Eng 111 Midterm Reviewer Vea SKSKS

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“The best preparation for
tommorow is doing your best
today.” -wag kana mag wait ng Sunday to
study this kung di mo gustong mag ratol2 hahaha”
-Module 1 to 5 (1ST material)- ACCORDING TO THE PURPOSE AND STYLE
 Formal communication - the sharing of official information
about the workplace. It is dictated by the established
MODULE 1- hierarchical organization of the business. ( example for this
is reportings, discussions in class and more basta formal

AND ITS COMPONENTS  Informal communication does not follow any rules of
 Linguistics agree that a language can only be called predetermined policy that formal does and is the opposite
language if it has a system of rules known as grammar, a of formal communication. ( e.g,. Chika2 with marites friends,
sound system known as phonology and a vocabulary casual talkings etc. Understandable na)
known as lexicon.
General Principles of effective
 When humans use language they can understand each communication
other because they belong to the same speech Since communciation is a two-way process, it is important
community, in which they share the same set of rules in that you know the principles to be observed to make it effective.
the language system.
For both oral and written communication, you should be
 Language acquires while growing up are known as able to supply the following principles;
mother tongues, which may also be referred to as (First 1. Know your purpose in communicating.
languages (L1). 2. Know your audience.
 There are other languages that are need for various reason. 3. Know your topic.
These other languages are referred to as second 4. Adjust your speech or writing to the context of the situation.
languages (L2). People learn their L2 in school or on 5. Work on the feedback given to you.
their own. This is the process of language learning.
Principles of Effective Oral Communication
-Communication is from Latin word communicare which 1. Be clear with your purpose- You should know by heart
means “to share”. It is the act of conveying meanings from your objective in communicating.
one entity or group to another through the use of mutually
understood signs, symbols, and semiotic rules. 2. Be complete with the message you deliver- Make sure
that your claims are supported by facts and essential
-upon which linguists and experts agree to describe its nature.
These types can be divided according to mode, context, and 3. Be concise- You do not need to be verbose or wordy with
purpose and style. your statements. Brevity in speech is a must.

ACCORDING TO THE MODE 4. Be natural with your delivery- Punctuate important words
with the appropriate gestures and movements. Exude a certain
● Verbal communication degree of confidence even if you do not feel confident enough.
- The use of language to transfer information through speaking
or sign language. 5. Be specific and timely with your feedback- Inputs are
most helpful when provided on time.
● Non-verbal communication
- the use of body languge, gestures and facial expression to Principles of Effective WRITTEN Communication (7 Cs)
convey information to others. It can be used both in or 1. Be clear. Be clear about your message. Always be guided
unintentionally. by your purpose in communicating.

● Visual communication 2. Be concise. Always stick to the point and do not beat or run
- is the conveyance of ideas and information that can be seen. around the bush. Be brief by ocusing on your main point.
It takes place through picture, graphs and charts, as well as
through signs, signals, and symbols. 3. Be concrete. Support your claims with enough facts. Your
readers will easily know if you are bluffing or deceiving them
ACCORDING TO THE CONTEXT because there is nothing to substantiate your claim.

● Intrapersonal communication 4. Be correct. It is important that you observe grammatical

-Intra- means “within or inside” correctness in your writing. Always have time to revise and edit
-communication to oneself. Some label it as self or inner talk, your work. Even simple errors may easily distract your reader.
inner monologue, or inner dialogue.
5. Be coherent. Your writing becomes coherent only when you
● Interpersonal communication convey logical message. The ideas should be connected to
Inter - means “ between or among people. each other and related to the topic. Make sure that you
It is a communication between two or more people. observe sound structure that will present a smooth flow of your
ideas. Use transitional or cohesive devices so that the ideas
● Extended communication cohere with one another.
- communication that involves electronic media.
6. Be complete. Include all necessary and relevant information
● Organizational communication so that the audience will not be left wanting of any information.
-communication within or outside the organization. Always place yourself in the shoes of the audience, who is
always interested to receive new information.
● Intercultural communication 7. Be courteous. The tone of your writing should be friendly
- communication between or among people having different and appropriate. Avoid any overtone/undertone or insinuation
linguistic, religious, ethnic, social, and professional to eliminate confusion and misinterpretation.
Ethics of Communication
list of ethical communication developed by Lewis, J. 2. Laswell’s model
Consider this 10 list of basic ethical communication as • 1948
basics as ideals – ideals, in the sense that we all fall short of • Similar to Aristotle’s model
meeting these at some times, and yet we can continue to • Harold Dwight Laswell begin the model with the
improve. communicator (who) sending out the message (what)
using a medium (which channel) for a receiver (to whom)
One of the goals of belonging to an Ethical Society is to get experiencing an effect (with what effect) afterwards.
support for learning to live more in accord with our ideals! •Linear model

