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<T (sad), aK ai< AI (4o ) - irR t 3rfer5 yR qI (to beautify),

6d- htit / ATË (misdeeds), afA - HHAR (sensible)
(pleasurable), HTl -gI (to rub),a<7 - Ir (body),
Y[ IT Vocabulary
water tank verandah
decision neck orange clothes
naughtiness mental fehc|o HRI joyful outcry
branch solution desire
swing pious blessing
decorative saint love

Dadaji an ardent animal lover brings home Toto, the monkey. It is beautiful, clever and hyper active creature
that loves freedom. Dada ji has to hide it to escape Dadi ji's anger. So Toto gets freedom only after Dadi
jiconsent of keeping it home. Toto's antics are atreat for everyone at home. It's bathing with hot water in
winter amuses everyone. Soon the super active Toto becomes aproblem for Dada jito keep it. Amahatma
who is looking for his lost monkey, happens to come to Dada ji's house. As Toto sees him he happily jumps
on him. All the three Dada ji, Mahatma and Toto get solace. It is a happy union and loving departure.

39RA Exercise Vocabulary & Pronunciation
listening, reading and
ygr (AnswerOrally)

( ) ÄT

() )at

gaUT-1 9T (Listening Skills)

Listen carefully and answer the questions.)

g9-91a (Writing Skills)

1 rtE (Dictation)

frfgu- (Answer the questions.)

#AI ?
(Match the sentences.)
3. arRt hT fHH a f -

faar-aIT (Thinking Skills)


TT-hl9IT (Language Skills)

1. 3, 3RUT 3dr at HHtr- (Understand the pronunciation of 3and 3.)

56 fU-8
faiH yTa ffas- (Write opposites of the given words.)
2 (3)
(#) Y
(G) vfaT () afau
faafya (3) Ha X
() 8I X ( ) Hc0

3 faig
(Understand and and split the letters.)
+ 34 + + 34 + { + 31
+ 34| + + 37
(1) gT
+ +

(3) fa +



(Choose and write the adjectives and nouns.)



(Underline the case symbol and write them.)

(a) rt
Hch ffafret (Creative Activities)

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