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Homework 1:

Do the following exercises:

1. Convert the following numbers from the given base to the other three bases listed in the table:

Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecimal

458.3454 ? ? ?
? 11011011101.011 ? ?
? ? 543.7 ?
? ? ? EF7.5
Show your work

2. Write down the binary representation of the decimal number -93.75 assuming the IEEE 754
a. in single precision format
b. in double precision format
c. Then write in Hex
3. Perform the following:

a. (1110.1)2 * (101.01)2
b. (A59B)16 + (FC4D)16
c. (573)8 * (67)8

4. Find the binary representations for each of the following BCD numbers:
(a) 0010 1001 0111 0101
(b) 0001 1001 0010 .0010 0101





Draw the logic Diagram


Draw the logic diagram of the following function:

F (A, B, C, D) = [ (A.B) + D] + [(A + B.C) + (A D)] + [D  A]

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