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1. The question paper contains a total of 100 questions.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Maximum marks: 100
4. Time allotted: 2 hour

Q.1 The process of loosening the soil is called 1

(a) tilling (b) harvesting (c) spraying (d) weeding
Q.2 Rhizobium bacteria fix atmospheric 1
(a) nitrogen (b) oxygen (c) carbon dioxide (d) hydrogen

Q.3 The supply of water to crops at different intervals is called 1

(a) watering (b) irrigation (c) harvesting (d) none of these
Q.4 The chemicals used to control weeds are called: 1
(a) pesticides (b) insecticides (c) weedicides (d) all of these
Q.5 The ideal months for harvesting kharif crop are 1
(a) June/July (b) August/September
(c) September/October (d) November/December
Q. 6 Levelling of soil helps to prevent 1
(a) soil erosion (b) cultivation (c) sowing (d) drought
Q.7 The agricultural instrument used for the removal of weed is 1
(a) sickle (b) khurpi (c) seed drill (d) plough
Q.8 The process of separating grains from chaff is known as: 1
(a) threshing (b) harvesting (c) winnowing (d)
Q.9 Which of the following is used for tilling the land by cultivator? 1
(a) Tractor (b) Bullock (c) Buffalo (d) Horse
Q.10 The chemical substances rich in nutrients are called 1
(a) fertiliser (b) weedicide (c) pesticides (d) herbicides
Q.11 Alcohol is produced with the help of 1
(a) sodium chloride (b) yeast (c) nitrogen (d) carbon
Q.12 The rod-shaped bacteria are called 1
(a) Bacillus (b) Coccus (c) Vibrio (d) Spirillum
Q.13 The disease caused by protozoa is 1
(a) tuberculosis (b) polio (c) typhoid (d) malaria
Q.14 The process of conversion of sugar into alcohol is known as: 1
(a) pasteurization (b) fermentation
(c) decomposition (d) none of these
Q.15 In Pasteurisation the milk is heated to about: 1
(a) 100°C (b) 50°C (c) 70°C (d) 110°C
Q.16 Communicable diseases are spread from an infected person to a healthy 1
person through:
(a) air (b) water (c) food (d) all of these
Q.17 A group of microorganisms that have the characters of both living and non- 1
living are:
(a) bacteria (b) protozoa (c) virus (d) fungi
Q.18 Tuberculosis is a disease caused by: 1
(a) bacterium (b) protozoan (c) virus (d) malnutrition
Q.19 BCG vaccine is used to curb: 1
(a) cholera (b) tuberculosis (c) polio (d) typhoid
Q.20 The bacterium that turns milk into curd is: 1
(a) lactobacillus (b) acetobacter
(c) rhizobium (d) none of these
Q.21 The main gas present in LPG is: 1
(a) methane (b) Propane (c) Butane (d) hexane
Q.22 “Black gold’ is: 1
(a) coal (b) coke (c) graphite (d) petroleum
Q.23 Which of the following is n non-polluting fuel for transport vehicles. 1
(a) petrol (b) diesel (c) CNG (d) none of these
Q.24 Which of the following is not a renewable source: 1
(a) sunlight (b) wind (c) water (d) coal
Q.25 When coal is heated in air that is gas produced is: 1
(a) carbon monoxide (b) carbon dioxide
(c) water vapour (d) nitrogen
Q.26 The purest form of carbon is: 1
(a) coal (b) coke (c) coal-tar (d) coal gas
Q.27 The number of modes by which animals reproduce are 1
(a) two (b) three (c) four (d) none of
Q.28 Binary fission is observed in 1
(a) Hydra (b) yeast (c) Amoeba (d) human
Q.29 The animals that produce new young ones are called 1
(a) viviparous (b) oviparous (c) both (d) none of
Q.30 Ovum or eggs are formed in 1
(a) ovary (b) testes (c) penis (d) ovident
Q.31 In humans, the development of fertilised egg takes place in the 1
(a) ovary (b) oviduct (c) testis (d) uterus
Q.32 The cell formed after fertilisation is called 1
(a) embryo (b) foetus (c) zygote (d) egg
Q.33 Which of the following shows external fertilisation? 1
(a) Frog (b) Human being
(c) Cow (d) Hen
Q34 Which one of the following is not a part of female reproductive organs? 1
(a) Uterus (b) Ovary (c) Oviduct (d) Penis
Q.35 Budding occurs in 1
(a) Amoeba (b) dog (c) Paramecium (d) yeast
Q.36 The female gamete is called 1
(a) ova (b) sperm (c) zygote (d) uterus
Q.37 The male gamete is called 1
(a) sperm (b) ova (c) embryo (d) zygote
Q.38 The pressure which is exerted by the air around us is known as - 1
