Education Technology

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1. Explain the important development in each period of the history of Technology.

Prior to technology, word of mouth communication was the only type of
education that existed. From the hunter-gatherer communities to the invention
of agriculture, beginning 10,000 years ago, people depended on word of mouth
communication to acquire vast knowledge of the plants, animals, and land on
which they depended. The first examples of Educational Technology in the
ancient world were the tools that students and teachers used for writing. Over
thousands of years and across the continents, various surfaces have been used
as medium for writing, including wax-covered writing boards, clay tablets, strips
of bark from trees, thick palm-like leaves and parchment. By the end of the
Middle Ages, and after the invention of printing, schools would eventually
become common in many towns and villages across Europe, with the main
intention being to ensure children could read and write. Then in the 15 th century,
schools had more or less become the education system that can be recognized
today. By the mid-1600s, the modern library and the pencil were introduced,
marking the first examples of educational technology. The 19th century marked
the advent of textbooks and improvements of writing tools available to teachers
and students, notably blackboards and chalk, as well as the use of ink pen rather
than just pencil.

2. Cite situations to show the importance of technology in:

General- technological advancements helped to the people to have easy access
and convenient life because of the creation of some technologies like cellphones,
gadgets, appliances and machines. It benefited all of us.
Education- printing press, projector, and gadgets are very useful to students and
teachers. Without these we will have inconvenient studies especially in our
situation now. We need technologies to still operate classes and without these
we can never have school year 2020-2021.
Business- businesses operates because of technologies. That is why it is so
important. For example, restaurants or call centers. Restaurants will have a
tough time cooking without kitchen appliances and call centers can’t operate
without computers and other technologies.
At home- in this crisis, cellphone is useful on ordering food deliveries to avoid
going out. Television is important to watch news and have an updates about the
daily news about everything.
Military Field/office- walkie-talkies is part of technological advancements which
are very usable on their work. Computers also to store the important documents
of crimes and other files.
You as a student- as a student, phones and laptop is really important for
encoding outputs and online classes. To know updates about what is going on.

3. Explain how flipped learning reshapes the classroom.

In flipped learning, we can also use TVs and videos prepared by the teachers. It is
happening now because of the health crisis which means classrooms are of no
use for now and homes serve as the new educational environment of the
students. Teachers sends practice exercises along with the modules to study and
the students answers it at home. That’s how flipped learning reshapes the

4. As a future teacher, what are your plans to avoid negative effects/disadvantages of

technology in school? Explain.
As a future teacher, I will limit my students on using technologies for their
learning. I won’t give them practices that will need technologies and just provide
them everything that they’ll need. Printed modules and exercises and just give
them less time on researches. Sustain them enough knowledge about the lesson
that they won’t need to research more information. I will also educate them how
badly technologies can affect them f overused. And encourage other teachers to
also do the same and think some techniques to avoid their students use
technologies longer.

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