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Edition July 2022

Part 4 Systems and components

Chapter 5 Rotating machinery - driven units

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DNV rules for classification contain procedural and technical requirements related to obtaining and
retaining a class certificate. The rules represent all requirements adopted by the Society as basis
for classification.

© DNV AS July 2022

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Changes - current

This document supersedes the July 2021 edition of DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.4 Ch.5.
The numbering and/or title of items containing changes is highlighted in red.

Changes July 2022, entering into force 1 January 2023

Topic Reference Description

Steering gear redundancy Sec.3 [2.3] Removed detailed steering gear requirements as this is
considered covered by system redundancy.

Steering gear power supply Sec.3 [2.3.4] Revised title where 'control' is added.

Sec.3 [] Added new paragraph.

Main and auxiliary steering gear power units shall be arranged
to restart automatically when power is restored after a power
failure. See also Sec.3 [].

Different gases - different Sec.4 [1.4] Updated to make clear the differences between the material
requirements requirements for compressors.

Removal of not applicable Sec.4 [1.4.1] Deleted previous [1.1.2] referring to compressors for hydro
requirements carbons, as the compressors are dealing with other dangerous
gases also.

Sec.4 [1.4.2] Removed definition of hydro carbons from Sec.4 Table 1 as a

consequence of the above.

Sec.4 [1.6.2] Removed the part from previous [1.4.3] product certificate
stating that 'compressors for nitrogen generator with rating 100
kW or less may be delivered with product certificate issued by

Design approval and Sec.4 [1.6.1], Updated Sec.4 Table 3 and Sec.4 Table 4 with document
compliance documentation Sec.4 [1.6.2] requirements more stringent for compressors as listed in Sec.4
updated [1.4.2].

Added additional requirements for inlet, outlet and internal

piping for compression medium in Sec.4 Table 5, Sec.4 Table 6
and Sec.4 Table 7.

Material requirements Sec.4 [2.1], Updated in order to be in compliance with the rules from
Sec.4 [2.2] piping, material rules and IGF and IGC code.

Finite element analysis Sec.4 [2.4] Updated that finite element analysis is accepted.

Witnessing Sec.4 [8] Updated installation inspection on board with: 'Tests and
inspections shall be carried out by the manufacturer, and the
Society shall be invited for witnessing'.

Editorial corrections
In addition to the above stated changes, editorial corrections may have been made.

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Rotating machinery - driven units

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Contents

Changes – current.................................................................................................. 3

Section 1 Propellers................................................................................................ 8
1 General................................................................................................ 8
1.1 Application....................................................................................... 8
1.2 Documentation................................................................................. 8
1.3 Required compliance documentation..................................................10
2 Design................................................................................................12
2.1 General..........................................................................................12
2.2 Criteria for propeller blade dimensions.............................................. 13
2.3 Pitch control mechanism and propeller hub........................................ 14
2.4 Fitting of propeller blades to the hub................................................ 16
3 Inspection and testing.......................................................................17
3.1 General..........................................................................................17
3.2 Inspection and testing of parts......................................................... 18
4 Workshop testing...............................................................................18
4.1 General..........................................................................................18
5 Control and monitoring......................................................................18
5.1 General..........................................................................................18
6 Arrangement...................................................................................... 20
6.1 General..........................................................................................20
6.2 Arrangement of propeller................................................................. 20
6.3 Hydraulic system for pitch control.....................................................20
7 Vibration............................................................................................ 20
7.1 General..........................................................................................20
8 Installation inspection....................................................................... 20
8.1 General..........................................................................................20
8.2 Fitting of propeller and propeller blades.............................................20
8.3 Pitch marking................................................................................. 20
8.4 Hydraulic piping..............................................................................21
9 Shipboard testing.............................................................................. 21
9.1 Sea trial........................................................................................ 21

Section 2 Water jets............................................................................................. 22

1 General.............................................................................................. 22
1.1 Application..................................................................................... 22
1.2 Documentation............................................................................... 22

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1.3 Required compliance documentation..................................................23

Part 4 Chapter 5 Contents

1.4 Definitions......................................................................................25
2 Design................................................................................................26
2.1 General..........................................................................................26
2.2 Design of components..................................................................... 26
3 Inspection and testing.......................................................................27
3.1 General..........................................................................................27
3.2 Testing and inspection of parts......................................................... 27
3.3 Assembling.....................................................................................27
4 Workshop testing...............................................................................28
4.1 General..........................................................................................28
5 Control, alarm, safety functions and indications................................ 28
5.1 General..........................................................................................28
5.2 Monitoring and bridge control...........................................................28
6 Arrangement...................................................................................... 29
6.1 General..........................................................................................29
7 Vibration............................................................................................ 30
7.1 General..........................................................................................30
8 Installation survey.............................................................................30
8.1 Surveys......................................................................................... 30
9 Shipboard testing.............................................................................. 30
9.1 General..........................................................................................30

Section 3 Podded and geared thrusters................................................................ 32

1 General.............................................................................................. 32
1.1 Introduction................................................................................... 32
1.2 Objective....................................................................................... 32
1.3 Scope............................................................................................ 32
1.4 Application..................................................................................... 32
1.5 Definitions and symbols...................................................................33
1.6 Documentation............................................................................... 36
1.7 Required compliance documentation..................................................41
1.8 Workmanship..................................................................................43
2 Arrangement and operation...............................................................43
2.1 General..........................................................................................43
2.2 Thrusters serving main function propulsion........................................ 43
2.3 Thrusters serving main function steering........................................... 43
2.4 Operation of propulsion thrusters serving main functions..................... 45
3 Design................................................................................................46

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3.1 General..........................................................................................46

Part 4 Chapter 5 Contents

3.2 Housing......................................................................................... 47
3.3 Propulsion line................................................................................ 48
3.4 Azimuth steering gear for thrusters...................................................49
3.5 Auxiliary systems............................................................................53
3.6 Vibration........................................................................................ 54
3.7 Special design features....................................................................55
3.8 Control and monitoring systems....................................................... 56
4 Inspection and testing.......................................................................62
4.1 General..........................................................................................62
4.2 Workshop testing............................................................................ 63
4.3 Installation on board....................................................................... 65
4.4 Sea trial........................................................................................ 66
5 Required compliance documentation in other rules chapters............. 67

Section 4 Compressors.......................................................................................... 70
1 General.............................................................................................. 70
1.1 Introduction................................................................................... 70
1.2 Objective....................................................................................... 70
1.3 Scope............................................................................................ 70
1.4 Application..................................................................................... 70
1.5 Definitions......................................................................................71
1.6 Procedural requirements.................................................................. 71
2 Design................................................................................................77
2.1 Operating conditions....................................................................... 77
2.2 Materials...................................................................................... 77
2.3 Reciprocating compressors............................................................... 78
2.4 Non-reciprocating compressors......................................................... 80
2.5 Containment...................................................................................81
2.6 Piping and arrangement.................................................................. 81
3 Inspection and testing.......................................................................82
3.1 General..........................................................................................82
3.2 Inspection of the parts.................................................................... 82
4 Workshop testing...............................................................................82
4.1 General..........................................................................................82
5 Control and monitoring......................................................................83
5.1 General..........................................................................................83
6 Arrangement on-board...................................................................... 84
6.1 General..........................................................................................84

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7 Vibration............................................................................................ 84

Part 4 Chapter 5 Contents

7.1 Torsional vibration...........................................................................84
8 Installation inspection onboard......................................................... 84
8.1 Test and inspection......................................................................... 84
8.2 Attendance.....................................................................................84
8.3 Survey sequence............................................................................ 84
8.4 Function test.................................................................................. 84
8.5 Vibration........................................................................................ 85

Changes – historic................................................................................................ 86

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1

1 General

1.1 Application
1.1.1 The rules in this section apply to propellers intended for propulsion, steering and manoeuvring.
Ch.2 describes all general requirements for rotating machinery and forms the basis for all sections in Ch.3,
Ch.4 and Ch.5.

1.1.2 The following items are recognised as parts of the propeller and are subject to approval:
— propeller blades
— blade fitting mechanism (e.g. blade bolts - if any)
— propeller hub
— pitch control mechanism (if any).
For fitting of the propeller to the shaft, see Ch.4 Sec.1.

1.1.3 See Pt.6 Ch.6 Sec.2 concerning propellers for ships with ice strengthening.

1.1.4 See Pt.5 Ch.13 concerning additional requirements for propellers for naval vessels.

1.1.5 See Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.7 concerning additional requirements related to redundant propulsion.

1.1.6 See Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.1 and Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.2 concerning additional requirements related to dynamic
positioning systems.

1.2 Documentation
1.2.1 The builder shall submit the documentation required by Table 1.

Table 1 Documentation requirements

Object Documentation type Additional description Info

C020 - Assembly or arrangement


Detailed geometry, including:

— verification details of fitting of hub to
propeller shaft
— hub cap with fins and cap bolts (as
Hub C030 - Detailed drawing applicable) AP
— blade fitting arrangement (as
Material specification, properties and heat

C040 - Design analysis Fitting calculation. FI, R

Z162 - Installation manual Shall follow each delivery. FI, R

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Object Documentation type Additional description Info

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1

Detailed geometry, including blade flange,
C030 - Detailed drawing as applicable. Material specification, AP
properties and heat treatment.

FE calculation (mandatory for special

designs), including background
Blade documentation:

C040 - Design analysis — detailed hydrodynamic calculation FI, R

— wake field data.
(Blade geometry data file in ASCII format,
preferably PFF may be requested).

Detailed geometry of all load carrying

parts, such as servo cylinder, piston and
Controllable pitch servo piston rod.
C030 - Detailed drawing AP
Material specification, properties and heat

Including permissible operating servo

S042 - Hydraulic control diagram pressures, specification of oil filter, and AP
alarm list with setpoint and relay times.

If pitch adjustment is used as load control

Z161 - Operation manual FI, R
of propeller driver.

C020 - Assembly or arrangement

Controllable pitch
mechanism Detailed geometry of all load carrying
parts, such as crank disc, push pull rod,
C030 - Detailed drawing cross head and sliding shoe. AP
Material specification, properties and heat

Analysis including description of pitch

C040 - Design analysis propeller system is mandatory for new FI, R

Control and monitoring I200 - Control and monitoring system

According to Ch.9. AP
system documentation

AP = for approval, FI = for information, R = on request

1.2.2 For general requirements for documentation, including definition of the info codes, see DNV-CG-0550

1.2.3 For a full definition of the documentation types, see DNV-CG-0550 Sec.5.

1.2.4 Relevant design parameters shall be given. As a minimum, the following shall be specified:
— engine power at maximum continuous rating (MCR)
— corresponding propeller rotational speed
— maximum ship speed
— design pressure of hydraulic pitch system (if any)
— relevant additional class notations (see [1.1.3] - [1.1.6]).

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The manufacturing tolerance class (ISO 484) shall be specified on the propeller drawings.

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1

1.2.5 The following additional information shall also be submitted for the propeller:
— weight and buoyancy
— polar and diametrical mass moment of inertia in air
— polar and diametrical mass moment of inertia of entrained water (for zero and full pitch for CP propellers)
— predicted operational hydraulic pressure for controllable pitch propellers, when available.

1.2.6 For instrumentation and automation, including computer based control and monitoring, see Ch.9.

1.3 Required compliance documentation

1.3.1 Pumps, electric motors, coolers, piping, filters, valves, etc. that are delivered as integral parts of the
hydraulic operation and cooling systems, shall be checked as found relevant by the propeller manufacturer’s
quality system.

1.3.2 Compliance documents shall be issued as per Table 2 and scope of testing and inspection of
components as per Table 3.

Table 2 Compliance documents

Object document Issued by Additional description


Propellers cast in one piece Society (See Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.7 and Pt.2 Ch.2

PTR Dimension control (see [3.1.9]).


Separate blades Society (See Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.7 and Pt.2 Ch.2

PTR Dimension control (see [3.1.9]).

PC and MC may be issued by

MC Society
manufacturer for axillary propeller.

(See Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.7 and Pt.2 Ch.2

Separate hubs NDT Society

(See Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.7 and Pt.2 Ch.2

NDT Manufacturer

Hub cap with fins Manufacturer
PTR Dimension control

PD may be issued by manufacturer

Blade bolts PC Society
for auxiliary propeller.

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1

Object document Issued by Additional description

MD Manufacturer

NDT Manufacturer

Crank disc, push pull rod, servo

cylinder and cross head.
Other parts of pitching mechanism
upon request.
Controllable pitch mechanism Manufacturer
NDT shall cover highly stressed
areas, such as blade bolts, crank
disk fillet, threads of push-pull
rods, etc.

Pitch control and monitoring

PC Society See Ch.9.

PC = product certificate
MC = material certificate
MD = material declaration
MTR = material test report
PTR = product test report
NDT = NDT report

*Unless otherwise specified the compliance standard is the Society rules.

1.3.3 For general certification requirements, see DNV-CG-0550 Sec.4.

1.3.4 For a definition of the certification types, see DNV-CG-0550 Sec.3.

1.3.5 The surveyor shall do visual inspection of parts. Visual inspection shall include random dimensional
check with emphasis on critical dimensions, tolerances and stress raisers.
Manufacturer’s measurement report shall be presented for main items and shall be available upon request for
minor components.
Manufacturer’s survey report shall be available upon request.

Table 3 Testing and inspection of components

Material test (chemical
particle Visual and
Component composition and
inspection or dimensional inspection
mechanical properties)
dye penetrant
Propellers cast in one piece Society Society Society
Separate blades Society Society Society
2) 3) 2)
Separate hubs Society or manufacturer Manufacturer Society or manufacturer

Hub cap with fins Manufacturer

Blade bolts Society or manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1

Material test (chemical
particle Visual and
Component composition and
inspection or dimensional inspection
mechanical properties)
dye penetrant

Crank disc, push pull rod, servo cylinder

and cross head. Other parts of pitching Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer
mechanism when found necessary

The propeller shall be delivered with a Society’s certificate, see [1.1.1]. Reference is also given to [1.1.2].

1) See also [3.1.9]

2) The Society if propulsion.
3) Only required in A and C zones (see Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.8 and Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.11 [3]).
4) Only required in highly stressed areas, such as blade bolts, crank disk fillet, threads of push-pull rods, etc.

2 Design

2.1 General
2.1.1 Materials for propellers shall comply with the requirements in Pt.2 Ch.1 and Pt.2 Ch.2.
For other materials, particulars of mechanical properties and chemical compositions shall be submitted to
the Society. Fatigue properties different from the ones given in Table 4 may be accepted, provided sufficient
documentation is presented.

Table 4 Material properties

Material constant Material constant Minimum yield strength Minimum tensile strength
Material 2 2 2
U1 [N/mm ] U2 [-] σy [N/mm ] σB [N/mm ]

Mn-Bronze, CU1
55 0.15 175 440
(High tensile brass)

Mn-Ni-Bronze, CU2
55 0.15 175 440
(High tensile brass)

Ni-Al-Bronze, CU3 80 0.18 245 590

Mn-Al-Bronze, CU4 75 0.18 275 630

Martensitic stainless steel

60 0.20 440 590
(12Cr 1Ni)

Martensitic stainless steel

65 0.20 550 750
(13Cr 4Ni)

Martensitic stainless steel

70 0.20 540 760
(16Cr 5Ni)

Austenitic stainless steel

55 0.23 180 440
(19Cr 11Ni)

Forged steel and other materials shall be especially considered.

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Guidance note:

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1

Class guideline DNV-CG-0039 offers guidance on how fatigue properties may be documented by fatigue testing.
Alternative methods may also be considered on the basis of equivalence, see Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.1 [2.5.9].


2.1.2 The requirements given in [2.2], [2.3], and [2.4] apply to all propellers of conventional design and
arrangement, unless otherwise explicitly stated. For propellers not recognised as conventional by the Society
(e.g. surface piercing propellers, tip fin propellers, cycloidal propellers etc.), the approval shall be based on
special consideration.

2.1.3 The combination of materials shall be such as to minimise galvanic corrosion.

2.1.4 The surface of the hub, conical bores, fillets and blades shall be smoothly finished.

2.2 Criteria for propeller blade dimensions

2.2.1 The following load conditions shall be considered:
a) High cycle dynamic stresses (> 10 cycles) due to rotational propeller load variation in normal, ahead
b) Low cycle dynamic stresses (< 10 cycles) due to propeller load variations in a seaway, manoeuvres,
starting and stopping, reversing, repetitive ice shock loads etc. shall also be considered when dynamic
stresses are not dominated by high cycle load variations, e.g. for propellers for which turning direction
may be reversed and propellers running in undisturbed axial inflow.
Guidance note:
Class guideline DNV-CG-0039 offers detailed methods on how to assess the minimum safety factors in Table 5, alternatively Table
6 for these load conditions.
Other methods may also be considered on the basis of equivalence.


2.2.2 The propeller blades shall be designed with the minimum safety factors as given in Table 5 provided
that the analytic methodology and formula described in DNV-CG-0039 are used for the strength assessment,
see also guidance note in [2.2.1]. The safety factors reflect the expected inaccuracies in the methods used
for predictions of loads and stress calculations, as well as the influence of allowable material defects.
The tabulated safety factors also apply provided that manufacturing tolerance class I or S is specified
according to ISO484 for propulsion propellers. (Tolerance class II or better for other propellers.)
Otherwise higher safety factors may be required, based upon special consideration.

