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SEMISTER ONE: Course Ante and Title: AEA 101 Introduction to Agricultural Economics
and Development


01 Gabagambi, D. (2014). Macroeconomics for 10
Beginners. Teaching compendium for
undergraduate course in Introduction to
Macroeconomics. Department of
Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness,
SUA (Unpublished), pp70
03 Penson, J. B., Capps, O., Rosson, C (III) and 10
Woodword, R. T (2010). Introduction to
Agricultural Economics (5th ed.). Pearson
Education Incl. Upper Saddle River, New

04 Salvatore, D. (2009). Managerial 10

Economics in a Global Economy.
Prenticehall. UK

01 Case, K. E., Fair, S. and Foster, R. C. (2008). 10

Principles of Macroeconomics (9th ed.).
Pearson Education Inc. Upper Saddle River
02 Dwivedi, D.N. (2009). Microeconomics 10
Theory and Application. Pearson Education
Inc. Upper Saddle River
03 Mansfield, E. (1980). Principles of 10
Macroeconomics. Pearson Education. Inc.
New Jersey.

04 Tresch, R. W. (1994). Principles of 10

Macroeconomics. West Group. London

Course Ante and Title: BMAF 100 Principles of Accounting

01 Wood, F. and Sangster, A. (1999); Frank 10

Wood, Business Accounting 1, 10th Edition,
02 Maheshwari, S. N. and Maheshwari, S. K. 10
(2009). Advanced Accountancy, Volume – 1,
10th edition, VIKAS Publishing House PVT
LTD, India
03 Betsy Li, Tan Sai Chin and Goh Lee Suan 10
(2001); Principles of Accounts, 4th Edition,
Oxford University Press Pte Ltd, Singapore
04 Sr. Imelda V. Batista and Mussa J. Assad 10
(1994); Introduction to Financial accounting,
Dar es salaam PK

05 Wood, F. (1986). Principles of Accounts for 10

East Africa. Longman. UK.

06 Geoffrey Whitehead (2000); Success in 10

Principles of Accounting, 2nd Edition, John
Murray Publishers Ltd. London

07 Lyanga, J. M. and Tulli (2000); Financial 10

Accounting 1 Students Manual, Dar es
Salaam NBAA

Course Ante and Title: AEA 102: Basic


01 Bondi, C. (ed.). (1991). New Applications of 10

Mathematics. Penguin. New York

02 Courant, R., Robbins, H. and Stewart, I. 10

(1996). What is Mathematics (2nd ed.). OUP.
New York.

03 Gardner, M. (2004). The Colossal Book of 10

Mathematics. Norton. New York/ London.
04 Körner, T. W. (2014). Calculus of the 10
Ambitious. CUP. London.

05 Terence, T. (2006). Solving Mathematical 10

Problems. OUP. New York
Course Ante and Title: AEA 102: Basic

01 Gerry, B. (1995). The Pigman's Handbook. 10

(2nded), Farming Press Limited.

02 Leeson, S. and Summers, J. D. (1997). 10

Commercial Poultry Nutrition. (2nd ed.).
University Books. Guelph
03 Meat and Livestock Commission, (1983). 10
Feeding the ewe
04 Rose, S. P. (1997). Principles of Poultry 10
Science. CAB International. Wallingford.

05 Sibuga, K.K.,Lekule, F.P. and Kinala, T.Z. 10

(2004). Principles and Practices of
Livestock Production. Educational Book
Publisher Ltd. Dar es Salaam
06 Neimann-Sorensen, A. (ed.). (1992). Beef 10
Cattle Production. Elsevier, Amsterdam
07 North, M. O. and Bell, D. D. (1990). 10
Commercial Chicken Production Manual.
(4th ed.). Chapman & Hall. New York
08 Whittemore, C. (1993). The Science and 10
Practice of Pig Production. Longman.

Course Ante and Title: CIT 100 Computer Applications

01 Gary, B. S. &Misty, V. E. 10
(2012). Discovering Computers, Complete:
Interactive Guide to the Digital World.New
Delhi: Pearson educational Ltd.

02 Grauer, T. R., Poatsy A. M., Mulbery K, 10

Hulett, M., Krebs, C., Mast, Y., Igonor, A.,
Jenne, R., (2012), Exploring Microsoft
Office 2010 Vol 1, Canadian Edition:
Pearson Canada.

