on the final stages of completing his Doctorate in Urban Planning from the University of Louvain, Belgium. He likewise earned a Masters in Business Management degree (Deans List) and Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of the Philippines. He is a graduate of B.S. Civil Engineering from SLU. He is also an active member of the Association of Structural Engineers of the Phils., American Concrete Institute and the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers. ROBERTO I. BELDA Mr. Belda has already logged 19 years of professional work experience gained from the publishing (on-line and traditional), FMCG, insurance and education industries on a managerial level. He is currently a Unit Sales Director for a life insurance company. He is likewise wrapping up his M.S. in Business Administration degree at the Saint Louis University. He finished his A.B. Political Science degree from the University of Santo Tomas. He was the founding Vice-President of the Association of Baguio-Benguet Language Schools, founding Director of the Baguio Association of Purified/Mineral Water Refillers, former Director of the Cooperative Union of Baguio City, former Vice-Chairman of the Timber and Lime Multi-Purpose Cooperative and current Member of the Research, Development and Publications Committee of the Baguio-Benguet Community Credit Cooperative. JOSEPH PORFIRIO L. ANDAYA A seasoned researcher and lecturer, Prof. Andaya has already conducted, authored and published various studies related to Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology. Some of his research and scholarly papers have been presented in national and international conferences held at the leading universities in the Philippines particularly University of the Philippines, Ateneo de Manila University, De La Salle University, and Silliman University. He has been in the education industry for more than 26 years, much of which was spent at Saint Louis University. He is currently an Asst. Professor and a former Head of the Department of Political and Social Sciences at SLU. He has already completed the required academic units leading to M.A. Sociology (Ateneo) , M.A. Economics (SLU) and M.A. Public Management (SLU). With an undergraduate degree in Sociology earned from Ateneo, he is currently the Corporate Secretary of the Baguio-Benguet Community Credit Cooperative. He is likewise an active member of the Philippine Sociological Society and the Philippine Social Science Health Society.

MILO SEVERINO N. DISTOR Prof. Distor is a lecturer, researcher and country risk analyst. His teaching experience spans 25 years spent at different educational institutions such as the Saint Louis University, University of the Philippines and University of Asia and The Pacific. Before going into teaching, he worked in political and economic research at the Center for Research and Communication and has been assisting the Embassy of the United States of America as Educational Adviser. He also focused in social, educational and youth research while involved as Country Representative of Global Voluntary Service-Japan and director of the University Center Foundation. He is currently a Full Professor and was a former Department Head of Political Science at SLU. He earned his Master in Public Administration and AB Political Science degrees also from the University of the Philippines and is currently engaged in his doctorate degrees in Philippine Studies and Political Science also at the University of the Philippines. He is a member of the Philippine Political Science Association and the Phi Gamma Mu and Phi Kappa Phi Honor Societies. DAPHNE BERNADETTE G. OREDINA Ms. Oredina is a 2010 graduate of A.B. Political Science (magna cum laude) from Saint Louis University (SLU). Her curricular and extra-curricular achievements include: News Editor of the GASERA, the official publication of the College of Human Sciences, SLU; member of the SLU Debate Society; consistent Deans Lister from 2006 to 2010; 1st place in News Writing during the 2010 1st university-wide SLU Press Conference; the Best Adjudicator in the 2009 Intercollegiate Law Debate and a Top 5 Adjudicator in the 2010 7th Annual Baguio-wide Open Debate Tournament . She was also a Class Valedictorian during her elementary and high school years. She is currently a Political Science Instructor at SLU. SERVICES OFFERED: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Comprehensive Land Use Plan Municipal and Provincial Planning Consultancy Market Surveys Project Impact Evaluation Rapid Rural Appraisal Studies Environmental Impact Assessments Mapping (CAD; GPS/GIS Services) Social Research and Extension Data Processing and Analysis

