W&W Misc. Campaign Notes

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2019 Hogwarts Staff

Headmistress - Minerva McGonagall Caretaker -
Deputy Headmaster - Filius Flitwick Groundskeeper - Rubeus Hagrid
Matron - Hannah (Madam) Longbottom - H
Gryffindor Head of House - Neville Flying Instructor - Rolanda (Madam) Hooch
Longbottom Librarian - Irma (Madam) Pince
Ravenclaw Head of House - Filius Flitwick
Hufflepuff Head of House - Ernest MacMillan
Slytherin Head of House - Malcolm Baddock

Core Classes: Electives:

Transfiguration - Malcolm Baddock - S Care of Magical Creatures Professor - Rubeus
Defense Against the Dark Arts - Ernest Hagrid
Macmillan - H Divination Professor - Parvati Patil
Charms Professor - Filius Flitwick - R Study of Ancient Runes Professor - Harfang
Potions Professor - Melinda Bobbin - S Poliakoff
Herbology Professor - Neville Longbottom - G Arithmancy Professor - Roger Davies - R
History of Magic Professor - Cuthbert Binns Alchemy Professor - Unfilled
Astronomy - Parvati Patil - G
Muggle Studies -
Ministry of Magic
Minister of Magic - Hermione Granger-Weasley

Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement - Harry Potter

Session 0
It is the beginning of Diagon Alley. Professor Flitwick meets the group of first-years outside the
Leaky Cauldron gateway. He’s there to guide them through purchasing their school supplies, and
answer any questions they have. they proceed to the first stop, Ollivanders.

Before entering, the students catch a glimpse of an empty street around the four security trolls
outside of Gringott’s. Flitwick steps out for the students’ [Wand selection]. The jolly Gawain
Ollivander mentions that Filius ought to be back soon, since he’s only stepping over to Gringott’s.
“None of you listen to those rumors about Gringott’s; if Hogwarts trusts them, that’s good enough
for me.”

Ollivander the Younger matches them with all of their wands (courtesy of the Godric’s Hollow
Fund), Professor Flitwick returns, to lead them to the Magical Menagerie [Pet selection]. They
choose their pets, and are off to Madam Malkin’s Robes for Every Occasion.

Session 1
Quest 1.1 - De-Gnoming
Professor Longbottom needs help dealing with a garden gnome infestation around the

Asking the PCs to stay late after class, he requests their assistance in clearing up the gnomes and
sending them off towards the Quidditch pitch. He asks if they’ve ever dealt with gnomes before, and
offers to teach them a couple of spells [Pick Level 1 spells here]. Explain that you just have to get a
good grab of their legs, give a few good whirls around, and throw them as far as you can away from
the Greenhouses.
[Combat with 10 Garden Gnomes (4 HP, 15 AC, 1 damage per bite).]

[5 more Garden Gnomes come midway through battle (optional)]

[2 small wolves appear from behind (14 HP, 12 AC, 4 damage per bite)]

If the wolf can be pushed back or delayed in any way, a plain Dexterity check can be made by
each player to run away to the greenhouse. A failure results in slipping on some wet grass. Anyone
who makes it back into the greenhouse can come back out to help/protect whomever was left
behind, but one wolf will probably get a free attack on the lowest failure. If combat drags on too
long or a character is about to lose consciousness, Professor Longbottom appears and hits both of
the wolves with a blast of magic, sending them running back to the Forbidden Forest.

If anyone is asked, wolves must’ve been driven from the Forbidden Forest, although they’ve
never ventured on the grounds like that before.

Level Up to Level 2
Return to hospital wing for some quick charms by Madam Longbottom

Quest 1.2 - The Secret Challenge Room

The PCs overhear an older Ravenclaw (Devin Hornick, 3rd year) talking to another Ravenclaw
(Parker Dogbane, 3rd year) about how it’s weird none of the Gryffindor first years have found the
secret challenge room (ugh, Gryffindors, that’s usually the first thing they do). If party takes too long
to decide what to do, Devin says, “Who’s there?! Are you spying on us?!” Devin and Parker are
confrontational, dismissive, and generally act like normal 3rd years dealing with annoying 1st years.
Some persuasion check (or just annoying the Ravenclaws until they tell the party, just to be left
alone) will reveal the location of the secret challenge room. They inform the party of the location
(right in the middle of the 4th floor west corridor).

In the 4th floor west corridor, Perception check (DC 10) to see one of the stones that make up
the wall sticks out a little further than the rest of the rectangular stones. Tapping the stone with your
wand causes it to slowly slide into the wall until it’s flush, with a section of the wall swinging
inwards, revealing…. darkness.