03 Fred, H. (2005). Computer networking and 10

the Internet, (5th Ed.). United Kingdom:
Pearson Wesley- Addison

04 Miller, M. (2007). Absolute Beginner's 10

Guide to Computer Basics (4th Ed). United
Kingdom: Que Publisher
05 Capron, H. L, Johnson, J.A. (2003). 10
Computers: Tools for Information. New
Delhi: Pearson Education Ltd
06 Parker, S. C. (2010). Understanding 10
Computers: Today and Tomorrow,
Comprehensive (13th Ed.). New Delhi:
Pearson Education Ltd.

Course Ante and Title: SC 100 Communication Skills I

01 Cunningham, S., Moor, P., & Carr J.C. 10

(2003.) Cutting Edge: Advanced and High
Intermediate. London: Pearson.
02 Azar. B. Understanding and Using English 10
Grammar (Workbook and Chartbook).
(2000.) White Plains: Prentice Hall
03 Martin. J. R. and David R. (2003). Working 10
with Discourse: Meaning beyond the clause.
London: Continuum
04 Cunningham, S., Moor, P., &Carr J.C. 10
(2003.) Cutting Edge: Advanced and High
Intermediate. London: Pearson
05 Mohamed, H.I. (2002). Learn to 10
Communicate Effectively, Mzumbe –
Morogoro: Mzumbe Book Project
06 Mohamed, H. I. (2010). Communication 10
Skills in Higher Education. Mzumbe,
Morogoro: Mzumbe Book Project
07 Mafu S. T. A, Mohamed H.I and Neke, S.M. 10
(2003). Improve your Communication.
Morogoro, SUA
08 Forrest, R. (1998). Revision English, (2nd 10
Ed). London, Longman.

09 Schiffrin, D. (1987). Discourse markers. 10

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

10 Lewis, M. (1986). The English Verb: An 10

Exploration of Structure and meaning.
London: Language Teaching Publication
Course Ante and Title: DS 100 Principles, Theories and Contemporary Issues
in Development

01 Crush, I. and Jonathan, W. (1995). Power of 10

Development. Routledge. London.
02 Grillo, R. and Stirrat, J. (Eds.). 1997). 10
Discourses of Development:
Anthropological Perspectives. Oxford: Berg
03 Howell, J. and Pearce, J. (2001). Civil 10
Society & Development: A Critical
Exploration. Lynne Rienner
Publishers. London
04 Moore, H. (1994). A Passion for Difference. 10
Polity Press. Cambridge

05 Chew, S. C. and Denemark, R. A. (1996). 10

The Underdevelopment of Development.
Sage Publications Ltd: London
06 Leys, C. (1996). The Rise and Fall of 10
Development Theory, Nairobi: East African
Publishing House; Bloomington and I
ndianapolis: Indiana University Press;
London: James Currey.
07 Roberts, J.T. and Hite, A. (2007). The 10
Globalization and Development Reader:
Perspectives on Global Change. Blackwell
Publishing: Malden (USA),

08 Stiglitz, J. (2002). Globalization and its 10

Discontents. Penguin Books: London
Course Ante and Title: EE 101 Introductory Sociology

01 Ajzen, I. and Fishbein, M. (1980). 10

Understanding Attitudes and Predicting
Social Behaviour. Prentice Hall Inc.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

02 Gelles, R. J. and Levine, A. (1999). 10

Sociology: An Introduction. (6th ed.).
McGraw-Hill College. Boston
03 McGee, Reece et al (1977). Sociology: An 10
Introduction. Hinsdale. Dryden Press.

04 Ritzer, G. (1996). Sociological Theory. 10

McGraw-Hill Company. New York
05 Schaefer, R. T. (2001). Sociology. (7th ed.). 10
McGraw-Hill. Boston
06 Shepard, J. M. (1981). Sociology. West 10
Publishing Co. St. Paul.

SEMISTER TWO: Course Ante and Title: AEA 105 Mathematics for Economists

01 Chiang, A. C. (1984). Fundamental Methods 10

of Mathematical Economics. (3rd ed.).
McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York
02 Chiang, A. C. and Wainwright, K. (2005), 10
Fundamental Methods of Mathematical
Economics. (4th ed.). McGraw Hill. New
03 Jacques, I. (1985). Mathematics for 10
Economics and Business. (5thed.). Pearson
Education Inc. Upper Saddle River, New
04 Pemberton, M. and Rau. N. 10
(2011).Mathematics for Economists: An
Introductory Textbook (3rd ed.). Manchester
10University Press. UK
Course Ante and Title: AEA 106 Agribusiness Management
01 Chandan, J. S. (2002). Management Theory 10
and Practice. Hindustan Printers. New Delhi