Table 5 Minimum safety factors for propeller blades, analytic calculation

Load condition
Application Considered section
Static Low cycle fatigue High cycle fatigue

At root section - - 1.8

All propellers, exclusive tunnel thrusters
At 0.6R - - 1.6

Reversible direction of rotation,

At 0.8R - 1.5 -
exclusive tunnel thrusters

Tunnel thrusters At root section 2.2 - -

2.2.3 Lower safety factors than given in Table 5 may be accepted after special consideration if dynamic
stresses are documented by means of reliable measurements and/or advanced calculation method, such as

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CFD calculation combined with FE analysis, see DNV-CG-0039. When detailed calculations are carried out

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1

according to DNV-CG-0039, safety factors according to Table 6 will be accepted.

Table 6 Minimum safety factors for propeller blades, CFD calculations and FE analysis

Load condition
Application Considered section
Low cycle fatigue High cycle fatigue

At root - 1.5
All propellers
All sections above root - 1.4

Reversible direction of
All sections 1.3

2.2.4 Blade root fillet shall be designed in order to maintain a safety factor in the fillet as required for the
root section. Fillets with constant radius of 75% of root thickness, or multi-radius fillets of a “constant stress”
design are considered to comply with this requirement.

2.2.5 For calculation of the blade stress of special propeller designs such as tip fin propellers, special profiles,
etc., FE calculation shall be submitted with documented details of the hydrodynamic loads, see also DNV-

2.2.6 If the propeller is subjected to an essential wear e.g. by abrasion in tidal flats or dredgers, a wear
addition shall be provided to the thickness determined according to class requirements to achieve an
equivalent lifetime.

2.2.7 If the propeller of azimuthing thruster is subjected to highly oblique inflow in transient conditions
such as hard steering or crash stop by turning the thruster units , the propeller blades shall be strengthened
accordingly, considering possible load limitations. Safety factors as required for low cycle fatigue apply.

2.2.8 Regarding devices for improving propulsion efficiency, the rules for classification of ships Pt.3 Hull,
shall be observed.

2.3 Pitch control mechanism and propeller hub

2.3.1 Mechanical components of a pitch control system and propeller hub shall be able to withstand the
static loads with the safety factor against yield as specified in Table 7.

Table 7 Minimum safety factors for static strength of propeller hub, pitch mechanism and blade
fitting mechanism

Load condition Required safety factor

Load transmitted when two of the blades are prevented from pitching (servo force acting on
two blades)

Load transmitted when a propeller blade is exposed to maximum hydrodynamic load 2.0

Load corresponding to maximum servo pressure for strengthening the servo cylinder 2.0

Load corresponding to maximum servo pressure, with the load evenly distributed on all

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Guidance note:

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1

The latter load case is dimensioning for push-pull rods.


2.3.2 Safety factors for static load conditions reflect the risk and criticality related to the specified load
conditions, as well as the expected prediction quality of the acting loads. The minimum safety factors shall
be against yielding, and shall be applied on acting load. Local geometrical stress concentrations may be
neglected. Stresses referred to are equivalent stresses. It is provided that stresses are predicted according to
good engineering practice.
As an alternative to check static strength against yielding, FE analysis may be carried out to document
degree of plastification.When plastic deformations are included, applying the safety factors given in Table
7, the static strength is considered satisfactory when the component remains within the specified design

2.3.3 Maximum servo force (servo pressure corresponding to set point to safety valve) shall be applied in the
calculations. Guide pin is assumed to be located in the most critical position.

2.3.4 Unless the propeller is intended for auxiliary purposes only, fatigue strength of pitch mechanism and
propeller hub shall be considered taking the load conditions specified in Table 8 into account:

Table 8 Minimum safety factors for fatigue strength of propeller hub and pitch mechanism

Required safety factor

Load condition
Analytic method FE model

Start and stop of propeller 1.5 1.3

Change of pitch setting in normal operating condition 1.5 1.3

Rotational load variation of propeller in normal, ahead

1.5 1.3
operation (for propellers intended for propulsion only).

2.3.5 Fatigue strength related to each load condition may be calculated separately.

2.3.6 Applied dynamic loads, and the corresponding number of cycles, shall be as realistic as possible.
Assumptions made shall in total be on the conservative side. Each of the load conditions described above
shall be represented by a dynamic load and an associated number of load cycles, chosen as realistically as
Minimum safety factors are given in Table 8, and shall be applied on acting dynamic loads versus fatigue
strength of material. These safety factors reflect the risk and criticality related to the specified load
conditions, as well as the expected prediction quality of acting loads, corresponding stresses and fatigue
strength of material. If significant simplifications and assumptions are made, these shall be such that the
fatigue calculation result is on the conservative side.

2.3.7 Influence of stress concentrations shall be taken into account in fatigue calculation. Stresses referred
to shall be principal stresses. It is presumed that stresses and fatigue strength are predicted according to
good engineering practice.

2.3.8 The design shall be such that reasonably low stress concentrations are ensured.

2.3.9 For shrink fitted propellers, hub thickness shall be sufficient to avoid stresses from the dynamic loading
of propeller blades influencing significantly on the shrink fit and vice versa.

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Guidance note:

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1

In order to provide the above statement a hub thickness in way of propeller blade corresponding to 70% of the required thickness
of the propeller blade root section is considered sufficient.


2.3.10 The degree of filtration of hydraulic oil shall correspond to maximum allowable particle size in the
system or better. In addition, the selection and arrangement of filters shall provide for an uninterrupted
supply with filtered oil, also during filter cleaning or exchange.
Guidance note:
Specification of a pressure filter for maintaining suitable fluid cleanliness may be 16/14/11 according to ISO 4406:1999 and β6-7 (c)
= 200 according to ISO 16889:2008.


2.3.11 For general design requirements for piping and ancillary equipment such as pipes, pumps, filters and
coolers see Ch.6 and Ch.7, as found applicable.

2.3.12 If necessary for corrosion protection, a hub cap with sufficient strength to protect the shaft effectively
from water ingress shall be fitted. If hub cap with fins are mounted any damage of the fins shall not harm the
integrity of the cap.
Guidance note:
If the hub cap thickness is equal to or larger than the fin thickness, damage to the fins may be assumed not to harm the integrity
of the hub cap.


2.4 Fitting of propeller blades to the hub

2.4.1 The pre-tension of the blade bolts, including the verification procedure, shall comply with the following:
— Pretension stress in the minimum section of the blade bolts shall be in the range of 50% to 70% of the
bolt-material yield strength or maximum 56% of the tensile strength, whichever is the least.
— Pretension shall be sufficient to obtain the required safety factors as follows:
— friction forces are sufficient to prevent sliding of the propeller flange when two blades are prevented
from pitching. If shear devices are fitted, the sum of friction and shear forces shall be considered
— a surface pressure between mating surfaces is maintained (i.e. bolts maintain a prestress) in all
permissible operating conditions,
— any permissible operating condition shall not lead to yielding of bolt materials.

2.4.2 High cycle dynamic stress amplitudes in the minimum thread section of the blade bolts for propellers
intended for propulsion shall fulfil the following criterion for normal, ahead operation:


S = safety factor, see Table 8

σA = dynamic stress amplitude
U = allowable nominal stress amplitude in the threaded area, 35 N/mm for machined threads and 60
N/mm for rolled threads.

2.4.3 Other means of propeller blade fitting mechanisms will be considered and handled on a case-by-case
basis in agreement with the Society.

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1
3 Inspection and testing

3.1 General
3.1.1 Blade bolt pre-tensioning shall be carried out in the presence of a surveyor.

3.1.2 All tests and inspections in [3.1.4] to [3.1.7] shall be carried out in the presence of a surveyor.

3.1.3 For controllable pitch propellers, all connections shall be properly sealed.

3.1.4 For controllable pitch propellers intended for propulsion, the following pitch settings shall, as a
minimum, be properly marked on the hub and blade flange:
— pitch at 70% radius is zero
— maximum pitch ahead (pitch limited by mechanical pitch stopper)
— maximum pitch astern (pitch limited by mechanical pitch stopper).
The correctness of pitch marks and the mechanical feedback of pitch setting shall be verified by the Society.

3.1.5 The function of the pitch stoppers shall be demonstrated. If pitch stoppers are located outside of the
hub, it shall be verified by the Society that maximum travel in each direction is less than inside the propeller

3.1.6 After assembly, the complete servo system shall be properly flushed.

3.1.7 The complete controllable pitch propeller system shall be function tested and pressure tested as
— hydraulic pitch control to 1.5 times design pressure
— tightness of propeller subject to 1 bar.

3.1.8 For hub caps serving as corrosion protection a tightness test shall be carried out.

3.1.9 The propeller blades shall be manufactured according to the specified tolerance class (ISO 484).
As a minimum, verification of the following is required:
— surface finish
— pitch (local and mean pitch)
— thickness and length of blade sections
— form of blade sections
— location of blades, reference line and blade contour
— balancing (see also [4.1])
— for propellers running in nozzle or tunnel:
— extreme radius of blades (for controllable pitch propellers with outer section at zero pitch).
See also [2.1.4].
For verification of blade edge thickness for ice classed propellers, see also Pt.6 Ch.6.

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Guidance note:

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1

Verification of blade section form may include the use of edge templates as specified for manufacturing tolerance classes S and I in
ISO 484.
Equivalent methods can be accepted, for instance the use of multi-axial milling machines, which have proven to be capable of
producing the specified geometry with such an accuracy that only a slight grinding is necessary to obtain the specified surface


3.2 Inspection and testing of parts

3.2.1 Certificates shall be provided as required in Table 2.

3.2.2 With respect to non-destructive testing for detection of surface defects, the following acceptance
criteria apply:
— for propeller blades and hubs, the criteria given in Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.8 and Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.11 apply
— no defects are accepted in highly stressed areas of components in the pitching mechanism.

4 Workshop testing

4.1 General
4.1.1 The complete propeller shall be statically balanced in accordance with specified ISO 484 tolerance class
(or equivalent) in presence of a surveyor. Dynamic balancing shall be carried out for propulsion propellers
with tip speed exceeding 60 m/s. The manufacturer shall demonstrate that the assembled propeller shall be
within the specified limits.
Guidance note:
For built-up propellers, the required static balancing may be replaced by an individual control of blade weight and gravity centre


5 Control and monitoring

5.1 General
5.1.1 For controllable pitch propellers, control and monitoring systems shall comply with the requirements of

5.1.2 Pitch adjustment shall not be used as load control system of prime mover, unless the propeller system
is especially designed for this purpose.

5.1.3 A local control stand for pitch control shall be arranged.

5.1.4 Instrumentation and alarms shall be provided according to Table 9, if not otherwise approved.

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Table 9 Control and monitoring of propeller

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1

Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3
Indication Automatic Shutdown
System/Item alarm start of with alarm Comments
standby pump
load reduction
with alarm

1.0 Pitch, speed and direction of rotation

Propeller rotational speed IR

Direction of rotation for

reversible propellers

For propulsion, the following pitch

settings shall be marked on the local
pitch indicator:
Propeller pitch for CP-
IL, IR — Mechanical pitch limits ahead
and astern, pitch at full ahead
running, maximum astern pitch
and pitch at zero thrust.

2.0 Servo oil for CP-propeller

1) The indicators shall be able to show

Pressure IL, IR, LA AS
sudden peaks in servo pressure.

Level IL, LA
Differential pressure over filter HA

Gr 1 = Sensor(s) for indication, alarm, load reduction (common sensor permitted but with different set points and
alarm shall be activated before any load reduction)
Gr 2 = Sensor for automatic start of standby pump
Gr 3 = Sensor for shutdown
IL = Local indication (presentation of values), in vicinity of the monitored component
IR = Remote indication (presentation of values), in engine control room or another centralized control station such
as the local platform/manoeuvring console
A = Alarm activated for logical value
LA = Alarm for low value
HA = Alarm for high value
AS = Automatic start of standby pump with corresponding alarm
LR = Load reduction, either manual or automatic, with corresponding alarm, either slow down (r/min reduction) or
alternative means of load reduction (e.g. pitch reduction), whichever is relevant
SH = Shut down with corresponding alarm. May be manually (request for shut down) or automatically executed if
not explicitly stated above.

For definitions of load reduction (LR) and shut down (SH), see Ch.1.
1) To be provided when standby pump is required, see [6.3.1].
2) Applies only to propulsion propellers.

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1
6 Arrangement

6.1 General
6.1.1 Bolts and nuts shall be properly secured, see [8.2.3].

6.2 Arrangement of propeller

6.2.1 The arrangement and design of the propeller shall be such that satisfactory performance is maintained
under all operating conditions.

6.2.2 The arrangement of attached free-wheeling propellers shall be especially considered.

6.3 Hydraulic system for pitch control

6.3.1 Unless the propeller is intended for auxiliary purposes only, for single propulsion plants where the
pitch-control mechanism is operated hydraulically, at least two mutually independent, power-driven pump
sets shall be installed.

6.3.2 For general requirements with respect to hydraulic systems, see Ch.6 Sec.5 [8.1].

7 Vibration

7.1 General
7.1.1 Not applicable.

8 Installation inspection

8.1 General
8.1.1 Installation of external components shall be carried out according to the maker’s specifications.

8.2 Fitting of propeller and propeller blades

8.2.1 For fitting of propeller, see Ch.4 Sec.1.

8.2.2 For blade bolt pre-tensioning, see [3.1.1].

8.2.3 The surveyor shall verify that bolts and nuts are properly secured. In case bolts are fixed by welding, it
shall be verified that only regions with low stress levels are affected.

8.3 Pitch marking

8.3.1 For pitch marking, see [3.1.4].

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 1
8.4 Hydraulic piping
8.4.1 Pipes shall have a suitable location and be properly clamped. Inspection and testing shall be possible.

8.4.2 The hydraulic system shall be flushed after assembly to a degree of cleanliness as specified by the

8.4.3 System hydraulic oil shall be in accordance with maker's specification.

9 Shipboard testing

9.1 Sea trial

9.1.1 For controllable pitch propellers, the pitch function and the servo pressure shall be demonstrated to
the satisfaction of the surveyor. Also the function of the local pitch control shall be demonstrated, and the
correctness of local pitch indicator shall be verified.

9.1.2 Unless the propeller is intended for auxiliary purposes only, the pitch behaviour with inactive servo
(zero servo pressure) shall be demonstrated to the surveyor during sea trial.

9.1.3 The performance of the propeller shall be tested at both full ahead operation and full astern operation.
For fixed pitch propellers reversing shall be tested at maximum permissible astern r/min. For controllable
pitch propellers reversing shall be tested at maximum astern pitch of maximum permissible r/min.

9.1.4 For controllable pitch propellers, the function and setting of the safety valve shall be demonstrated to
the satisfaction of the surveyor.

9.1.5 The filter for the servo oil shall be inspected after the sea trial.

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 2

1 General

1.1 Application
1.1.1 The rules in this section apply to axial water jets intended for main propulsion and steering for all
types of vessels.

1.1.2 Ch.2 describes all general requirements for rotating machinery and forms the basis for all sections in
Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5 and Ch.10.

1.1.3 Water jet units with main steering function are also regarded as steering gear for the vessel.

1.1.4 Water jet units for auxiliary steering purposes (i.e. not for propulsion) are only subject to classification
after special consideration.

1.2 Documentation
1.2.1 The manufacturer shall submit the documentation required by Table 1. The documentation shall be
reviewed by the Society as a part of the certification contract.

Table 1 Documentation requirements

Object Documentation type Additional description Info

C020 - Assembly or arrangement

Including cross section FI

Impeller thrust, vessel thrust and

C040 - Design analysis FI
maximum reversing forces at crash stop

Water jet pump characteristic, with

Waterjet, fixed; Z100 - Specification operation limits including cavitation limits, FI
Waterjet, variable see limit as for Table 5

Normal operating parameters that define

the permissible operating conditions, such
Z100 - Specification as thrust, impeller speed, vessel speed, FI
impeller speed. versus vessel speed, see
limitations in Table 5

Z261 - Test report Non-destructive testing (NDT) FI

Input shaft and impeller shaft shall

C030 - Detailed drawing be documented according to rules for AP
C020 - Assembly or arrangement
Bearing arrangement with particulars AP

C040 - Design analysis Calculated lifetime of roller bearings AP

C030 - Detailed drawing Seal box, if water lubricated FI

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Object Documentation type Additional description Info

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 2

All bolt connections carrying thrust or
C030 - Detailed drawing torque, specification of bolt material and AP
tightening procedure (bolt pre-stress)

C030 - Detailed drawing Including NDT specification FI

C040 - Design analysis Impeller blade strength calculations FI, R

C030 - Detailed drawing With guide vanes FI

Stator housing
C040 - Design analysis Strength calculations FI, R

C030 - Detail drawing Including bolting AP

Stern flange
C040 - Design analysis Strength calculation FI

C020 - Assembly or arrangement

Including water inlet ducting FI

Waterjet casing C030 - Detailed drawing Cross section of unit. FI

C040 - Design analysis Water inlet ducting, hydrodynamic FI

C040 - Design analysis Housing strength calculations, see [2.2] FI, R

C020 - Assembly or arrangement

Steering arrangement AP

Reversing arrangement; Strength calculation of the steering and

C040 - Design analysis AP
Steering arrangement reversing mechanism

Including relief valve setting and alarm list

S042 - Hydraulic control diagram AP
with set points

Reversing deflector
C030 - Detail drawing AP

Steering deflector
C030 - Detail drawing AP

Control and monitoring I200 - Control and monitoring system

According to Ch.9 AP
system documentation

AP = for approval, FI = for information, R = on request

1.2.2 For general requirements for documentation, including definition of the info codes, see DNV-CG-0550

1.2.3 For a full definition of the documentation types, see DNV-CG-0550 Sec.5.

1.3 Required compliance documentation

1.3.1 Water jet parts, semi-products or materials shall have compliance documents according to Table 2 and
tested according to Table 3 and [3.2].

