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PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] ve) IL Semester Diploma Examination, August/September-2022 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS Code : 20PM01T Register Number L | LI Time : 3 Hours} [ Max. Marks : 100 Instructions : (i) _ Answer any one full question from each Section —1, 2, 3, 4 and’, ii) Each one full question carries 20 marks. (iii) Answers to be specific and to the point. SECTION -1 1. @)_ Define: 4 @ Project (ii) Internet of Things (loT) (b) Match the following : 6 (® All'the phases take their normaltime in (a) Augmented reality Projects undertaken due “to the —(b) Normal project ‘unexpected calamities (ii) Additional costs are“tequired to gain (c) Virtual reality time in (iv) Video games are example for @ Cloud (¥) Combination of digital and real world is (c) Crash project (vi) Virtual stofage exists on the internet (© Disaster project (©) List the fivercharacteristics of Project Manager. s (d) Analyse any five benefits of AR and VR in project management. 5 2... (@) “Identify any four differences between project and operation. 4 (G)” Show any three differences between augmented reality and virtual reality. 6 (©) _Listany five features of a project. 5 @ Discuss any five applications of AR and VR. 5 Lo 1of4 [Turn over Page 1 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] 20PMO1T 3 @) (b) ©) @ ) © @ ) © @ (b) © @ 2otd SECTION -2 List the different types of project team and explain any two project team Explain project diary with three advantages. Develop a WBS for the college day event in your institution. Analyse the importance of communication in a project. Identify any five advantages of effective team. 1400 Describe the use of Project Procedure Manual (PPM) and Project-Execution Plan (PEP) for the successful implementation of the project. Develop the factors to be considered while selecting the, team members in a Project. Analyse the prerequisites for successful project implementation. SECTION-3 5 5 5 List the four phases in Project Management Life Cycle and explain any one phase, Explain Best and Worstcasé analysis and mention its limitations, ‘Show the different types of project risks and explain any two. ‘A metro project Was planned with an estimated budget of 4000 crores. However, after the completion of the project, it was found that the total project, cost was 4300 crores. Analyse the possible reasons for the increase in cost of the project. Define project risk and list the different types of risk assessment techniques, 5 Explain time overrun and cost overrun in a project. List the role of project manager to minimize tisk in a project. 5 5 ‘A Highway Road Project was planned with estimated time duration of 6 months. However, the project took 13 months for its completion. Evaluate the possible reasons for the delay in the project. Page 2 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] 20PMO1T 7. (@ (i _ Define Project Evaluation. i) List why the project evaluation is important, 30f4 SECTION ~4 (b) Describe any five functions of Project Planning. (©) (Explain Project Scheduling Gi) List any three purposes of project scheduling (@ _ Analyse the importance of project objectives and policies. 8 (@_ (i) Define Project Planning. (i) List the tools used in project planning. (©) G) Explain time estimate. 1400 (i) Distinguish optimistic time, most likely time and pessimistic time. (©) Develop the Gantt Chart for the given project : JOBS: START DURATION MAN DAY POWER i 0 5 7 5-2 2 3 3 rz 4 6 9 i 8 4 2 #5 11 4 4 (@~ Analyse “SMART™ tool for setting goals and objectives. SECTION -5 9. (@) List any five uses of Network Techniques. (©) Distinguish between PERT and CPM in Project Management. & [Turn over Page 3 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] 20PMO1T 4of4 1400 (©) Develop « network diagram for a project whose activities and preceding activities with duration are given below : ‘Activity | Predecessor | Duration Ways) A - 3 B A 4 c A 2 D B 5 E c 1 F c 2 G DE 4 H FG 3 (@) Analyse the functions of Project auditor. 10. (@) @)_List any three purposes of Project Control. (ii) List any four objectives of Project Review. (b) Explain initial review in a project. (©) _List any five objectives of Project Audit. (@) Analyse the stepsin project audit program. 5 Page 4 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] Instructi 1. I Semester Diploma Examinations, August/September-2022 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (20PMO1T) ‘Scheme of Valuation IS: Answer one full question from each SECTION - 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 2, Each one full question carries 20 marks. 3. Answer to be specific and to the point QNo. Question breakup Marks SECTION-1 1(@) | @ Definition. (02) O2+02=04 (ii) Definition. (02) 1(b)__| Match the following. (06*01=06 1) List any five. 05x01=05 1(@)__| Any five benefits. 05x01=05, OR 2(@)__ | Any four differences, 01 marks for each difference. 0401-04 2(b) _| Any three differences, 02 mark for each differenice. 0302=06 2(©__| Any five features. 05%01=05 2(d)__ | Any five applications. 05x01=05 SECTION-2 3(a) List any three types (03x01=03) and explain any two (02x01=02). | 03+02=05 3(b) Explain (02), any three advantages (03x01=03), 02+03=05 3(0) ‘WBS construction. 05 3(@)__| Brief explanation, 05 OR 4a)_| Any five advantages. 4(b) _| Brief description of PPM and PEP. 4O_| Any five Factors, 4(@)__| Brief explanation. SECTION-3 5(a) | Thist four phases (04*01=04) and explain any one (01). 04+01=05 5(b) Explain (02), limitations any three (0301=03). 02+03=05. 5(c) Name any three types (03*01=03), explain any two (02*01=02). 03+02=05 5(d) ‘Any five reasons for cost overrun. 