02 Gupta, C. B. (2003). Management Theory 10

and Practice, Sultan Chandra
03 Janes, G. R. and George J. M. (2008). 10
Contemporary Management.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin. New York
04 Koontz, H. and Heinz, W. (2005). Essentials 10
of Management: An International
Perspective. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. New
Delhi, India

05 Tim, H. (2008). Management: Concepts and 10

Practices. Ashford Colour Press Ltd.
Gasport, Great Britain
Course Ante and Title: AEA 107 Statistics for Economists

01 Darrell, H. (1991). How to Lie with 10

Statistics. Penguin Books, London

02 Tufte, E.R. (1983). The Visual Display of 10

Quantitative Information. Graphics Press,
New York

03 Recommended software: Excel, 10


Course Ante and Title: BMFA 102 Theory of the Financial Market and

01 Anthony M. S. and David, B. (2000). 10

Financial Markets, Instruments, and
Institutions. (2nd ed.). McGraw-Hill. Irwin

02 Franklin, A. Douglas, G. (2000). Comparing 10

Financial Systems. The MIT Press. London.

03 Hefferman, S. (2005). Modern Banking. 10

John Wiley & Sons Limited. UK
04 Kessy, N. J. (2003). The Monetary and 10
Financial Systems. Banker’s Workbook
Series. Tanzania Institute of Bankers. Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania
05 Mbiha, E. R. (2004). Microfinance. 10
Banker’s Workbook Series. Tanzania
Institute of Bankers. Dar es Salaam,
06 Madura, J. (2012). Financial Institutions 10
and Markets. South Western. UK
Course Ante and Title: SC 101 Communication Skills II

01 Msogoya, T. J. and Maerere, A.P. (2008). 10

Principles and Practices of Horticulture,
Teaching Compendium, Department of Crop
Science and Production, SUA
(Unpublished), pp52.

01 James, M. R. and David, R. (2003). 10

Working with Discourse: Meaning beyond
the clause. Continuum. London
02 Mafu, S.T.A, Mohamed, H.I and Neke, S.M. 10
(2003). Improve your Communication- SUA.
03 Mohamed, H. I. (2002). Learn to 10
Communicate Effectively. Mzumbe Book
Project. Mzumbe, Morogoro
04 Mohamed, H. I. (2008). Grammar and 10
Mechanics of Writing in academics: A
University Handbook. Mzumbe Book
Project. Mzumbe, Morogoro

Course Ante and Title: EE 103 Introductory Anthropology

01 Eriksen, T. H. (2004). What is 10

Anthropology? Ann Arbor. London.

02 Eriksen, T. H. and Nielsen, F.S. (2001). A 10

History of Anthropology. Pluto Press.

03 Haviland, W.A. (1996). Cultural 10

Anthropology. Harcourt Brace College
Publishers. New York
04 Barnard, Alan (2000) History and Theory in 10
Anthropology. Cambridge
05 Hendry, Joy (1999) An Introduction to 10
Social Anthropology: other People's Worlds.
06 Keesing, Roger (1984) Cultural 10
Anthropology: a Contemporary Perspective.
Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
07 Lienhardt, Godfrey (1964) Social 10
Anthropology. Oxford.

08 Pocock, David (1975) Understanding Social 10

Anthropology. Hodder and Stoughton

Course Ante and Title: EE 104 Introduction to Agricultural Extension

01 Adams, M. E. (1982). Agricultural Extension 10

in Developing Countries. Longman. Essex.

02 Carey, H. A. (1999). Communication in 10

Extension. FAO. Italy
03 Carysforth, C. (1998). Communication for 10
Work. Butterworth-Heinemann Group.
04 Leeuwis, C. (2004). Communication for 10
Rural Innovation: Rethinking Agricultural
Extension. (3rd ed.). Blackwell Science.
05 McNeill, D. (2000). The Face. Penguin. 10

06 Melkote, S. R. (1991). Communication for 10

Development in the Third World: Theory
and Practice. Sage publications. New Delhi.

07 Ban, V. and Hawkins, H. S. (1996) 10

Agricultural Extension (2nd Ed.) Harlow,
08 Olson, T. J. and Windahil, S. B. S. (1992). 10
Using Communication Theory: An
Introduction to Planned Communication.
Sage Publications. London
09 Pease, A. (1997). Body Language: How to 10
Read Others’ Thoughts by Their Gestures.
(3rd ed.). Shaldon Press. London
10 Rollinson, E. (2005). Organizational 10
Behaviour and Analysis: An Integrated
Approach. (3rd ed.). Pearson Education
Limited. London
11 Scarborough, V., Killough, S. Johnson, D. 10
A. and Farrington, J. (eds) (1997). Farmer-
led Extension: Concepts and Practices. ODI
12 Swanson, B. E., Bentz, R. P. andSofranko, 10
A. J. (eds.) (1997). Improving Agricultural
Extension: A Reference Manual. FAO.
SEMISTER THREE: Course Ante and Title: AEA 200 Agribusiness Supply Chain Management