1.3.2 All piping systems shall be properly flushed, in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification. This
shall be documented by a work certificate.

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Table 2 Certification required

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 2

Object document Issued by Additional description

Waterjet PC Society

Required if manufactured by sub-

PC Society
MD Manufacturer

PTR Manufacturer Balancing - See [3.2.4]

Stator housing MD Manufacturer

Impeller housing MD Manufacturer

Shafting MD Manufacturer As required in Ch.4 Sec.1

Required if manufactured by sub-

Hydraulic actuators for PC Society
MD Manufacturer

Other reversing components Manufacturer

Required if manufactured by sub-

Hydraulic actuators for PC Society
MC Society

Other steering components MD Manufacturer

Bolts MTR Manufacturer

If delivered integral with the water

Ducting MD Manufacturer

Control and monitoring

PC Society

*Unless otherwise specified the compliance standard is the Society rules.

1.3.3 For general compliance documentation requirements, see DNV-CG-0550 Sec.4.

1.3.4 For a definition of the compliance document types, see DNV-CG-0550 Sec.3.

1.3.5 The surveyor shall do visual inspection of parts. Visual inspection shall include random dimensional
check with emphasis on critical dimensions, tolerances and stress raisers.
Manufacturer’s measurement report shall be presented for main items and shall be available upon request for
minor components.
Manufacturer’s survey report shall be available upon request.

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Table 3 Testing and inspection of components

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 2

Ultra-sonic or Surface crack Dimensional Visual
3) Pressure testing Other
X-ray testing detection inspection inspection
Impeller Manufacturer Manufacturer Society Manufacturer

Stator 4)
Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Society

Impeller 4)
Manufacturer Manufacturer Manufacturer Society

Shafting According to Ch.4 Sec.1

actuators for U-S or surface crack detection Society or
4) 2)
reversing and (manufacturer) manufacturer

steering and 4)
Manufacturer Manufacturer


Ducting when
Manufacturer Manufacturer Society
integral with
the water jet

1) See [3.2.4].
2) Society for steering hydraulic actuators, manufacturer for reversing hydraulic actuators.
3) Crack detection in final condition.
4) NDT of welds upon request.
5) Hydraulic actuator includes cylinder, rod, cylinder end eye and rod end eye.

1.4 Definitions
1.4.1 The following definitions in Table 4 are used in this section.

Table 4 Definitions

Term Definition

water streaming along the vessel’s bottom and flows into a duct, leading the water to the
ducting water jet. The duct forms an integral part of the vessel hull. It is normally manufactured at the

used for either steering or reversing as the driving force that impose the reversing bucket or
hydraulic actuators
acts on the steering nozzle to create a change in the water flow direction

the rotating hub with blades. The impeller is connected to the shaft. The impeller is usually cast
in one piece. Alternatively, the blades are welded onto the hub

impeller housing the water jet casing surrounding the impeller

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Term Definition

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 2

for reversing purposes, the water jet incorporates components that can force its entry into
the water flow thereby turning the water jet discharge to be thrown somewhat forwards. This
reversing bucket creates a reversing force that acts on the vessel. The flow is either thrown forwards in an angle
directed below the vessel, or to both of the sides of the water jet. The components used for
this purpose is denoted a bucket

by leading the water flow through a row of stationary vanes downstream of the impeller, the
stator housing swirl added to the water by the impeller is reduced, and the longitudinal speed of the water
flow is increased. The vanes are usually formed as an integral part of the water jet housing

the water flow is lead through a passageway that can be tilted horizontally in relation to the
steering nozzle vessel's longitudinal axis, thereby changing the direction of the water jet flow. This creates a
turning moment used for steering the vessel

2 Design

2.1 General
2.1.1 For general design principles for machinery, see Sec.1 [2].

2.1.2 The water jet unit shall be capable of withstanding the loads imposed by all permissible operating
modes, including the condition when the inlet of the suction is blocked.

2.1.3 The stresses in water jet components shall be considered based on loads due to the worst permissible
operating conditions, taking into account:
— hydrodynamic loads, including varying hydrodynamic loads due to water flow disturbances introduced e.g.
by the ducting or hull
— vessel accelerations versus water jet r/min.

2.1.4 Harmful impeller cavitation shall not occur when operating at full design speed on a straight course and
at designated trim, giving the designed water head above the water intake.
Guidance note:
Harmful cavitation in this context is that cavitation which shall reduce shafting system and water jet component lifetime by
introducing vibration or impeller erosion.
The water jet may be exposed to operating conditions outside the intended design. Such situations may occur for instance
due to increased vessel weight, increased hull resistance, vessel operating at deeper waters etc. In situations where operation
exceeds the design premises, harmful impeller cavitation may occur as a consequence of abnormal water jet flow conditions. This
phenomenon has showed to be of increasing importance with increasing water jet size.
To combat this, the water jet should be designed with reasonable margin for cavitation, and care should be taken to avoid vessel
overweight due to e.g. reasons mentioned in the above. The bigger the water jets are the more important this advice become.


2.1.5 The water jet units shall be provided with inspection facilities for inspection of the shaft and impeller.

2.2 Design of components

2.2.1 The dimensions of the shafts and the shafting components, including bearings, shall comply with the
requirements in Ch.4 Sec.1.

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2.2.2 The impeller housing and stator housing shall be designed against fatigue, considering impeller pulses

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 2

and other flow pulses.

2.2.3 Steering and reversing mechanisms shall be designed taking into account the worst permissible
operational conditions.

2.2.4 The materials used in the hydraulic actuators shall be suitable for the expected environmental

2.2.5 Hydraulic actuators for steering shall comply with the requirements given in the Ch.10.

2.2.6 Hydraulic actuators for reversing shall comply with the requirements given in Ch.6 Sec.5 [8]. However,
if the hydraulic system for the reversing actuators is the same as for the steering system, the design and test
pressure for the reversing actuators shall be the same as for the steering actuators. Higher nominal stresses
may be accepted for the reversing actuator.

2.2.7 The critical details of the duct and connections to the hull structure shall be designed against extreme
loads occurring during crash stop and fatigue considerations related to reversing, steering and impeller

3 Inspection and testing

3.1 General
3.1.1 The principles of manufacturing survey arrangements (MSA) are described in Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.4.

3.1.2 Ancillaries not covered by Table 2 or Table 3 and are integrated as part of the water jet, shall be
checked as found relevant by the waterjet manufacturer.

3.1.3 Welding procedures shall be qualified according to a recognised standard or Pt.2.

3.2 Testing and inspection of parts

3.2.1 The inspection and testing described in the following are complementary to Table 3.

3.2.2 The visual inspections by the Society shall include random dimensional check of vital areas such as
flange transition radius, bolt holes etc., in addition to the main overall dimensions.

3.2.3 Particulars concerning ducting inspections are stated in [8.1.5].

3.2.4 The impeller shall be statically balanced.

Guidance note:
VDI standard no. 2060 Quality class 6.3 or ISO 1940/1 Balance Guide G6.3 may be used as reference.


3.3 Assembling
3.3.1 For fitting of the impeller to the shaft, see Ch.4 Sec.1 [2.3] to Ch.4 Sec.1 [2.7].

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4 Workshop testing

4.1 General
4.1.1 Not applicable.

5 Control, alarm, safety functions and indications

5.1 General
5.1.1 Systems shall comply with the requirements in Ch.9.

5.2 Monitoring and bridge control

5.2.1 The monitoring of water jets (for propulsion) shall be in accordance with Table 5 in regard to:
indications, alarms and requests for slowdown.

Table 5 Control and monitoring of water jets

Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3
Indication Automatic Shut down
System/Item alarm start of stand- with alarm Comment
by pump
load reduction
with alarm

1.0 Steering

Loss of steering and reversing

A, LR Request for slow down

2.0 Hydraulic oil

Pressure IR, LA, LR Request for slow down

Level in supply tank IL, LA

3.0 Lubricating oil

Temperature IR, HA

Pressure (if forced lubrication) IR, LA, LR Request for slow down

Level in oil tank (if provided) IL, LA

4.0 Operational limitations

The ratio impeller r.p.m versus

IR, HA, LR Request for slow down
vessel speed

Maximum permissible vessel

Indication on bridge
acceleration exceeded

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Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 2

Indication Automatic Shut down
System/Item alarm start of stand- with alarm Comment
by pump
load reduction
with alarm

Gr 1 = Sensor(s) for indication, alarm, load reduction (common sensor permitted but with different set points and
alarm shall be activated before any load reduction)
Gr 2 = Sensor for automatic start of standby pump
Gr 3 = Sensor for shutdown
IL = Local indication (presentation of values), in vicinity of the monitored component
IR = Remote indication (presentation of values), in engine control room or another centralized control station such
as the local platform/manoeuvring console
A = Alarm activated for logical value
LA = Alarm for low value
HA = Alarm for high value
AS = Automatic start of standby pump with corresponding alarm
LR = Load reduction, either manual or automatic, with corresponding alarm, either slow down (r/min reduction) or
alternative means of load reduction (e. g. pitch reduction), whichever is relevant
SH = Shut down with corresponding alarm. May be manually (request for shut down) or automatically executed if
not explicitly stated above.

For definitions of load reduction (LR) and shut down (SH), see Ch.1.
1) These requirements are only valid for water jets with inlet diameter in excess of 1 000 mm.

5.2.2 Monitoring and bridge control shall also be in compliance with Ch.9 and Ch.10 Sec.2 [4.5] to Ch.10
Sec.2 [4.7].

5.2.3 Frequent corrections in the steering control system, when the vessel is on straight course, shall be
avoided if practicable.
Guidance note:
The actual corrections should be read preferably by monitoring the control signal. Alternatively, direct measurements on
mechanical feedback device from the water jet can be used.


6 Arrangement

6.1 General
6.1.1 The installation and arrangement of the water jet unit with auxiliaries shall comply with the
manufacturer’s specification.

6.1.2 Ship external parts of the water jet shall be protected by guard rails or other suitable means.

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 2
7 Vibration

7.1 General
7.1.1 For requirements concerning whirling calculations and shaft alignment specification, see Ch.2.

7.1.2 For requirements concerning torsional vibration calculations for water jets, see Ch.2.

8 Installation survey

8.1 Surveys
8.1.1 The fastening of the water jet to the hull and the structural strengthening around the water jet unit
with ducting shall be carried out in agreement with the approved drawings.
Foundation of water jet is subject to survey by Society (see Ch.2 Sec.6).

8.1.2 Impeller clearances shall be checked after installation and shaft alignment and shall be in accordance
with the manufacturer’s specification.

8.1.3 Normal procedures for shafting apply, see Ch.4 Sec.1 [7].

8.1.4 Thrust bearing axial clearances after installation shall be verified to be in accordance with the
manufacturer specification, unless verified during assembly of the water jet.

8.1.5 The ducting shall be manufactured in accordance with drawings and specifications from the water
jet designer. The surfaces shall be smooth and free from sharp edges or buckling that could give raise to
turbulence in the water flow and thereby adversely affect water jet operating conditions.
Guidance note:
Great care should be taken in assuring that the ducting dimensions agree with the water jet designer’s drawings. The ducting
designer should be consulted for use of possible dimensional checking equipment, such as templates especially made for that


8.1.6 Pressure testing of piping shall be done according to Ch.6.

9 Shipboard testing

9.1 General
9.1.1 For general requirements related to the testing of control and monitoring, see Ch.9.
For testing of steering gear, Ch.10 Sec.2 [7] applies.

9.1.2 Final acceptance of the control system is dependent upon satisfactory results of the harbour testing
and the final sea trial, as specified in items [9.1.3], [9.1.4] and [9.1.5].

9.1.3 Attention shall be paid to combinations of operational functions. Testing of all combinations of functions
shall be carried out.

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9.1.4 Indication and alarm (if applicable) of operation outside the specified operation limits shall be checked.

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 2

This applies to acceleration as well as impeller speed versus vessel speed.

9.1.5 The water jet speed versus vessel speed shall be noted and plotted against the manufacturers
operational curves when inlet diameter exceeds 1000 mm. The surveyor shall verify the correct reading of
values, and the results shall be submitted to the approval centre after completion of test.

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

1 General

1.1 Introduction
Propulsion thrusters are often a part of a large and complex system serving both propulsion and steering,
which requires a different safety approach with respect to design and control than a conventional propulsion
and steering arrangements. These rules have taken this into consideration, in order to provide specific and
relevant requirements.
The rules for steering gear, see Ch.10, are not intended for directional control of thrusters. DNV has therefore
implemented relevant interpretations of requirements from SOLAS and Ch.10 to provide more relevant rules.

1.2 Objective
The objective of these rules is to provide requirements for design and operability of thrusters, independent of
type, power source and steering method.

1.3 Scope
This section gives design and test requirements for propulsion, dynamic positioning and manoeuvering
thrusters, including control and safety functions.
For manoeuvring thrusters with power of 300 kW and below, the scope of these rules is limited to control,
alarm, safety functions and indication, see [3.8], and barrier to sea, see [2.3.3] and [3.2.5].
For units using a pump or impeller to generate thrust, see Sec.2.

1.4 Application
1.4.1 Propulsors
The rules apply to thruster plants intended for:
— propulsion
— propulsion and steering
— dynamic positioning
— manoeuvring.

1.4.2 Alternative design

Thrusters of a design not directly meeting the prescriptive requirements of this section, may be accepted
with basis in Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.1 [2.5.9].

1.4.3 Requirements in other parts of the rules

Additional class notations as listed below may impose additional requirements to thruster units and/or
— Ice, vessel strengthened for operation in ice infested waters, see Pt.6 Ch.6
— PC, vessel intended for navigation in ice infested polar waters, see Pt.6 Ch.6
— Icebreaker, vessel purpose ice breaking, see Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.10
— Naval and Naval support, naval flagged vessels administered by a national naval administration, see
Pt.5 Ch.13
— RP, redundant propulsion, see Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.7
— SRTP, safe return to port, see Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.11
— DYNPOS and DPS, dynamic positioning system, see Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.1 and Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.2.

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Guidance note:

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Vessels classed according to rule books other than DNV-RU-SHIP may refer to these rules, with possible amendments.


1.4.4 Steering gear

The requirements in [3.4] are applicable to steering gear for azimuth thrusters.

1.4.5 Electric propulsion

For requirements to electric motor as drive for podded and geared thrusters, see Ch.8 Sec.12.

1.5 Definitions and symbols

1.5.1 Definitions relevant for thrusters

Table 1 Definitions - thruster application and thruster types

Term Definition

thruster assembled unit equipped with a propeller in order to produce thrust and is considered to be the
complete assembly: from the propeller with nozzle (if applicable) to the input shaft at the upper
gear or slip ring unit (if applicable)
It may also include various support systems.

propulsion thruster thruster that is assigned to propulsion of the vessel

manoeuvring thruster thruster for purposes other than propulsion of the vessel

dynamic positioning propulsion or manoeuvering thruster that is a part of a dynamic positioning system on board a
thruster vessel with a dynamic positioning class notation, see Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.2 and Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.1

geared thruster thruster with a lower gear, alternatively both lower and upper gears, connected to an external

podded thruster thruster with the prime mover directly attached to the propeller shaft
(often referred to as 'pod' or 'podded propulsor')

azimuth thruster thruster rotating around its vertical axis and capable of providing steering capability by omni-
directional thrust

tunnel thruster thruster mounted in a tunnel providing lateral thrust for the vessel

cycloidal thruster thruster rotating around its vertical axis with vertical propeller blades
The blades produce force (thrust or lift) in any direction normal to the axis of rotation.

rim thruster podded thruster where propeller and tunnel or nozzle are used as rotor and stator for the
propulsion motor
The motor's air gap is water filled.

1) This was previously referred to as auxiliary thruster.

