Final Test

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Test końcowy

1 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź. (10 punktów)
1. I want to go but what about …? Have you asked them?
A another B the other C the others
2. We're blocking the gate. We … park here.
A mustn't B couldn't C needn't
3. We can't go out … the weather gets better.
A unless B if C because
4. In my opinion, it was … excellent performance.
A the B an C─
5. There's a dry-cleaner's near here … you can have your suit cleaned.
A which B where C─
6. Horse-riding isn't … as you think.
A more difficult B as more difficult C as difficult
7. We talked to many students but … of them saw the fight.
A neither B none C nobody
8. Peter and I don't meet very often but we regularly write to …
A ourselves B us C each other
9. She was terribly surprised, …
A didn't she? B wasn't she? C isn't she?
10. You could go to the shop and get some milk. I've got too… to make a cake.
A little B a little C few

2 Napisz w poprawnej formie czasowniki w nawiasach. (10 punktów)

1. It's a nice day today. How about ______________________ (go) cycling in the countryside?
2. I talked to him but he said he ________________________ (not be) interested.
3. I'm busy now but I promise I ________________________ (call) you back in the evening.
4. The climbers ________________________ (be) missing for two days now but they still hope to find them.
5. Do you know of a good photographic shop? I must have this film ________________________ (develop).
6. The road ________________________ (repair) last year.
7. Let's hurry back home. We'll get wet if it ________________________ (start) raining.
8. Are you going ________________________ (do) anything tonight? If not, we could go to the cinema.
9. Before he came back to Poland, he ________________________ (live) in Ireland for 5 years.
10. Let's take a coffee break. We ________________________ (study) since 5 p.m.

3 W każdym rzędzie wykreśl wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych. (5 punktów)
1. trendy tight lonely casual
2. study wardrobe armchair bookcase
3. windy cloudy dizzy foggy
4. burglar waiter mugger blackmailer
5. guesthouse hotel resort hostel

4 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź. (5 punktów)

1. Excuse me, can you give / tell me the way to the station?
2. I'd like to return this radio. It doesn't work / do.
3. That noise is horrible! I don't mind / can't stand it any more!
4. Wait a minute. I'm going to take / make a photo of this tower.
5. I feel / have a sore throat and I can hardly speak.

5 Wpisz brakujące wyrazy. (5 punktów)

1. What can I do if I want to know if a film is worth seeing?
You can read a __________________ in a film magazine.
2. What do you do if you are not pleased with something you paid for?
You can ask for a _____________________ to get your money back.
3. What do you call a day when people don't go to work or school but they celebrate?
It's a __________________ holiday, for example November 11 in Poland
4. What can I do if I've put on weight too much?
You can go on a ___________________ to lose weight.
5. What should I do if I'm interested in a sport but I have never done it?
You can take ___________________ in a training course and learn how to do it.

6 Dopasuj wyrazy z ramki do podanych niżej kategorii. (1 punkt za każdą poprawnie

uzupełnioną kategorię = 5 punktów)
X-ray luggage pollution flight communications
inventor exhibition discovery pain audience
environment stomachache sculpture flood package

a) NATURE: _________________, _________________, _________________

b) HEALTH: _________________, _________________, _________________
c) TRAVEL/HOLIDAY: _________________, _________________, _________________
d) SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY: _________________, _________________, _________________
e) CULTURE: _________________, _________________, _________________

Rozumienie tekstu słuchanego
7 Wysłuchaj krótkiego fragmentu audycji radiowej na temat Budapesztu, a następnie
określ, które z podanych niżej zdań są zgodne z treścią audycji (True), a które nie
(False). (5 punktów)
1. There are over 2 million people living in Budapest.
2. It is the largest city in the European Union.
3. Budapest used to be three separate cities.
4. Budapest is located on one side of the river Danube.
5. One part of the city lies on an island.

Rozumienie tekstu czytanego

8 Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Do każdego akapitu dobierz zdanie z listy A-F, które
najlepiej oddaje treść danego akapitu. Jedno zdanie powinno zostać niewykorzystane.
(5 punktów)
A. You may become addicted to the computer.
B. Here is some advice on healthy computer use.
C. Your eyes may suffer too.
D. Computers can be harmful to health in many ways.
E. Computer use may cause a lot of stress.
F. You may experience back problems.

A lot has been written and said about the revolutionary changes that computers have brought to our civilisation
in almost every area of the modern life. However, experts agree that working on or using computers for long
periods of time may be dangerous to our health and general well-being. There is already a long list of computer-
related illnesses, which may become even longer in the future.

Firstly, one of the most common health risks is related to the unnatural sitting position and the same repeated
movements that people make during the long hours of typing or working on the computer. This usually results
in backaches as well as pains in the neck, arms and hands. In extreme cases you may even lose your feeling in
some parts of the body.

Another common and serious problem is caused by the strain that the computer screen puts on the users.
Keeping the wrong distance from the screen, poor quality monitors and failure to use protective filters or
protective glasses are the most common causes of injury and may have serious effects on your health.

This negative condition is very likely to appear when computer users have to work a long time doing repetitive
jobs. What is more, they often have to struggle with poorly designed programs and feel isolated from other
people. As a consequence, this might lead to nervousness and depression and have serious bodily effects as

Although it is impossible to avoid health risks related to long computer use, it is possible to minimize the
harmful effects by putting a few simple tips below into your daily practice:
• Make sure you sit in a comfortable position.
• Keep the proper distance from the screen.
• Take frequent breaks to exercise your arms and legs.

Total score: _______ / 50

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