01 Van der Vorst, Jack, G.A.J., da Silva, A. 10

Carlos and Jacques H. Trienekens. 2007.
Agro-industrial supply chain management:
Concepts and applications. FAO, Rome
02 Chopra, S. and P. Meindl 2006. Supply 10
Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and
Operation. Third Edition. Prentice Hall
03 Trienekens, 2011. Agricultural Value Chain 10
in Developing Countries, A framework for
Analysis. International Food and
Agribusiness Management Review. 14 (2),
51 – 82.

04 Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural 10

Development Information Packaging Centre.
2002. Value chain handbook: new strategies
to create more rewarding positions in market
place. Edmonton, Alberta
05 Ballou, R.H. 2004. Business 10
Logistics/Supply Chain Management. Fifth
Edition. Pearson Education, Inc
06 Kaplinsky, R. and M. Morris. 2000. “A 10
Handbook for Value Chain Research.”
07 Kherallah, M. and J. Kirsten. 2001 The New 10
Institutional Economics: Applications ior
Agricultural Policy Research in Developing
Countries. MSSD Discussion Paper No. 41
08 Washington, D.C.: Markets and Structural 10
Studies Division, International Food Policy
research Institute
i) Course Ante and Title: AEA 201 Microeconomics

01 Brown, S. S. (1995). Principles of Economics. 10

West Publishing Company. San Francisco
02 Cowell, F. A. (2005). Microeconomics: 10
Principles and Analysis. Oxford University

03 Flaschel, P. (2010). Topics in Classical Micro 10

and Macroeconomics-Elements of critique of
Neoricardian Theory. Springer
04 Mansfield, E. (1982). Microeconomic Theory 10
and Applications. New York: Richard D.

05 Mansfield, E. (1997). Applied 10

Microeconomics. W.W. Norton and Company
06 Silverberg, E. (1990). The Structure of 10
Economics: A Mathematical Analysis. New
York: McGraw Hill.

i) Course Ante and Title: AEA 202 Agricultural Marketing Management

01 Bailey, N. and Jayson, L. (2007). Agricultural 10

Marketing and Price Analysis Prentice Hall

02 Gabagambi, D. M. (2010). Basic Marketing 10

Concepts for Agribusiness Students. Teaching
Compendium for Undergraduate Course in
Agricultural Marketing. Department of
Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness,
SUA. (Unpublished). Pp 131

03 George, J. Seperich, M. W., Woolverton, J. B. 10

(1994). Introduction to Agribusiness
Marketing. Prentice Hall
04 Kotler, P. (1999). Marketing Management: 10
Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and
Control. Prentice Hall

05 Richard, L. K, and Joseph N. U. (2001). 10

Marketing of Agricultural Products (9 ed.).
Prentice Hall
06 Ronald, A. S. (2000). Economics of 10
Agricultural Markets. Prentice Hall

i) Course Ante and Title: AEA 208 Farming and Livestock Production Systems

01 National Research Council. (2010). Towards 10

sustainable agricultural systems in the 21st
Century. National Academies Press,
Washington D.C
02 Chamber, R. (1997). Whose Reality Counts? 10
Putting the First Last. London: Intermediate
Technology Publications
03 Beets, W.C. (1990). Raising the Productivity 10
of Smallholder Farming Systems in the
Tropics. Akamar, The Netherlands: AgBe
04 Hildebrand, P.E. (1986). Perspectives in 10
Farming Systems Research. Boulder, CO:
Lynne Rienner Publishers. Cambridge
05 Norman, D.W., J.D. Siebert, E. 10
Modiakgotla, and F.D. Worman . (1995).
The Farming Systems Approach to
Development and Appropriate Technology
Generation. Rome: Food and Agricultural
Organization (FAO).

06 Ruthenberg, H. (1980). Farming Systems in 10

The tropics (3rd edition). Oxford, UK:
Clarendon Press
07 Altieri, M.A. (1995). Agro ecology: The 10
Science of Sustainable Agriculture (2nd
edition). London, UK: Intermediate
Technology Publications
08 Andrew, C.O. and P.E. Hildebrand (1993). 10
Applied Agricultural Research: Foundations
and Methodology. Boulder, CO: West view

09 Beets, W.C. (1982). Multiple Cropping and 10

Tropical Farming Systems. Boulder,
Colorado, USA. West view Press.