Table 2 Definitions - steering

Term Definition

equipment other than any part of the main steering gear necessary to steer the ship in the
auxiliary steering gear event of failure of the main steering gear, but not including the tiller, quadrant or components
serving the same purpose

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Term Definition

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

operational limits in terms of maximum steering angle, or equivalent, according to
declared steering angle manufacturer's guidelines for safe operation, also taking into account the vessel's speed or
limits propeller torque/speed or other limitation and the ship designer's consideration of ship dynamic

design pressure maximum pressure for which the hydraulic actuator is designed

maximum torque for which the steering gear is designed. Corresponding to design pressure for
design steering torque 4)
hydraulic steering

machinery, rudder actuators, steering gear, power units and ancillary equipment and the
main steering gear means of applying torque to the rudder stock (e.g. tiller or quadrant) necessary for providing
movement of the rudder for the purpose of steering the ship under normal service conditions

maximum working maximum obtained pressure in the hydraulic system during the SOLAS steering gear trial test
pressure in case of hydraulic steering gear

maximum working 4)
highest steering torque obtained at trial during the SOLAS steering gear trial test
steering torque

centre position or other position with manageable steering loads when going ahead
neutral position Neutral position is used to lock a failed steering gear in a position suitable for operation of
vessel, but with loads manageable for a failed steering gear .

mechanical gear transmission used in azimuth steering gear

slewing gear The slewing gear wheel is mounted on the azimuthing unit, while the pinions are driven by the
steering actuators

steering actuating system consisting of steering gear power unit, steering actuator, and steering hydraulic piping
system system as applicable

mechanical system giving torque to the slewing gear wheel including all components in the
steering actuator 9)
mechanical transmission
steering gear steering actuating systems and slewing gear wheel
11) 12)
system generating power to a steering gear actuator
— in the case of electric steering gear, an electric motor and its associated electrical
steering gear power equipment;
unit — in the case of electrohydraulic steering gear, an electric motor and its associated electrical
equipment and connected pump;
— in the case of other hydraulic steering gear, a driving engine and connected pump

equipment by which orders are transmitted from the navigating bridge to the steering
steering gear control
gear power units. Steering gear control systems may comprise transmitters, receivers,
system 4)
programmable electronic units, motor controllers, frequency converters and cables

steering hydraulic 9)
all piping components in a hydraulic steering gear, including relief valves
steering-propulsion unit unit combining propulsion and steering functions
steering system in this context to be understood as an azimuth thruster including its supporting systems

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Term Definition

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

1) SOLAS Part A Reg.3. Term not applied in this rule section, as main and auxiliary duties are covered by redundancy.
2) Defined in IACS UI SC242, but complete definition is not implemented as it is seen as design requirement and not a
definition. Definition in UI SC242 may also prevent an effective crash stop procedure.
3) DNV definition based on requirements in SOLAS Part C Reg.29.
4) DNV definition.
5) DNV definition, it is extended from rudder turning test in SOLAS Part C reg.29.3.2.
6) DNV definition, it is extended versus MSC circ 1053 as it allows positions other than in center line +- 1 deg.
7) DNV definition, limitation of general industrial terms.
8) DNV definition, not equal to definition in SOLAS Ch.II-I Pt.A Reg.3.
9) DNV definition, based on SOLAS and IACS applications.
10) DNV definition, SOLAS reg.29 is named steering gear but it is not defined. Definition is derived from main and
auxiliary steering gear.
11) SOLAS definition of 'power actuating system' SOLAS Ch.II-I Pt.A Reg.3 definitions, IACS UR-M42.
12) See Figure 1.
13) DNV definition, not equal to SOLAS definition as new technology is implemented such as frequency converters.
14) DNV definition, introduced and applied several places in IACS UI SC242 but not defined.

Figure 1 Hydraulic and electrical steering gears

Table 3 Definitions - general

Term Definition

assembled unit being turned around during steering

azimuthing unit
Normally consisting of steering column, underwater housing, propeller and slewing gear wheel.

housing all structural elements both in inboard steering gear and in underwater units

in the context of this rule section it is used to identify components or structures where static or
dynamic stresses shall to be taken into consideration

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Term Definition

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

maximum ahead maximum forward vessel speed at maximum nominal shaft speed and corresponding driver
service speed rating in service at the deepest seagoing draught

estimated speed which the ship can attain at the designed maximum astern power at the
maximum astern speed
deepest seagoing draught

propulsion line mechanical shafting transmission, used on both manoeuvering and propulsion thrusters

assembly for control of thrust direction

steering gear unit
This is often the fixed unit connected to hull and to the azimuthing unit

thruster support systems and components not part of azimuthing or steering gear unit
systems Typical lubrication oil support, cooling systems, electrical drives, cabinets, etc.

1.6 Documentation
1.6.1 Documentation requirements
A full definition of the documentation types is given by DNV-CG-0550 Sec.5. General documentation
requirements including info codes are given by DNV-CG-0550 Sec.6.

1.6.2 Documents from builder

Builder shall submit documentation as required by Table 4.

Table 4 Documentation requirements - builder

Object Document type Additional description Info

Operation instruction poster for control and steering of

the thruster, including emergency operation. Shall be
Propulsion Z250 - Procedure displayed on the navigation bridge and in the steering gear AP
thruster compartment. Steering gear SOLAS poster, see SOLAS Ch.V

Z030 - Arrangement plan Thruster room arrangement. FI

Local hull structure, thruster unit, including driver and

Z030 - Arrangement plan FI
intermediate shafting.

H053 - Foundation and

Including seals. AP
supporting structure drawing

Thruster I210 - Integration plan FI, L

Z253 - Test procedure for quay

and sea trial

Z263 - Report from quay and sea


1.6.3 Documents from manufacturer for design assessment

Manufacturers shall submit documentation as required by Table 5 to Table 11 as applicable.

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Table 5 Documentation requirements - general

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Object Document type Additional description Info

Propulsion Z161 - Operation manual Including operational modes and failure handling. FI
thruster Z051 - Design basis Loads for the defined operational modes. FI

Z110 - Data sheet DNV form THR 401. FI

C020 - Assembly or arrangement

Main dimensions. FI

Sectional view with description of surfaces and spaces with

C020 - Assembly or arrangement
Thruster respect to environment, exposed to sea, oil filled, air filled, FI

Z050 - Design philosophy Bearing (electrical isolation) and earthing of components. FI

For the complete thruster unit with associated auxiliary

Z163 - Maintenance manual FI

Hydraulic S030 - Capacity analysis Flow and pressure. FI

systems for S042 - Hydraulic control diagram Including alarm and indicator set points. AP
operating Z060 - Functional description Hydraulic circuit. FI, R

Electric components, e.g. motors, frequency converters, slip-ring units shall be documented as required in

Table 6 Documentation requirements - housing

Object Document type Additional description Info

C030 - Detailed drawing Machining and welding. AP

C030 - Detailed drawing Propeller nozzle. AP

Structural Finite element analysis of complete housing with identified
parts C040 - Design analysis FI, R
stress levels.

M150 - Non-destructive testing

(NDT) plan

Bolted C040 - Design analysis Loaded bolted connections. FI

connections C030 - Detailed drawing Bolts exceeding M39 and associated shear pins. AP

Table 7 Documentation requirements - propulsion line

Object Document type Additional description Info

C020 - Assembly or arrangement

Shafting Including mass elastic system. FI

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Object Document type Additional description Info

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Drawings of the shafts, liners and rigid couplings.
The drawings shall show clearly all details, such as:
— fillets
— keyways
— radial holes
— slots
C030 - Detailed drawing AP
— surface roughness
— shrinkage amount
— contact between tapered parts
— pull-up
— bolt pretension
— protection against corrosion.

M010 - Material specification,


C040 - Design analysis Shaft strength and connections. FI

C020 - Assembly or arrangement

Shaft brake/locking device arrangement. FI, R

C030 - Detailed drawing Propeller shaft seal arrangement if not type approved. AP

C020 - Assembly or arrangement

Bearing arrangements. FI

C040 - Design analysis Applicable for roller bearings: bearing lifetime calculations. AP
Applicable for journal bearings: material, nominal surface
Z100 - Specification pressure and clearance tolerances in case of fluid film FI

Z110 - Data sheet DNV form 71.10a for gears in propulsion shafting. AP

C030 - Detailed drawing Pinions and wheels. AP

Calculation for each gear stage, documenting compliance

Geared with Ch.4 Sec.2 [2.1]. The various data are explained
thruster C040 - Design analysis AP
in class guideline DNV-CG-0036 and data sheet for gear
calculations, DNV form 71.10a.

M010 - Material specification, Types of material and mechanical properties, cleanliness (if
metals material of high cleanliness is used).

C040 - Design analysis Connection of stator to housing. FI

C040 - Design analysis Rotor assembly bolted connections. FI

Sectional drawing of electric motor, including:

— stator-to-housing connections
Podded C030 - Detailed drawing AP
thruster — rotor-to-shaft connections
— specified air gap with tolerances.

Z250 - Procedure Exciter - connection and replacement plan in case of failure. FI

C070 - Permanent magnet

See Ch.8 Sec.5 [3] and Ch.8 Sec.1 Table 2.
machine documentation

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Propellers shall be documented as required in Sec.1.

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Torsional vibration shall be documented as required in Ch.2 Sec.2.

Table 8 Documentation requirements - steering gear

Object Document type Additional description Info

Sectional view including all components from driving motor

C020 - Assembly or arrangement to connection between steering gear and thruster housing.
drawing Sectional view of high-speed gear box e.g. planetary gear, to
be included if applicable.

C030 - Detailed drawing Load transmitting parts. AP

Azimuth brake and locking device, including maximum

Z060 - Functional description AP
Calculation of high-speed gear transmissions, e.g. planetary
Z265 - Calculation report AP, TA

Particulars steering gear motors: type (electric/hydraulic),

Z110 - Data sheet maximum power, maximum speed, inertia and rating (for FI
electric motors).

Torque limitation device, if applicable, including specification

Z060 - Functional description FI, TA
of setting value.

Z110 - Data sheet DNV form 71.10a. AP

C030 - Detailed drawing Pinions and wheels. AP

gear C040 - Design analysis Conclusive analysis for dimensioning of slewing gear. FI

Types of material and mechanical properties, cleanliness (if

M010 - Material AP
material of high cleanliness is used).

C020 - Assembly or arrangement

Bearing arrangement. FI
Z265 - Calculation report Roller bearing lifetime. AP
C020 - Assembly or arrangement
Slewing seal system. AP

Electric equipment that is a part of the steering gear shall be documented as required in Ch.8 Sec.1 [1.7.2].

Table 9 Documentation requirements - support systems

Object Document type Additional description Info

Z060- Functional description Lubrication steering gear and azimuth bearings. FI

S010 - Piping diagram (PD) Seal support systems, if applicable. FI

C040 - Design analysis Cooling system, description and heat balance. FI

Podded Lubrication oil system including alarm and indicator set

S010 - Piping diagram (PD) AP
thruster points.

Z060 - Functional description Lubrication system shaft bearings. FI

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Object Document type Additional description Info

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

S010 - Piping diagram (PD) Bilge system. AP

Z060 - Functional description Bilge system. FI

Table 10 Documentation requirements - special devices

Object Document type Additional description Info

C020 - Assembly or arrangement

devices C030 - Detailed drawing AP

C040 - Design analysis FI

Flexible C020 - Assembly or arrangement

Including sealing arrangement between thruster and hull. AP
mounting drawing

Table 11 Documentation requirements - control and monitoring systems

Object Document type Additional description Info

Thruster, all
I200 - Control and monitoring
types and See Ch.9. AP
system documentation

1.6.4 Documents for verification of manufacturing

Documents used as verification of the manufacturing process and products, shall be provided locally to the
Society's surveyor.

Table 12 Documentation requirements - manufacturing assessment

Object Document type Additional description Info

M0151 - Non-destructive testing

(NDT) procedure

M0152 - Non-destructive testing

Housing FI, L
(NDT) report

M060 - Welding procedures


1.6.5 Documents upon request

Document requirements as listed in Table 5 to Table 12 are based on standard designs and technologies.
Documents marked with an R in the info field are upon request and will only be requested when such
information is found necessary by the Society.
Additional documentation may be requested, see Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.1 [2.5.6], Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.1 [2.5.10] and Pt.1
Ch.1 Sec.1 [2.6.2]. This may typically be relevant for novel technology, new designs, new manufacturers or
special applications. The request will be based on risk evaluation and service experience. Documents may
either be for information or for approval.

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Table 13 Examples of documents which may be requested in special cases

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Document type Additional description

Z080 - Reliability and availability High level interdisciplinary analysis on a qualitative level with focus on fit for purpose
analysis and critical design elements.

Z265 - Calculation report Calculation of loads for the defined operational modes.

Operational (design) limitations such as, but not limited to:

Z050 - Design philosophy — limitations in rotation of azimuth thrusters at high vessel speed
— maximum speed for lowering and lifting of retractable units.

C040 - Design analysis Finite element analysis of structure identifying vibration modes and frequencies.

Z250 - Procedure Assembling and adjustment procedures regarding gear mesh contact.

Z071 - Failure mode and effect

Complete steering gear, but also other arrangements as found relevant.
analysis (FMEA)

1.7 Required compliance documentation

1.7.1 Product certificate
The complete thruster shall be delivered with compliance documents as required in Table 14 and Table 15 and
be tested and inspected as required in Table 19. Components and systems with requirements to certification
and testing described in other rule chapters are listed in Table 20.
The compliance documents shall be based on the design approval in [2] and [3], the component certification
based on workshop testing in [4] and relevant monitoring equipment in [3.8].
Steering gear unit and azimuthing unit module shall have individual compliance documents when delivered as
separately assembly units.

Table 14 Compliance documents

Object document 2) Additional description
1) standard
Thruster PC Complete thruster, see definition in Table 1.

Complete local- and remote- control system for

Thruster control system PC 4)
both steering and propulsion.

PC = product certificate

1) See DNV-CG-0550 Sec.3 [2].

2) Unless otherwise specified the compliance standard is the Society's rules.
3) Not applicable for manoeuvering thrusters with power of 300 kW and below.
4) Not applicable for manoeuvring thrusters. For dynamic positioning thrusters, see Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.2 Table 7. See also
Ch.9 Sec.1 [4].

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Table 15 Compliance documents - components

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Object document 2) Additional description
1) standard

When azimuthing unit is delivered as separate

Azimuthing unit: PC

— Housing and structure MC All objects loaded or acting as barrier to sea.

— Propeller nozzle MC

— Assembly bolts > M39 MC

— Assembly bolts ≤ M39 MD

When steering unit is delivered as a separate

Steering gear unit: PC

— Housing and structure MC All objects loaded or acting as barrier to sea.

— Assembly bolts > M39 MC

— Assembly bolts ≤ M39 MD

— Torque limiting device PD Applicable for electric steering gear.

— High speed reduction gear PC Normally planetary type, see [].

PC = product certificate
MC = material certificate
PD = product declaration
MD = material declaration

1) See DNV-CG-0550 Sec.3 [2].

2) Unless otherwise specified the compliance standard is the Society's rules.

1.7.2 General requirements

For general compliance documentation requirements, see DNV-CG-0550 Sec.4.

1.7.3 Compliance document type

For a definition of the compliance document types, see DNV-CG-0550 Sec.3.

1.7.4 Reference to other rule chapters

Requirements to sub-components are given in the respective references or in this section:
— shafts, see Ch.4 Sec.1
— clutches, see Ch.4 Sec.3
— bending compliant couplings, see Ch.4 Sec.4
— torsional elastic couplings, see Ch.4 Sec.5
— propellers, see Sec.1
— hydraulic motor for steering, see Ch.6 Sec.6
— pinions and wheels for propeller drive, see Ch.4 Sec.2
— pinions and wheels for azimuth steering, see Ch.4 Sec.2.

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1.7.5 Electrical equipment and control system

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Electrical equipment and control system shall have compliance documents as required by Ch.8 and Ch.9.

1.8 Workmanship
1.8.1 Welding
Welding shall be carried out according to Pt.2 Ch.4.

1.8.2 Ancillaries
Ancillaries, which are not part of the steering gear, but delivered as integral parts of the lubrication, hydraulic
operation and/or cooling systems of the thruster, shall be subjected to a quality control in accordance with
the thruster manufacturer's quality system as found relevant. See also [4.1.2].
Guidance note:
Ancillaries: e.g. pumps, electric motors, coolers, piping, filters and valves.


2 Arrangement and operation

2.1 General
2.1.1 Performance
The installation of a thruster, including alignment, shall be such as to give satisfactory performance under all
operating conditions.

2.1.2 Watertight compartment

Azimuth thrusters shall be mounted in a watertight compartment unless the penetration through the hull is
situated above the deepest loaded waterline.

2.1.3 Connection to hull

The thruster shall be mounted so that forces and bending moments can be transferred to the hull without risk
of structural failure or harmful vibrations.

2.1.4 Hull connection seal

Thrusters mounted to the hull by bolted connections, which provide boundary to sea, shall be protected by
means of a seal.

2.2 Thrusters serving main function propulsion

2.2.1 Redundancy
There shall be at least two independent thruster units if the units are serving both propulsion and steering.
Functional requirements in Ch.1 Sec.3 [2.3] shall be fulfilled. Combination of propulsion and steering is not
defined as an exception in Ch.1 Sec.3 [2.3.5].
Electrically driven thrusters shall fulfil Ch.8 Sec.12.

