Monika Statement of Purpose For Curtin Uni

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Statement of Purpose

Curtin University – Bachelor of Science (Health Science)

I, Monika was born on 07th July 1998 in the city of Sonipat, Haryana India. Academically, I completed my
Matriculation Examination Certification which is the 10th Standard Exam in the year 2012 - 2013 from the Haryana
School Education Board securing an overall percentage of 79.6 and then I completed my Senior Secondary
Examination Certificate which was the 12th Standard (Non-Medical) in the year 2014 - 2015 from the same board,
securing an aggregate percentage of 78%. I wanted to know my ability in the medical field which is why I took
admission to Senior Secondary Examination Certificate (2015-2016) again but this time with the Medical stream. I
secured an aggregate percentage of 74.6%. In 2016-2018 I gave entrance exams also. As I had an inclination towards
the health and well-being sector, I completed my Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery from Delhi Nursing
Council in the year 2018 – 2021, securing an aggregate percentage of 66.5%.

I wanted real-world experience, hence I took up the job of Staff Nurse at Singla Hospital, where I worked from 10th
January 2022 to till date. Staff Nurses play an important role in promoting health and well-being. I was able to deliver
accurate information to doctors and interact successfully with the patients, their families and other healthcare
professionals. It is during this interaction I realized that I was able to make a difference in the well-being of the patients
and how health professionals where were able to make a difference to the community at large. Also, health
professionals are highly respected in society due to their critical role in improving access to and quality health care for
the population. Hence I decided that, if I wanted to be a future leader as a public health professional, I would like to
continue my future professional education aboard. I researched courses in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and
other countries. I gave my PTE on 19th August 2022 scoring Overall 58, Listening: 61, Reading: 52, Writing: 58
and Speaking: 59.

Reasons for Shifting from Nursing to Health Sciences:

As my own home country faced issues related to Covid-19, I decided to gain the necessary knowledge and
experience to perform a more involved role in the Health field. I wanted to help people who are suffering from health
issues. That’s why I did GNM so that I could learn how to help patients. But I want to work for the health of people. I
want to work for improving the lives of people in my country by working with several governmental and non-
governmental organisations. As I noticed millions of people failed to receive the right healthcare at the time of covid-
19. The health sector flooded with covid-19 patients, and private health care became short and expensive for the
public. The disarrangement of general health services was a huge gap in the pandemic response. That’s why I choose
this study.

Why not my own home country?

Acharya Narendra Dev College, Bhaskaracharaya College of Applied Sciences, Guru Nanak College, DAV
College and etc. offer Bachelor of Science Medical courses which involves the study of Sciences like Zoology,
Botany, Chemistry and allied Medical Technology. I research through website for B.Sc.
(Allied Health Sciences), Bachelor of Science in Allied Health Sciences, Syllabus, Eligibility, Duration, Degree
Course ( offered by Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth, Puducherry, Chettinad University. This was the
moment when I realised that the Indian education system is lodged with the issues that are some of the
reasons behind the lack of Indian healthcare administration. As I seek deep into the system I was exposed to a
whole new side of the education framework. The education system focuses on quantity rather than quality. They
want more and more students because of which classes are always overloaded and thus quality fades away.
So, teachers come to class only to finish their jobs rather than provide students with knowledge. Even the
teachers are not well trained and efficient. I am considering this fact as there are some teachers who have vast
knowledge in their respective field but they are unable to deliver it to the student in an understandable way. Once I
was able to see these issues I had to make a decision for the international degree for the betterment of my
future. Having a degree from a foreign university is perfect as it would give me a ride above all of the
problems and issues that I had to face at my home university.
Now choosing the right country was the next question:
Talking about foreign studies; the countries which come to everyone’s mind are The UK, Canada and Australia.
Initially, I took Canada under consideration for the comparison against Australia. Canada was ruled out
because the cost of education of undertaking degrees in this country is very expensive, the degrees are of 4-
year duration. The University of Toronto and Carleton University with courses related to my interest when I
was about to look for the contents, I noticed that the deadline for the course was closed and applications
were not further accepted. The climatic conditions are very harsh (Canada goes below degrees also in some
provinces). Then between UK and Australia, I chose Australia because the Education system of Australia is
friendly for international students and there are specific laws that every institute has to abide by the country
to ensure that international students get a secure system wherein the quality of education is maintained and
unlike the UK, the country has a system which protects the tuition fees of students under the Law known as
ESOS act. This act ensures that in case of the closure of an institute, the tuition fee paid by international students is
safe and they do not get harassed by the system like in the UK where a lot of colleges have closed leaving students in
a dark.
Still, I looked for a few Universities in the UK i.e. the University of Roehampton Public University offering a
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science for a 3years course duration, one-year tuition fees of 13,520(Pound) in
INR 12,55,332Lakhs and location; London, UK. Liverpool John Moores University Public University offers a
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Biomedical Science for a 4years course duration, one-year tuition fees of
14,450(Pound) in INR 13,41,682lakhs and location; Liverpool, UK and no scholarships are offered by this course.
Being a student I compared UK living costs with Australia also, in Perth monthly utilities i.e. basic (Electricity,
Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) for Apartment 9,462.52 INR (194.53 A$) and in the UK 14,352.48 INR (157.91
£), transportation cost Monthly Pass in Perth, Australia (Regular Price) 6,344.66 INR (130.43 A$) and in London,
UK 13,633.34 INR (150.00 £). So, I got the idea that I would need around 42 lakhs INR 4699 £ in London and in Perth
I would need around 28 lakhs 5900 A$ to maintain the same life standard.
Moreover, Australia is known for imparting education to students from around the globe for the last many years and
the universities are ranked among the world’s best. The cost of education is also cheaper than in a lot of other reputed
countries. The degrees are globally accepted and I can assure to have directed guidance by studying there.
Universities in Australia are known worldwide for their state of art facilities, infrastructure, laboratories etc. This
country fits all the parameters I was looking for and thus I chose this over all other options. These made me
choose Australia as my destination for my further degree.