Course Ante and Title: AEA 210 Entrepreneurship and Agribusiness


01 Barringer B. and Ireland R. (2012). 10

Entrepreneurship, Successfully Launching
new ventures (5th ed.). Pearson Publishing.

02 Coulter, M. (2002). Entrepreneurship in 10

Action. Prentice Hall, Saddle River. New
Jersey 07458.

03 Histrich, R.D. and Peters, M.P. (1996). 10

Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing and
Managing new enterprise. Irwin Inc. Chicago.

04 Rutashobya, L. and Olomi, D.R. (eds.) (1999). 10

African small business and entrepreneurship.
DUP. Dar es Salaam.

05 Timothy, S. H. (2012). Small Business 10

Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond.
(5th ed.). Cengage Learning. Canada
06 US Department of State, (2006). 10
Entrepreneurship and small businesses.
Schatter, J. And Odessey, B. (eds.) Economic
Course Ante and Title: BMEI 201 Principles and Practice of Business Laws
01 John, S. O. and Martin, P. M. (2011). 10
Elementary Company Law in Tanzania. A
students’ handbook. Mzumbe Book Project.

02 Johnson, L and Lau, T. (2011). The Legal 10

and Ethical Environment of Business. Flat
World Knowledge Inc. Washington, D.C

03 Kelly, D., Holmes, A. and Hayward, R. 10

(2002). Business Law. (4th ed.). Cavendish
Publishing Ltd. London
04 Marwa, M. (2015). Elementary Business 10
Law in Tanzania. (Forthcoming)

Course Ante and Title: SC 100 Communication Skills I

01 Cunningham, S., Moor, P., &Carr J.C. 10

(2003.) Cutting Edge: Advanced and High
Intermediate. London: Pearson
02 Azar. B. Understanding and Using English 10
Grammar (Workbook and Chartbook).
(2000.) White Plains: Prentice Hall
03 Martin. J. R. and David R. (2003). Working 10
with Discourse: Meaning beyond the clause.
London: Continuum.

04 Cunningham, S., Moor, P., &Carr J.C. 10

(2003.) Cutting Edge: Advanced and High
Intermediate. London: Pearson
05 Mohamed, H.I. (2002). Learn to 10
Communicate Effectively, Mzumbe –
Morogoro: Mzumbe Book Project
06 Mohamed, H. I. (2010). Communication 10
Skills in Higher Education. Mzumbe,
Morogoro: Mzumbe Book Project
07 Mafu S. T. A, Mohamed H.I and Neke, S.M. 10
(2003). Improve your Communication.
Morogoro, SUA
08 Forrest, R. (1998). Revision English, (2nd 10
Ed). London, Longman.
09 Schiffrin, D. (1987). Discourse markers. 10
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
10 Lewis, M. (1986). The English Verb: An 10
Exploration of Structure and meaning.
London: Language Teaching Publication

Course Ante and Title: AS 204 Livestock Policies, Legislations and Animal

01 ILRI (1995), Livestock Policy Analysis. 10

ILRI Training Manual No.2: Nairobi,
Kenya. Pp. 264

02 Robin P., (1999), The Tanzania Land Act, 10

1999. Analysis of the Land Policy Advisors,
Africa. Oxfarm GB
03 Geir, S., (2005). The 1999 Land Act: A 10
technical Analysis of the practical
implication of the Act, REPOA, Dares
04 URT (2006), The Tanzania Livestock Policy 10
05 Livestock Sector Legislation. 10

Course ante and title: SS 201 Fundamentals of Soil Science

01 ASA Special Publication (1981). Multiple 10

cropping. ASA #27, Madison, Wisconsin

02 Hall, A.E., Cannell, G.H. and Lawton, H.W. 10

(1979). Agriculture in Semi-arid
environments. Springer-Verlag, New York.
03 Loomis, R.S. and Connor, D.J. (1996). Crop 10
Ecology: productivity and management in
agricultural systems. Cambridge University

04 Sankaran, S. and Mudallar, V. T. S. (1991). 10

Principles of Agronomy. Revised and
Enlarged. Bappco, India. 466pp.

05 Craig, C.S. and Kristine, M.M. (2011). 10

Introduction to Agronomy: Food, Crops, and
Environment, 2011, eBook
06 Kosmulski, M. and Saneluta, C. (2004). 10
Point of zero charge/isoelectric point of
exotic oxides, Tl2O3. Journal of Colloid
and Interface Science. Vol. 280(2). pp. 544–

07 Jara, A.A., Goldberg, S. and Mora, M.L. 10

(2005).Studies of the surface charge of
amorphous aluminosilicates using surface
complexation models. Journal of Colloid
and Interface Science.Vol. 292(1). pp. 160–

08 Russel, W.B., Saville, D.A. and Schowalter, 10

W.R. (1992). Colloidal Dispersions.
Cambridge University Press. U.K.