Enter a small claustrophobic corridor, filled with dust and cobwebs. [Ask who’s leading the
group]. There’s a massive pile of deteriorating suits of armors in a big heap, blocking the corridor,
but it can be climbed over (15 DC Acrobatics check, 2 damage and one level of exhaustion on
failure). First person’s success can clear it out for everyone following, if desired. Any other use of
movement magic will spread out the pieces of armor, making tons of noise but making the corridor
much more easily passable.

After the pile of armor, they can see the corridor takes a 90 degree turn and is significantly wider
there. Turn the corner and...

[Ambushed by 3 Giant Rats (7 HP, 12 AC, 4 damage per bite).]

Beyond the rats lies an intricately carved wooden door. Upon inspection, appears to be a normal
door. No magic can be detected from the door. Nothing indicates the door is anything but a door.
Opening the door results in an avalanche of dirty brooms, mops, and buckets (2 damage).

Peeves swoops in from behind them, shouting, “HEEHEEHEEHAHAHAH, Ickle baywee first
years found the challenge room!” Throws a dungbomb and swoops back out, locking the west
corridor door behind him and trapping the stink inside (5 DC CON check to not throw up, 1 level
of exhaustion).

Party must unlock the door somehow. If no Alohomora, can do a CHA check (DC 10) to
convince someone nearby to open the door. Then the party must find some kind of resolution
(telling a teacher, confronting the bullies, talking to Art about it, creating a plan for revenge, or any
combination). If the party wants to confront the bullies, they can return to the library and find it is
empty, because it’s dinner time. If they want to tell a teacher or talk to Art about it, same result,
everyone is in the Great Hall. Upon entering the Great Hall, the first person they see is Art eating
alone on the very end of the Ravenclaw table (closest to the door).

Level Up to Level 3

Session 2
Helena wants revenge on Devin and the other Ravenclaw (name unknown, unless they ask Art
more about it), and has learned the Pimple Jinx just for that purpose. Ariana demands to know why
the wolf was out of the Forbidden Forest, and wants to explore the Forest right away.

At first, the party wanted to find the kitchens. After successfully getting the information from
Helena’s brother (+4, 5th Year Gryffindor, Seamus), they headed down to the entrance hall. Three
snobby looking Slytherins are loitering around the entrance to the dungeons. The party decided to
try to act like they lost their Pygmy Puff and were looking for it in the dungeons. They were able to
make it down to the first level dungeons where the kitchen was. Upon entering the kitchens and
seeing the house elves in full production mode getting ready for dinner, the party is greeted by an
elderly house elf, Wobbly. The party immediately thanked Wobbly for doing such a good job, which
caused Wobbly to completely collapse into sobs and have a severe emotional breakdown. Two
younger house elves, Tippy (female) and Floppy (male) pop in to see what the noise is about, and
Tippy tries to console Wobbly. Floppy speaks with the party, informing them that he’s here to serve,
and the party now knows to call on Floppy within Hogwarts’ walls.

Quest 2.1 - The (Supposedly) Forbidden Forest

The party heads out towards the Forbidden Forest. They can see, off to one side of the
Hogwarts grounds, a small trail of smoke coming from Hagrid’s hut. As the party crosses the lawn,
you see movement at the forest’s edge. Hagrid comes walking out of the Forbidden Forest towards
his hut. He notices you making a beeline to the forest out of the corner of his eye, and with a
handful of massive strides, has closed the distance by half. You only have half a minute to prepare
what you're going to say to him.

Hagrid greets them, “‘Ello there! What are you lot doin out here? Unless you were to be helpin’
me with my Bowtruckle trouble…”

After lying to Hagrid about going back to the castle to look for a pet, they proceed into the
Forbidden Forest. At first, the trees are sparse, but as you go deeper into the forest, thicker brush
and the density of trees make it hard to see far. The thick foliage above turns sunlight into an
ominous twilight. As you’re walking, you hear a noise come from a nearby bush. [What do you do?]
As you prepare, the rustling grows louder and a deer, a doe, leaps out from behind the bush. The
doe immediately sees you, freezes, and then dashes off, further into the forest.

As you continue to explore the Forbidden Forest, you climb through some overgrowth blocking
the trail. The first thing you see upon entering the next clearing is the doe from before, but it’s
gotten stuck in massive spider webs stretching between trees. Its leg is wrapped up and tangled in
the webs, and as it tries to frantically pull free, it’s shaking the entire web.

