Exam One For Water Supply-Section 1

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Mekelle University

Ethiopian Institute of Technology-Mekelle

School of Civil Engineering

Course Code: CENG-3171 Continuous Assessment 1

Course name: Water Supply and Urban Drainage Marks: 10 %
Date: 05/27/2015 Time Allowed: 1:30 Hrs
1. Read the question carefully &Answer all questions
2. Assume data wherever necessary & Neatness has its own mark
3. use only three decimal digits

1) A water supply scheme has to be designed for a city of

population residing in an area of 45 hectares and 200 houses/ha
with 5 persons/household. The average water consumption of 85
lpcd and the maximum flow is 65% in excess of the average.
Assuming the non-domestic demand is 10% of the domestic
a. Estimate the total water required?
b. Calculate the capacity of reservoir assuming fire reserve is
10% and if pumping is done for the first 16 hours at
constant rate?

Time (hr) 0-4 4-8 8 - 12 12 - 16 - 20 20 -

16 24
% of demand 6.7 9.2 20.8 28.3 25 10

c. What would be the head loss for a transmission main made

of cast Iron with C=100 if maximum velocity is 2.5 m/s.

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