Bab 5 - Stabilitas Atmosfer

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Stabilitas Atmosfer

Evan Sugiarto Afil

Disederhanakan dari Slide Drs. Zadrach L. Dupe, M.Si. dan
Meteorology Today
• Stable Equilibrium -> Suatu kondisi dimana
parsel akan kembali ke posisi awal pada saat
gaya pengangkat hilang
• Unstable Equilibrium -> suatu kondisi dimana
parsel tidak akan kembali ke posisi awal pada
saat gaya pengangkat hilang
At Earth’s surface, the parcel has the same temperature and
pressure as the air surrounding it. Suppose we lift the air parcel up
into the atmosphere. Consequently, the air pressure surrounding the
parcel lowers. The lower pressure outside allows the air molecules
inside to push the parcel walls outward, expanding the parcel. Because
there is no other energy source, the air molecules inside must
use some of their own energy to expand the parcel. This shows up as
slower average molecular speeds, which result in a lower parcel
If the parcel is lowered to the surface, it returns to a region
where the surrounding air pressure is higher. The higher pressure
squeezes (compresses) the parcel back into its original (smaller)
This squeezing increases the average speed of the air molecules
and the parcel temperature rises. Hence, a rising parcel of air expands
and cools, while a sinking parcel is compressed and warms.
• If a parcel of air expands and cools, or
compresses and warms,with no interchange of
heat with its surroundings, this situation is
called an adiabatic process :
1. DALR (Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate)
RH < 100% ~ (1 C / 100m)
2. MALR (Moist Adiabatic Lapse Rate) / SALR
(Saturated Adiabatic Lapse Rate)
RH >= 100% (0,65 C / 100m)
3. ELR (Environmental Lapse Rate)
Berbeda-beda, diberi tahu di soal
4. DPLR (Dew Point Lapse Rate)
Pada saat fase DALR -> 0,2 C / 100m
Pada saat fase MALR -> besarnya sama dengan
Determining Stability
If the rising air is colder than its environment, it
will be more dense** (heavier)and tend to sink
back to its original level. In this case, the air is
stable because it resists upward movement. If the
rising air is warmer and, therefore, less dense
(lighter) than the surrounding air, it will continue
to rise until it reaches the same temperature as its
environment. This is an example of unstable air. To
figure out the air’s stability, we need to measure
the temperature both of the rising air and of its
environment at various levels above Earth.
1. Stable Atmosphere
(Absolutely Stable)
Parsel udara akan mengalami perlawanan yang kuat dari
atmosfer ketika naik
Since air in an absolutely stable atmosphere strongly
resists upward vertical motion, it will, if forced to rise,
tend to spread out horizontally. If clouds form in this
rising air, they, too,will spread horizontally in relatively
thin layers and usually have flat tops and bases. We might
expect to see stratiform clouds—such as cirrostratus,
altostratus, nimbostratus, or stratus—forming in a stable
2. Unstable Atmosphere
(Absolutely Unstable)
An air parcel in an unstable atmosphere, being
warmer and less dense than its surroundings,
has an upward-directed force (called buoyant
force) acting on it.

Absolute instability is usually limited to a very

shallow layer near the ground on hot sunny
3. Conditionally Unstable

ELR akan semakin besar ketika udara permukaan

semakin panas dan udara atas semakin dingin
The cooling of the air aloft may be due to:
• 1. winds bringing in colder air (cold advection)
• 2. clouds (or the air) emitting infrared radiation
to space (radiational cooling)
The warming of the surface air may be due to:
• 1. daytime solar heating of the surface
• 2. an influx of warm air brought in by the wind
(warm advection)
• 3. air moving over a warm surface
The cooling of surface air may be due to :
1. nighttime radiational cooling of the surface
2. an influx of cold surface air brought in by the
wind (coldadvection)
3. air moving over a cold surface
At this point, we can see that the stability of the
atmosphere changes during the course of a day. In clear,
calm weather around sunrise, surface air is normally
colder than the air above it, a radiation inversion exists,
and the atmosphere is quite stable, as indicated by smoke
or haze lingering close to the ground. As the day
progresses, sunlight warms the surface and the surface
warms the air above. As the air temperature near the
ground increases, the lower atmosphere gradually
becomes more unstable—that is, it destabilizes—with
maximum instability usually occurring during the hottest
part of the day.
Cloud Development
Kondisi Kondensasi
1. Temperatur diturunkan di bawah titik embun
2. Penambahan uap air dalam temperatur
3. Mixing / konvergensi antara 2 parsel udara
Percampuran dua massa udara
jenuh karena perbedaan
temperatur seperti kelembaban
final (akhir) itu adalah diatas titik
Temperatur dan tekanan udara
yang dihasilkan dari percampuran
adalah rata-rata dari nilai awal
dalam perbandingan dengan tiap
massa yang mengalami
misal :
Tmix = T1*M1 + T2*M2
T1 Tmix T2

ME 2112 -- Zadrach L. Dupe

Kandungan Air
Dalam Awan

Kandungan air untuk masing-masing tipe awan :