10 Ethical Communication
1. Seek to “elicit the best” in communications and
interactions with other group members.
2. Listen when others speak.
3. Speak non-judgmentally.
4. Speak from your own experience and perspective,
expressing your own thoughts, needs, and feelings.
5. Seek to understand others (rather that to be “right” or
“more ethical that thou”).
6. Avoid speaking for others, for example by characterizing
what others have said without checking your understanding, or
by universalizing your opinions, beliefs, values, and
conclusions, --assuming everyone shares them.
 Political scientist and professor Harold Lasswell
7. Manage your own personal boundaries: share only what
introduced Lasswell’s communication model in 1948.
you are comfortable sharing.
It is a linear model of communication that also
8. Respect the personal boundaries of others.
represents the style of one-way communication or
9. Avoid interrupting and side conversations.
interaction. Lasswell’s model explains the
10. Make sure that everyone has time to speak, that all
communication process by answering the following
members have relatively equal “air time” if they want it.
questions; who says what, in which channel to whom,
and with what effect?
 For example, the BBC News channel has telecasted
news regarding the negative impact of social media in
COMMUNICATION MODELS spreading fake and misleading information. It also
Communication Models explain how the shows how social media can affect people physically
communication process works. By knowing the and mentally. Finally, they recommend some tips on
process you will be able to make the communication how to stop spreading fake and disinformation via
effective and successful. social media. Based on the set of questions outlined
by Lasswell’s communication model and the example,
1. Aristotle’s model firstly, the answer to “Who” is the news presenter of
• Classical rhetoric dates back to ancient Greece during the BBC News Channel. Secondly, it Says What
the time of great rhetoricians. indicates that people use social media to spread fake
• Aristotle emphasized that there are three variables in and misleading information. Thirdly, the answer to
the communication process: speaker, speech, and the the “In which Channel” question means the BBC
audience. News Channel. Additionally, “To Whom” refers to the
• Linear and inactive model people watching this channel. Finally, With what
effect shows the awareness have?
 Aristotle’s communication model refers to the
communication model with the speaker, speech, 3. Shannon Weaver’s model
occasion, audience, and effect elements. • 1949
• ‘mother of all communication model”
 In 300 BC, Aristotle developed a linear • Claude Elwood Shannon and Warren Weaver
communication model focusing mainly on the conceptualized the model, composed of Sender
speaker and messages. It is also known as the first (Information source), Encoder (Transmitter), Channel,
model of communication. Decoder (Reception), Receiver (Destination), adding
other components such as noise and feedback.
 Aristotle’s communication model consists of five • Non-Linear model.
primary communication elements: speaker, speech,
occasion, audience, and Effect.  Shannon-Weaver’s model of communication was
established by two American scholars, Shannon and
 The speaker plays a crucial role in communication Weaver, in 1949. The Shannon-Weaver model is
because the speaker sets the message to deliver. called the mother of all communication models.
However, the speaker’s speech is a message that Shannon and Weaver did not include feedback;
might depend on the occasion. For example, a therefore, it is a linear communication model.
political leader (speaker/sender) delivers a speech to However, Norbert Weiner added feedback to the
persuade voters to vote for him. The political leader is model in responding to the criticism. At first, this
the most crucial person who provides the message or model was designed to articulate the technical
information. The speech is the leader’s message to communication process. Later, it was used to discuss
influence the voters to vote for him. The election is all types of communication.
the occasion, and the speech or message of the  The Shannon-Weaver model represents six essential
speaker differs based on the event. Political leaders communication elements: information source,
might not deliver the same kind of speech before and transmitter, channel, receiver, destination, and
after the election. Finally, the effect refers to the level noise source. This model does not represent
of motivation of the voters, whether they are feedback; therefore, it is a linear communication
motivated to vote for him or not. model. Later, this model was criticized by many other
scholars for not having feedback. Feedback is vital in  For example, Wilbur Schramm’s model of communication,
making the communication process more interactive Barnlund’s transactional model of communication, Dance’s Helical
and effective. However, Norbert Weiner added the model of communication, and Eugene white’s communication
Feedback element to the model. model are transitional communication models .