2.3 Thrusters serving main function steering

2.3.1 Vessel steering capability
Steering capability shall be declared in the operation manual.

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2.3.2 Requirements for each steering propulsion unit

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

A single failure shall neither lead to loss of steering of the vessel, nor consequential damage to the thrusters.
Each steering propulsion unit shall be provided with a steering gear capable of fulfilling the capability
requirements in [2.3.3]. Interconnection between steering actuating systems may be accepted provided
ability to isolate each steering actuating system after a failure.

2.3.3 Steering gear capability

The steering gear for the thruster shall be capable of:
a) turning the thruster from one side to the other at declared steering angle limits at an average rotational
speed of not less than 2.3 deg/sec with the ship running at maximum ahead service speed.
b) bringing the thruster back to neutral position from any allowable angle at maximum service speed
c) being operated at declared steering angle limits at maximum astern speed without damage.
Topic a) and b) shall be demonstrated at sea trial. See [4.4].
Guidance note:
a) and b) are according to SOLAS main steering gear test, see SOLAS II-1 C Reg.29.3.2 and interpretation in IACS UI SC 242.


2.3.4 Power supply and control General
Main and auxiliary steering gear power units shall be arranged to restart automatically when power is
restored after a power failure. See also []. Main power supply

Each steering gear shall be served by at least two exclusive circuits fed directly from the main switchboard.
However, one of the circuits may be supplied through the emergency switchboard.
Guidance note:
This requirement is based on IACS UI SC 242 which is considered equivalent to the SOLAS requirement Reg.30.2.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Emergency power supply

This paragraph applies to steering propulsion units having a certain proven steering capability due to ship
speed also in case propulsion power has failed on this unit.
Where the propulsion power exceeds 2500 kW per thruster unit, an alternative power supply shall be
provided automatically within 45 sec. This alternative power supply shall either from the emergency source
of electrical power or from an independent source of power located in the steering gear compartment. If an
independent source of power is installed, it shall only be used for this purpose.
The alternative power supply shall be sufficient at least to supply the steering arrangements and also its
associated control system and the steering gear response indicator. In every ship of 10,000 gross tonnage
and upwards, the alternative power supply shall have a capacity for at least 30 min of continuous operation
and in any other ship for at least 10 min.
Guidance note:
This requirement is based on IACS UI SC 242 which is considered equivalent to the SOLAS requirement Reg.29.14 for an
alternative source of power for steering gears, where the required rudder-stock diameter is above 230 mm. The capability
requirement is an interpretation of the requirement for an auxiliary steering gear.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Short circuit trip

Steering gear circuits for electro-hydraulic steering gear shall only trip upon short circuit. If an additional
over-current trip is used, the release current shall be at least 200% of the full load current with a time delay

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of minimum 60 seconds. In addition, there shall be a phase failure alarm and an overload alarm, see SOLAS

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Ch.II-1 Reg.30.3.
Steering gear motor circuits controlled through an electronic converter, e.g. for speed control, with current
limitation set to full load current are exempt from the requirement to only trip upon short circuit.

2.3.5 Thruster compartment Access
The thruster compartment shall be:
— readily accessible and as far as practicable separated from other machinery spaces
— provided with suitable arrangements to ensure working access to thruster and controls.
These arrangements shall include handrails and gratings or other non-slip surfaces when required to ensure
suitable working conditions in the event of hydraulic fluid leakage. Ingress protection of electrical power units

Electrical power units shall have standstill heating and IP-rating as required in Ch.8 Sec.10 Table 1.

2.4 Operation of propulsion thrusters serving main functions

2.4.1 Steering gear poster
Operating instructions shall be permanently displayed on the bridge and in the thruster compartment. The
operation instruction shall provide the operator with information on the steering system, consisting of control
system and steering gear. Further the operation instruction shall give instruction for the different operation
modes that are available and including how to switch between the operating modes.
The instruction shall describe the arrangement and function of the steering gear and control system including
how to:
— handle failure modes
— change–over to/from local control and other operation modes
— change-over between control modes on the bridge and in thruster compartment
— operate power units in the different operation modes.
Guidance note:
Examples of operating modes may be steering gear operation by follow-up mode, non-follow-up mode, local control from thruster
compartment or other pre-defined modes. This is the poster required by SOLAS.


2.4.2 Crash stop

Crash stop shall be possible to execute without inflicting damage to the vessel or its equipment.
Non-intuitive procedures shall be described in the operation manual. The ship designer shall ensure that the
ships stability is not endangered while following the crash stop procedure. Procedures for the crash stop shall
be available on the navigation bridge, see SOLAS Ch.II-1 Pt.C Reg.28.

2.4.3 Modes and conditions

The following shall be included in the operation manual:
— All operating modes shall be described together with any limitations in performance.
— Consequences and handling of failure modes shall be described. This shall include loss of steering
actuating systems and loss of propulsion.
— Operational restrictions in rough sea state shall be described, if applicable. Large vessel motions and
aeration of propeller shall be considered.

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Guidance note:

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

The document will be dependent on information from builder. Operation manual from thruster manufacturer depends on limitations
in performance and strength of the thruster, which is thruster designer's knowledge.


3 Design

3.1 General
3.1.1 General capability
The thruster shall be capable of withstanding the loads imposed by all allowable operating conditions
including effects of thermal expansion and elastic deformations.

3.1.2 Dynamic positioning

For vessels assigned the DYNPOS and DPS class notation, thrusters that are used for dynamic positioning
shall be designed for continuous operation, see Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.1 [6.1] and Pt.6 Ch.3 Sec.2 [6.1].

3.1.3 Loads
The thruster shall be capable of withstanding loads imposed by worst conditions for which the vessel is
designed to operate, when operated as described in the operation manual. Due regard shall be paid to loads
originating from phenomena such as waves, ship motions and slamming. Grounding loads are not required to
be within the design envelope.

3.1.4 Arrangement for inspection of thruster transmission

In-dock inspection of thruster reduction gears shall be made possible either through proper inspection
openings, or by other appropriate means without extensive dismantling.

3.1.5 Safe inspection of podded thrusters

Podded thruster internals shall be designed for safe entrance/accessibility to perform necessary maintenance
and inspection without risk neither to personnel nor to damage of equipment.

3.1.6 Piping and ancillary equipment

For general design requirements for piping and ancillary equipment such as pipes, pumps, filters and coolers,
see Ch.6 and Ch.7, as found applicable.
Hydraulic components shall be chosen in consideration of the expected level of contamination the system will
be exposed to during its lifetime.
Podded thruster flange connections for piping systems shall be located outside the thruster, if practically
Podded thruster flanges and valves inside the thruster shall be arranged to minimise the consequence of
leakage, i.e. by drip trays and leakage drain to safe location.

3.1.7 Alternative designs

Alternative thruster designs will be approved based on equivalence, see Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.1 [2.5.11].
Guidance note:
One example may be cycloidal thrusters.


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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3
3.2 Housing
3.2.1 Stiffness and deflections
The thruster structure shall have sufficient stiffness to avoid harmful deflections which may cause damage to
other parts of the thruster when exposed to the loads defined in [1.6.3], [3.1.3], [3.1.1].
Guidance note:
Examples of topics where deflections in thruster housing structure may have an impact are typically:
Internal shafting, rigid connections, sealings, bearing load distribution, pod rotor air gap, contact pattern of gear mesh.


3.2.2 Housing strength

All housings and structural components (parent material as well as any welds) shall be designed to withstand
relevant fatigue loads as well as extreme loads within the design envelope, see [1.6.3], [3.1.3] and [3.1.1].
Such loads shall as a minimum include hydrodynamic loads from propeller or on the housing structure itself.
Accelerations shall be considered as found relevant.

3.2.3 General stress requirements

Unless detailed stress calculations are carried out, the following shall be complied with for any design load:
— maximum nominal stress shall not exceed 50% of material yield strength (parent or filler material in case
of welded connection)
— maximum local stress shall not exceed 80% of material yield strength.
Guidance note:
The above stress limitations are considered to include both static and dynamic (fatigue) strength for simple structures, provided
that a normal thruster load spectrum may be assumed in combination with commonly applied materials (steels and nodular cast
iron). Otherwise, a more detailed calculation should be carried out, see [3.2.4].


3.2.4 Alternative stress requirements

Detailed stress assessment by means of finite element analysis may be an alternative to [3.2.3].
Static stress
Loads shall not lead to permanent deflections in the structure when a reasonable safety factor is applied.
Dynamic stress and fatigue
Load spectrum shall be substantiated based on relevant experience data (measurements) or conservatively
chosen. Sufficient fatigue strength shall be documented applying a reasonable safety factor. A limited number
of discrete load scenarios may be considered individually, or cumulative fatigue strength may be calculated
according to Miner's criterion (Miner sum < 1.0). The following shall be included:
— Fatigue strength (SN curve) of material. Such may be derived from recognized standards or widely applied
industry practices.
— Influence of local stress risers, mean stress, surface roughness, and size effects as applicable.
Safety factor
A safety factor of 1.5 applied on external loads is considered as a reasonable value. Lower values may be
accepted, depending on calculation methodology and detailed design.

3.2.5 Finite element analysis

Finite element calculation may be required for complex housing structures, see also [3.6.3].

3.2.6 Welding
Welded connections forming barrier to the sea shall have full penetration. Welds in zones identified with high
stress shall be according to ISO 5817B. Welding shall be according to Pt.2 Ch.4.

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3.2.7 Tunnel thruster

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Thruster tunnels shall be designed in accordance with the requirements in Pt.3 Ch.10 Sec.6 [4].

3.2.8 Propeller nozzle

The propeller nozzle shall be designed in accordance with the requirements in Pt.3 Ch.11 Sec.4 [2].

3.2.9 Retractable thruster

Retractable thrusters shall be designed in compliance with the requirements in Pt.3 Ch.10 Sec.6 [6].

3.3 Propulsion line

3.3.1 Shafting Dimensions
The dimensions of the shafts and the shafting components shall be in accordance with Ch.4 Sec.1.
For podded thrusters the shafting shall be designed to ensure a sufficient air gap between rotor and stator
under all relevant operating conditions.

3.3.2 Gear transmissions - geared thruster

Gear transmissions shall be in accordance with the requirements in Ch.4 Sec.2 as applicable. The number of
load cycles given in Table 16 shall as a minimum be used for dimensioning the gears in the propeller drive
The safety factors, SF, SH, SHSS, and SS shall at least be as specified in Ch.4 Sec.2 Table 8. The safety factors
for gears in thrusters for dynamic positioning shall be as for propulsion gears.

Table 16 Thruster type and load cycles

Minimum number of input shaft revolutions at full power

Type of thruster
(NL load cycles)
1) 10
Propulsion 1·10
Dynamic positioning 5·10
Manoeuvering 5·10

1) For thrusters subject to frequent overload (intermittent load), relevant load and corresponding accumulated number
of load cycles shall be applied, see also Ch.2 Sec.1 [2].

3.3.3 Propulsion motor - podded thruster

Motor assembly and design shall prevent objects from the rotor to enter the air gap. The poles on the rotor
shall be properly secured. The exciter shall be designed for emergency repair or replacement. See also Ch.8

3.3.4 Rim thruster motor

The rotors and stator shall have means to prevent ingress of sea water to sensitive parts. See also Ch.8

3.3.5 Shaft bearings Fluid film bearing

Fluid film bearings shall be designed in accordance with the requirements in Ch.4 Sec.2 [2.7.1]. Alignment
calculation shall be required for large bearings with large variable shaft loads (bending and shear), see Ch.2

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Ball and roller bearings shall have a minimum basic rated life L10, see ISO 281:2007, as specified in
Ch.4 Sec.2 [2.7.2]. Calculation is to include the basic rated life (L10) and the modified rated life (L10nm)
according to ISO 281. Thrust bearing

Separate thrust bearing shall be designed in accordance with the requirements in Ch.4 Sec.1 [2.9.5]. Heat
generated within the design limitations (thrust force, shaft speed and lubricant specification) shall not cause
excessive heating. Bearing current

Precautions shall be taken to prevent harmful stray current in bearings. Insulation and earthing arrangement
shall be according to thruster manufacturer's design philosophy.

3.3.6 Shaft seals

A shaft sealing box shall be installed to prevent water from entering internal parts of the thruster or the
ship. The sealing arrangement shall protect the steel shafts from seawater unless corrosion resistant steel or
coating approved by the Society is used, see Ch.4 Sec.1 [2.12.1], Ch.4 Sec.1 [6.1.2].

3.3.7 Propeller
The propeller and propeller components shall meet the relevant dimensional requirements in Sec.1.

3.3.8 Shaft brake or locking mechanism

For thrusters where wind milling may be detrimental, there shall be a shaft brake or locking mechanism
designed to hold twice the highest expected wind milling torque when the vessel is operating at safe
navigable speed. The mechanism shall be automatically activated within 30 sec after shutdown.
Additional lubrication systems may be applied as an alternative to shaft brake unless it is required according
to Ch.8 Sec.12, see also [].
Guidance note:
Unless otherwise declared for a specific vessel, safe navigable speed means a speed of 7 knots in calm waters and ability to
maintain position in Beaufort 8 with associated sea state conditions. A safe navigable speed for a vessel may alternatively be
declared through the building specification and hence the contract between the owner and the yard. A safe navigable speed may
also be declared separately, provided this declaration is approved by the owner.


3.4 Azimuth steering gear for thrusters

3.4.1 Manoeuvering and dynamic positioning
Steering gear only intended for manoeuvering and dynamic positioning need not comply with [],
[], [] and [3.4.10].

3.4.2 Alternative designs

Steering gear other than standard azimuth design with slewing gear and pinions will be approved based on
equivalence, see Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.1 [2.5.11].
Guidance note:
Examples are cycloidal thrusters and linked cylinder steering gear.


3.4.3 Steering gear general Sudden turning prevention

The thrusters shall be prevented from sudden turning in the case of power failure, failure in the steering
control system, or any other single failure, except failure in the steering column and/or support bearings.

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

It shall be possible to bring the thruster to neutral position and lock it to allow it to produce thrust in the case
that one steering actuating system is inoperative. Other azimuth angles than neutral may be accepted when
it is found preferable for the vessel's steering capability.

3.4.4 Azimuthing gear transmission Inspection of azimuth slewing gear

Inspection of azimuth slewing gear and pinion shall be possible either through proper inspection openings or
by other means, e.g. fibre optical instruments, without extensive dismantling. Safety factors

For reduction gears, the safety factors SF against tooth fracture, SH against pitting, SHSS against subsurface
fatigue and SS against scuffing, shall be minimum as specified in Table 17.

Table 17 Safety factors

1) 2)

Azimuth steering gear

1.5 1.15 1.4
- for surface hardened
1.5 1.0 1.2
- for not surface hardened

1) SHSS is applicable for surface hardened gears only

2) SS is not applicable to slow speed gears (pitch line speed < 2 m/s). Self-locking margin

Azimuth steering gears shall have a margin against self-locking in order to avoid stick slip effects. The total
drive train efficiency, excluding the driving motor, shall not be less than 0.65. Self-locking gears may be
accepted on thrusters where single steering actuating system is accepted, see [2.3.2].
Guidance note:
Self-locking effect is normally related to worm gears, but the rule requirement applies to all types of gear transmissions.


3.4.5 Electric steering gear Motor control

The control system for electric motors driving the steering pinion via a mechanical transmission shall be
designed to avoid abrupt acceleration and shock loads in mechanical parts. Motor rating

The electric motors driving the steering gear shall have rating based on specified load spectrum, including
steering torque, capacity requirement in [2.3.3] and for the entire speed range including zero. Alternatively,
they shall have a rating S1 according to IEC 60034-1 for the higher torque values. Design steering torque

The steering gear transmission shall be designed to handle the specified designed steering gear torque,
which shall be higher or equal to a torque corresponding the release setpoint for the torque limiting device. Torque limiting device

If internal or external transient loads may be detrimental to the mechanical transmission, a torque limiter
shall be installed in order to prevent load beyond design torque in the steering gear mechanism.
The torque limiter shall:
— be the weakest segment in the transmission between motor and azimuth gear

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— have a static torque capacity of not less than 1.25 maximum working steering torque, maximum working

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

steering torque shall be verified at sea trials
— have a sufficient static torque capacity to avoid release during any test carried out at sea trials (to be
— have a sufficient dynamic torque capacity to avoid a sudden turn of thruster during release
— be designed without a permanent reduction in torque capacity upon a single release
— have a documented durability maintaining at least 90% of rated torque capacity
— in case of limited lifetime, be designed so that replacement of device can easily be done at first
opportunity (typically at first time ashore) after release
— have means to identify release and give alarm
— be type approved, if standard design (see also DNV-CP-0149). Case-by-case acceptance may be given, if
similar documentation is provided as required for type approval.
Guidance note:
A mechanical torque limiting device is not necessarily equivalent to a hydraulic safety relief valve as the relief valve has no
reduction in functionality and durability after release. From this it follows that durability can either be limited or unlimited.
Unlimited durability is to be understood as ability to withstand a number of reliefs corresponding to at least 1 000 accumulated full
thruster rotations, while limited durability corresponds to at least 1 accumulated full thruster rotation.
Dynamic torque capacity is ability to transfer torque while in a release condition.