05x01=05 OR 6(@)__ | Definition (02) and list any three types (03*01=03). 0203-05 6(b)__| Brief description of time overrun and cost overrun. 25425505 6(©)__| Listany five roles. 05«01=05 6(@)__| Any five reasons for time overrun. O5x01=05 Page 5 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] QNo. Question breakup Marks SECTION-4 7(a) | @ Definition (02) 02#03=05 (ii) List any three reasons (0301=03). 7(b) _| Any five functions. 05x1=05 7) | @ Explanation (02) 02#03=05 Gi) List any three purpose (03%01=03). 7(d) Brief explanation. 05 OR 8(@) | (@ Definition (02) 02403=05 (ii) List any three tools (03x01=03). ‘B(b) (i) Explanation (02) 02+03=05 (ii) Distinguish one each (0301-03). B(c) Developing Gantt chart. 05 8(d) _| Brief explanation. 05 SECTION-S 9(@)__ | Any five uses. (05*01=05 9(b) Any five differences, 01 marks for each difference. 05*01=05 9(©)__| Developing a network diagram. 05 9@)__| Any five functions. 05*01=05 OR, 10(a) | @ List any three purposes (0301=03) 03+02=05 i) List any four objectives (04%0,5=02). 10(b) Brief explanation. 05 10(0)_| List any five objectives, (05*01=05 10(4)_| Brief explanation. 05 Page 6 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] QNo. Question and Answers Marks SECTION-1 1(a) _| Define (i) Project (ii) Internet of Things (ToT). (02+02=04) 04 ( Project A project is a temporary, unique and progressive sequence of tasks that must be completed on time to attain a certain outcome. OR Project is a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product or service. OR A project is a one-shot, time limited goal directed, major undertaking, requiring commitment of varied skills and requirements. OR Project is a work plan which is scientifically devised with the right man for the right work at the right time to achieve a specific objective within-a certain set time frame. OR Project is a unique process, consist of a set of coordinated and controlled activities with start and finish dates, undertaken to achieye' an) objective confirming to specific requirements, including the constraints of ‘time cost and resource, (18010006), (i) Internet of Things (IoT) Internet of Things (IoT) refers tothe process of connecting everyday physical objects to the internet from common) household objects like light bulbs to health care assets like medical devices to wearable, smart devices and even smatt cities. Scheme: [(i) Definition.(any general definition for project), 02 marks. (ii) Definition of IoT, 02 marks], 02+02=04 marks 1(b) | Match the following: (06*01=06) 06 (i) All the phases take their normal time in (b) Normal project (ii) Projects undertaken due to the unexpected (B Disaster project calamities ii) Additional costs are required to gain time in| (e) Crash project (iv) Video games are example for (© Virtual realit (v) Combination of digital and real world is, (a) Augmented reality (vi) Virtual storage exists on the internet (@) Cloud ‘Scheme: 06%01=06 marks 1(0)_| List the five characteristics of Project Manager. (05*01=05) 05 * Flexible and adaptable to all circumstances. * Initiativeness and should be a good leader. + _Agatessiveness, confidence, persuasiveness and verbal fluency. Page 7 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] Effective communication skills. Ambition and forcefulness. Effectiveness as integrator of project personnel Poised with enthusiasm, in agitation, spontaneity. Able to identify problems ahead. Able or willing to devote most of his time for planning and controlling. Willing to make decisions which are acceptable to the team. Ability to maintain proper balance in the use of time. Scheme: Any five characteristics, 05%01=05 marks 1d) ‘Analyse any five benefits of AR and VR in project management. (05»01=05) Increase in competitive ability. Increase in efficiency and productivity. Reduces time and costs. Reduces errors and facilitates work processes. Enables fast remote support for repairing systems weakness. Enable fast and remote collaboration Involve innovation support. Facilitate to understand large amounts of ata, Facilitate decision making problems solving. Facilitates monitoring of projects. Reduces the project validation risks. Scheme: Any five benefits, 05*01=05 marks 05 OR 2a) Identify any four differences between project and operation, (04*01=04) Difference between project and operation are as follows: SL# Project Operation 1. Temporary. Repetitive. 2. ‘Unique. Continuous cycle. 3. _,['€reate new product, service or | Product, service or process already process. created and are in use. 4, | Performance, time and cost are | Performance, time and cost are known. uncertain, 5. | Developing a new system. System already exists, maintaining and sustaining. 6.__ | Unexpected inputs and outputs. | Expected inputs and outputs. 7. | More/High risk, usually done | Fewer risks as they are repeated many for the first time. times. 8 | When objectives are achieved | Multiple objectives to be achieved the project ends. again and again, Scheme: Any four differences, 01 marks for each difference, 04x01=04 marks Page 8 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] 2(b) | Show any three differences between augmented reality and Virtual reality. | 06 (03%02=06) SL# ‘Augmented reality Virtual reality 1 | Combination of digital and real | Totally artificial digital world. world, 2 | User experience is partially | Complete sense of immersion, immersed. 3 | Camera-enabled devices such as | Special hardware equipment is smart phone, tablet or smart glasses | required (Microsoft hololens, HTC are required. Desktop and lap-top | vive, oculus right, Google are not suitable because of its fixed | daydream, etc). camera position, unless an external camera is used. 4 [Latest versions of _ common | Special software is required) operating systems are good enough (Android, IOS, Windows). 