09 Tan, K.H. (1998). Principles of Soil 10

Chemistry. (3rded). Marcel Dekker. New

Course Ante and Title: AEA 212: Business Communication

01 Barbara, E. S., Courtland, L. B., and John V. 10
T. (1998). Business Communication Today
(5th ed.). Prentice Hall

02 Courtland L. B. and John T. (2012). 10

Excellence in Business Communication (10th
ed.). Prentice Hall

03 Kaul, A. (2008). Effective Business 10

Communication. Prentice Hall. India

Course Ante and Title: EE 202 Extension Methods

01 Ray G. L. (2011). Extension Communication 10

and Management. Kalyan:

02 Carey H.L (1999). Communication in 10

Extension: A Teaching and Learning Guide.
Rome: FAO

03 Swanson, B.E. (Ed) (1984) Agricultural 10

Extension: A Reference Manual, Rome:

04 Adams, M.E. (1982). Agricultural Extension 10

in Developing Countries, Essex, Longman
Group. Maunder,A.H. (1973). Agricultural
Extension: A Reference Manual, Rome,

05 Rogers, E.M. & Shoemaker, F.F. (1971). 10

Communication of innovations: A cross–
cultural approach. 2nd Ed. The Free Press:
New York
06 Rogers, E.M., 1983. Diffusion of 10
Innovations. Third Edition. The Free Press A
Division of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.
New York.

07 Swanson, B.E., R.P. Bentz and A.J. 10

Sofranko (Eds) (1997). Improving
Agricultural Extension: A Reference
Manual, Rome FAO.

08 Van Den Ban and H.S. Hawkins (1996). 10

Agricultural Extension (2nd Ed.) Harlow,

Course Ante and Title: RD 201 Introduction to Gender and Development

01 Visvanathan, N., Duggan, L., Wiegersma, N. 10

and Nisonoff, L. (Eds) (2011). The Women,
Gender and Development, ISBN-13: 978-

02 Bhatnagar, T.P, (2011). Women Employment 10

and Empowerment. New Century
Publications New Delhi, India 191pp

03 Merry S.E, (2006) Human Rights and Gender 10

Based Violence. Translating International
Law into Local Justice. University of Chicago
Press. Chicago and London 269pp

04 Whitehead, S.M. and Barrett, F.J. (2006). The 10

sociology of masculinity. In: The Masculine

05 Whitehead, S.M. and Barrett, F.J.), Polity 10

Press Cambridge CB2 1UR. UK. pp.1-26

06 URT (2005). Implementation of the Beijing 10

Platform for Action and the Outcome
Document of Twenty-Third Special Session
of the General Assembly-Beijing. Country
Report 10, Dar esSalaam. 36 pp.
07 Sa, Z. and Larsen, U. (2007). Gender 10
inequality increases women’s risk of HIV
infection in Moshi Tanzania. Biosocial
Science 40: 505-525
SEMISTER FOUR: Course Ante and Title: AEA 204 Quantitative Methods In Agribusiness
01 Rader, D. J. (2010). Deterministic 10
Operations Research: Models and Methods
in Linear Optimization. J. Wiley & Sons.

02 Schrage, L. (1997). Optimization Modeling 10

with LINDO. (5thed.). Thomson.

03 Taha, H. A. (2007). Operations Research. 10

(8th ed.). Pearson.

04 Hillier, F. S. and Lieberman, G. J. ( 2010). 10

Introduction to Operations Research. (9th
ed.). McGraw-Hill. Ravindran, R. ( 2009).
Operations Research. CRC Press.

05 Williams, H. P. (2013). Model Building in 10

Mathematical Programming. (5thed.). Wiley.

06 Taylor, B. W. (2013). Introduction to 10

Management Science. (11thed.). Prentice

07 Winston, W. L. (2004).Operations 10
Research: Applications and Algorithms.
(4thed.). Thomson.

Course Ante and Title: AEA 205 Crop and Livestock Production Economics

01 Debertin, D. L. (1986). Agricultural 10

Production Economics, (2 ed.). Macmillan.
02 Doll, J. P. and Orazen, F. (1984). Production 10
Economics Theory with Applications. (2nd
ed.). John Winel& Sons.