Importance of Models of Communication

4. Berlo’s model -Communication models are essential tools for understanding
• 1960 communication processes. It presents detailed information regarding the
• Most well known communication model communication process and illustrates the flow of information.
• David Berlo was called as SMCR which stands for sender of the Therefore, they have a tremendous positive impact on the research by
message, sent through a channel or medium to a receiver. introducing many conceptual frameworks of communication processes.
• Each of the major variables involved must meet certain -Additionally, the model introduces the elements of the communication
components to be effective. process. Furthermore, the communication model provides tips on how
• Linear model communicators can communicate effectively.
-They represent the barrier or noise that obstacles the process of
communication. They also explain the complexities of the
 Berlo’s Model of Communication is the SMCR model that communication system. Finally, the model proposes improving the
includes the element of Source Message- Channel-Receiver. communication process to avoid conflict.
 David Berlo developed Source-Message-Channel-Receiver in
1960. It is also known as the David Berlo SMCR model of
communication. However, Berlo invented this model based on
the Shannon-Weaver communication model (1949). The four
elements of David Berlo’s SMCR communication model are the MODULE 2.
source, message, channel, and receiver.Berlo focuses on both
verbal and nonverbal communication elements to convey INTERCULTURAL & GLOBAL

 Globalization is often encountered today. It is the word used
to describe the growing interdependence of the world’s
economies,cultures, and populations brought about by cross-
border trade in goods and services,technology, and flows of
investment, people and information.

 This term is associated with realities outside the territories of

nation-states. Almost all countries are engaged in this
phenomenon.Because of this, we need to understand exactly
what it is, and more importantly how it impacts

3 models of communication
 Linear Model- A source will encode a message or taken an idea Impacts of Globalization on
and give it meaning through words, and send it to a receiver through Communication
a channel or the medium through which a message is delivered such ❑ Connecting with people on the other side of the world is now
as a phone, computer,hand written note, or even f2f. Once the much easier that it was a few years ago. Satellites, fiber-optic
message is sent it is up to the receiver to decode, or draw meaning cables and the internet make it effortless to share information with
from the message. It also recognizes that both physical and those in different time zones and locations.
psychological noise play a large role in how we both encode and
decode messages. ❑ Global communication is directly affected by the process of
-The linear communication model is a one-way interaction where globalization, and helps to increase business opportunities,
feedback is not present. remove cultural barriers and develop a global village.Both
-Linear is the primary communication model, whereas the transactional globalization and global communication have changed the
model is formed based on the linear model. The sender communicates environmental, cultural, political and economic elements of the
with the receiver without receiving feedback. It also represents the one- world.
way process of communication.

