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Causes for the development of Administrative Law in India

The causes of the development of administrative law in India after

independence include:

1. Expanding State Functions: With the State taking on a more active role
in various sectors post-independence, administrative agencies grew,
necessitating legal regulation and oversight.

2. Welfare State Objectives: The shift towards a welfare state led to

increased government involvement in social and economic activities,
requiring administrative bodies to implement and manage diverse policies.

3. Need for Regulation: The complexity of modern governance demanded

clear rules and regulations to guide administrative actions and ensure

4. Judicial Activism: Courts played a crucial role in shaping administrative

law through judgments that emphasized individual rights and the rule of
law, influencing the development of administrative practices.

5. Constitutional Mandates: The Indian Constitution, with its detailed

provisions on administrative law, laid the foundation for legal frameworks
governing administrative actions and ensuring constitutional principles are
6. Globalization and Economic Reforms: Liberalization policies and
globalization necessitated the creation of administrative structures to
manage economic activities. Events like the economic reforms of 1991
marked a significant shift.

7. Citizen Empowerment: Increasing awareness of citizens' rights and the

need for transparency and accountability compelled the development of
administrative law to safeguard individual interests.

8. Technological Advancements: The advent of technology required legal

adaptation to address issues related to administrative decision-making in
the digital age.

These factors, along with events like the economic reforms of 1991,
collectively contributed to the growth and development of administrative
law in India post-independence.
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