03 Mansfield, E. (1997). Applied 10

Microeconomics. W.W. Norton and

04 Miller, R. L. (2006). Economics Today. 10

Addison and Wesley. Boston
05 Rasmussen, S. (2013). Production
Economics: The Basic Theory of Production
Optimization. (2nd ed.). Springer.

Course Ante and Title: AEA 206 Macroeconomics

01 Branson, W. H. (1979). Macroeconomic 10
Theory and Policy. (2nd ed.). Universal Book
Stall. New Delhi.

02 David, A. (2008). Macroeconomics Theory 10

and Policy. (2nded.). Pearson Education Inc.
New Jersey.

03 Gregory, N. M. (2013). Macroeconomics. (8th 10

ed.). Worth Publishers. New York, NY.

04 Gupta, R. D. and Rana, A. S. (1997). Keynes- 10

Post-Keynesian Economics. Kyalani
Publishers. New Delhi.

05 Robert, H. F. and Bernanke, B. S. (2008). 10

Principles of Macroeconomics. McGraw–
Hill/Irwin. New York.

Course Ante and Title: AEA 207 Agricultural Price Analysis

01 Barrett, C. (2008). Spatial Market 10

Integration. In Durflauf, S. and Blume, L.
(eds). Dictionary Economics. New Palgrave.
02 Carman, H. E. (2002). Agricultural Price 10
Analysis. In Padberg, D. I., Ritson. C. And
Albisu, L.M (eds). Agro food marketing,
Wallingford. CAB International.

03 Ferris, J. N. (1998). Agricultural Prices and 10

Commodity Market Analysis. WCCB
McGraw-Hill. Boston.

04 John, W. G. (1994). Agricultural Price 10

Analysis and Forecasting. Wiley and Sons,
New York.

Course Ante and Title: AEA 211 Social Research Methods

01 Kothari, C.R. (2006). Research 10

Methodology: Methods & Techniques.
Second Edition. New AGE International (P)
Limited Publishers: New Delhi.
02 Krishnaswami, O.R. and R. Ranganatham 10
(2006). Methodology of Research in Social.
Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai

03 Babbie, Earl (1998). The Practice of Social 10

Research. Eighth Edition. Wadworth
Publishing Company: Belmont, CA. 4.
Bailey, K.D. (1978). Methods of social
research. London: The Free Press.

04 Fowler, F.J. (1993). Survey research 10

methods. Second Edition. Newbury Park,
Hyderabad. Kerlinger, F.N. (1992).
Foundations of behavioural research. Third
Edition. Forth

05 Punch, K.F. (2004). Developing effective 10

research proposals. Sage Publications:
research. San Diego: Academic Press Inc.

06 Rossi, P.H., J.D. Wright and A.B. Anderson 10

(eds.) (1983). Handbook of survey sciences.
Himalaya Publishing House: Mumbai,
Delhi, Nagpur, Bangalore and Worth:
Harcourt Brace College Publishers

Course ante and title: CS 204 Principles of Agronomy

01 ASA Special Publication 1981. Multiple 10
cropping. ASA #27, Madison, Wisconsin

02 Craig, C. S. and Kristine, M. M. (2011). 10

Introduction to Agronomy: Food, Crops,
and Environment
03 Hall, A.E., Cannell, G. H. and Lawton, H.W. 10
(1979). Agriculture in Semi-arid
environments. Sprin-Verlag, New York.

04 Loomis, R. S. and Connor, D. J. (1996). 10

Crop Ecology: productivity and
management in agricultural systems.
Cambridge University Press. UK.

05 Sankaran, S. and Mudallar, V. T. S. (1991). 10

Principles of Agronomy. Bappco. India.

Course ante and title: CS 205 Annual Crops

01 Fageria, N.K., Baligar, V.C., and Allen- 10
Jones, C. (1997). Growth and Mineral
Nutrition of Field Crops. Marcell Dekker.
Inc. New York. 625p.

02 Kanyeka, E., Kamala, R. And Kasuga, R. 10

(2007). Improved Agricultural Technologies
Recommended in Tanzania. First Edition.
Department of Research and Training.
Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and
Cooperatives. 144p.

03 Ngugi, D.N. Karau, P.K. and Nguyo, W. 10

(1990). East African Agriculture. 3rd Edition.
Macmillan. 330p.

Course Ante and Title: EE 206 Programme Planning and Evaluation

01 Devi Shakuntala (2006). Planning and Rural 10

Development. Sarup& Sons: India

02 Baker, H.R, (1984). The program planning 10

process. In: Blackburn, D.J. (Ed.) Extension
Handbook. University of Guelf.