Many scholars have established linear communication models, such as

(PS: I did not include all examples that's been given by the module as it is
Aristotle’s, sabotable naman based on the title :)
Shannon-Weaver’s, Lasswell’s, and Berlo’s SMCR Model of ❑ Thanks to global communications, information itself can be
Communication. transferred as a valuable business asset from one country to
another. This has the effect of making everyone’s operations
 Interactive Model- The interactive communication model refers to more modern and efficient,regardless where they are located.
the two-way method of communication with feedback. However,
feedback is not simultaneous, providing slow and indirect feedback. FEWER CULTURAL BARRIERS
Sometimes, the communication can be linear if receivers do not ❑ Many people perceive culture to be the root of communication
reply to senders. The interactive model of communication indicates challenges. When people from two different cultures try to
mediated and internet-based communication. exchange information, the way they speak, their body language
or their mannerisms can be interpreted differently by the other
 Transactional Model - The transitional communication model person. The way people approach problems and how they
seems like a two- way communication process with immediate participate in communities is all influenced by culture.
feedback. Simultaneous feedback is the essential component of the
transitional models of communication. So, the communication ❑ Globalization has made it possible, for example, for someone
process will not become transactional without feedback. The in Japan to understand how someone in U.S. goes about their
feedback is direct and very fast. The receiver is compelled to day. With television and movies, cultural barriers are becoming
provide instant feedback. The major difference between the less prevalent. Being able to communicate effectively and
interactive and transactional models is indirect and direct feedback.
frequently with colleagues or friends across the planet helps
people understand each other’s culture a little better.


❑ “global village,” coined by theorist Marshall McLuhan.

Affected both by globalization and global communication, the
global village is created when distance and isolation no longer
matter because people are connected by technology. Widespread
telephone and internet access have been life-changing for many
people across the world, especially those in developing countries.
Many are now enrolling in universities across the world without
having to leave their desk chair.
- Virtual assistant jobs are becoming commonplace were
employees from developing countries work on different
companies around the world that can be easily conducted over
the phone or via the internet.
- refers to the aim of understanding and taking account of the
MODULE III societal and cultural factors involved in gender-based exclusion
and discrimination in the most diverse spheres of public and
LOCAL & GLOBAL private life.


- It is the realization of gender equality in written and spoken
MULTICULTURAL SETTING language. It is attained when women and men and those who do
not conform to the binary gender system are made visible and
addressed in language as persons of equal value, dignity,
integrity, and respect.
A world of diveristy
You live in a world where billions of people exist together and
have the advantage of technology, to be connected and learn
anything you want by the click of a button.The diversity of
religion,race, gender, culture, and etc. are things that are bound
to be different from person to person that you meet.

❑ Our world is not just modern, it is diverse. The diversity that we

have is what makes our relationship with one another unique and
beautiful. We have so much to learn and so much love and
understanding to share with one another. This is what our world
needs. We don’t need everyone to be the exact carbon copy
of one another.

❑ We should instead embrace and celebrate how special and

different we already are. Doing otherwise and not appreciating
how vital diversity is in our life should be a thing of the past. We
should refrain from overgeneralizing people because everyone is
a unique individual, take time to see the diversity of people in
- It is used to describe language, policies or measures that are
GLOBAL COMMUNITY intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of
-Refers to the people or nations of the world, considered as being particular groups in society.
closely connected by modern telecommunications and as being
economically, socially, and politically interdependent. Some words that may be used for political correctness are as
Examples:  Academic dishonesty ( cheating)
Major offices and some homes  Aesthetically challenged ( ugly)
linked with optical fiber  Colored (negra)
systems (WiFi)
Global multimedia services
Satellite transmissions


What is Cultural Awareness?
- It is knowing that there are multiple different cultures based on
religion, ethnicity, nationality, and other factors that have different
attitudes and outlooks.

What is Cultural Sensitivity?

- It involves accepting those differences without insisting your
own culture is better, or that everyone should do it your way
(Sherman, 2018).
- A process of communication by people coming from different
culture with different sets of beliefs and practices.
So, How can we be an effective communicator in multicultural - It refers to historic language or communication that is
setting? intended to remain unchanged, like a constitution or a prayer.
- we need to have a global awareness it is a skill in which an
individual must possess. E,g., The Holy Bible, The United State Constitution, The
Bhagavad Gita, and Romeo and Juliet.


