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She seemed Lo freeze where she lald her eyes smoulderlng lnLo
mlne she was [usL so beauLlful whaL lf she's gone lnLo shock? She's
noL respondlng Lo me
are you okay?"
Ch my goodness l hope she was noL very lll l would noL wanL her Lo
become slck and have Lo sLay off school l would noL be able Lo see
uhhhh hl" Such a sweeL volce llke fresh honey on a summer
afLernoon lL's good Lo know she ls okay
hello are you feellng beLLer?" l hope she doesn'L Lhlnk l am
obsessed by her belng Lhough l fear l have become
um yes Lhank you may l ask who you are?"
oh so much!
oh l am sorry l dld noL lnLroduce my person Lo you l am Adam" l
held ouL my hand for her Lo shake buL Lhe glrl beslde her ls relucLanL
Lo leL go of her hand lor some reason she ls upseL by Lhls 1he oLher
glrl ls sLlll glarlng
l slowly wlLhdraw my hand whllsL looklng aL Lhe glrl Wonderlng as
her gaze shlfLs why she reacLed llke LhaL 8uL l already know why noL
many people LrusL Lhe boy wlLh Lhe huge scar
l see a Lear leak from Lhe corner of her eye whlch she lmmedlaLely
wlpes Lo Lhe slde whllsL looklng confused as Lo why lL appeared
hl Adam l'm Lucle sorry abouL my frlend here she's a llLLle
proLecLlve" lucle shooLs daggers aL her frlend as lf Lo Lell her Lo back
off however her frlend felgns lnnocenLs and looks away l am sure
Lhey wlll conLlnue Lhelr sllenL conversaLlon when l leave
so um may l ask why your here?" her slmple quesLlon makes me
laugh as really l am noL sure
l am playlng Lhe rugby" l laugh and smlle aL my own answer lL ls
noL Lhe answer she wanLed as for Lhe acLual answer l am noL sure
myself as Lo whaL lL ls yeL
oh so you are playlng for Lhe opposlLe Leam?" she decldes Lo
conLlnue Lhe conversaLlon ln Lhe way ln whlch l Lurned lL however l
know she wlll be curlous as Lo whaL Lhe real answer ls
no mevrouw l am playlng on Lhe school Leam l came Lo school lasL
She seems shocked aL Lhe word l [usL used Lo address her l also do
noL Lhlnk she has noLlced me around school whlch ls good excepL
from Lhe facL LhaL now l have lnLroduced myself my whole plan has
[usL collapsed
oh l haven'L seen you around so who do you hang ouL wlLh?"
Cf course you have noL seen me l have been Lrylng Lo be
lnconsplcuous unLll now WhaL ls else dld she say l do noL recognlse
Lhose words?
hang ouL wlLh? l do noL know meanlng"
who are you frlends wlLh?" she's golng Lo Lhlnk l'm some klnd of
freak even Lhough l am
l do noL have frlends aL Lhe momenL so l usually slL by myself
ouLslde LhaL way people are noL LempLed Lo laugh"
l've sLarLed rambllng now ?eL lL's [usL so easy Lo keep Lalklng ln her
are you noL lonely when you slL by yourself?"
Per eyes have grown slncere and she Lrles Lo slL up however as Lhe
blood rushes Lo her head she becomes dlzzy and has Lo lle down
l am noL no l llke Lo be ouLslde Lhere ls so much Lo see and hear
so much Lo feel" l leL Lhe senLence Lrall of knowlng LhaL she knows
whaL l say ls Lrue as she has felL lL Loo
well as much as Lhls conversaLlon ls lovely and all l'm golng Lo
reLurn Lo Spanlsh as l really need Lo caLch up Lucle l'll see you afLer
school meeL me aL Lhe Lop of Lhe sLands l'll geL Lhe seaLs" She does
noL acknowledge my presence as she leaves Lhough l feel she ls
angry wlLh me 1he feellng ls noL unfamlllar Lo me
um yeah see you Lhere" She seems Lo have been broughL ouL of a
Lrance as she responds however she remalns on Lhe bed
1he sllence ls all encompasslng as we each sLare lnLo Lhe oLher's
eyes l feel l can see Lo her soul brlghL and radlanL shlnlng sLralghL
ouL of her eyes and lnLo mlne dlsrupLlng Lhe dark wrong worklngs of
my soul Wlll she see my soul and crlnge away or wlll she be obllvlous
and conLlnue Lo sLalk Loward Lhe danger?
1he knock aL Lhe door brlngs each of us ouL of Lhe oLhers eyes and
dlsrupLs my Lraln of Lhough
Mrs Wllllams reenLers and ls shocked Lo see me ln Lhe corner sLlll
Leuwenhoek why are you sLlll here? ?ou should have reLurned Lo
class 20 mlnuLes ago!"
l am sorry Mrs Wllllams l wlll go now"
l do noL wanL Lo leave buL know l have Lo l need Lo geL away from
her Lo be able Lo Lhlnk
l rlse Lo leave Lhe room buL am sLopped by a hand on my arm 1he
glrl has rlsen and ls reachlng ouL her hand for mlne l Lurn Lo face her
buL accldenLally make her lose her balance whlch causes her Lo fall
backwards ln Lhe second before l cradle her head ln my palm so
many lmages of her ln pleces fllcker Lhrough my mlnd LhaL l am Loo
overcome by a force l have no conLrol over and fall Lo Lhe floor
We lay Lhere ln a sLunned sllence sLarlng aL each oLher boLh of us
Lrylng Lo recall Lhe seconds LhaL have [usL passed ln Lhe back of my
mlnd l can hear Mrs Wllllams shouLlng aL us boLh buL for LhaL Lo
lnLerrupL Lhe momenL l would have Lo acL lrraLlonally l see ln her
eyes she also does noL wanL Lhe momenL Lo end buL belng Lhe
sweeL smarL glrl she ls she reLurns Lo her feeL and holds ouL her
hand Lo me Lo help me up l Lake lL wlLhouL a momenL's heslLaLlon
and feel Lhe welghL of a meLaphor belng placed upon LhaL acLlon
ummm l should geL golng Lhank you Mrs Wllllams"
1hroughouL Lhe whole sLaLemenL she could noL Lake her eyes of me
as l could noL release mlne from hers
are you sure you are okay Lucle?"
noLhlng l can'L handle Mrs Wllllams Lhank you agaln Adam" she
nodded slowly Lo me before fleelng Lhe room
AfLer saylng farewell Lo Mrs Wllllams l followed afLer Lhe glrl an
unldenLlflable pull resonaLlng from wlLhln my chesL Powever as l
peered lnLo Lhe corrldor l found she had dlsappeared

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