- Cumulus (tahap awal) : 0.2 – 0.5 g m-3

- Cumulus (tahap lanjut) : 0.5 – 1.0 g m -3
- Cumulonimbus : 3 g m -3
( >5 g m -3 teramati dalam updraft yang sangat kuat)
- Alto-kumulus : 0.2 – 0.5 g m -3
- Stratokumulus /stratus : 0.1 – 0.5 g m -3

ME 2112 -- Zadrach L. Dupe

Efek Buoyancy / Daya Apung

Air dalam atmosfer • Berat molekular air = 18 g mol-1

mempunyai pengaruh yang • Berat rerata molekular udara
sangat penting terhadap kering ≈ 29 g mol-1
dinamika, terutama proses Wuap air = 0.62 Wudara
 Campuran udara lembab memiliki
densitas lebih kecil dari udara
– Densitas uap air lebih kecil dari
kering (atau dari yang
densitas udara kering
kelembaban lebih rendah) pada
– Panas laten dilepas/diserap suhu dan tekanan yang sama
selama proses

ME 2112 -- Zadrach L. Dupe

Panas Laten

Panas laten evaporasi air: Evaporasi 1 gram air / 1 cm3

Lv ≈ 2.5 Jt J kg-1 (dalam bentuk cair) kedalam 1
Jauh lebih besar dibandingkan meter kubik udara:
dengan panas spesifik udara -membutuhkan panas laten ≈
kering: 2500 J
Cp ≈ 1004 J kg-1 k-1 -udara mendingin sebesar ≈
1.9 K

Panas laten yang sama akan dilepaskan dan digunakan untuk

memanaskan udara pada saat terjadi kondensasi – seperti pada
pembentukan butir awan

ME 2112 -- Zadrach L. Dupe

Pengangkatan Adiabatik bisa Pendingingan radiatif
terjadi dalam berbagai skala : (Proses non-adiabatik)

– Skala besar, kenaikan sepanjang • Pendinginan radiatif langsung,

front panas/dingin (100-an mendinginkan udara, tetapi
kilometer) prosesnya sangat lambat.
– Pengangkatan Plum konvektif • Ketika awan sudah terbentuk,
individual dalam pembentukan pendinginan radiatif butir awan
awan kumulus (~100m s/d (dan pendinginan udara sekitar
~1km) oleh konduksi panas ke butir awan)
– Pengangkatan dengan paksaan akan berlangsung dengan lebih
melewati bentuk2 topografi efisien.
(bukit, pegunungan) untuk awan Pendinginan radiatif  menurunkan
orografi (~1km s/d >10s km). tekanan uap jenuh  kondensasi
– Gelombang gravitasi dan angin meningkat  jumlah air awan naik.
pegunungan (beberapa km).

ME 2112 -- Zadrach L. Dupe

Proses Adiabatik:
– Kenaikan plumes konvektif
– Pengangkatan/subsidens skala
– Kondensasi/evaporasi dalam
massa udara
Proses non-Adiabatik:
– Pemanasan/pendinginan radiatif
– Pemanasan/Pendinginan
– Kehilangan air lewat presipitasi
– Penambahan air dari evaporasi
presipitasi yang jatuh
• Lifting Condensation Level (LCL) = Paras
Kondensasi Bebas
• Convective Condensation Level (CCL) = Paras
Konveksi Bebas
• Daerah atas angin
• Daerah bawah angin
• Windward /Upwind Side
• Lee Ward / Downwind Side
• Level of Free Convection (LFC) = is the altitude in
the atmosphere where the temperature of the
environment decreases faster than the moist
adiabatic lapse rate of a saturated air parcel at
the same level.
Efek Fohn

Pendinginan udara jenuh
pada -0.5°C tiap 100m Penghangatan udara tak jenuh
5.08°C 5.56°C
pada +0.98°C tiap 100m
5.58°C 500 m 6.54°C
Lifting condensation level 400 m 7.52°C
7.06°C 300 m 8.50°C
Pendinginan udara tak jenuh
pada -0.98°C tiap 100m 8.04°C 200 m 9.48°C
9.02°C 100 m 10.46°C
10°C 11.44°C

Perbedaan lapse rate pada udara jenuh dan tak jenuh menunjukkan bahwa
udara yang mengalir kebawah menuju lee side gunung seringkali lebih hangat
daripada udara di upwind side. Di pegunungan Alpen, angin hangat kering ini
disebut Föhn, di American Rockies (pengunungan rocky) ini dikenal sebagai
Chinook. Permulaan pada angin itu dapat menghasilkan kenaikan temperatur
yang sangat cepat (tercatat 22°C dalam 5 minutes) dan dikaitkan dengan
pelelehan salju yang cepat, dan kondisi longoran salju.
ME 2112 -- Zadrach L. Dupe
Angin Fohn
Indonesia :
1. Gending (Probolinggo, Jawa Timur)
2. Grenggong (Pasuruan, Jawa Timur)
3. Brubu (Sulawesi)
4. Wambrau (Papua)
5. Bohorok (Deli, Sumatra)
6. Kumbang (Cirebon, Jawa Barat-Jawa Tengah)

Internasional :
1. Chinook
2. Zonda
3. Foehn
4. Bergwind
5. Santa Ana
6. Puelche

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