5 | Initial cost is lower than the VR. | Initial cost is highen.than the AR. Scheme: Any three differences, 02 mark for each différence, 0302-06 marks 20 _| List any five features of a project. (05*01=05) 5 Following are some important features of.a project: > Unique in nature, (No two projects.are exactly similar) > Have definite goals (objectives) to achieve > Require set of resources: > Have a specific time framé for completion with a definite start and finish. > Project has a life cycle reflected by start, growth, maturity and decline > Involves risk and uncertainty > Require cross*functional teams and interdisciplinary approach. > Changeiis'an inherent feature in any project throughout its life, Scheme: Any five features, 05*01=05 marks 2(@)_| Discuss any five applications of AR and VR. (0501=05) 05 "The applications of AR and VR in Project management are as follows: i. ii, ili, Architecture, civil engineering, construction and real estate: Instead of standard 2D format of drawings and renderings, investors and customers can now experience realistic impression of their future buildings, flats, and business places, both from the outside and from the inside. Marketing and sales: Many companies have recognized additional values for both marketers and customers. For instance using app helps customers in fast decision making, Education: AR/VR technologies offer great opportunities and diversity in Page 9 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] education (remote learning, interactive learning etc.) iv. Visual industries: There are many examples of using AR/VR and related projects in this field; game industry, fashion industry, entertainment industry - cinema, film, travelling exhibitions (e.g. landmarks, museums) etc. Automotive: AR/VR solutions are used for test drives, car elements testing, car dealership experience, etc. vi. Manufacturing: In complex manufacturing processes AR is useful in delivering the right information at the right moment to factory workers on assembly lines. vii. Healthcare: Training of surgeons is one of the most important fields"of application of the AR/VR technologies in healthcare. Vili. Defence: ‘The project uses different approaches allowing remote confection of AR and VR systems to geo-location and other tools, involving 3D modeling, photogrammetric, drones and many other. state-of-the-art technologies. ix. Service support: Remote technical and expert” support, visualized instructions, remote repairing, knowledge, exchange, @tc., with the AV/VR technologies, mi ing and repairing at remote Jocations is possible. ‘Scheme: Any five applications, 05x01=05 marks SECTION-2 3(a) | List the different types of project team and explain any two project team. | 05 (03+02=05) Project team can be classified as a) Initial projectteam b) Designated project leader/manager ©). Core project feam or project steering committee ) Full projeceteam ©) Projectadvisors f)_ Project stakeholders 1g). Process facilitators. a) Initial project team > It consists of specific people who have idea of starting a project. > The member of this team may or may not be a part of the core project team. b) Designated project leader/manager > Any one of the team members will be designated as a project leader/manager and he will be responsible for coordinating the activities of team members, managing the relations with key stakeholders and the process of going through the project cycle. Page 10 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] © Core project team > It is a small group of people of 3 to 8 members who are ultimately responsible for designing and managing the project. > Ibis also called the project driving committee consisting of sponsor, client, leader, expert/specialist and internal auditor (inspector or examiner). 4) Full Project Team > Iris bigger than the core project team, it consists of a complete group of people involved in designing, implementing, monitoring and learning from a project. > This team includes managers, stakeholders, researchers and other ‘key members of the project. @) Project Advisors The project advisors are not the part of project team > Team members can depend on advisors for honest feedback and counselling > Project advisors can coordinate the works of the project f) Project stakeholders > The project stakeholders are individudls, gioups or institutions who are interest in the project outcome > They have a stake in the project The project success or failure depends on how much the stakeholders are satisfied with the project, > It is not mandatory that all.the stakeholders should be a part of the project team, The key stakeliolders will find a place in the project team. > Example: Projéct manager, Team members, Managers, Resource managers, Executives, senior management, Company owners and Investors. v v ®) Project Facilitators Project Facilitators help the project through the planning process. He is part of the initial project team and the core project team. He understands the key elements of the process and he has good facilitation skills. > A facilitator is an unbiased person who listens to both sides of an argument. ‘The facilitator will solve problems by reaching common ground between two or more people. yyy v Scheme: [List any three ypes (03*01=03) and explain any two (02%01=02)), 03+0: marks Page 11 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] 3(b) | Explain project dairy with three advantages. (02+03=05) 05 Project Dairy: > A project manager is to conduct number of meetings with vendors, contractors, his own staff and various outsiders concerned to project work. > Thus have to maintain a record of points discussed and decisions taken in date wise while carrying the project work, this is known as project diary. Advantages of Project Dairy: > This will ensure effective and efficient management. > This record will justify the decisions in later dates. > This record can also be used to defend against non-admissible claims and litigations. This diary also helps to prepare a follow-up, as this record contains all the pending works with dates committed against each, > Maintaining the diary helps us to get relief from the burden of carrying everything in our mind, > It will also boost up our memory power thereby Hélps us to avoid the problems of unattended work due to lack of,memary. v Scheme: [Explain (02), any three advantages (03~01=03)], 02+03=05 marks 3(0 _| Develop a WBS for the college day eventin your institution. 