[Magical Creatures check, if passed, the passer of the check gets a note that says: “Acromantula
and spiders in general detect prey by the vibrations in their webs (webs are vulnerable to blades and
fire).” If failed, get a note that says: “Acromantula webs are far too strong to break by pulling, but
the webs are vulnerable to blades and fire.”]

If the party frees the deer, they get to feel good about themselves, but two young acromantula
attack (also if they do nothing and take too long). If the party flees from the deer, they avoid the
attack. If the party stuns or kills the deer, they delay the attack. One young acromantula appears
from behind you, the trail you came from. Another drops down on someone from above. [2 x
Infant Acromantula, flee after two hits from arania exumia]
If they try to flee from combat, the combat situation decides if they're successful or not. If the
young acromantulas can reasonably follow them (if any spider webs are disturbed or they’re making
a lot of noise, i.e. dragging a poisoned party member), the spider(s) will be able to ambush from
above, re-engaging in combat from where it was left off.

If they flee without explicitly following the trail they used or without using the Point-Me spell
(or without a successful DC 15 survival check), they risk getting lost and eventually stumbling across
a pack of wolves. [4-8 wolves (14 HP, 12 AC, 7 damage per bite)]

After successfully fighting off the two young acromantulas, the party can decide what to do next.
Explore further or head back. If explore further, they will come across a young acromantula (no
ambush). [Young Acromantula]

If at any time, the party successfully flees or heads back to the castle, they hear a rumbling, like
thunder. The rumbling will grow louder, until several Centaurs leap into view and address the party.
“The forest is not safe for human foals. War is in the stars; peace is distant. Go now, and do not
return. We will not be able to protect you.” Upon seeing an unconscious PC from poison, a centaur
sprinkles a light brown powder into the bite wound to stop the spread and harm of the poison.
“Take her to your healers immediately.” [This may also happen during combat if more than one
party member succumbs to poison.]

After returning to the hospital wing bloodied and poisoned, they receive detention for the rest
of their first year (wands confiscated at the end of every class, and returned to them at the beginning
of the next class). Art gets a gash scar across his left temple, leaving a visible horizontal line in his

Level Up to Level 4

First year ends, and as they return to Hogwarts for the opening feast, they see Art has been
hexed with bright pink shoulder-length hair. He requires your help to Finite incantatum the pink color,
but is then able to untransfigure the long hair himself. The party looks over at the Ravenclaw table
and sees Devin flipping imaginary hair over his shoulder and laughing with his friends.

The party decided to immediately jinx Devin back in retaliation by sneaking away from the
Gryffindor prefects and stealthily followed the Ravenclaw group as they headed to their common
room (DC 15 Stealth check). Devin was right at the back, so they were able to jinx him with a
critical hit of Furnunculus, causing his neck to burst out into bright red boils.
Quest 2.2 - Hogwarts Dueling Club
Professor Flitwick and Professor MacMillan announce Dueling Club in the Great Hall.
Instructed only to use Devicto (everyone knows that spell temporarily) against the other team. Equal
teams are formed and students face off against their own house. They start 75 feet apart, with
overturned tables and conjured pillars between them and their opponents.

After dueling club, they were going to look for Art, and got hit with a Densaugeo and Locomotor
Wibbly, growing large buck teeth and having jelly legs that sent one of them falling down stairs (third
spell missed). Helena successfully ran after the attackers and saw Devin and two other Ravenclaws
looking back as they ran around a corner at the end of the corridor.

Session 3
Quest 3.? - Revenge on Devin
The party wants revenge on Devin Hornick (and Parker Dogbane) after being embarrassed by
Peeves and the “Secret Challenge Room,” as well as after the exchanging of jinxes and hexes.

Art doesn’t know where Devin hangs out… but if prompted, the only person Art thinks would
know is Parker (typically with him). “Although, I bet Peeves could help us find him…”

If they open fire on Devin [Devin Hornick, level 5 Duelist, two actions and three reactions, casts
Protego, Densaugeo, Glisseo, Fumos, Carpe Retractum, Scourgify, Silencio, Stupefy.] If Devin sees them
coming, he flees up a nearby staircase to try to separate the party.

Devin surrenders, breaking down into tears. “I’m sorry! It was all Parker’s idea, Parker Dogbane!
Merlin’s balls, you are all crazy! I would’ve never agreed to go along with it if I knew you were
psychos! Parker’s the one you should be hunting down, not me! He’ll be getting out of History of
Magic soon.”

If they try to embarass him by making him do something or making him apologize, “Make me!”
(After the obvious threats) “Jeez alright, alright! I’ll do it! (I’m sorry!) I swear!”

