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Journal of Hydrology, 82 (1985) 143--153 143

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam -- Printed in The Netherlands





Department of Earth Sciences, University of Roorkee, Roorkee 24 7 667 (India)
School of Hydrology, University of Roorkee, Roorkee 247 667 (India)
(Received April 12, 1984; accepted for publication November 30, 1984)


Sri Niwas and Singhal, D.C., 1985. Aquifer transmissivity of porous media from resistivity
data. J. Hydrol., 82: 143--153.

To optimize the information/cost ratio and avoid the indiscriminate and excessive use
of drilling and pump testing to calculate aquifer transmissivity an analytical relationship
between modified transverse resistance and aquifer transmissivity has been developed for
estimating transmissivity from resistivity sounding data. The relation takes into consider-
ation the variation in the quality of groundwater. The relation has been tested successfully
for the glacial aquifers of Rhode Island, U.S.A. and alluvial aquifers of three different
areas of Uttar Pradesh, India. The practical applicability of the relation lies in the fact
that if hydraulic conductivity is known for any reference point of a porous homogeneous
aquifer, one can get fairly good idea of the transmissivity of the aquifer at other locations
within a basin, from surface geo-electrical measurements.


O n e of the c o m m o n m e t h o d s for evaluating aquifer characteristics, i.e.

h y d r a u l i c c o n d u c t i v i t y , transmissivity, and storativity, is the use o f p u m p i n g
tests. The f o r m u l a e for calculating these p a r a m e t e r s are valid o n l y if various
a s s u m p t i o n s a b o u t t h e t y p e o f aquifer, n a t u r e o f fluid flow, rate o f p u m p i n g
a n d welt storage h o l d g o o d u n d e r field c o n d i t i o n s . Large-diameter dug wells,
w h i c h are quite c o m m o n in India, pose several p r o b l e m s pertaining to the
analysis of p u m p i n g test data. These wells show significant disturbing effects
o f well storage in test data. Moreover, if the p e r m e a b i l i t y is low, it m a y n o t
be possible to carry o u t l o n g - d u r a t i o n tests w h i c h m a y be necessary for a
b e t t e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g o f the h y d r a u l i c characteristics of the aquifer. Surface
geo-electrical m e a s u r e m e n t s in w h i c h large v o l u m e s o f earth materials are
sampled o f f e r an alternative a p p r o a c h for the e s t i m a t i o n o f aquifer charac-
If we have i n f o r m a t i o n on transmissivity of the aquifer f r o m o t h e r sources
the use o f t e s t - p u m p i n g m e t h o d s t o calculate these p a r a m e t e r s can be
reduced. In the present paper, an a t t e m p t has been m a d e to calculate aquifer
transmissivity f r o m surface geo-electrical m e a s u r e m e n t s .

0022-1694/85/$03.30 © 1985 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.