05 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the college day event: Tout oles af ent in tsiaion Manage Bs “Activities to 7 ‘Stage setting an¢ soe || Astin Bate |_| stgesting nt “Aid gets Performa (eas Tels te Toogeaton comer ‘rea et Cua Soma eta sete st. vetings| Note: Any general college day event breakdown structure can be considered. ‘Scheme: WBS construction 05 marks Page 12 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] 3(d)_| Analyse the importance of communication in a project. 05 > Effective communication is often the foundation of successful projects. > Good communication can unite team members and stakeholders to a project's strategy, objectives and budget. > It can also enable everyone involved in the project to understand his or her roles, which may make them more likely to support the project. > Without effective communication, projects can incur more risk and fail to meet desired outcomes, According to Peter F Drucker, 63% of management problems are due to faulty communications. > For a successful project implementation, a two-way communications system is essential. For that matter, the entire process of direction, coordination and contfol'in a project revolves around communication. v y ‘Scheme: Brief explanation, 05 marks OR (a) _| Identify any five advantages of effective team. (05%01=05) 05 Clear objective of the project from the initiation to ‘completion, Good decision making process, which speeds up the activities. Clear roles, responsibilities and Jeadership. Ensures smooth progress of the project without overlapping. Leadership roles are shared bythe team head. ‘Trust, co-operation, support and constructive conflict or feedback. Individual and mutual accountability for performance results. vy vvvY v ‘Scheme: Any five advantages, 05*01=05 marks 4(b) | Describe the use of Project Procedure Manual (PPM) and Project Execution | 05 Plan (PEB) for the successful implementation of the project. (2.5+2.5=05) Project, Procedure Manual (PPM): > The project procedure manual gives a complete picture about the system. > Itis intended to guide project managers. > It has to be prepared in such a way that the agencies are able to see their roles and mutual relationships in achieving the common goal. Preparation of a project procedure manual should start with each project management sub system. > Tt contains the instruction for handling the project in accordance with the terms of the contract. ¥ Page 13 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] Project Execution Plan (PEP): > The Project Execution Plan is the governing document that establishes the means to execute, monitor, and control projects. > It is a document that describes the objectives we wants to achiev company with the time and resources needed along with the costs, quality, benefits, etc. > PEP includes four sub-plans. These are: i. Contracting Plan ii, Work packing Plan iii, Organization Plan iv. Systems and Procedure Plan a ‘Scheme: [Brief description of PPM (2.5) and PEP (2.5)], 2.5+2. 5 marks 4(O)_| Develop the factors to be considered while selecting the team mefibers in a | 05 project. (05x01=05) Knowledge about biodiversity and threat to biodiversity. Knowledge about political, social and economié Context. Knowledge or experience of stakeholders andihiéir concerns. Experience or skill in developing the strategies. Experience in communication. Experience in fundraising Experience in budgeting and risk’assessment. Should understand the psychology of the team. Should not be short tempered, VV VY VVYYY ‘Scheme: Any five factors, 05%01=05 marks 4(d) | Analyse the prerequisites for successful project implementation. 05, ‘Time and cost overruns make the project uneconomical. This also leads to shortage of resources for other projects. In order to minimize time and cost over-runs during the implementation of 4 project, it is necessary to study about the prerequisites for successful project implementation, > Keeping checks on these prerequisites help to improve prospects of successful completion of projects. Some of the important prerequisites are Adequate formulation, sound project organization, proper implementation planning, advance action, timely availability of funds, judicious equipment tendering and procurement, better contract management, effective monitoring. wv Vv v ‘Scheme: Brief explanation 05 marks Page 14 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] SECTION-3 5(a) | List the four phases in Project Management Life cycle and explain any one | 05 phase. (04+01=05) The four phases of project life cycle are, i. Initiation ii, Planning Execution iv. Closure or Termination i. Initiation Phase: * In this phase we study the project purpose and scope, justification for taking up the project and the solutions are defined. * This phase ends with selection of project team, setting up of a project office and performance review of this phase. ii, Planning Phase: + This phase