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Task1 题目改写

1.The charts below show the changes in ownership of electrical appliances and
amount of time spent doing housework in households in one country between 1920
and 2019.

The following charts depict the shifts in household ownership of electrical appliances
and the duration of time dedicated to household chores within a particular country
from 1920 to 2019.

2. The graph below shows the number of shops that closed and the number of new
shops that opened in one country between 2011 and 2018.

The graph presented below illustrates the quantity of shops that ceased

operations(停止运作) and the number of newly established shops within a specific

country during the period spanning from 2011 to 2018.

变化幅度:variation/change ;波动:fluctuate/(n.)fluctuation
最低点:all-time low ;骤降:plunge
骤升:jumped sharply/sharp rise
持续下降:continuous declination/continue to fall
在顶峰:at the peak
正相关:positive correlation
负相关:negative correlation

3.The chart below shows the results of a survey about people's coffee and tea buying
and drinking habits in five Australian cities.

The chart presented below displays the findings of a survey conducted on the
purchasing and consumption behaviors of coffee and tea among individuals in five
cities in Australia.

3. The chart below gives information about how families in one country spent
their weekly income in 1968 and in 2018.

The provided chart presents data on the allocation 分配 of weekly income by

households in a particular country in 1968 and 2018.
The charts below show the average percentages in typical meals of three types of
nutrients, all of which may be unhealthy if eaten too much.

The pie chart presented below illustrates the average distribution of three types of
nutrients in typical meals, all of which can have adverse health effects if consumed

The tables below give information about sales o f Fairtrade* - labelled coffee and
bananas in 1999 and 2004 in five European countries.

"The tables below compare the sales figures of Fairtrade*-labelled coffee and bananas
in the years 1999 and 2004 across five European countries, namely the UK,
Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium, and Sweden."
over a period of 2 years.

The table below gives information on consumer spending on different items in five
different countries in 2002.

"The table below compares consumer spending on different categories of goods in

Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey in the year 2002."

The dlagram below shows the manufacturing process for making sugar from
sugar cane.

The diagram presented below illustrates the sequential (顺序的;依次的)steps involved in the
production of sugar from sugar cane.

The maps below show an industrial area in the town of Norbiton, and planned
future development of the site.

The following maps display the existing industrial zone in Norbiton town and the proposed future
development of the area.

The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in
England and Wales between 1918 and 2011.

The provided chart illustrates the proportion of households residing in properties that were either
owned or rented in England and Wales from 1918 to 2011.
The bar chart below shows the top ten countries for the production and consumption of electricity
in 2014.

The presented bar chart displays the leading ten nations in terms of electricity production and
consumption in the year 2014.

The table and charts below give information on the police budget for 2017 and 2018 in one area of
Britain. The table shows where the money came from and the charts show how it was distributed.

The table and charts below provide information regarding the police budget in a specific area of
Britain for the years 2017 and 2018. The table illustrates the sources of funding, while the pie
charts compare the allocation of the police budget.

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