- is used in professional, academic, or legal settings where
REGISTERS OF SPOKEN AND communication is expected to be respectful, uninterrupted, and
restrained. Slang is never used and contractions are rare.
WRITTEN LANGUAGE E,g., a TED talk, a business presentation, the Encyclopedia
Brittanica, and Gray’s Anatomy by Henry Gray
The term World Englishes refers to the 3. CONSULTATIVE
differences in the English language that emerge - is used in conversation when they are speaking with
as it is used in various contexts across the someone who has specialized knowledge or who is offering
advice. Tone is often respectful ( use of courtesy titles), but may
world. Scholars of World Englishes identify the be more casual if the relationship is longstanding friendly.
varieties of English used in different
E,g., the local TV news broadcast, an annual physical
sociolinguistic contexts, analyzing their history, examination, a service provider like a plumber.
background, function, and influence.
-is used when they are with friends, close acquaintances
In the Asian context, the concept was and co-workers, and family.
introduced by Braj Kachru.
The three concentric circles of english E,g., a birthday party, a backyard bbq.

- is reserved for special occasions, usually between only
two people and often in private.

E,g., an inside joke between two college friends or a word

whispered in a lover’s ear.



- is more appropriate for professional writing and letters to a
boss or a stranger
- is impersonal, meaning, it is not written for a specific person
and without emotion.

A. business letters
B. Letters of complaint
C. Some essays
D. Reports
E. Official speeches
 The Expanding Circle F. Announcements
- Foreign Language G. Professional e-mails


- 2nd Language - is conversational and appropriate when writing to friends and
people you know very well.
 The Inner Circle
- 1st language, they are the native speaker. Examples:
A. Personal e-mails
These varieties have their own grammatical, lexical, and a B. Phone texts
syntactic features and should not be considered as errors. C. Short notes
D. Friendly letters
Intercultural communication plays as important role in E. Most blogs
achieving effective communication. F. Diaries and journals


WHAT IS A REGISTER? - is not necessarily formal or informal.
According to Nordquist (2018), a register is -is used to deliver facts.
 Defined as the way a speaker uses language differently in
different circumstances. Examples:
 Determined by factors as social occasion, context, purpose, A. Reviews
and audience. B. Articles
 Determine the vocabulary, structure, and some grammar in C. Some letters
one’s writing and even in one’s oral discourse. D. Technical writing
MODULE V  Communication is understood as the process of meaning-
making through a channel or a medium. It comes from the

EVALUATING MESSAGES IN Latin “communicares”, meaning to share or to make ideas

common. The connection that encompasses interaction

MULTIMODAL TEXTS among partakers is at the center of your learning of


Unlike in the past, communicating with others is usually confined

The Components of the
to face-to-face interactions, using a singular means of Communication Process
communication. The advent of technology though has brought Understanding the communication process may help you become
about far more complex and diverse ways of communicating and a better communicator.
influencing others. Hence, it is important that you are equipped 1. SOURCE
with the knowledge and skills to efficiently and effectively - The sender carefully crafts the message. The sender may be
understand and communicate your ideas, values and cultures anyone: an author of a book, a public speaker in a spatial
across ages, races, religion and region. occasion or even a traffic enforcer.
MULTIMODAL- is the combination of two or more of these 2. MESSAGE
modes to create meaning. - The message is the reason behind any interaction. It is the
meaning shared between the sender and the receiver. Messages
❑A text may be defined as multimodal when it combines two or take any forms. They could mean poems, songs, essays, news
more semiotic systems. articles, road signs and even symbols.
▪ Linguistic: vocabulary, structure, grammar of oral/written 3. CHANNEL
language - The channel is the means by which a message is conveyed.
When we answer a phone call, the phone is the channel. On the
▪ Visual: color, vectors and viewpoint in still and moving images. other hand, when your parents receive a notification of your
absences from school, the channel is a letter. It is the
▪ Audio: volume, pitch and rhythm of music and sound effects. responsibility of both the sender and the receiver to choose the
best channel for the interaction.
▪ Gestural: movement, facial expression and body language.
▪ Spatial: proximity, direction, position of layout, organization of - The receiver is the person who receives the transmitted
objects in space message. The receiver may be a part of an audience in a public
speaking event, a reader of a letter or a driver who reads road
Each individual modes uses unique semiotic resources to create signs. The receiver is expected to listen or read carefully, to be
meaning (Kress, 2010). aware of different kinds of sender to jot down information when
needed, to provide response and to ask questions for clarification.