For a homogeneous fluid like water, hydraulic conductivity depends both

on matrix and fluid properties -- the relevant matrix properties being mainly
grain-size distribution, shape of grain (or pores), tortuosity, specific surface,
and porosity.
Bear and Bachmat (1966, 1967) showed that intrinsic permeability, which
is a property of the medium alone (Nutting, 1930), is directly related to
porosity, tortuosity and "conductance of the elementary matrix channels".
As the hydraulic conductivity is directly related to the intrinsic permeability,
the former would also depend on the tortuosity, porosity and "conductance
of the matrix channels".
Electric current follows the path of least resistance, as does water. Within
and around pores, the mode of conduction of electricity is ionic and thus the
resistivity of the medium is controlled more by porosity and water conduc-
tivity than by the resistivity of the rock matrix. Thus, at the pore level, the
electrical path is similar to the hydraulic path and the resistivity should
reflect hydraulic conductivity.
Various investigators have studied the relationship between electrical and
hydrological parameters of aquifers. Jones and Buford (1951) measured the
formation factor and intrinsic permeability of some graded sand samples and
found that as the grain size increases, the respective formation factors and
the intrinsic permeabilities also increase. Croft ( 1 9 7 1 ) d e v e l o p e d a relation
between the aquifer intrinsic permeability and formation factor for given
porosity ranges.
Pfannkuch (1969) proposed a model relating the intrinsic permeability
with resistivity for clean sand and gravel saturated with water. In clean sands,
saturated with fresh water, surface conduction becomes the main electrical
transport mechanism, in addition to ionic conduction through the electrolyte.
Surface conduction is a form of ionic transport which takes place at the
solid--liquid interface by means of exchange mechanisms. It was demon-
strated by Patnode and Wyllie (1950) and Winsauer and McCardell (1953)
that with high-resistivity waters, the role of surface conductance becomes
effective. Pfannkuch (1969) explained it by the double-layer theory.
Recently, some investigators have tried to establish empirical and semi-
empirical relationships between various aquifer parameters and the par-
ameters obtained by resistivity measurements (Ungemach et al., 1969;
Steeples, 1970; Kelly, 1977a, b; Schimshal, 1981; Kosinsky and Kelly,
1981). Kelly (1977a, b) established an empirical relation between aquifer
electrical resistivity and aquifer hydraulic conductivity and a semi-empirical
relation between the aquifer formation factor and hydraulic conductivity for
glacial outwash materials of the Upper Pawcatuck River Basin in southern
Rhode Island, U.S.A. Kosinski and Kelly (1981) have attempted to establish
a direct equivalence between "normalized transverse resistance" and aquifer
transmissivity. Sri Niwas and Singhal (1981) established an analytical

relationship between transverse unit resistance and aquifer transmissivity in

homogeneous isotropic media and tested the applicability of the relation
using published data for glacial outwash materials of Rhode Island. However,
the applicability of the formula was restricted in the sense that an assumption
was made that the quality of groundwater remained fairly uniform in a basin.
Singhal and Sri Niwas (1983), widened the applicability of a relation
between modified transverse resistance and aquifer transmissivity by
considering variation in water quality and demonstrated its applicability to
field data of southern Uttar Pradesh, India. In the present study the above
approach has been tested by using data from Rhode Island (Kosinski and
Kelly, 1981), and field data from two other alluvial areas of Uttar Pradesh
(U.P.), viz. Saharanpur district (western U.P.) and Varanasi district (east
U.P.) with encouraging results in all the four areas.


Sri Niwas and Singhal ( 1 9 8 1 ) p r o p o s e d the following relationships between

aquifer transmissivity and transverse unit resistance for homogeneous and
isotropic porous aquifers:
T = ~ (1)