10. Research Writing Seminars/Workshops 11. Management, Marketing and Leadership Seminars 12. Business Plan Development 13. Feasibility Study Development 14. Market and Industry Research 15. Human Resources Training and Development 16. Employee Satisfaction Surveys 17. Campaign Mapping

18. Statistical Analysis 19. Web Content Writing/Research 20. Customized Research and Analysis TRACK RECORD: The members of The PROTEUS CENTER have had a long and productive experience in research, training, and consultancy. One had long standing in the Board of Directors of STREAMS Foundation, a research and consultancy firm based in Baguio City. In various capacities, we have produced the following: Research and Scholarly Papers Recently Presented Indigenous Peoples, the State, and National Parks: Cultural Dialectics in the Construction of Resource Management in Mount Pulag, delivered at the 2010 Philippine Sociological Society National Conference, October 15-16, 2010, Silliman University, Dumaguete Divergent Programs, Programmed Divergences: Thematic Rifts in the State Management of a National Park, delivered at the 1st International Conference on Cordillera Studies, February 7-9, 2008, University of the Philippines Baguio Habermas Public Sphere in the light of Teilhard de Chardins Grand Option as Framework to State-IP Dialogue, delivered at the International Teilhard Asia 2006 Conference, August 31 September 3, 2006, Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City, Philippines Demystifying the State and Recognizing the Indigenous as Other: An Approach to Intercultural Dialogue, delivered at the Philippine Sociological Society National Conference, October 20 21, 2006, De La Salle University Manila Published Works Indigenous Peoples, the State and National Parks: Cultural dialectics in the construction of resource management in Mount Pulag, Benguet, in The Northern Luzon Research Journal, Vol. 2, 2008 The Vote of the Poor: Modernity and Tradition in Peoples Views of Leadership and Elections, Quezon City: Institute of Philippine Culture Ateneo de Manila University, 2005 (Research Assistance for Baguio City) The New Elite and the Emergence of the New Philippine State: An Exercise in Sociology of Political Modernization, in The Saint Louis University Research Journal, Vol. 32, No. 2, December 2001 Cordilleran Participation in the 1896 Revolution, in Papers of the Third National Conference on the Centennial of the 1896 Revolution, Baguio City: University of the Philippines College of Baguio National Center for Culture and the Arts, 1995 Cordilleran Participation in the Philippine Revolution (1896 1901), in The Saint Louis University Research Journal, Vol. 25, No. 2, December 1993 Church and State Revisited, in The Saint Louis University Research Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2, December 1992 The Philippine Foreign Debt: Trends and Prospects, in The Saint Louis University Research Journal, Vol. 20, No. 1, June 1989. OTHER WORKS: 2011 - Basic Statistical Techniques for Cooperatives, in the seminar-workshop on Statistical Analysis Using SPSS, Baguio-Benguet Community Credit Cooperative, Baguio City, September 17, 2011. 2011 Feature Writing Workshop (BBCCC Seminar Hall, September 3, 2011)