(a) force (b) atmospheric pressure
(c) muscular force (d) friction
Q.39 Force acting on per unit area is called - 1
(a) non-contact forces (b) contact forces
(c) force (d) pressure
Q.40 The force exerted by the earth to pull the object towards itself is called - 1
(a) electrostatic force (b) gravitational force
(c) muscular force (d) contact force
Q.41 Leaves fall down on the ground due to- 1
(a) electrostatic force (b) magnetic force
(c) gravitational force (d) muscular force
Q.42 A ball rolling on the ground slows down and finally stops. This is because of 1
(a) Force (b) Less force applied
(c) Friction (d) None of the above
Q.43 Force of friction always acts on moving objects and its direction shall be 1
(a) On any direction
(b) Along the direction of motion
(c) Perpendicular to the direction of motion
(d) Opposite to the direction of motion
Q.44 Sound can travel through: 1
(a) gases only (b) solids only
(c) liquids only (d) solids, liquids and gases
Q.45 Voice of which of the following is likely to have minimum frequency: 1
(a) baby girl (b) baby boy
(c) a man (d) a woman
Q.46 The unit of frequency is: 1
(a) hertz (b) hertz /sec
(c) hertz / min (d) hertz / hour
Q.47 The ultrasound equipment works at frequencies: 1
(a) higher than 20,000 Hz (b) lower than 20,000 Hz
(c) less than 20 Hz (d) none of these
Q.48 Trees planted along the roads reduces the harmful effect of: 1
(a) noise pollution (b) air pollution
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these
Q.49 Propagation of sound is fastest In: 1
(a) gases (b) liquids
(c) solids (d) vacuum
Q.50 Unwanted and unpleasant sounds are called: 1
(a) noise (b) noise pollution
(c) music (d) air pollution
Q.51 The range of audible sound for human ear is: 1
(a) less than 20 Hz (b) more than 20,000 Hz
(c) from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (d) none of these
Q.52 Sound is produced by _________objects. 1
(a) fast moving (b) vibrating
(c) stationary (d) rotating
Q.53 The maximum displacement of the particle of the mean from its mean 1
position is called the
(a) Amplitude (b) wavelength
(c) wave number (d) none of these
Q.54 An electric current can produce 1
(a) heating effect (b) chemical effect
(c) magnetic effect (d) all of these
Q.55 An electric lamp glows due to 1
(a) Chemical effect (b) Magnetic effect
(c) Heating effect (d) None
Q.56 Which of the following is a good conductor? 1
(a) Brick (b) Steel (c) Plastic (d) Cotton
Q.57 Potential difference is created in a electric circuit due to 1
(a) Switch (b) Cell or battery
(c) Voltmeter (d) Conductor
Q.58 Polythene is 1
(a) a conductor (b) an insulator
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of these1
Q.59 Electroplating is based on 1
(a) heating effect of electricity (b) chemical effect of electricity
(c) physical effect of electricity (d) magnetic effect of electricity
Q.60 The passage of an electric current through a solution causes 1
(a) Heating effect (b) Lighting effect
(c) Chemical effect (d) All of these
Q.61 The tiny pores present in the leaves of the plants for exchange of gases are
called _____ 1
(a) Stomata (b) Tracheae (c) Chloroplast (d)
Q.62 The end products of photosynthesis are 1
(a) carbohydrates, oxygen (b) carbohydrates, hydrogen
(c) carbohydrates, water vapours (d) carbohydrates, oxygen and water
Q.63 Which one of the following is a parasite? 1
(a) Lichen (b) Cuscuta
(c) Pitcher plant (d) Rhizobium
Q.64 Amarbel (Cuscuta) is an example of: 1
(a) autotroph (b) parasite (c) saprotroph (d) host
Q.65 Ultimate source of energy for all living organisms is 1
(a) Planets (b) Moon (c) Sun (d) Coal
Q.66 Which one of the following is based on the heating effect of current? 1
(a) Geyser (b) Hair dryer (c) Immersion rod (d) All of
Q.67 The coil of wire contained in an electric heater is known as 1
(a) component (b) element (c) circuit (d) spring
Q.68 A device which prevents or allows the current to flow through it 1
(a) Motor (b) Terminal (c) Conductor (d) Switch
Q.70 MCB in electric circuit stand f or 1
(a) Miniature circuit breaker (b) Maximum current breaker
