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Project Profile for Coffee Plantation in the Philippines

I. Introduction:

1. Project Title: [Your project title]

2. Project Proponent: [Your organization or company name]

3. Location: [Exact location of the proposed coffee plantation]

4. Duration: [Start date to end date]

II. Project Description:

1. Objective: To establish a sustainable and environmentally friendly coffee plantation in the Philippines.

2. Project Scale: [Specify the size of the plantation in hectares]

3. Methodology: [Explain the methods and techniques to be used for coffee cultivation]

4. Expected Outputs: [List the expected results of the project]

III. Rationale:

1. Justification: [Explain why this project is important and how it aligns with the interests of the
indigenous communities in the area]

2. Benefits: [Detail the potential benefits for local communities, including e conomic, social, and
environmental benefits]

IV. Indigenous Peoples Involvement:

1. Identification: [List the indigenous communities in the project area and provide a brief background on
their culture, customs, and rights]

2. Consultation Process: [Describe the process of consultation with indigenous communities, including
meetings and discussions held]
3. FPIC Process: [Explain the steps taken to secure Free Prior and Informed Consent, and provide
documentation as required by the NCIP]

4. Commitments: [Detail the commitments made to the indigenous communities, including revenue -
sharing, employment, and other benefits]

V. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment:

1. Environmental Impact Assessment: [Summarize the environmental impact assessment findings,

including measures to mitigate and manage environmental impacts]

2. Social Impact Assessment: [Describe the social impacts of the project on the indigenous communities
and the mitigation measures]

3. Cultural Heritage Preservation: [Explain how the project will preserve and respect the cultural
heritage of the indigenous communities]

VI. Legal Compliance:

1. Compliance with Philippine Laws: [Specify how the project adheres to relevant laws, including the
Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act (IPRA)]

2. Permits and Licenses: [List the permits and licenses obtained or applied for]

VII. Project Implementation:

1. Timeline: [Provide a project timeline with major milestones]

2. Budget: [Outline the project budget, funding sources, and allocation]

3. Partnerships: [Mention any partnerships with local organizations or government agencies]

VIII. Monitoring and Evaluation:

1. Monitoring Plan: [Explain the process for monitoring project progress, impact, and compliance]

2. Evaluation Criteria: [Specify the criteria and indicators to assess the success of the project]
IX. Conclusion:

1. Summary: [Summarize the project's goals, benefits, and commitment to respecting the rights and
interests of indigenous communities]

2. Request for Approval: Request the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples to review and
approve the project for Free Prior and Informed Consent.

X. Contact Information:

[Provide contact information for the project proponent, project manager, and any other relevant


Please ensure that your project profile is well-researched, comprehensive, and adheres to the specific
guidelines and requirements of the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines. This
document should demonstrate your commitment to respecting the rights and interests of indigenous
communities while carrying out the coffee plantation project.

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