If party goes after Parker Dogbane next, he immediately surrenders and holds his hands up,
“Bloody hell, what are you pointing your wands at me for?!” As he looks around at you, he realizes
who you are. “Oh, this is about Devin’s prank, isn’t it? Look, I didn’t know he was gonna go and set
Peeves on you. [Devin, told you what?! And you believed that sack of rat dung?!] He told me the
Secret Challenge Room was a real thing, and it’d be fun to tease you guys about it! [That complete
Quest 3.? - Bowtruckles in Big Trouble
Hagrid needs help, as his Bowtruckles have gotten extremely aggressive and Ollivander needs a
fresh branch of English Oak. Hagrid asks them to not hex the Bowtruckles at all, or else he’ll lose
their trust. Walking right up to the tree causes the Bowtruckles to try to attack. Investigation reveals
trails of ash around the ground at the base of the tree. Following the ash (long trail) will bring the
party to family of Ashwinders, a large Fire-Dwelling Salamander, and a cluster of Ashwinder eggs.

Hagrid will definitely be happy to have the Ashwinder eggs, but will say, “Ashwinders are born
from magical fires left alone too long… Who’d be startin’ a magical fire in the forest...?”

Quest 3.? - Helping Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington

Cool Shit
Roll Dice More Often Skill System:
Intention, Approach, Outcome, #1: Players can only declare actions or ask
Consequences questions
#2: Only Roll When There Is Chance of
Encounters: Success or Failure, or a Cost of Failure
Always State the Dramatic ? (in head) #3: One Roll Is Usually Enough
Conflicts (neither goal can live while the #4: Don’t Force the PCs to Ask Questions
other survives) #5: Differentiate Approaches, Because
Decision Points (when out, end encounter) Success Needs Consequences
1-10 Structure System (increase or decrease
different scores as the conflict changes)

Give the Duelist a badass face-off with another wizard.

Give an Enchanter crazy trap/platforming situations where a perfectly enchanted object would
help them in just the right way.

Give an auror a dark wizard to hunt, or a criminal to follow.

Give a curse-breaker traps and haunted places and tombs, or a well-protected safe-house to
Give a dark wizard a minion to command, or a bad guy to threaten.

Give an alchemist a platforming or combat situation that needs the use of elements.
Give an Animagus a time or place to be sneaky or hidden.

Give a Healer a rare disease to cure to gain an ally.

Give a Mediwitch a massive wave of magic/fire/water/anything that needs complete protection.

Give a Seer a prophecy that affects the whole campaign.

Give a Legilimens a person trying to keep a secret, or a person lying.

Give a Magizoologist creatures to soothe and understand (as well as monsters to protect the
party from).
Give a Monster Hunter tracks to follow or a lair to find (as well as monsters to kill).
Snaglok Conspiracy

Sources of Conflict
Small (children)
1st Year
● Ravenclaw bully
● House ghost needs help with something
● Accused of stealing library books or potion supplies

2nd Year
● Missing bowtruckle > Angry Centaurs patrolling border of forest (too many acromantula?)
● Filch assigns detention (find secret passageway to traps, obstacle course to escape?)
● Ravenclaw bully steals pygmy puffs
● Some wizards withdraw from Gringotts (still prominent money changers).

3rd Year
● Hogsmeade errands and odd jobs for stores
● Found dark artifact
● Giant squid is sick
● Peeves is upset

Medium (teens)
4th Year
● Goblin unrest
● Pickpocket in Hogwarts
● Need to find someone better than Binns (goblin racist?)
● Merpeople are unhappy
● Near death from poisoning in Hogsmeade
5th Year
● Dark creature smuggler (magical beast abductions)
● Acromantula cleanout
● Goblin attacks
Members of the Wizengamot who have collaborated with (unknown to them) Dark Wizards are
orchestrating the Goblin attacks to get everyone a little more wary of magical creatures and beings.

6th Year
● Goblin war (by dark wizards)
● Hag attacks
● Dementor infestation
● Rogue vigilante wizard (parents killed in Second Wizarding War?) dealing out too much

Large (adults)
7th Year
● Werewolf village harboring dark wizard/fenrir greyback's followers
● Dragon reserve attacked and set loose
● Knockturn Alley crime lord war

8th Year/Beyond
● Mysterious disappearances in wizarding Africa (nundus)
● Political opposition to Granger-Weasley
● Children of Death Eaters want revenge?
● Book written by a Seer who was killed a long time ago (literally any quest)

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