Why did I choose to study at Curtin University?

The first University that I researched was Curtin University. Curtin maintains strong research partnerships
with some of the world’s largest companies. This university was providing the course of Bachelor of Science
(health sciences). Monash University has Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) for 4 years. I found it
irregular that the postgraduate course was so long hence I moved on.
University of Newcastle: A bachelor of biomedical Science at UON will give me the opportunity to study theoretical
knowledge in Physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, medical genetics and immunology whereas when I saw the course
structure of Curtin University, I noticed its course I will also broaden my knowledge in areas of study such as
Human Structure and Function, Brain and Behaviour, Promoting Mental Health and Social Inclusion, Health Planning
and Evaluation and Global Public and Planetary Health.
Edith Cowan University: During my research on Australian Universities, I found Edith Cowan University (ECU) also
interesting the course of this University was almost matching to my requirement but the majors available in its course
were applied chemistry, data science, forensic science and human genetics. In the Curtin University course, my major
is health sciences with a range of optional units to work in health management and planning.
Curtin University is the largest university in Perth and Western Australia. Located in the suburb of Bentley,
Curtin is well connected to the rest of Perth by their own bus station. Curtin has a very large number of international
students and is very active in areas such as resources and energy, business, and public health. I looked at Curtin’s
innovative teaching methods which include stimulating, creative learning environments and group collaboration, where
I can share ideas with professional organisations. Curtin University has strong industry collaboration in sectors such
as business, mining and health and provides me with unique opportunities. The wide range of professional skills and
challenges will broaden my perspective and prepare me for my future career.
Curtin University is one of Australia’s leading universities. It is a vibrant and growing under-50 institution and
has won many laurels. It is in Western Australia and is the only university in that region to be ranked in the
World under 50 University Rankings & it is positioned at 23 rd worldwide. It is also ranked among the top 1% of
universities in the world. Curtin University has widely recognized for its research and is firmly focused on solving
real-world problems. It maintains strong collaborative relationships with some of the biggest companies in Australia
and the world. Curtin has facilitated across more than 60 research centres. Curtin has well-respected researchers
from Australia and the world as well as across a range of areas. Graduate ready for the job market: the course is
offered across a wide range of areas, and I will study in technology-rich learning environments that recreate real
workplaces, enhancing my study and giving me hands-on practical experience. It will increase my employability
through internships and real-world projects that strengthen my skills and expand my industry knowledge which will
make me hireable in my own home country (India).
REASONS TO CHOOSE Bachelor of Science (Health Sciences):
First and the foremost lesson that the pandemic has taught us is how precious life is. Health Science teaches us about
life and how life spans. Health science in simple terms teaches us about diseases, treatment, diagnosis, prevention,
mode of action of disease and mode of action of a drug. Even the development of vaccines is a part of Health
Health Science is interdisciplinary learning. It has a varied field of study and applications from inhibiting
disease and promoting the health & well-being of not only individuals but the entire community and population at large.
I want to be a part of a team dedicated to preventing illness, disease, and the spread of infection and promoting health
through wellness programs and practices in the world. The prospect of growth and security in the health science
sector has seen unprecedented growth. Personal and job satisfaction in the health science sector is second to none
when compared to any other industry. There are leadership opportunities in health science careers in various
fields and organizations, through specialization in a specific field of health. Health Science professionals get
state-of-the-art tools, equipment, data, and resources. Health is a branch of medicine hence it is highly respected,
with opportunities in federal, state, local government, private business, research institutes and etc. The field of health
science is one of the most dynamic in the entire health care industry as it is constantly evolving with a multitude range
of applications.
the curriculum of this program has an in-depth range of core subjects and elective subjects that I will be undertaking at
Curtin. Thus this bachelor's degree will help me understand the theoretical, practical, training, governance, finance,
computing & machine learning and communication aspects of Health Science, in short, it covers the entire aspects of
learning in the Health Science Domain. The learning outcomes of this course shall help me critically evaluate