(c) Minimum current breaker (d) Molar current breaker
Q.71 The path of the light is 1
(a) always a straight line (b) a curved line
(c) a zig-zag line (d) depends on the medium
Q.72 Image formed by a plane mirror is 1
(a) virtual and erect (b) real and erect
(c) virtual and inverted (d) real and inverted
Q.73 Which of the following is used as a side view mirror? 1
(a) Plane mirror (b) Concave mirror
(c) Convex mirror (d) Convex lens
Q.74 Beam of light striking the reflecting surface is called 1
(a) reflecting ray (b) incident ray
(c) refracted ray (d) normal ray
Q.75 Band of seven colors is called 1
(a) VIBGYOR (b) spectrum (c) dispersion (d) reflection
Q.76 The splitting of white light into its seven constituent colors is called 1
(a) refraction (b) dispersion (c) deviation (d) reflection
Q.77 Rainbow is a natural phenomenon showing 1
(a) Reflection (b) Deflection (c) Dispersion (d) Diversion
Q.78 Which of the following is not a luminous object? 1
(a) sun (b) candle (c) moon (d) Tube light
Q.79 White light is composed of 1
(a) three colours (b) seven colours
(c) five colours (d) eight colours
Q.80 The image that can not be obtained on a screen is called 1
(a) real image (b) virtual image
(c) diminished image (d) none of these
Q.81 In yeasts reproduction occurs by 1
(a) fragmentation (b) binary fission
(c) budding (d) spore formation
Q.82 Pollination refers to the: 1
(a) transfer of pollen from anther to ovary
(b) transfer of male gametes from anther to stigma
(c) transfer of pollen from anther to stigma
(d) transfer of pollen from anther to ovule
Q.83 In flowering plants, male gamete is formed inside 1
(a) Ovary (b) Anther (c) Pistil (d) Ovule
Q.84 The mode of reproduction in which plants parts are used to develop new 1
plant is called
(a) Spore formation (b) Vegetative propagation
(c) Gametogenesis (d) Sexual reproduction
Q.85 Animals and plants have certain features which make them to survive in a 1
particular habitat. This is called
(a) adaptation (b) speciation
(c) specialisation (d) evolution
Q.86 Which is a biotic component of environment? 1
(a) Plants (b) Animals
(c) Microorganisms (d) All of these
Q.87 Which is an example of an animal found in mountain region? 1
(a) Leopard (b) Yak
(c) Mountain goat (d) All of these1
Q.88 When an opaque object comes in the path of light it forms 1
(a) an image with colours (b) shadow
(c) black and white image (d) depends on the colour of the light
Q.89 Which types of objects do not allow light to pass through them? 1
(a) Translucent (b) Opaque (c) Transparent (d) Penumbra
Q.90 Bouncing back of light from shining surfaces is called 1
(a) Reflection (b) Refraction (c) Bending (d) Dispersion
Q.91 What is lateral inversion? 1
(a) Image becomes inverted
(b) Image bends laterally
(c) Right of the object appears left of the image
(d) All of these happen
Q.92 Out of these, which one is not a man-made luminous body? 1
(a) Electric bulb (b) Burning candle
(c) Firefly (Jugnu) (d) Oil lamp
Q.93 Which equipment is not based on heating effect of electric current? 1
(a) Electric bulb (b) Electric oven
(c) Electric iron (d) Electric kettle
Q.94 Cell is a device which 1
(a) converts chemical energy into electrical energy
(b) electrical energy into light energy
(c) electrical energy into magnetic energy
(d) None of these
Q.95 Filament of a bulb is made up of 1
(a) aluminium (b) chromium
(c) platinum (d) tungsten
Q.96 A substance which allows electricity to pass through it is called 1
(a) a conductor (b) an insulator
(c) semiconductor (d) superconductor
Q.97 An example of a conductor is 1
(a) tap water (b) salt solution
(c) metal wire (d) all of these
Q.98 To prevent electric shocks, the metallic electrical wires are covered with 1
(a) paper (b) cotton (c) aluminium (d) plastic
Q.99 The process of loosening of the soil is called 1
(a) tilling (b) harvesting (c) spraying (d) weeding
Q.100 The process of separation of grain from the chaff after harvesting is known 1
(a) tilling (b) threshing (c) spraying (d) weeding

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