03 Burger, P.J. and Duvel, G.H, (1981). An 10

operational model for Programmed
Agricultural Development. In: Crouch, B.R
and Chamala, S. Extension Education and
Rural Development. John Wiley and Sons:
New York.

04 Weide, A; Beulens, A.andDijl, S. (2003). 10

Project Planning and Management.
Netherlands: Lemma Publishers.

05 Boone, E.J., (1985). Developing programs in 10

Adult education. Prentice-Hall, Inc.:
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.

06 Cohen, J.H and Uphoff, N.T., (1980). 10

Participations place in rural development:
seeking clarity through specificity. World
Development, Vol. 8.
07 Duvel, G.H. (1991). Towards a model for 10
the promotion of complex innovations
through programmed extension. South
African Journal of Agricultural Extension
08 European Commission (2004). Aid Delivery 10
Methods. Project Cycle Management
Guidelines. Volume 1. 5.

09 Knox, A.B, (1980). Developing, 10

Administering and Evaluating Adult
Education. Josse Project Cycle management:
A tool for Aid Effectiveness.

Course Ante and Title: EE 207 Agricultural Administration and Management

01 Bryant, C. and White, L.G. (1982). 10

Managing Development in the Third World
02 Carnall, C.A (1990). Managing Change in 10
Organizations. Prentice Hall. N.Y.

03 Costley, D. L., Santon-Melgoza, C. and 10

Todd, R. (1994). Human Relations in
Organizations. West Publishing Company.
San Francisco.

04 Dawson, T. (1993). Principles and Practice 10

of Modern Management. Hodder and
Stoughton Ltd. Tudor
05 Flippo, E. B. (1976). Principles of 10
Personnel Management. McGraw Hill Inc.

06 Glueck, W. F. (1974) Personnel: A 10

diagnostic Approach. Business Publications
Inc. Dalla.

07 Graham, H. T. (1983). Human Resources 10

Management. Macdonald and Evans.

08 Hunt, J. (1986). Managing People at Work. 10

McGraw. London
09 Kivugo, J.S. (no date). Office Management. 10
TMP Book Department. Tabora.
10 Koontz, H. and O’Donnel, C. (1976). 10
Management: A Systems in contingency
Analysis of Managerial Functions. McGraw
Hill Inc.
11 Luthans, F. (1995). Organizational 10
Behaviour. McGraw-Hill. N. Y.

12 Mintzberg, H. (1983). Structures in Fives: 10

Designing Effective Organizations. Prentice

13 Pigors. and Myers, C. A. (1977). Personnel 10

Administration: A point of View and A
Method. McGraw Hill Inc
14 Rwegasira, K. (1988). Administering 10
Management Development Institutions in
Africa. Avebury.

Course Ante and Title: HN 207 Food and Nutrition Security

01 FAO (2006) Integrated Food Security and

Phase Classification (IPC) Framework, ESA
Policy Brief, 06-01.

02 WFP (2005) Emergency Food Security

Assessment Handbook.
03 Stamoulis K., Zezza A. (2003). A Conceptual 10
Framework for National Agricultural, Rural
Development, and Food Security Strategies
and Policies, Working Paper 03-17, ESA
Division, FAO
04 Devereux, S. (2006) Distinguishing between 10
chronic and transitory food insecurity in
emergency needs assessments. SENAC,
WFP, Rome.

05 Maxwell S and Frankenberger RT (1992). 10

Household food security: Concepts,
Indicators, Measurements – A Technical
Review. UNICEF and IFAD
06 Corbet, J. (1988). Famine and Household 10
copying strategies. World Development 16,
No 9 pp 1099 – 1112.

07 Sen, A.K. (1981) Poverty and Famines: An 10

Essay on Entitlements and Deprivation.
Oxford: Clarendon Press.

08 FAO (1996) World Food Summit: Rome

Declaration and Plan of Action. October

09 Lawrence, G., Lyons, K. and Wallington, T. 10

and Lyons, K. (2013). Food Security,
Nutrition and Sustainability, Tabatha
Wallington Earthscan.

Course Ante and Title: HT 202 Vegetable Crops

01 P. M. Kusolwa (2013) Compendium of 10

production of individual vegetable crops of
economic importance for Tanzania.

02 J. M. Swaiderand G. W. Ware (2002). 10

Producing vegetable crops (5th Edition),
Interstate Publishers Inc., Danville, USA..

03 H.D. Tindall (1983). Vegetables in the 10

Tropics, Macmillan Publishers Ltd.,
Houndmills, Basingstoke and London.

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