3.4.6 Hydraulic steering gear Hydraulic system

Hydraulic systems for steering gears shall not be used for other purposes than operation of thruster unit.
Steering circuit piping shall be isolated from circuits to other services when steering is activated.
Guidance note:
Steering hydraulic may share the oil sump with systems for propeller pitch control and/or internal lubrication. This is provided
that impurity from one system is not transmitted to the other systems and sufficient cooling capacity is available. Operations like
retracting of thruster is allowed, but loss of oil and oil pressure due to pipe fracture shall not prevent steering.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Design pressure

Design pressure shall not be less than the set pressure of the safety relief valve. Piping
Piping, joints, valves, flanges and other fittings shall comply with the requirements of Ch.6. Piping intended
for transmission of hydraulic power shall comply with requirements to class I pipes, see Ch.6 Sec.1 [2.1.5]. Hydraulic system features

Hydraulic power operated steering gear shall be provided with:
a) arrangements to maintain the cleanliness of the hydraulic fluid taking into consideration the type and
design of the hydraulic system
b) indicator for clogged filter on all filters with a by-pass function.
Guidance note:
Specification of a pressure filter for maintaining suitable fluid cleanliness may be 16/14/11 according to ISO 4406 and β6-7 (c) =
200 according to ISO 16889.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Pipe separation

Steering actuating systems shall be provided with separate hydraulic power supply pipes.

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Each hydraulic power unit shall be provided with separate pipes for hydraulic power transmission.

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Interconnections between power transmission pipes shall be provided with quick operating isolating valves. Relief valves

Relief valves shall be fitted to any part of the hydraulic system which can be isolated and in which pressure
can be generated from the power source or from external forces. Relief valves shall comply with the
a) the setting pressure shall not be less than 1.25 times the maximum working pressure
b) the setting of the relief valves shall not exceed the chosen design pressure
c) the minimum discharge capacity of the relief valves shall not be less than the larger of:
— 110% of the total flow capacity of the pumps
— oil flow corresponding to a azimuth unit rotating speed of 5 deg/sec.
Under such conditions the rise in pressure shall not exceed 10% of the setting pressure. In this regard, due
consideration shall be given to extreme foreseen ambient conditions with respect to oil viscosity.
Guidance note:
The hydraulic steering gear is approved against the defined design pressure. The design approval is withdrawn in case required
design pressure becomes higher than the chosen design pressure, which may be the case if estimated working pressures are lower
than the actual measured pressures obtained at trial.
The 25% margin is a SOLAS requirement which shall prevent continuous bleeding of relief valves.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Hydraulic locking

Where the steering gear is so arranged that more than one system, either power or control system, can be
simultaneously operated, the risk of hydraulic locking caused by a single failure shall be considered.
For alarm requirement, see [3.8].
Guidance note:
Hydraulic locking includes all situations where two hydraulic systems (usually identical) oppose each other in such a way that it
may lead to loss of steering. It can either be caused by pressure in the two hydraulic systems working against each other or by
hydraulic by-pass meaning that the systems puncture each other and cause pressure drop on both sides or make it impossible to
build up pressure.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Flexible Hoses

Flexible hoses may be used between two points where flexibility is required, but shall not be subjected to
torsional deflection (twisting) under normal operating conditions. In general, the hose should be limited to
the length necessary to provide for flexibility and for proper operation of machinery. Hose assemblies shall be
type approved. See Ch.6 Sec.9 [4]. Motor rating

The electric motor driving the hydraulic pump shall at least have a rating S6-25 according to IEC60034-1.
Additional class notations or special types of vessels may require other ratings.

3.4.7 Slip ring Electric slip ring

The slip ring unit for transfer of electric main power, auxiliary power, control and monitoring signals shall fulfil
requirements in Ch.8 Sec.8 [1.5]. Fluid swivel joint

The fluid swivel joint unit for transfer of any liquid or gas shall be designed against internal and external
leakage. Sealing shall be resistant against wear.

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3.4.8 Azimuth seal arrangement

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3 Leakage detection
The slewing seal shall be arranged so that harmful leakage can be detected and drained before water can
gain access to water sensitive parts, such as propulsion motor, slewing bearing, and gears.

3.4.9 Slewing bearing

The slewing bearing shall have a design lifetime corresponding to vessel design lifetime or specified overhaul
Guidance note:
ISO 281 is not suitable as the slewing bearing is rotating with a limited rpm and load profile is nearly static. Optional standards to
apply are ISO 76, ISO 81400 and IEC 61400. DNV-ST-0377 may be used as a support to the design.


3.4.10 Azimuth brake

The azimuth brake shall be able to lock the thruster in neutral position, see []. The brake holding
torque shall not exceed design torque if it is a part of the steering actuating system. A locking device fitted
directly to the slewing gear is accepted as an alternative to a brake. This locking device may be without
torque limitation. Manual release of the brake or locking mechanism shall be possible.

3.5 Auxiliary systems

3.5.1 Lubrication Arrangement and capability

The lubrication system shall be designed to provide all bearings, gear meshes and other parts requiring oil
with adequate amount of oil for both lubrication and cooling purposes. This shall be maintained under all
environmental conditions as stated in Ch.1 Sec.3 [2.2].
Lubricating oil systems shall comply with Ch.6 Sec.5 [3] as applicable. Pod bearings

All shaft bearings in podded thrusters shall have lubrication oil system providing cleanliness, temperature,
and lubrication. Each bearing assembly shall have separate lubrication oil distribution.
Guidance note:
Alternative solutions may be accepted provided appropriate cleanliness, temperature, and lubrication for all shaft bearings.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Lubrication system

The lubrication system shall include:
— an arrangement to take representative oil samples with respect to detecting water and particle
— if necessary, a cooler to keep the oil temperature within the specified maximum temperature, when
operating under the worst relevant environmental conditions, see []
— a filter of suitable fineness for gearing, hydraulics and bearings, see [].
Guidance note:
Specification of a pressure filter for maintaining suitable fluid cleanliness may be 16/14/11 according to ISO 4406 and β6-7 = 200
according to ISO 16889.


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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

For propulsion and dynamic positioning thrusters it shall be possible to change or clean filters without
interrupting the bearing operation. Filter design requirements as for hydraulic systems []. Wind milling

Forced lubrication may be used as an alternative to shaft brake [3.3.8] unless required in Ch.8 Sec.12. A
pump for this purpose shall be additional to any standby pump required by other parts of the rules. The
pump shall be automatically activated within 30 sec after shutdown of the thruster. Low rpm operation

For thrusters designed to operate at such low rotational shaft speeds that an attached pump (if needed)
cannot supply sufficient amounts of oil, the following may be accepted:
— either an extra electric oil pump that is activated at a given pressure in addition to the attached pump, or
— 2 electric main pumps of the same capacity, one of which is arranged as a standby pump with immediate
action. These pumps shall be supplied from different sides of the main power distribution.

3.5.2 Cooling Sea water systems

Water cooling systems shall comply with Ch.6 Sec.5 [2], as applicable. Heat balance

The cooling system, if applicable, shall have heat transfer capacity enough to keep the propulsion machinery
within the design temperature range at the maximum propulsion power and the environmental conditions as
specified in Ch.1 Sec.3 [2.2]. Some reduction in propulsion power may be accepted when operating in hot
environments based on the heat balance analysis and the specification of power reduction.

3.5.3 Bilge system

Podded thrusters shall be provided with a drainage system, which shall be activated automatically.

3.6 Vibration
3.6.1 Torsional vibration, propulsion line Torsional vibration analysis

For details regarding torsional vibration calculation and analysis, see Ch.2 Sec.2. RIM thruster

Torsional vibration calculation is not required for RIM thrusters independent of application. Electric and hydraulic driven tunnel thrusters

Natural frequencies are not permitted in the range of 0.8-1.2 times the blade order frequency at rated
propulsion power for the thruster unless the vibratory torque is documented to be within approved limits (KA
Guidance note:
The relation between power and speed in the propeller law is P~n , which implies that excitation harmonics are highest at
maximum speed. Application factor KA is defined in Ch.4 Sec.2.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- All other thrusters

Forced torsional vibration calculated shall be made for normal operation as well as for extreme steering
manoeuvres. The excitation used for extreme steering manoeuvres shall be substantiated.

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Forced calculation is not required for podded thrusters with lowest natural frequency higher than 2nd blade

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

order excitation frequency, see Ch.2 Sec.2 [1.4.1].
For propulsion plants the application factor KA shall be minimum 1.10 for normal operation, for calculation
Guidance note:
Fatigue assessment in the torque transmission line is based on dynamic response, described by the application factor, KA. KA is
related to high cycle fatigue.
KAP describes non-frequent peak loads, and is related to (very) low cycle fatigue/static strength. During extreme steering (e.g.
steering gear test) dynamic response in the range between KA and KAP is expected, mainly due to oblique inflow to the propeller.
Level of the application factor during such manoeuvres as well as number of associated load cycles will depend on ship type and
Values for propeller excitation as given in Ch.2 Sec.2 [2.3.3] are expected to result in application factors to the conservative side.
Lower values for propeller excitation may be accepted when substantiated by relevant measurements and/or advanced numerical


3.6.2 Torsional vibration, steering gear Resonance
Steering gear mechanical drive train shall be designed to avoid harmful vibrations originating from
resonances due to external loads (e.g. vortex shedding or dynamic blade loads). Transients
Transient external loads within expected operations shall not exceed the release load of the torque limiting
device or safety relief valve.

3.6.3 Housing vibration modes

Consequences from resonant vibrations in housing, including impact on other structures, systems or
components shall be considered. Calculation of natural frequencies and modes by finite elements analysis
may be required, see also [3.2.4].
Guidance note:
Excitation sources are typical hydrodynamic loads at blade passing frequencies and vortex shedding during steering in combination
with vessel speed.


3.7 Special design features

3.7.1 Retractable thrusters
The thruster shall have means to prevent lowering to operational position when vessel speed is above design
limit. The thruster shall have a locking functionality in operating position before engagement of the propeller.
Hydraulic hoses and pipes shall be protected against damage from objects or contact with structure.

3.7.2 Flexibly mounted tunnel thruster

The arrangement of flexibly mounted tunnel thrusters shall provide effective protection against flooding.
Such thrusters shall be placed in a separate watertight compartment, unless the flexible sealing arrangement
contains two separate effective sealing elements. An arrangement for indication of leakage into the space
between the inner and outer sealing shall be provided. The arrangement shall allow inspection of such
sealings during bottom survey without extensive dismantling. One watertight compartment may contain
more than one thruster but shall not share compartment with propulsion thrusters.

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3
3.8 Control and monitoring systems
3.8.1 General - propulsion thruster arrangement
The requirements of this subsection are additional to the requirements for design and arrangement of electric
systems Ch.8 and control systems Ch.9.
Guidance note:
Additional requirements for thruster control and monitoring apply to vessels with certain class notations, e.g. DYNPOS, RP(n,%),

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Functional requirements

The control, monitoring, and safety systems shall be arranged to ensure safe and reliable operation of the
thruster installation. Control positions

Propulsion thruster arrangements shall be provided with necessary means for remote control from bridge and
local control from appropriate location(s) in the thruster and drive compartment(s), covering both steering-
and propulsion control. System arrangement

The propulsion thruster control systems shall be arranged with:
— independent controllers dedicated for each thruster
— means of local control including necessary monitoring and indicators independent for each thruster, see
Table 19. Local control

The local control shall provide the following capabilities:
— include necessary means for both command and monitoring of the necessary parameters to enable a safe
operation of the propulsion- and steering system
— be independent of the remote control
— it shall be possible from the local command position(s) to disable remote control
— azimuth angle indicator and heading information shall be available at the local steering position(s)
— heading information shall be automatically updated when power is restored after a power failure
— efficient means of two-way voice communication between the local control position(s) and the bridge and
engine control room.
Guidance note:
The local command positions may be locally at the electrical drives/frequency converters for the propulsion and steering units.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Remote control

a) The remote control system for propulsion and steering may be arranged in a common system, provided
that the specific requirements for the steering and propulsion functions, see [3.8.3] and [3.8.2]
respectively, are complied with.
Guidance note:
The requirements for the remote control systems for steering and propulsion differ; the strictest requirements apply to the
steering function. The remote control functions may be implemented in a common system or in separate systems, in either
case, the requirements specific for each functions apply.


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b) For propulsion thruster arrangements, the main command location for remote control is the bridge. This

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

implies that if other locations are equipped with means for remote control of propulsion and steering, it
shall be possible to take command of the propulsion thrusters from bridge.
c) For any additional locations equipped with means for remote control of propulsion thrusters, the general
principles of command transfer as given in Ch.9 shall be complied with.
Guidance note:
Additional remote control positions may e.g. be engine control room (ECR) or an safe return to port (SRTP) bridge for
passenger ships.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Emergency stop

Emergency stop of each individual propeller shall be possible from bridge, arranged independently of the
remote control system.
If the independent stop facility is arranged as an emergency stop push button, this shall be arranged in
accordance with Ch.8 Sec.2 [8.6.1]. Alarm and monitoring

a) Any alarm condition in the thruster plant shall initiate an alarm at the navigating bridge and/or ECR
according to the principles in this subsection. For unattended machinery operation, the ECR alarms shall
be given through the extension alarm system.
b) For propulsion thruster arrangements, the extent of alarms presented at the navigating bridge shall be
limited to those that require attention from bridge personnel, according the following categories:
— alarms that require immediate attention and actions from the bridge personnel, to maintain or restore
functionality of thruster systems; to maintain the safe navigation and operation of the ship
— warnings of failures and conditions that may indicate reduced capabilities, performance or fault
tolerance in the thruster systems without the need for any immediate actions from bridge personnel.
Warnings are presented for precautionary reasons to bring awareness of changed conditions which
are not immediately hazardous, but may become so, if no action is taken.
c) Warning may be presented individually or in groups provided:
— only warnings of the same category that represent conditions of similar consequence may be
presented in the same group
— each individual alarm triggering the group alarm shall be identifiable in ECR or at the local controller/
control panel from where the alarm originated
— that the functionality of group alarms are according to Ch.9 Sec.3 [1.5].
d) All alarms shall be presented in ECR, also those presented at the navigating bridge. Acknowledgment
shall in general be possible from one location only. Only alarms that specifically demand attention from
the navigation bridge shall be acknowledged from the bridge, e.g. deviation alarm, failure of remote
control, all other alarms shall be acknowledged in ECR.
e) Remote alarm and monitoring functions for all thrusters may be arranged in a common system.
f) The alarming and monitoring of the thruster installation shall in general cover:
— the contents of Table 18
— if electrically driven, in accordance with Ch.8 Sec.12 [1.6].
g) RPM and pitch of each individual propeller shall be indicated at all control position.

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3.8.2 Steering

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3 System arrangement
a) The remote steering control system shall be arranged with two independent means of steering from the
navigating bridge, e.g. arranged as:
— independent control systems for the steering of each thruster, or
— if a common, redundant, integrated system is arranged for the control of all thrusters, an
independent back-up means of remote control shall be provided for each thruster, with similar input
devices/levers as the normal control.
Guidance note:
An integrated system arranged with redundancy is in general not considered to provide equivalent fault tolerance as
independent systems, hence a redundant system will not be accepted to meet the above requirement without additional
independent means of control.


b) The independent steering control systems shall be arranged with:

— physical segregation and not be located in the same enclosure (cabinet, desk, panel), unless a flame-
retardant partition is installed between the control systems within the enclosure
— cables and pipes segregated as far as practicable throughout their length.
c) A common main steering stand without segregation serving both steering control systems is acceptable,
provided that cables and components are securely installed to limit the potential for physical damage
impairing both systems.
d) Steering order devices for the independent control systems may be operated by the same lever shaft.
e) The devices for mode selection and transfer of command between control positions may be implemented
in common units provided that no single failures may propagate to the independent steering control
systems. The mode selection shall be displayed at all control positions. Response to failures

A failure in the steering control system shall lead to the least critical state of the thruster. If a failure lead to
loss of control, the thruster shall normally freeze in its present position.
Guidance note:
The least critical condition is normally to freeze the thruster in its present position. For systems and/or operational modes where
midship position is considered to be the least critical condition, this may also be accepted.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Steering gear power units

a) The steering gear power units shall:
— normally be part of the remote start-up sequence for the thruster. If the thruster unit is designed
for operational modes where manual start and stop of steering power units is required, remote start
and stop of the individual power units shall be arranged from the bridge and possible other positions
where remote control of thrusters is available
— designed for parallel operation of all steering gear power units in normal operation
— designed to automatically or manually stop failed units, maintaining the required steering capabilities
with the remaining power units
— provided with an overload alarm activated when the current exceeds full working load.
b) The protective shutdown functions associated with the steering gear shall be limited to those necessary
to prevent immediate machinery breakdown. Any protective shutdown shall initiate an alarm.