where c~ = Ko (some constant); T is the aquifer transmissivity (m 2 day -1 ); K

is the hydraulic conductivity (m day -1 ); e is the electrical conductivity
(mho m -1 ); and R is the transverse unit resistance (Ohm m 2 ).
Equation (1) assumes that changes in aquifer resistivity are due to changes
in aquifer material and tortuosity of the interconnected pores. However, it is
presumed that the gross chemical quality of the groundwater remains rela-
tively uniform.
Equation (1) was modified by Singhal and Sri Niwas (1983) taking into
consideration a "modified aquifer resistivity" instead of "aquifer resistivity"
(Kosinsky and Kelly, 1981). However, the modification factor is always the
ratio of the average aquifer water resistivity (Pw) and the aquifer water resis-
tivity (Pw) at a particular location. Thus we can rewrite eqn. (1) as:
T : (go')R' (2)
where o' (= o • Pw/Pw ) and R ' (= R • ffw/Pw ) are respectively, "modified
conductivity" and "modified transverse resistance" of the aquifer.
Here the product K a ' remains constant for a groundwater basin and can
be calculated if the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer at a reference point
is known.
As mentioned by Singhal and Sri Niwas (1983), a natural corollary of eqn.
(2) can be written as:
K = c~p' (3)
TABLE 1 y.
Results of electrical s o u n d i n g a n d p u m p i n g tests for t h e Beaver River a q u i f e r a n d C h i p u x e t River a q u i f e r o f t h e P a w c a t u c k River Basin,
R h o d e Island ( D a t a p a r t l y t a k e n f r o m K o s i n s k y a n d Kelly, 1 9 8 1 )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Site V.E.S. a Aquifer Aquifer Hydraulic Aquifer Normal- Normal- Product Normal- Aquifer Actual
no. no. resis- thickness conduc- water ized ized Ko' ized transmiss- field
tivity, p (ft) tivity, K resis- aquifer aquifer trans- ivity using trans-
(Ohm ft) (gallon tivity, Pw resistivity c o n d u c t i v i t y verse eqn. (2) missi-
d a y -1 ft -2) (Ohmft) (P'=P'Pw/(mhoft -l) resistance T ---- vity
Pw ) t a k i n g R' = RPw / (KO')R' (gallon
Pw = 2 5 9 . 4 Pw with d a y -1
(Ohm ft) ( O h m f t 2) Ko'----0.91 ft -1)
1 36 1537 82 988 364 1095.3 0.0009129 0.9020675 89,811.3 81,728 81,000
2 20 1975 80 1075 449 1140.9 0.0008765 0.9421909 91,272.0 83,057.5 86,000
3 25 1325 75 1047 368 934.0 0.0010706 1.1210097 70,048.5 63,744 78,500
4 62 580 210 533 164 917.4 0.00109 0.5809985 192,649.8 175,311 110,000
5 59 1000 115 1304 164 1581.7 0.0006322 0.824493 181,895.5 165,525 150,000
6 54 375 100 700 125 778.2 0.001285 0.8994794 77,820 70,816 70,000
7 60 2275 51.3 3509 182 3242.5 0.0003084 1.0821931 166,339.68 151,369 180,000

aV.E.S. :- vertical electrical s o u n d i n g s .

i O h m f t = 0 . 3 0 4 8 O h m m , 1 ft = 0 . 3 0 4 8 m, 1 gallon day -1 ft -1 = 0 . 0 1 2 4 2 m 3 d a y - l m -1 , 1 gallon day -1 ft -2 ~ 0 . 0 4 0 7 4 m 3 d a y -1
Geo-electrical p a r a m e t e r s o f c o l u m n s 7 - - 1 1 c a l c u l a t e d b y p r e s e n t a u t h o r s .
Error analysis of the transmissivity data calculated by using various approaches

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Site V.E.S. Transmissivities obtained (gallon day -1 ft -1 ) T of Kosinsky Difference between T using
no. no. and Kelly taking transmissivities Kosinsky and
by using by Kosinsky in field actual average (gallon day -I ft -1 ) Kelly approach
equation and Kelly (actual) aquifer water taking average
T = 0.91R' (1981) resistivity equation Kosinsky of aquifer
(259 Ohm ft) T ----0.91 R' and Kelly water resistivity
and actual and actual and field values
day-1 ft-1)

1 36 81,728 81,283 81,000 89,811 +728 + 283 + 8811

2 20 83,057 82,621 86,000 91,272 --2943 -- 3379 + 51,272
3 25 63,744 63,356 78,500 70,048 -- 14,756 -- 15,144 --8452
4 62 175,311 174,530 110,000 192,650 + 65,311 + 64,530 + 82,650
5 59 165,525 164,787 150,000 181,895 + 15,525 + 14,787 + 31,895
6 54 70,816 70,500 70,000 77,820 +816 + 500 + 7820
7 60 151,369 150,446 180,000 166,340 --28,631 --29,554 -- 13,660