2011 An Anthropological Platform for a Cordillera Autonomous Region, in the PAGTA Annual Conference, Center for Cordillera Studies Audio-Visual Hall, University of the Philippines, Baguio, August 24, 2011. 2011 Academic and Web Content Writing Seminar (BBCCC Seminar Hall, April 18, 2011) 2011 Toward a Research Agenda for the Political and Social Sciences, in the Department of Political and Social Sciences Research Forum, School of Humanities Multi-Purpose Hall, Saint Louis University, March 5, 2011. 2011 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN, Municipality of Dasol, Pangasinan 2011 - COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN, Municipality of Bani, Pangasinan 2010 - Campaign Mapping (generation of codified electoral profiles per barangay and sectoral aggregates, Baguio City) 2010 GETTING READY FOR ELECTION DAY: A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO POLL AUTOMATION 2010 (Seminar conducted in partnership with The Baguio-Benguet Community Credit Cooperative Foundation on February 18, 2010 at City Travel Hotel, Baguio City) 2010 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN, Municipality of Sablan, Benguet 2009 RESEARCH WRITING: A Workshop Approach (Seminar/workshop conducted on December 13, 2009 at the BBCCC Seminar Hall, Basement B) 2007 - Campaign Mapping (generation of codified electoral profiles per barangay and sectoral aggregates, Orani, Bataan) 2006 - COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN, Municipality of Buguias, Benguet 2006 An Overview of Basic Social Research Skills & On the Mechanics of Preparing and Administering Questionnaires, Chrysanthemum Hall, Benguet State University, 2006 Salesmanship and Key Account Management, SLU-EISSIF, Agricultural Training Institute, BSU, La Trinidad, Benguet 2005 Employee Re-Orientation Program (Habits of Highly Effective People), Timber and Lime Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Km. 5, Apugan, Irisan, Baguio City 2005 Salesmanship and Basic Customer Service Training, BenguetCorp., Villaluna Center, Balatoc, Itogon, Benguet 2004 Campaign Mapping (generation of codified electoral profiles per barangay and sectoral aggregates, Basco, Batanes) 2004 The COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN 2003-2012 of the Municipality of Rosales, Province of Pangasinan (analyzed, edited and packaged in CD-ROM and Diskettes) 2003 Salesmanship Training, BenguetCorp., Monterrazas Village, Tuding, Itogon, Benguet 2003 The COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN 2002-2011 of the Municipality of Rosales, Province of Pangasinan (analyzed, edited and packaged in CD-ROM and Diskettes) 2003 The COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN 2001-2010 of the Municipality of Santo Tomas, Province of Pangasinan (analyzed, edited and packaged in CD-ROM and Diskettes) 2002 The COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN 2001 2010 of the Municipality of Galimuyod, Province of Ilocos Sur (consultancy and editing) 2001 The COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN 2001-2010 of the Municipality of Pugo, Province of La Union (analyzed, edited and packaged in CD-ROM and Diskettes)

2001 The COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN 2000 2009 of the Municipality of Santiago, Province of Ilocos Sur (consultancy and editing) 2001 The COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN 2001-2010 of the Municipality of Binmaley, Province of Pangasinan (consultancy and editing) 2000 An Empirical Study of Preschool Education in PLAN-Assisted Communities of Baguio City and Benguet (PLAN-International Baguio) 1999 Harnessing Indigenous Cultural Beliefs and Practices For Community Empowerment and Sustainable Human Resources Development (Culture and Youth Foundation, Philippines) 1996 In-Urban Migration in the Cordilleras, Focus on Baguio City and Benguet, And Its Developmental Effects on the Places of Origin and Destination of Migrants (POPCOM - CAR) 1995 The Regional Socio-Economic Profile and Regional Industry Profile of the Cordillera (DOLE - CAR) 1991 The Benguet Livelihood Development Project: A Terminal Evaluation (Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation, Inc.) 1991 A Rapid Rural Appraisal of Identified Sitios of Ucab, Virac, and Ampucao in the Municipality of Itogon, Benguet (Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation, Inc.) 1990 An Assessment of the Cordillera Women's Contribution to Economic Development in Baguio City (POPCOM CAR) 1990 A Rapid Rural Appraisal of the Municipality of Itogon, Benguet (Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation, Inc.) 1990 Manpower Demand and Supply Profiles Vis-a-vis the Employment Situation in Region I (NEDA-I) 1989 The Benguet Community Development Project: An Impact Evaluation (Jaime V. Ongpin Foundation, Inc.) 1989 Causal Factors Affecting Low Productivity, Poverty, and Inequality in Selected Depressed Communities in the lIocos and Cordillera Regions (NEDA-I) WE CAN BE REACHED AT: Address: Cell Phone Nos.: Website: Email: #208 Holy Ghost Extension, Baguio City (0922) 850-16-59; (0908) 660-82-72; (0908) 721-23-84; (0949) 863-50-29;;;

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