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

a) The presentation of alarms on the bridge shall be readily observable from the main steering stand. The
user interface for alarm presentation shall provide a continuous and an efficient display of the status of
alarms and warnings.
Guidance note:
This may be provided by dedicated displays/screens or by user interfaces with dedicated areas for a continuous status
overview where details of alarm conditions may be activated by simple manual actions.

b) A deviation alarm shall be initiated if the thruster's actual position does not reach the set point within
acceptable time limits for the closed loop control systems, e.g. follow-up control and autopilot. Azimuth angle indication

The azimuth angle of each propulsion thruster shall be indicated at the bridge by at least two different
systems, one of them independent of any other control system. The system shall for each of the thrusters be
arranged so that a single failure in power supply, or anywhere in the indicating system, does not cause loss
of azimuth angle indication on the bridge. Power supply

The power supply to the each of the steering control systems shall be either:
— fed by a separate circuit supplied from the steering gear power circuit from a point within the steering
gear compartment, or
— fed directly from the switchboard busbars supplying that steering gear power circuit at a point on the
switchboard adjacent to the supply to the steering gear power circuit.
Guidance note:
The intention is to ensure that the power unit and the control systems as far as practicable maintain its power supply
simultaneously, i.e. that whenever the power unit is powered, the control system is powered.


3.8.3 Propulsion System arrangement

For propulsion control a common remote-control system may be arranged if the system is redundant/single
fail tolerant.

3.8.4 Power supply

a) The power supply to the thruster control system shall be arranged according to Ch.9 Sec.3 [2.2.3], Ch.9
Sec.3 [2.2.4] and Ch.9 Sec.3 [2.2.5].
b) The power supply to the thruster control system shall, in addition, be fed from uninterrupted power
supplies (UPS).
c) The power supply to the navigation equipment (i.a. RPM, pitch) shall be powered from the emergency
switchboard, see SOLAS Ch.II-1 Reg.42, 43 and Ch.V Reg.19.

3.8.5 General - manoeuvring thruster arrangements

a) Manoeuvring thrusters shall be provided with individual emergency stop of propellers from the bridge.
The emergency stop function shall be independent of the remote control system, if fitted.
b) Manoeuvring thrusters shall be provided with alarm and monitoring according to Table 18.

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3.8.6 Alarms and indication

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Table 18 Alarm and indication list

Gr 2
Gr 1 Automatic
Gr 3
Indication start of
System/Item Shut down Comment
and/ stand-
with alarm
or alarm by pump
with alarm
1.0 Electrical prime mover
2) IR ,
Load (torque) 3),6)

2.0 Pitch speed and direction of rotation

6) For constant speed propellers, running

Propeller speed IR
indication is acceptable.

Direction of rotation for reversible 6)


For main propulsion, the following pitch

settings shall be marked on the local
pitch indicator: mechanical pitch limits
6) ahead and astern, pitch at full ahead
Propeller pitch for CP-propellers IL, IR
running, maximum astern pitch and
pitch at zero thrust. For manoeuvering
and dynpos thrusters; maximum,
minimum and zero pitch are sufficient.

3.0 Hydraulic system for CP-propeller

Pressure IL, LA AS
Level IL, LA If separate tank.

Differential pressure over filter HA Applicable for propulsion thrusters.

4.0 Bilge system

Level HA For podded thrusters.

5.0 Lubricating oil

2) 5)
Pressure IL , LA AS If forced lubrication oil system.
Temperature IL, HA

Level IL, LA

6.0 Steering system

Azimuth angle IL, IR

Hydraulic oil pressure IL, LA

Hydraulic oil supply tank level IL, LA

Hydraulic oil temperature HA, IL

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Gr 2

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Gr 1 Automatic
Gr 3
Indication start of
System/Item Shut down Comment
and/ stand-
with alarm
or alarm by pump
with alarm
Azimuth brake engaged IR
Electric power failure A Steering gear power unit.
Electric motor overload A Steering gear power unit.

6) For mechanical torque limiter

Torque limiter release A , IL

7.0 steering gear control system

Power failure of control system A
6) 6)
Remote control disconnected A , IR
Control failure A
Earth fault on AC and DC circuits A

Loop failures in closed loop system 6) Normally short circuit, broken

(command and feedback) connections and earth faults.

Deviation between steering order 6)

A See b) in [].
and feedback

Overload alarm and phase failure 6)

A See [].

8.0 Cooling medium

Temperature HA, IL For podded thrusters.

9.0 Special features

Thruster ready for use IR For retractable thrusters.

Seal leakage IL, LA For flexibly mounted tunnel thrusters.

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Gr 2

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Gr 1 Automatic
Gr 3
Indication start of
System/Item Shut down Comment
and/ stand-
with alarm
or alarm by pump
with alarm

Gr 1 = sensor(s) for indication, alarm, load reduction (common sensor permitted but with different set points and
alarm shall be activated before any load reduction)
Gr 2 = sensor for automatic start of standby pump
Gr 3 = sensor for shutdown
IL = local indication (presentation of values), i.e. in vicinity of the monitored component
IR = remote indication (presentation of values), in engine control room or another centralized control station such
as the local platform/manoeuvering console
A = alarm activated for logical value
LA = alarm for low value
HA = alarm for high value
AS = automatic start of standby pump with corresponding alarm
LR = load reduction, either manual or automatic, with corresponding alarm, either slow down (rpm reduction) or
alternative means of load reduction (e.g. pitch reduction), whichever is relevant
SH = shut down with corresponding alarm. May be manually (request for shut down) or automatically executed, if
not explicitly stated above.

All alarms shall be routed to the engine control room (ECR), see a) in [].

For definitions of load reduction (LR), and shut down (SH), see Ch.1.
1) regarding electric motors, see Ch.8 Sec.12 [1.6.4]
2) not required for manoeuvering thrusters, except if part of a dynamic positioning system
3) set point to be set according to rating
4) to be provided when stand-by pump is required, see Sec.1 [6.3]
5) to be provided when stand-by pump is required, see [3.5.1]
6) indication/alarm to be presented at navigation bridge in addition to ECR.

4 Inspection and testing

4.1 General
4.1.1 Scope
The parts in a thruster shall be tested and documented as described in Table 14, Table 15, Table 19 and Table
Visual inspection shall be carried out of all parts mentioned in Table 14 and [1.7.4].
Tests and inspections shall be carried out by the manufacturer, and the Society shall be invited for inspection.

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Table 19 Testing and inspection of components

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Ultra-sonic (UT) or Surface crack
Object Pressure testing Visual inspection (VT)
X-ray (RT) testing detection

welded barrier to sea 20% 20% Tightness 100%
and critical welds

other welding 5% 5%
full penetration

other welding

Housing, See Pt.2 Ch.2 See Pt.2 Ch.2

casting Sec.8 [2.5] Sec.8 [2.5]

Assembly bolts > M39 Applicable Applicable Applicable

Assembly bolts ≤ M39

4.1.2 Ancillaries
Ancillaries integrated as part of the thruster and not covered by Table 14, Table 15, Table 19 and Table 20,
shall be tested and inspected as found relevant by the thruster manufacturer.

4.1.3 Prototype testing

For novel technology or designs unknown to DNV a prototype testing or other arrangements for qualification
of technology may be required. Scope shall be agreed with the Society in advance.
Guidance note:
The prototype test is required to build confidence to the component, system or arrangement which contains novel technology or
new unknown design. For smaller units or assemblies, it is preferable to carry out the test in workshop. For large assemblies or
units the tests may be executed after installation on board if accepted by all parties. In such cases will the product certificate be
issued after the test. The test may be limited to parts of the thruster or full-scale test of a complete thruster.


4.2 Workshop testing

4.2.1 General Electrical equipment

Testing of electrical equipment, such as motors and frequency converters, shall comply with Ch.8. Instrumentation and control

Testing of instrumentation and control systems shall comply with Ch.9. Propeller fitting

For propeller fitting, see Ch.4 Sec.1. Leak test

The azimuthing unit shall be subjected to leak testing (internal pressure, soap water test or similar).

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4.2.2 Steering gear

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3 Steering gear parts - extent of testing
Steering gear parts shall be inspected and tested as required by Table 20. The visual inspection shall include
verification of compliance with approved drawings. Attention shall be paid to critical dimensions, clearances
and stress raisers. Hydraulic pumps - type testing

Each type of hydraulic pump shall be subjected to a type test.
a) The type test shall be for duration of not less than 100 hours.
b) The test arrangements shall be such that the pump may run in idling conditions, and at maximum
delivery capacity at maximum working pressure.
c) During the test, idling periods shall be alternated with periods at maximum delivery capacity at
maximum working pressure.
d) The passage from one condition to another should occur at least as quickly as on board.
e) During the whole test no abnormal heating, excessive vibration or other irregularities are permitted.
f) After the test, the pump shall be dismantled and inspected.
Type tests may be waived for pumps which has been proven to be reliable in marine service. Hydraulic piping - pressure testing

The rule requirements related to the testing of class I pressure vessels, piping and related fittings apply.
The steering gear is subject to internal pressure testing for a test pressure, Ptest, 1.5 times the design
pressure, but need not exceed the design pressure by more than 70 bar.
Holding time shall be sufficient for detection of leakages, however not less than 15 minutes, see Ch.6 Sec.5
[8.5.1] and Ch.6 Sec.10 [5.1]. Hydraulic safety relief valve

The safety relief valves shall be tested and verified. Mechanical torque limiter

The mechanical torque limiter shall be adjusted and marked with the release torque. Individual testing
and adjustment may be omitted if it is a mass-produced off-the-shelf product with torque pre-set from the
supplier. High speed gear box

For propulsion thrusters which have steering actuating systems consisting of high speed hydraulic or electric
motors which are combined with off-the-shelf, mass-produced gear boxes, the certification of the gearboxes
may be based on function testing only, provided that:
— The vessel is fully manoeuvrable with one thruster locked in worst possible condition, while the remaining
thrusters are fully operable.
— Each thruster is provided with two or more steering actuating systems.
— The gearboxes shall be conservatively chosen with regard to required safety factors and able to handle all
relevant loads for the steering gear.
— The gearboxes are easily replaceable.
Guidance note:
Conservatively chosen is typically to go one size up in catalogue data compared to the smallest gear satisfying the safety factors
in an ordinary design approval,, or an additional 5% margin to the required safety factors (i.e.: multiply the required safety factor
with 1,05). This will simplify the certification process, especially for planetary gear transmissions.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Steering gear - test after assembly

The assembled steering gear is subject to function test.

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4.2.3 Azimuth unit assembly

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3 Hydraulic system - pressure testing
Systems for lubrication and hydraulic pitch control shall be function and pressure tested. The test pressure
shall be as required in []. Regarding function testing of controllable pitch propellers, see Sec.1 [3.1]. Propulsion gear

Assembly of the drive gears regarding tooth contact shall be in accordance with the approved design. For
gear mesh check, see Ch.4 Sec.2 [4.1]. Alternative gear mesh check procedures may be approved on a case-
by-case basis. Drainage system

Drainage system for podded thrusters shall be function tested.

4.2.4 Other systems and components Function test retractable mechanisms

The mechanism for lowering and lifting the thruster, including safety functions, shall be function tested. Pressure test, retractable mechanisms

Hydraulic systems for retractable mechanisms shall be function and pressure tested. Test pressure shall be as
required in [].

4.3 Installation on board

4.3.1 Mounting
The mounting and installation of the thrusters shall be in accordance to approved drawings and according to
manufacturer's specification.

4.3.2 Integration plan

Integration tests covering propulsion and steering systems, including subsequent networks, shall be
according to the integration plan.

4.3.3 Assemblies carried out remote

Sub-assemblies and parts mounted at yards or workshops other than the thruster manufacturers' shall be
carried out according to the thruster manufacturer's instructions.

4.3.4 Electric propulsion

See Ch.8 Sec.12 [2.1.1].

4.3.5 Gear inspection

For accessible thruster reduction gears, the requirements in Ch.4 Sec.2 [8] apply.

4.3.6 Shafting
For shaft alignment, propeller fitting and assembly of shafting components, the requirements in Ch.4 Sec.1
[7] apply.

4.3.7 Steering gear test

After installation on board the vessel, and prior to sea-trial, the steering gear shall be subject to the required
hydrostatic and running tests.
The test shall as a minimum include:

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a) hydrostatic testing:

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

— parts of steering gear that has not been pressure tested at workshop shall be tested as in workshop,
see []
— assembly shall be tested at design pressure
b) function testing of the steering gear
c) testing alarms and indicators
d) automatic start test of power units
e) testing of all start and stop functions
f) testing of control transfer between bridge and local control
g) testing of safety valve setting (if not performed during workshop test)
h) testing of function and setting of overcurrent protection
i) test and check of functions and settings in frequency converter (if applicable)
j) checking mechanical steering angle indicator.

4.4 Sea trial

4.4.1 Electric propulsion
See Ch.8 Sec.12 [2.1.2].

4.4.2 Standards for ship manoeuvrability

Manoeuvring tests as described in IMO Res. MSC137(76) shall be carried out, also for non-SOLAS ships.

4.4.3 Steering capability and turning speed

For azimuth propulsion thrusters, the steering capability shall be tested, and azimuthing turning speed shall
be verified to be in compliance with [2.3]. Declared steering angle limits shall not be exceeded during the

4.4.4 Test condition

Steering and reversing functions shall be tested under the most severe permissible conditions, at least with
full ahead vessel speed and at full draught.
Guidance note:
In this context condition is related to ship condition and modes and not environmental conditions which is described in IMO Res.


4.4.5 Operating modes

All operating modes for the vessel, as defined in the operating philosophy, shall be tested.

4.4.6 Steering torque measurement

Steering torque, derived from electric current or hydraulic pressure, shall be measured and recorded
continuously during the steering gear test, see [4.4.12]. Steering torque in auto pilot mode shall be
recorded. Recordings shall be compared with acceptance criteria for speed and capability in [2.3.3] and for
torque or pressure in [], [] or [], [].
Guidance note:
Dedicated instrumentation for this test is not required if data can be derived from the thruster's control and monitoring system.


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4.4.7 Crash stop

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Crash stop test from full available speed ahead shall be performed according to a defined procedure.
Guidance note:
Vessels with traditional shafting will perform the crash stop by reversing propeller thrust by use of shaft speed and propeller pitch.
Vessels having thrusters for main propulsion may reduce the stop length by use of steering gear according to procedures often
recommended by manufacturer. The test is reflected in IACS UI SC242 reg.28.3.


4.4.8 Control, alarm and safety functions

The control, alarm and safety functions shall be tested for compliance with the approved alarm list, see Table

4.4.9 Podded thrusters

Podded thrusters shall be inspected internally after sea trial and full load test for leakage or any other

4.4.10 Retractable thrusters

Retractable mechanism including locking functionality shall be function tested in combination with propeller

4.4.11 Thruster gears

All accessible thruster gears shall be inspected as in Ch.4 Sec.2 [9].

4.4.12 Steering gear test

The steering gear shall be tested during sea trial in order to demonstrate the function of the steering gear
and that the rule requirements have been met.
The test shall include the following:
a) Testing of steering gear function and capacity. Acceptance criteria are given in [3.4.3].
b) The steering gear power units, including transfer between steering gear power units.
c) The isolation of one steering actuating system, checking the time for regaining steering capability.
d) The emergency power supply required in [].
e) The steering gear controls, including transfer of control and local control.
f) The means of communication between the steering thruster compartment and the bridge. Also, with
the engine room/engine control room, if applicable. The test may be carried out and completed at the

4.4.13 Test record

A record of the steering gear, and propulsion parameters during test, shall be presented to the Society. See
also documentation requirements in Table 5.

5 Required compliance documentation in other rules chapters

Thrusters are assembled units which consist of several components and subsystems with individual
requirements to certification based on design approval and tests. These requirements are found in various
rule chapters and sections in Pt.4 as applicable.
Table 20 is presented as a support to the reader with references to requirements which may be applicable.

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Table 20 Certificates required in other rule chapters

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Item Rule reference

Propeller cast in one block Sec.1

Separate blades Sec.1

Separate hubs Sec.1

Hub caps with fins Sec.1

Blade bolts Sec.1

Controllable pitch mechanism Sec.1

Pitch control and monitoring system Sec.1

Shafts in thrusters and gears Ch.4 Sec.1

Other shafts for propulsion Ch.4 Sec.1

Other rigid couplings/couplings in

Ch.4 Sec.1

Keys bolts shear pins Ch.4 Sec.1

Propeller shaft liners Ch.4 Sec.1

Shaft sealing rings Ch.4 Sec.1

Propeller shaft sealing Ch.4 Sec.1

Gear transmission Ch.4 Sec.2

Pinion and wheel Ch.4 Sec.2, if sub-contracted

Pinion and wheel Ch.4 Sec.2

Built in clutches Ch.4 Sec.2

Shaft rigid couplings hubs Ch.4 Sec.2

Welded gear and couplings Ch.4 Sec.2

Bolts and keys Ch.4 Sec.2

Clutches Ch.4 Sec.3

Bending couplings Ch.4 Sec.4 bending comp. Couplings, if main function and ≥ 5000 kW or 5 kNm

Bending couplings Ch.4 Sec.4 bending comp. Couplings, std design

Torsional elastic couplings Ch.4 Sec.5 Torsional elastic couplings, if main function and ≥ 5000 kW or 5 kNm

Torsional elastic couplings Ch.4 Sec.4 bending comp. Couplings, std design

Hydraulic pumps Ch.6 Sec.1

Other valves Ch.6 Sec.1

Hydraulic cylinders Ch.7, pD > 20 000

Flexible hoses with couplings Ch.7

Accumulators Ch.7, pV > 1.5

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Item Rule reference

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 3

Electric sliprings Ch.8 Sec.1

Electric motors Ch.8 Sec.1, ≥ 300kW

Electric motors Ch.8 Sec.1, ≥ 100 kW and < 300kW

Cables Ch.8 Sec.1

Termination accessories (aluminium

Ch.8 Sec.1

Control and monitoring system -

remote and/ or automatic control of Ch.8 Sec.1
power system

PC = Product certificate
MC = Material certificate
PD = Product declaration
MD = Material declaration
TAC = Type Approval Certificate
PTR = Product test report
MTR = Material test report

1) See DNV-CG-0550 Sec.3 [2].