"= m°t
'~ mot
g 1/.,0t

~ 120


60 80 I00 120×103140 160 180 200

Fig. 1. Plot of transmissivity (observed and estimated) versus modified transverse resistance
from Pawcatuck Basin, Rhode Island (data from Kosinsky and Kelly, 1981).
Pawcatuck River Basin, R h o d e Island
Table 1 summarizes the data of vertical electrical soundings, aquifer water
resistivities, field hydraulic conductivities and transmissivities for seven
locations of glacial outwash aquifers of Rhode Island (Kosinsky and Kelly,
1981). With the help of data of aquifer water resistivity, an average value of
aquifer water resistivity (Pw = 259.4 Ohm ft) is taken for the purpose of
calculation of ratio ~w/Pw, which is useful for calculating the modified
aquifer resistivity (p' = p-fi~/Pw ) and modified transverse resistance (R' = hp').
It is clear from Table 1 that the product Ka' is fairly constant with a statisti-
cal average value of 0.91 in the basin. From this general value of K o ' for the
Upper Pawcatuck River Basin, values of transmissivity using equation T--
0 . 9 1 R ' have been computed (column 11 in Table 1). These values of com-
puted transmissivities compare fairly well with the actual field transmissivities
(column 12 in Table 1).
Figure 1 shows a graph of transmissivities derived from different
approaches and the modified transverse resistance. The transmissivities
arrived at by Kosinsky and Kelly (1981) are also plotted in the same figure.
All the calculated values are given in Table 2. The root mean square error
( = ~ / 1 / n ( T ¢ -- To) 2 ) between the actual field transmissivities and those
derived by eqn. (2) a m o u n t to 2.8 x 104 gallon day -1 ft -1 (350 m 2 day -1 )
and are found to be approximately equal to the error between actual field
transmissivity and the transmissivities arrived at by Kosinsky and Kelly
(349 m 2 day -1 ). Here Tc and To are the computed and observed transmiss-
ivities, respectively, and n is the number of data points. It is significant that

Kosinsky and Kelly used an average aquifer water resistivity of 235 Ohm ft in
their calculations of normalized transverse resistance and tried to equate this
parameter with the aquifer transmissivity instead of the actual average of
259.4 Ohm ft. By taking a value of 235 instead of 259.4, Kosinsky and Kelly
(1981) have given, probably unknowingly, a weight of 2 3 5 / 2 5 9 . 4 =
0.9059367 to each transverse resistance value. This is the reason for an equal
RMS error at individual sites in both the approaches. Had they used the
actual average aquifer water resistivity, the transmissivities would have had a
RMS error of 4 9 0 m 2 day -~ .

Alluvial aquifers of Uttar Pradesh (India)

Encouraged by the results obtained from the published data, we tested the
relation for alluvial aquifers of the eastern U.P. (Varanasi area), southern
U.P. (Banda Area) and the western U.P. (Saharanpur area). The sites selected
are well distributed in the area, and pump-test data were analyzed using
Jacob's m e t h o d and the Theis recovery m e t h o d (Papadopulos, 1967;
Varanasi area) and Boulton and Streltsova (1976; Banda area), and Theis
(1935), Hantush and Jacob (1955), Hantush (1956) and Walton (1962;
Saharanpur area). Electrical resistivity soundings were taken as close as
possible to the tubewell using the Schlumberger electrode configuration. The
resistivity data thus obtained were interpreted using a fast automatic method
(Sri Niwas et al., 1982) based upon ridge-regression estimation (Marquardt,
1970). In this scheme, first the resistivity transform function is extracted
using digital filters (Ghosh, 1971). Resistivity transform functions for a
layered earth can be expressed as a function of two parameter vectors, the
vector of u n k n o w n parameters (layer thicknesses and resistivities) and the
vector of known parameters (some form of half-current electrode separation),
respectively. To apply the scheme, the resistivity transform function is quasi-
linearized by generating a system of linear equations through a Taylor's
series expansion about some point (initial model parameters) in the u n k n o w n
parameter space, at a predecided point in the known parameter space, and
retaining only the first derivative term. The resulting simultaneous equations
are solved using ridge-regression estimation to get stable least-square solutions
in the form of layer parameters. Of course, the choice of the model and the
subsequent selection of one or more initial model parameters within this
model are a priori selection and seem to be limitations of the method, but
professional experience minimizes this problem. In cases where some of the
unknown model parameters are known a priori, they will be deleted from the
vector of u n k n o w n parameters. The value of the Marquardt Lambda (}~) was
kept initially at 1.00 and was varied at a rate of ~/1.5 or ~/1.2 in each
advancing iteration.
The relevant data (geo-electrical and pump test) for all the areas considered
are given in Table 3 along with computed values of transmissivity using the
relation T = ~R '. Figure 2 presents the variation of transmissivity derived
from various approaches together with modified transverse resistance. The
Relevant results o f electrical s o u n d i n g and p u m p i n g t e s t s for t h r e e alluvial a q u i f e r s in U t t a r P r a d e s h , India

