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Heart to Heart

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Relationship: Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji
Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi
Additional Tags: Idiots in Love, Love, I Love You, Soulmates, Hurt/Comfort, Sad, Fluff,
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-02-01 Words: 1,228 Chapters: 1/1
Heart to Heart
by Martulovestomatoes


Itadori had troubles sleeping and that led to an emotional moment between him and megumi.


Megumi loves Yuji. Yuji realizes it.

See the end of the work for notes
The clock ticked as Yuji wondered just how long he would have to close his eyes for sleep to
finally catch up to him. Whatever long that was, it was too much. He'd started trying to sleep
at 1:AM. Three hours had passed. He couldn't take it anymore. His head hurt like it was being
sliced in half.

He decided some fresh air might do him some good.

The sky looked darker than any time Yuji had seen it. The stars looked brighter and the city
looked huge from the mountain. It was cold. Cold enough for him to be glad he picked up his
yellow hoodie before going out. Cold enough for his thoughts to get a little bit sad and

He found himself sitting on the wooden floor outside the house with his legs crossed.
Breathing deeply as he tried recognizing constellations for his brain to get distracted from the
void he felt.

Seriously, he didn't know what was going on with him tonight.

He felt like crying. And he didn't even have a proper reason to feel like it. It was all just too
much. All the city lights were on. There were people down there. People living their life.
Going to bars, drinking, sleeping, crying, dying. The world kept going. Even when he was
sitting still.

The thought of that made him feel small and fragile. Even more when all the stars were
staring at him and the cold breeze of the night pushed him slightly backwards. He closed his
eyes and gulped down the knot in his throat.

He heard steps coming closer and closer (probably just his heart beating soundly on his

He felt a presence next to him (probably the sadness’ human form, about to haunt him for a
few weeks.) He sighed. Still not opening his eyes. Like not looking at the spirit would make
him go away.

He felt a hand touching his own (probably the sadness trying to lead him to the dark hole
where he belongs.)

“Yuji…?” The sadness talked. Huh. He didn't know spirits could speak. And what an
endearing voice it had, frankly. Almost identical to someone he knew…

He opened his eyes and slowly turned his face to look at the presence beside him. Only to
find his best friends’ face looking at him.
“Yeah?” he responded. But earned no reply. Megumi just kept staring at him with an
expression he couldn't really figure out.

“What?” Yuji laughed. He didn't really know what to say. He just kept staring. Like the sky
and the stars were nothing compared to the sight of Yuji's face.

Megumi smiled softly “Nothing. What are you doing out here at four AM?”

Itadori sighed “Couldn't sleep.” He turned to face the sky again.

But Fushiguro kept looking at him. His eyes heavy on Yuji's face. He did his best to ignore it.
“What about you?”

Only then, Fushiguro sighed and turned his face to look at the landscape in front of them
“Well, I heard some noises out of my room and I decided to check.” Fushiguro said “I kinda
guessed you'd be here, though.”

“Really? How?”

“You seemed odd before we went to sleep.” he replied with a shrug.

“Sorry for waking you up” Itadori chuckled as a comfortable silence settled around them. He
took a deep breath and closed his eyes again.

“Yuji,” Megumi said in a low, serious tone.


“Are you okay?”

The words seemed to stripe him naked. No excuse he could muster up to say would make for
a good shirt. Neither would any lie make for a pair of pants.

Megumi wasn't looking at him. In fact, he was looking anywhere but at him. Something of
which Yuji was glad of. He didn't think he'd be able to stop the tears that were teasingly close
to flow down his cheeks if he was looking at him.

So, what could he say now? Was this the part where he ran and pushed everyone away? Was
this the part where he talked about his problems with someone? No, what problems were
there to talk about? He had none. He was just a sad, hopeless teenager with no fair reason to
feel like that.

All it took was a few, wet in tears, blinks from itadori before Megumi wrapped his arms
around him. Like he knew just how he was feeling. Like this was his way of saying ‘I
understand. It's okay. Let it out.’

So he did. He cried.

He cried in his best friends’ arms until he forgot what exactly he was crying about. Till he
was all dried out. His sobs and tears absorbed by Megumi's shirt. His headache vanished
through the soft caressing of his hair.

They stayed there, admiring the night sky. Cuddled into each other like that was the only
thing keeping them from crumbling down. Yuji never felt more comfortable.

That was the thing with Megumi. He made him feel comfortable. And understood. He made
him feel like he didn't have to be anyone but himself around him. Like just existing was
enough. He made him feel enough. Important. Even–


Megumi made him feel loved.

Even in his most unloveable moments like today. When he was vulnerable, weak and ugly.

Because that's what love is, isn't it? Showing someone your ugliest side. Your crying face.
Covering their shirt with snot. Showing them your scars. Your problems. The times you hurt
other people. And then expecting them to hate you. To kick you in the face and be disgusted
by you, but instead finding reassuring arms around your body and a calming voice
whispering sweet things while you stare dumbfoundedly at the nothingness thinking; Oh.
This is it. This is how it feels. They love me. Despite me being… me.

And it feels unreal. It feels ethereal. It feels good, so fucking good. So good you think it's

You find yourself begging– even as much as you hate it– please, please, please be real. Please
be true. Please. Be the one. I'll give you anything. You have everything of me. Be the one to
take care of my heart. To love it and appreciate it despite how weak it is. Be the first one to
ever notice how all its weak beats are for you and you only.

You catch their eyes and see nothing but affection and caring. That's all you need. They love

You love them.

“I love you.” Yuji finds himself saying.

The sky was slowly turning brighter, the sun rising with its blinding light. Yuji looked up at
Megumi from the place he had in his arms to find him already staring at him with a soft
smile. The time felt right. Righter than ever. And Fushiguro must have been thinking the
same thing, because when Itadori leaned in to kiss him, he did so too. They ended up
crashing their lips together a little too hard. Both of them noticing how synchronized their
souls were. They smiled and laughed, not breaking the kiss. And when they did, they closed
their eyes and they tried again. A perfect kiss was delivered. It felt like their hearts somehow
got out of their ribcages and held hands for a brief moment.

And that felt unreal. Ethereal. Good.

It felt like love.

End Notes

Hiii!! I missed my itafushi babies a lot so I just wrote this fluffy fanfic to heal your hearts.♡

At the same time, I've been feeling really loved lately. And loving a lot too! so I wanted to
write about how it feels like to be loved, and love in general because I feel like it is a
beautiful emotion. I really hope I expressed myself right with the words I used.

As always, excuse my probably lame writing skills, and I hope you enjoyed it!

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