defines a detailed procedure to undertake the project and how to complete the project with successful deliverables (output). # Recourse planning is done in this phase, «This phase defines strategic planning and implementation planning. * A performance review is done at the end of this phase. iii, Execution Phase: * This phase carry out onexecute the decisions, actions, procedures, steps, methods ete. that are defined ih planning phase. * Actual work is dofie-her® and this involves monitoring and controlling processes. * This phase.ldok for customer / stakeholder / sponsor's satisfaction. «A performance review is done at the end of this phase. iv, Project closure phase: # This is the final phase to do the official closure of the project. = “In this phase project deliverables (output) is handed over to the customers. ® Documents are handed over to the authority, contracts are officially closed with venders and suppliers, staffs are relived and machines or equipment’s, are set free for the next project. * A performance review is done at the end of this phase which will identify the positive and negative points of the project, which will help the project manager and spencer’s to undertake the next project. ‘Scheme: [List four phases (04x01=04) and explain any one (01)), 04+01=05 marks Page 15 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] 5(b) | Explain Best and Worst case analysis and mention its limitations. (02+03=05) | 05 + Best case analysis assumes the best scenario with high demand, high selling price, and low variable cost and so on. * Worst case analysis assumes the low demand, low selling price, high variable cost and so on. Limitations: > Itis based on the assumptions that there are a few described scenarios. > The assumptions are not true in most of the cases. > The demand in the market is based on economy of the state which is véry ifficult to predict and the assumption model can fail. ‘Scheme: [Explain (02), limitations any three (03*01=03)], 02+03=05 marks 5(0 _ | Show the different types of project risks and explain any two, (03+02=05) 05 i. Technical Risks: Technical risks refer to’ changes in technical specifications of the product results in loss ii, Social Risks: Social risks refer to risks arising from changes in the needs and preferences of customers. Lack of necessary natural resources, labour unrest, agitations and social movements against the project also constitute social risks. Economic Risks: Economic risks refer to an increase in the rate of inflation, changes in the eeondmic policies of governments. iv. Political Risks: Nationalisation or privatisation of a particular industry, political instability;.and ‘wade restriction are some examples of political risks. The project_manager should ensure that the project does not go against the political interests of the country. v. Production Risks: Production risks refer to the shortage of necessary raw materials, Stidden breakdown of key machinery and huge rise in installation and maintenance costs. vi. Marketing Risks: Marketing risks refer to failure of the developed product of service in the market due to changes in market demand, errors in forecasting of demand, or difficulties in distribution. vii. Financial Risks: Financial risks refer to bad debts, change in the interest rate, wrong choice of investments and mistakes in the accounting procedures. Human Risks: Human risks refer to the sudden demise of key employee, limited availability of skilled employees, inter-group politics, etc. ‘Scheme: [Name any three types (03*01=03), explain any two (0201=02)], 03+02=05 marks Page 16 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] 5(d) | A metro project was planned with an estimated budget of 4000 crores. | 05 However, after the completion of the project, it was found that the total Project cost was 4300 crores. Analyse the possible reasons for the increase in cost of the project. (05*01=05) The possible reasons for the given project cost overruns; > Unplanned expansion of the project scope. Inaccurate initial cost estimation. Failures in project performance. Errors in project design. Improper risk management. Improper project team building. Wrong choice of equipment, Incompetent material suppliers. Time overrun, vVvvVvY vv ‘Scheme: Any five reasons for cost overrun, 05*01=05 marks OR 6(a) | Define project risk and list the different types of risk assessment techniques. | 05 (02+03=05) Risk is defined as the possibility of an outcome being different from the expected outcome. OR Risk are uncertainties in any projéct, they can adversely affect the desired outcome of the project unless they are minimized Project risk assessment techniques are as follows: 1. Sensitivityanalysis 2. Sceftario“analysis 3._Bestiand worst case analysis, 4. Simulation analysis Sehieme: [Definition (02) and list any three types (03*01=03)], 02+03=05 marks 6(b) _| Explain time overrun and cost overrun in a project. (2.5*2.5=05) 5 Time overrun: > Iris the condition where the project does not complete within the scheduled ime (given time). This may be the result of poor planning and deviation from time schedule. > Proper planning, controlling and monitoring with review system can always reduce or avoid time overrun, v Page 17 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] Following may the reasons for time overrun: Changing project objective or events * Delay in start-up, execution and closure. * Delay in undertaking dependent project stages. * Poor time table or poor follow up. + Management or administrative failure. * Possible interruption from public, politicians or government authorities. Cost overrun: > It is the condition where the project does not complete within the given budget. > This may be the result