s of technology • In any communication scenario, a feedback is
 We now live in a world where communicating to different essential to confirm recipient understanding. Feedback,
kinds of people from different places has become possible in like messages, are expressed in varied forms. A simple
just a click of button. Technology, specifically your access to nod for a question of verification is considered a
the internet, has allowed you to connect to individuals or feedback. Thus, feedbacks may be written, spoken or
groups who are miles away from you. Technology tools in acted out.
communication such as social networking sites, for example,
are used to connect to distant family and relatives or old
friends, to meet new ones, or to share the most trivial to the 6. ENVIRONMENT
most important information or ideas. • The place, the feeling, the mood, the mindset and the
condition of both sender and receiver are called the
 Such power in your hands also entails great responsibility. environment. The environment may involve the physical
You are responsible in understanding and learning more
about the cultural differences between and among cultures in
set-up of a location where communication takes place,
order for you to communicate effectively to anyone regardless the space occupied by both the sender and the receiver,
of his or her culture or social background. including the objects surrounding the sender and
 With the rapid rise and spread of internet connectivity, the old
forms of communication have given way to new ones that 7.CONTEXTEnvironment
makes communication easier and faster.
• Context involves the expectations of the sender and
the receiver and the common or shared understanding
MODULE I (2ND MATERIAL) through the environmental signals


• Interference is also known as barrier or block that
CENTURY COMMUNICATION prevents effective communication to take place.

LESSON 1 Communication Processes,

Principles, and Ethics
 Communication is inevitable. Our need for self-expression
leads us to communication not only our thoughts but also our
feelings. Communication may be done verbally or non-
verbally. A simple yawn from a member of the audience in a
public speaking engagement is a non-verbal message sent to
the speaker. On the other hand, a phone call inquiring about
a certain product is an example of a verbal message.
4 Kinds of Interference
a. Psychological barriers are thoughts that hamper the
message to be interpreted correctly by the receiver.

b. Physical barriers include competing stimulus, weather and

climate, health and ignorance of the medium.

c. Linguistic and cultural barriers pertain to the language and

its cultural environment. Words may mean another in different

d. Mechanical barriers are those raised by the channels

employed for interpersonal, group or mass communication.
These include cellphones, laptops and other gadgets used in

The Nine Principles of Effective

Michael Osborn (2009) claims that communication must meet
certain standards for effective communication to take place.
1. Clarity
Clarity makes speeches understandable. Fuzzy language is
absolutely forbidden, as are jargons, cliché expressions,
euphemisms and doublespeak language.

2. Concreteness
Concreteness reduces misunderstandings. Messages must be
supported by facts such as research data, statistics or figures.
To achieve concreteness, abstract words must be avoided.

3. Courtesy
Courtesy builds goodwill. It involves being polite in terms of
approach and manner of addressing an individual.

4. Correctness
Glaring mistakes in grammar obscures the meaning of a
sentence. Also, the misuse of language can damage your

5. Consideration
Messages must be geared towards the audience. The sender of a
message must consider the recipient’s profession, level of
education, race, ethnicity, hobbies, interests, passions,
advocacies and age when drafting or delivering a message.

6. Creativity
Creativity in communication means having the ability to craft
interesting messages in terms of sentence structure and word

7. Conciseness
Simplicity and directness help you to be concise. Avoid using
lengthy expressions and words that may confuse the recipient.

8. Cultural Sensitivity
Today, with the increasing emphasis on empowering diverse
cultures, lifestyles, and races and the pursuit for gender equality,
cultural sensitivity becomes an important standard for effective

9. Captivating
You must strive to make messages interesting to command more
attention and better responses.



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