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1 Present Simple

1 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z nawiasów w poprawnej formie czasu Present Simple.

(10 punktów)
1. Peter and I ___________________________ (know) each other very well.
2. Irene ___________________________ (not speak) any foreign languages.
3. I ___________________________ (not take) the bus to school.
4. Peter ___________________________ (collect) postcards.
5. Most of my school friends ___________________________ (listen) to rock music.
6. You ___________________________ (not understand) the problem, I think.
7. The concert ___________________________ (not start) until 9 p.m.
8. My uncle ___________________________ (work) for a computer company.
9. We ___________________________ (play) volleyball after school on Friday afternoons.
10. They ___________________________ (not want) to come with us.

2 Uzupełnij pytania oraz krótkie odpowiedzi. (5 punktów)

1. ___________________________ (Tom / need) a new computer? Yes, he ____________________.
2. ___________________________ (you / smoke)? No, I ____________________.
3. ___________________________ (they / eat out) every day? No, they ____________________.
4. ___________________________ (the dog / be) dangerous? No, it ____________________.
5. ___________________________ (the train / stop) in Mintown? Yes, it ____________________.

3 Napisz pytania do podkreślonych informacji. (5 punktów)

1. _____________________________________________? They live in Scotland.
2. _____________________________________________? The match finishes at 9.30 p.m.
3. _____________________________________________? He's an accountant.
4. _____________________________________________? We play tennis twice a week.
5. _____________________________________________? I know only Mr Johnson here.

4 Podane wyrazy ułóż we właściwej kolejności, aby powstały poprawne zdania. Pamiętaj
o zastosowaniu prawidłowej formy czasowników! (5 punktów)
1. / usually / lunch / have / school / they / at / _________________________________________
2. / to / rarely / Vicky / parties / go / _________________________________________
3. / every / we / go / Friday / out / _________________________________________
4. / never / on / Mark / study / Saturday morning / _________________________________________
5. / a year / I / skiing / twice / go / _________________________________________

Total: __________/ 25

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