Site Pw at 25°C p' R' K Ka' T o T c : 0~Rt

no. (Ohm m) (Ohmm) (Ohm m 2) (m d a y - l ) (m 2 day -1 ) ( m 2 d a y -1)

Banda area
1 18.74 12.18 159.56 11.63 0.954 152.34 180.3
2 13.80 9.92 119.04 15.32 1.544 183.80 134.5
3 5.15 33.81 879.06 39.85 1.180 1036.20 993.3
4 11.17 19.14 76.56 18.25 0.953 73.00 86.5
5 11.17 19.14 76.56 19.60 1.023 78.40 86.5

Varanasi area
1 15.0 49.7 2485.0 55.5 1.1 2773.4 2557.0
2 16.8 64.5 1980.7 75.2 1.1 2311.2 2038.1
3 21.3 150.0 4644.0 161.9 1.08 5015.1 4778.6
4 16.8 100.3 3131.4 109.3 1.09 3413.4 3222.2

Saharanpur area
1 21.49 42.41 975.4 21.0 0.50 481.0 586.0
2 12.52 85.29 1594.9 51.0 0.60 948.0 958.0
3 21.18 35.62 773.0 27.0 0.75 584.0 465.0
4 12.85 83.28 916.10 50.0 0.60 547.8 550.0
5 23.63 33.08 302.7 10.5 0.32 96.0 182.0
6 14.14 82.78 1258.25 70.7 0.84 1065.0 756.0

R o o t m e a n square error

Area RMS error using

T~R ' T~CZR '

(m 2 day -1 ) (m 2 day -1 )

Banda area 76.1 32.6

Varanasi area 303 230
S a h a r a n p u r area 390 146
P a w c a t u c k Basin 490 350




E / /
/ / /"
800 , / "~oo0 .~.,/~/~
," / ~x /'¢q"

400 // ,ooo[
o< 200 2.,,/ / 1000 / /

-- , q , ~ 5 , L , ,

200 z.oo 6oo 8oo 1o,oo lOOO 2000 2ooo 400o 5ooo 6~oo
', T.R)

Fig. 2. Plot o f transmissivity (observed and e s t i m a t e d ) versus m o d i f i e d transverse resistance

for alluvial aquifers in the districts Banda, Varanasi and S a h a r a n p u r , India.

various approaches are pump tests, from the relation T = R' (as suggested by
Kosinski and Kelly, 1981), and from the relation T = oaR' (as suggested by
present authors). The root mean square error calculated for each area between
the observed transmissivity and those calculated using T = R' and T = 0~R'
are summarized in Table 4.
Table 4 clearly demonstrates the utility of the relation T = a . R ' . The
groundwater quality seems uniform for Varanasi area, therefore, the par-
ameters used were aquifer resistivity and transverse resistance, rather than
modified aquifer resistivity and modified transverse resistance.


It is concluded that the aquifer transmissivity can be estimated more

accurately using the linear relation T - - ~ R ' between transmissivity and

modified transverse resistance than using T = R'. The analytical relation is

based on the fact that K o ' = o~ is relatively constant for homogeneous porous
formations. This was investigated for different areas successfully as described
in the present article. The method is quite useful in that if the hydraulic
conductivity of the aquifer at a reference point is known, it can be estimated
at other locations with the help of surface geo-electrical measurements.


The authors are thankful to Sri J.J. Mathew and Sri S.K. Dimri for
providing data help in computations and to Dr. B.B.S. Singhal for useful
discussions. Financial support by the University Grants Commission for
collecting field data is thankfully acknowledged. Organisations such as the
Groundwater Investigation Organization and Action for Food Production
helped at various stages of data collection.


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