of poor planning and poor management. > Proper planning, controlling, tracking and monitoring with review. system can always reduce or avoid cost overrun, Following may the reasons for cost overrun: # Re-work or re-assembly. # Fail to track project spending. # Poor resource utilization plan. «Fail to make work breakdown structure. # Fail to review similar projects in past. * Lack of detailed project budget outline: Scheme: Brief description of time overrun and cost overrun, 2.5+2.5=05 marks 6(¢) _| List the role of project manager to minimize risk in a project. (05x01=05) 05 > Project manager place an iffipértant roll ensures project team and managers all the activities. > He holds the overall control of the project and responsible for its execution and performance: > He is inyalyed in planning of work, monitoring, directing and leading team members/and makes sure that project goals are reached in time, cost and quality: > 9Heshould maintain a project dairy to records the activities and progress of tthe project. ® He should ensure timely availability of the action to reduce the wastage of resources. > He should be flexible and adoptable to any situation, > Project manager should be confident, verbally fluently and must be a specialist in communication. > He should be able to identify the problems ahead. > He should be able to maintain a proper balance between time and money. > He must take form decision and it must be accepted by his team members. ‘Scheme: Listing any five roles, 05%01=05 marks Page 18 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] 6(d) | A Highway road Project was planned with estimated time duration of 6 | 05 months. However, the project took 13 months for its completion . Evaluate the possible reasons for the delay in the project. (05*01=05) The possible reasons for the given project time overruns: > A change in the scope of the project. Ineffective project time management. Delays in starting and executing some of the project activities. A delay in one project, results in delays in subsequent projects. Use of out-dated technology. Political interference. Poor administration. > Poor planning. ‘Scheme: Any five reasons for time overrun, 05*01=05 marks v vvvvyY SECTION-4 7(a) | @) Define Project evaluation (i) List why the project evaluations important | 05 (02+03-05) () Project evaluation: Project Evaluation is a step-byést@p process of collecting, recording and organizing information about project results, including short-term and longer-term project outcomes (ii) Importance of project evaluation, Project evaluation provides answers to several aspects such as: * Progress made. + Effective and ef * Desired output achieved. + Improvements to be. made for better outcome. © Success factors © Whether the results justify the input etc. ient use of resources, Scheme: -{(), Definition (02) (ii) Listing any three reasons (03%01=03)), 02+03: marks 7(b) | Describe any five functions of Project planning. (05*01=05) 5 Following are the functions of project planning: It should provide a basis for organizing the work on the project. I allocates the responsibilities to individuals. It is a means of communication and coordination between all those involved in the project. It induces the people to look ahead. It gives a sense of urgency and time consciousness. It establishes the basis for monitoring and controlling. vvy vv y ‘Scheme: Listing any five functions, 05*1=05 marks Page 19 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] 710 () Explain Project scheduling (ii) List any three purpose of project (i) Project scheduling : (02 Marks) v vvY It is a procedure of assigning tasks or activities to get them completed well within an allocated budget and specified time schedule. Scheduling suggests when to start and how much to be done, Scheduling usually consists of the planned start date and finish date Scheduling is critical component for effective time management. (ii) Purpose of project scheduling: (03 Marks) [Any three] vv v v To obtain time based commitment to various project act To communicate these commitments to project manage. To ensure coordination among the project leader and the team members with respect to the commitments and the activities to be carried, out. To adopt the schedule or commitment to the changing circumstances (unavoidable risks). ies, ‘Scheme: {(i) Explanation (02) (ii) Listing any three purpose (03*01=03)], 02+03= 15 marks. 05, 7a) Analyse the importance of project objectives and policies. v v The objectives and policies are Very important while planning the project. If the project team lacks “Clear goal even excellence skills and the best equipment will not enable the team to do a good job. Well defined objectives “and policies serve as the framework for the decisions to be made by the project manager. ‘The objectives, of the project may be technical objectives, performance objectivesstime and cost goals. Policiesarethe general guide for decision making on individual actions. Some ‘ofthe policies of the project are extent of work given to outside cOntrattors, number of contracts to be employed, terms of the contract, etc. Sclienté: Brief explanation, 05 marks 05, OR 8(@) (@ Define Project Planning (ii) List the tools used in project planning. (02+03-05) (@ Project Planning: It is all about designing effective policies and methodologies in order to attain or fulfil project deliverables or project scope or project objectives. Project planning is thinking before doing. 