national health care systems, standards and legislation paying particular attention to underlying principles and the
impact of the public health profession on their establishment, undertake advocacy for public health problems drawing
on evidence, history, and current and future practice, demonstrate a commitment to equitable access, social justice
and human rights in the development and implementation of public health initiatives.
Vision for my Bright Future Career:
The COVID-19 pandemic has massively disrupted our lives. The need of the hour is to build a resilient public health
system that can prevent diseases, promote good health and respond quickly to minimize loss of life when faced with
an outbreak of such kind of pandemic. In the last few years, the Indian government has taken several steps to
strengthen the public health system through the implementation of programs like Mission Indradhanush, and the
National AYUSH Mission. Flagship schemes like POSHAN Abhiyaan, and Swachh Bharat Mission also impact
human health as they help prevent diseases and boost immunity (Source; Healthcare Industry in India, Indian
Healthcare Sector, Services (
If I talk about career opportunities and growth in this field then the career is numerous after attaining a degree in this
field and some of those are- Policy officers, Health Project managers, community development workers etc. As I
will be having an International Degree mentioned in my CV which will reflect my skills like; communication skills,
professional skills and conduct, and individual and community assessment skills. These sets of skills make me stand
out from the crowd and I will be offered a salary package of INR. 5.5 lakhs or more per annum salary.
Senior Program Officer – Infectious Diseases and Surveillance
Jhpiego Delhi, India On-site
Medplus is hiring for Cluster Manager
MedPlus Health Services Limited
(Source; (59) Medplus is hiring for Cluster Manager | MedPlus Health Services Limited | LinkedIn)
On the completion of this program I wish to come to India and work with the top hospitals like AIIMS, Medanta-The
Medicity, Apollo, PGIMER, Lilavati Hospital etc. or I can join pharmaceutical companies: Pfizer, GSK
(GlaxoSmithKline), Sanofi, Merck, Sun Pharma, Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited, Brooks Laboratories Ltd. And
as far as employment is concerned, it has become one of the fast-growing sectors as The Government is coming
forward. In keeping with the vision to turn India into a research powerhouse, our Indian Prime Minister
declared $28 billion USD spending on Universal Healthcare Scheme in India. The feature of this scheme is free
check-ups for everyone, and that will create an enormous amount of job opportunities for healthcare officers in the
coming years.
Family Ties: The biggest reason for me to return to India is my husband, parents-in-law and my parents who
supported me in all my education and career matters. I shall manage a private shared accommodation in Australia
during my education, also I do not have any family or relatives that are living in Australia. I come from a big extended
Indian family, as such, we are close to each other, and this makes it difficult for me to stay away from them for a long
time. My parents are getting older and in India, parents stay with children including grandparents. We Indians consider
it our duty to look after our parents in their old age, moreover, we believe in providing a peaceful and stable life during
our parents’ old age. Also, my husband is doing a job in Dubai as a CCTV operator Security Officer at Ejjadah
Management Group Dubai. Finally, I would like to conclude that all the documents and information that I have
provided are genuine. I only have the intention to stay in Australia temporarily and assure you that I will return to my
homeland after the completion of my studies.
I believe that life is About Continuous learning and using this knowledge for the betterment of society. I strongly
believe getting an education from a country like Australia will help me to understand more, gain insight and broaden
my horizon. With the appropriate summary of the research, I undertook to finalize Curtin University, financial
documents which I have submitted for the embassy's ready reference, and all the other necessary documents to put to
review, I further request the officer to approve this student visa so that I initiate my education at Australia.
However, in this way, getting an education from Australia will be fruitful for me and my career and I look forward to
studying and pursuing a degree in Health Sciences at Curtin University. Being accepted means that I will be able to
pursue my dream while at the same time serving out my passion.
My understanding of visa subclass 500
I will comply with all the rules and regulations mentioned under subclass 500 during my stay in Australia which are as
• I have to maintain a minimum of 80% attendance at the University
• I must remain enrolled in a registered course.
• I am allowed to work 40 hours per fortnight part-time.
• I must maintain adequate arrangements for my education while I am in Australia.
• I must have to notify to university if I change address/contact details within seven working days
• I must maintain Overseas Student Health Care (OSHC)


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