05, Page 20 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] (i) Tools used in project planning: Following tools are available for making project planning: i, Gantt chart Network Techniques iii, Project design iv. Time estimates ‘Scheme: [(i) Definition (02) (ii 02+03=05 marks ing any three tools (03%01=03)], 8(b) _| @) Explain time estimate (fi) Distinguish optimistic time, most likely time and | 05 pessimistic time. (02+03= () Time estimate: > When the project is to be designed, it is essential to fix the time-targets for each activity of the project. > This helps to complete the project as per the time schediile which gives the optimum benefits (profit) to enjoy. > The time estimate for the project can be done’by making the work break down of the project, estimating the time schedules for each activity, putting them in a proper sequence as per the teckini¢at or logical manner and finally matching their build up on a time scalé With the available resources > The time estimation for completing thé project depends on the factors like work content, sequence, resources, constraints and also on the data available. > This also involves the calculation of three time values for each activity of a project and these aré “optimistic time, most likely time and pessimistic time Gi) Distinguish optimistic time, most likely time and pessimistic time 4) Optimistic tinte (¢,): It is the time required to complete the activity if no hurdles or complications arise. b) Most likely time (¢,): It is the time in which the activity is most likely to be Completed by considering the normal circumstances and making allowance for Some unforeseen delays. ©) Pessimistic time (t,): It is the time required to complete the act complications or unforeseen difficulties arise. ‘Scheme: [(i) Explanation (02) (ii) Distinguish one each (03*01=03)], 02+03=05 marks Page 21 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] 8(¢) | Develop the Gantt chart for the given project 05 JOBS |STARTDAY | DURATION | MAN POWER i 0 5 7 32 2 3 3 33 4 6 9 ca 8 4 2 I u 4 4 Solution: GANTT CHART H In 43 sop sa 45 Oo 1 203 4 5 6H § 9 1 HRB 4 1S Days ———> Scheme: Developing Gantt chart, 05 marks 8(d) | Analyse “SMART” fool for setting goals and objectives. 05 > A goal is a’general statement of what should be done to solve a problem. > Objectives'are a finite subset of a goal and should be specific in order to be achievable. > The objectives should be "SMART." > They should be: i. Specific: clear about what, where, when, and how the situation will be changed ii, Measurable: able to quantify the targets and benefits lil, Achievable: able to attain the objectives iv. Realistic: able to obtain the level of change reflected in the objective and v. Time bound: stating the time period in which they will each be accomplished. Scheme: Brief explanation, 05 marks Page 22 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 (Code: SECTION-S 9a) List any five uses of Network Techniques. (05%01=05) Following are the uses of network technique to the management: i. ii iii, viii. xi. It indicates the start and finish time of each activity of the project. It helps in better scheduling, monitoring and control of project activities. It helps in better execution of the project. ‘These techniques can serve as indicators of bottle necks and potential trouble spots which help in preventing the pitfalls and progress of the project as per plan. ‘This will illustrate the type and extent of co-ordination required among the designers, contractors and other members of the project team. Ithelps in identifying the critical path. It helps in identifying the critical tasks and diversion of resources t0 these tasks so that they can be completed as per the schedule., Ithelps in resource allocation such as labour, machines ete: It helps to find whether or not advisable to crash pfoject’ time and the impact of crashing on the cost of the project. Helps to find which activities are to be speeded'up 8 as to minimise the cost of escalation due to the crashing, Ithelps in controlling the project cost. ‘Scheme: Any five uses, 05*01=05 marks 9b) Distinguish between PERT and CPM in Project Management. (05*01=05) SL# PERT. CPM 1. It is appropriate where thetime | It is appropriate. when the time estimates areuncertain in the | estimates are found with certainty in duration of activities. the duration of activities. Ttuses threé\time estimates for | It uses only one time estimate for the the performance of an event. _| activity and which is constant. Itisconcemed with the events. | It is concerned with the activity. It is suitable for non-repetitive | It is suitable for repetitive projects, projects. Tecan be analysed statistically. | Tt cannot be analysed statistically. Time is the direct controlling | Cost is the direct controlling factor. factor. The circle stands for an event | The circle stands for an activity and and the line connecting the | the line joining the circles represents Circles represents an activity. _ | an events. It is applied to research | Itis applied to the construction. development industries. Scheme: Any five differences, 01 marks for each difference, 05*01=05 marks 05 Page 23 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] 9(€) | Develop a network diagram for a project whose activities and preceding | 05 activities with duration are given below. Activit Predecessor | Duration(days) A B e D E F G H Solution: (Any one of the below solution or close to one of these can be considered to evaluate.) D am = a H A E ; 3 1 c 2 r 2 (Note: The above network diagram ‘utilizes nodes to represents activities and associates them with projectiles thatillustrate the dependencies for scheduling activities in a project, plan from star to end) OR (Note: The above network diagram represents project plan schedules using critical path method.) Scheme: Developing a network diagram, 05 marks Page 24 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] 9(d) | Analyse the functions of Project auditor. (05*01=05) 05 > Providing the actual status of the project from time to time. > He has to examine the project methodology and techniques to achieve the project objectives. > Identification of factors which may create the quality problems during the project work and giving the recommendations to overcome those problems. > Auditor is required to give advice to make recommendations. > He should be competent to prepare the action plans. > Auditor has to evaluate the contract base lines and give his judgment on their adequacy for achieving the project objectives. > Auditor has to measure the present and future state of the project. > Timely spotting of different problems relating to the execution of the project and suggesting to overcome the above problems. > Establishing a good information base for a proper estimation and costing of the project. > Assisting in establishing appropriate standards” and systems and recommending suitable work techniques. > Identification and recommendations of ‘specific training needed with reference to the project tasks. > Investing the underlying records, and thé tangible results of work done. > Continuous observations over the process and calibre of project management, and get a cleat picture of the project organization and controls. ‘Scheme: Any five functions, 05%01=05 marks OR 10(@) | () List any three purposes of project control (ii) List any four objectives of | 05 Project Review. (03+02=05) (i) Purposes of project control: > _To Eontrol the progress of the activities. ‘To'control the performance of the project activities. To control the project schedule. To have control over the project cost. To have control over the delays in project activities. To motivate project personnel through performance evaluation To achieve the project goals effectively and efficiently. vv Vv VY y (ii) Objectives of project review: > To examine whether the project is implemented in a specified ways or not. > Toassess the impact of the project. ¥ To examine the project efficiency. > To measure the quality of the project. Page 25 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] > To review the safety aspects followed during the project. > To examine the methods, process, procedures followed during the project. > To assess the outcome of the project. Scheme: [(i)List any three purposes (03*01=03), (ii) List any four objectives (04*0.5=02)}, 03+02=05 marks 10(b) | Explain initial review in a project. 05 > Initial project review is the first stage in the project review process. > It consists of two types: Control of Project in progress: « Itspecifies expenditure, how much can be spent by whom and when: * Itensures that the actual expenditure does not deviate from planned one, # It isa periodical control exercised during the project in progress. Post Audi * Iti post completion audit. + Most of the firms do a post audit for evety project above some threshold limit. * It compares the actual performance with the planned performances. # Itassures the proper evaluation of the project and it is one-time exercise OR Initial project review is carried out for following reasons: To examine whether the project is implemented in a specified ways or not. To ensures thatthe actual expenditure does not deviate from planned one. To assess the impact of the project. To examine the project efficiency. Tosieasure the quality of the project. ‘To review the safety aspects followed during the project. To examine the methods, process, procedures followed during the project. To assess the outcome of the project. v YYvvvyy ‘Scheme: Brief explanation, 05 marks 10(c)_| List any five objectives of Project Audit. (05»01=05) 05 Following are the objectives of project audit: > Providing the clear picture of actual status of the project from time to time. > Creating awareness among the project staff about the type and magnitude of the problems encountering during the completion of the project and producing the quality products in a planned volume and at competitive Page 26 of 27 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS (Scheme of valuation & Answer key) — Aug/Sep-2022 [Code: 20PM01T] costs. Identification of factors which may create the quality problems leading to time and cost overruns. > Timely spotting of a variety of generic problems while executing the project and suggestions to overcome these problems. Assisting to establish an appropriate standards and systems and recommending the suitable work techniques. > Enabling to create the good information system for a proper estimation and costing of the project. > Identification of specific training needs with reference to the project tasks. > Developing the experience and expertise in project management in order'to provide the consultancy services to the other enterp v v Scheme: Listing any five objectives, 05*01=05 marks 10(d) | Analyse the steps in project audit program 05 Project audit program: > The project audit aims to obtain a clear pictite Of the actual status of the project from time to time. > The detailed audit program involves the following steps: Step 1: Preliminary examination of he-project’s organization, administration, record keeping, planning and control”and working methods and techniques performed in order to establish project current and future status. Step 2: Preparing the statements/of project current and future status, giving a detailed list of completed work as compared with the project's performance baseline, recording\th@ cost and quality aspects, record keeping, working methods and communication a8pects. ‘Step 3: Conducting preliminary analysis and presenting results in the form of audit report, ‘Scheme: Brief explanation, 05 marks Page 27 of 27

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