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4

1 General

1.1 Introduction
Compressors are of different types and are combined with various gases with different properties.
Specific and relevant requirements are necessary to meet the variety of installations.

1.2 Objective
The objective of these rules is to provide safe design for compressors.

1.3 Scope
This section gives design, material and test requirements for different types of compressors in combination
with relevant types of compressed media.

1.4 Application
1.4.1 General
The rules in this section apply for the compressor only. Any additional equipment, e.g. prime movers,
pressure vessels, piping, electric equipment, and instrumentation shall comply with relevant parts of the
The rules apply to all compressors as a part of the following systems:
— those with design pressure above 40 bars
— starting air, see Ch.6 Sec.5 [9.4]
— instrument and control air, see Ch.6 Sec.5 [9.2.2]
— breathing gas for diving systems, see DNV-OS-E402.

1.4.2 Special ship types and additional class notations

The rules apply for all compressors as a part of the systems when required by following special ship types
and additional class notations:
— recharging breathing air cylinders (for ship type Fire fighter), see Pt.5 Ch.10 Sec.9
— cargo refrigeration (for ships having additional class notation RM), see Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.9
— cargo, fuel, refrigeration and nitrogen plants (for ship type Tanker for liquefied gas), see Pt.5 Ch.7
— for regasification plants (vessels with additional class notation REGAS), see Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.7
— for gas fuelled ship installations (vessels with additional class notation Gas fuelled), see Pt.6 Ch.2 Sec.5
— for gas power plants (vessels with class notation Gas power plants), see Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.20
— nitrogen generators (for ship type Tanker for chemicals), see Pt.5 Ch.6
— inert gas production (when such a system is required by SOLAS and for ships having additional class
notations Inert), see Pt.6 Ch.5 Sec.8.

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4
1.5 Definitions
Table 1 Definitions

Term Definition

compressor mechanical device that increase the pressure of gas by reducing its volume
The increase of pressure may be carried out by pistons, screws, diaphragms or centrifugal

reciprocating compressor positive-displacement compressor that uses pistons driven by a crankshaft to deliver gases at
high pressure

screw compressor type of rotary compressor which compresses air due to screw action

centrifugal compressors type of dynamic compressor with a radial design

Dynamic compressors work at a constant pressure and the performance is affected by
external conditions such as changes in inlet temperatures.

turbo compressors centrifugal compressor where the air is drawn in axially, accelerated to high velocity and then
expelled in a radial direction

boosters (maximizers) compressor designed with inlet (suction) pressure above atmospheric is to be entitled as a
booster (maximizer)

system (in the context of system normally contains additional auxiliary components like pressure vessels, additional
this section) piping, overflow, gas coolers, water taps, pulsation snubbers etc. and may be mounted on
the skid

shaft power power of the motor driving the compressor.

1.6 Procedural requirements

1.6.1 Documentation requirements
For compressors listed in [1.4.1] and [1.4.2] and with shaft power exceeding 200 kW, the documents
as listed in Table 2, and according to type, Table 3 and Table 4 shall be submitted to the Society. For
compressors with shaft power of 200 kW or less, design approval is not mandatory.
For general requirements for documentation, including definition of the info codes, see DNV-CG-0550 Sec.6.
For a full definition of the documentation types, see DNV-CG-0550 Sec.5.

Table 2 Documentation requirements for all compressors

Object Documentation type Additional description Info

C020 - Assembly or arrangement

Cross section FI

I110 - List of controlled and monitored

Compressor Alarm set points and delay times AP

Compressed medium, lubrication and

S015 - Piping system schematic layout AP

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Object Documentation type Additional description Info

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4

Medium, design pressure for all
stages, working temperature,
Z110 - Data sheet FI
capacity, maximum shaft power and
maximum rotational speed

AP = for approval, FI = for information

Table 3 Additional documentation for reciprocating compressors and boosters (maximizers)

Object Documentation type Additional description Info

If shaft power is < 1 000 kW FI

C030 - Detailed drawing
If shaft power is 1 000 kW AP

If shaft power is < 1 000 kW FI

M010 - Material specification
If shaft power is 1 000 kW AP

Z265 - Calculation report See [2.3] FI, R

C050 - Non-destructive testing (NDT) -


C030 - Detailed drawing - FI

Connecting rod
M010 - Material specification - FI

C030 - Detailed drawing - FI

C040 - Design analysis - FI, R

Cylinder and cylinder If shaft power is 1 000 kW or for all

head with bolts compressors as listed in [2.2.2]
M010 - Material specification
If shaft power is < 1 000 kW or for all
other compressors then those listed in FI

Documentation of torsional vibration

Compressor C040 - Design analysis in reciprocating compressors, see FI, R

For compressor as listed in

[2.2.2], documentation for sealing
Seals C030 - Detailed drawing FI, R
arrangements with material
specification for seals

AP = for approval, FI = for information, R = on request

Table 4 Additional documentation for screw and centrifugal or turbo compressors

Object Documentation type Additional description Info

If shaft power is < 1 000 kW FI

Rotors C030 - Detailed drawing
If shaft power is 1 000 kW AP

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Object Documentation type Additional description Info

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4

If shaft power is 1 000 kW or for all
compressors as listed in [2.2.2]
M010 - Material specification
If shaft power is < 1 000 kW or for all
other compressors then those listed in FI

C050 - Non-destructive testing (NDT) -


Rotor strength (screw or impeller), see

C040 - Design analysis FI, R

Rotors with separate Burst speed calculation, required, if

C040 - Design analysis FI, R
blades shaft power 1 000 kW

If shaft power is < 1 000 kW FI

C030 - Detailed drawing
If shaft power is 1 000 kW AP

If shaft power is 1 000 kW or for

compressors as listed in [2.2.2]
M010 - Material specification
Rotor casing If shaft power is < 1 000 kW or for all
other compressors then those listed in FI

C040 - Design analysis Rotor casing strength, see [2.4.3] FI, R

Rotor casing containment. If rotor with

C040 - Design analysis FI, R
blades, see [2.5]

For compressor as listed in

[2.2.2], documentation for sealing
Seals C030 - Detailed drawing FI, R
arrangements with material
specification for seals

AP = for approval, FI = for information, R = on request

1.6.2 Required compliance documentation

All compressors as stated in [1.4.1] and [1.4.2] shall be delivered with compliance documents as required in
Table 8, Table 9 or Table 10 (depending on type).
For a definition of the compliance document types, see DNV-CG-0550 Sec.3.
For general compliance documentation requirements, see DNV-CG-0550 Sec.4.

Table 5 Compliance documents required for reciprocating compressors, including boosters


Object Compliance document Additional description

Compressor PC Shall include function test, see [4.1.1]

MTR If shaft power is < 50 kW
Inlet, outlet and internal
piping for compression MD If shaft power is 50 kW
medium 2)
MD Nominal diameter 25 mm

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Object Compliance document Additional description

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4

MC Nominal diameter > 25 mm

MTR If shaft power is < 50 kW

MD If shaft power is 50 kW

Crankshaft PD NDT ultrasonic test, if shaft power is < 50 kW

PD NDT crack detection test, if shaft power is 50 kW

PD Dimension control

Connecting rod MTR

1) 1)
MTR See sub-note
2) 2)
Cylinder and cylinder head MD See sub-note

PD Pressure test, see [4.1.2]

1) 2)
For all compressors as specified in [1.4], except where stricter requirements are applicable per sub-note
For compressors of special ship types and additional class notations, see [2.2.2]
PC = product certificate, MD = material declaration, NDT = non destructive testing, MTR = material test report, PD =
product declaration, MC = material certificate

Table 6 Compliance documents required for screw compressors

Object Compliance document Additional description

Compressor PC Shall include function test, see [4.1.1]

MTR If shaft power is < 50 kW
Inlet, outlet and internal MD If shaft power is 50 kW
piping for compression
medium MD Nominal diameter 25 mm
MC Nominal diameter > 25 mm
MTR If shaft power is < 50 kW
MD If shaft power is < 1000 kW 50 kW
MC If shaft power is 1000 kW
MD For design temperature of -55°C

Casing 2)
MC For design temperature of <-55°C

PD NDT ultrasonic test, if shaft power is < 50 kW

PD NDT crack detection test if shaft power is 50 kW

PD Dimension control

PD Pressure test, see [4.1.2]

Rotor MTR If shaft power is < 50 kW

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Object Compliance document Additional description

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4

MD If shaft power is 50 kW

PD NDT ultrasonic test, if shaft power is < 50 kW

PD NDT crack detection test if shaft power is 50 kW

PD Dimension control
1) 2)
For all compressors as specified in [1.4], except where stricter requirements are applicable per sub-note
For compressors of special ship types and additional class notations, see [2.2.2]
PC = product certificate, MD = material declaration, NDT = non destructive testing, MTR = material test report, PD =
product declaration, MC = material certificate

Table 7 Compliance documents required for centrifugal and turbo compressors

Object Compliance document Additional description

Compressor PC Shall include function test, see [4.1.1]

MTR If shaft power is < 50 kW
Inlet, outlet and internal MD If shaft power is 50 kW
piping for compression
medium MD Nominal diameter 25 mm
MC Nominal diameter > 25 mm
MTR If shaft power is < 50 kW
MD If shaft power is < 1000 kW 50 kW
MC If shaft power is 1000 kW
MD For design temperature of -55°C

Casing 2)
MC For design temperature of <-55°C

PD NDT ultrasonic test, if shaft power is < 50 kW

PD NDT crack detection test if shaft power is 50 kW

PD Dimension control

PD Pressure test, see [4.1.2]

MTR If shaft power is < 50 kW

MD If shaft power is 50 kW

Shaft PD NDT ultrasonic test, if shaft power is < 50 kW

PD NDT crack detection test if shaft power is 50 kW

PD Dimension control

MTR If shaft power is < 50 kW

Rotor with separate blades
MD If shaft power is 50 kW

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Object Compliance document Additional description

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4

PD NDT ultrasonic test, if shaft power is < 50 kW

PD NDT crack detection test if shaft power is 50 kW

PD Dimension control

MTR If shaft power is < 50 kW

MD If shaft power is 50 kW

Blades PD NDT ultrasonic test, if shaft power is < 50 kW

PD NDT crack detection test if shaft power is 50 kW

PD Dimension control
1) 2)
For all compressors as specified in [1.4], except where stricter requirements are applicable per sub-note
For compressors of special ship types and additional class notations, see [2.2.2]
PC = product certificate, MD = material declaration, NDT = non destructive testing, MTR = material test report, PD =
product declaration, MC = material certificate

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4
2 Design

2.1 Operating conditions

Compressors shall be designed for the most severe operating conditions. Operating conditions shall cover all
loads subjected to parts by compressed media as well as loads caused by driven internal parts from external

2.2 Materials
2.2.1 General
Materials used for compressors shall be suitable, selected according to the operating conditions given in [2.1]
and shall comply with Pt.2 Ch.2 unless otherwise specified and agreed with the Society.

2.2.2 Special ship types and additional class notations

[] to [] apply for compressors installed on ship types Tanker for chemicals, Tanker for
liquid gas, Tanker for C, FSU for C and FSU for liquified gas (as specified in Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.1 Table 1),
and for additional class notations REGAS, Gas fuelled and Gas power plant (as specified in Pt.5 Ch.7
Sec.1 Table 2). Pressure retaining components

The pressure retaining components shall be made of material as required in Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.6 Table 1 or Pt.5
Ch.7 Sec.6 Table 4, and with compliance documents as listed in Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.1 Table 8. Other material types
not listed in Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.6 [4] shall be in accordance with [2.2.1], [], [] or [].
Guidance note:
Pressure retaining components means the parts which are in direct contact with pressurised medium. For example: inlet, casing,
outlet, cylinder head, etc.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Nodular cast iron of ferritic type

For temperatures below -55°C only materials listed in Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.6 shall be used.

Nodular cast iron of ferritic type may be accepted for vapour handling to minimum design temperature
down to -55°C on case-by-case acceptance based on manufacturers justified application with the following

— The materials shall be delivered with required compliance documents given in Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.1 Table 8 as
specified for steel.
— Each test unit shall have proven Charpy V-notch properties tested at 5°C below the minimum design
— Average impact toughness shall be at least 12 J.
— The allowable stress shall be taken as the lowest of the following values:

Rm = specified minimum tensile strength at room temperature [N/mm ]
ReH = specified minimum upper yield stress at room temperature. If the stress-strain curve does not show
a defined yield stress, the 0.2% proof stress shall be applied [N/mm ] .

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4

Grey cast iron and nodular cast iron other than ferritic type should not be used in general in compressor
parts retaining vapour gases. However, it may be accepted on case-by-case basis but not for design
temperatures below -55°C.
Guidance note:
When experience data from manufacturers in combination with an evaluation of relevant load scenarios show that external
mechanical impact is avoided and a substantial strength margin (e.g. typically with a specified minimum tensile strength divided by
applied nominal stress, based on design pressure, is ≥ 12) compensates for the lack of material ductility and impact toughness for
its application.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- Regasification service

Compressors used in regasification service which are intended for export of gas (not as part of the ship main
boil of handling system) shall comply with Pt.6 Ch.4 Sec.7.
Guidance note:
The use of internationally recognised standards as an alternative to the Society's rules may be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
Materials for compressor parts exposed to sour gas service conditions and especially compressors for REGAS Certification may
be selected under observation of ISO 15156, Part 1 to Part 3 - Materials for use in H2S containing environments in oil and gas


2.3 Reciprocating compressors

2.3.1 General
The requirements in [2.3.2] are for calculation of reciprocating compressor crankshaft.

2.3.2 Crankshafts
Crankshafts for reciprocating compressors shall include a safety factor against fatigue failures.
Calculation method and safety factor shall comply with a recognized standard.

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Guidance note:

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4

For air compressors the diameters of shaft journals and crank pins may be determined as follows:

For refrigerant compressors the diameters of shaft journals and crank pins may be determined as follows:

dk = minimum pin/journal diameter [mm]

D = cylinder bore for single-stage compressors [mm]

DHd = cylinder bore of the second stage in two-stage compressors with separate pistons
1.4 × DHd for two stage compressors with a stepped piston (see Figure 1)

for two-stage compressors with a differential piston (see Figure 1)

Figure 1 Stepped piston (left) and differential piston (right)

pc = design pressure PR, applicable up to 40 [bar]

H = piston stroke [mm]

L = distance between main bearing centres where one crank is located between two bearings [mm]. L shall be
substituted by L1 = 0.85 × L where two cranks at different angles are located between two main bearings, or
by L2 = 0.95 × L where 2 or 3 connecting rods are mounted on one crank.

f = 1.0 where the cylinders are in line

For V- or W type:
1.2 where the cylinders are at 90°
1.5 where the cylinders are at 60°
1.8 where the cylinders are at 45°
C1 = coefficient according to Table 8 [–]

Z = number of cylinders

Cw = material factor according to Table 9 or Table 10 [–]

Rm = minimum tensile strength [N/mm ].

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Table 8 Values of C1

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4

Z 1 2 4 6 ≥8

C1 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Table 9 Values of Cw for steel shafts

Rm Cw

400 1.03
440 0.94
480 0.91
520 0.85
560 0.79
600 0.77
640 0.74
≥ 680 0.70
720 0.66
≥ 760 0.64

1) Only for drop forged shafts

Table 10 Values of Cw for nodular cast iron shafts

Rm Cw

370 1.20
400 1.10
500 1.08
600 0.98
700 0.94
≥ 800 0.90

Where increased strength is achieved by a favourable configuration of the crankshaft, smaller values of dk may be approved.


2.4 Non-reciprocating compressors

2.4.1 General
The requirements in [2.4.2] and [2.4.3] are for component specific items related to non-reciprocating

2.4.2 Rotors
Calculation method and safety factor applied in evaluation of rotor strength shall be according to a
recognized standard.

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2.4.3 Rotor casing

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4

Calculation method and safety factor applied in evaluation of rotor casing strength shall be according to
relevant DNV rules or other recognized standard. For selection of safety factor in case of special materials,
see also [] to [].
Alternatively, rotor casing strength may be documented by means of destructive testing. If so, test procedure
and acceptance criteria shall be agreed with the Society.
Guidance note:
Finite element analysis is the preferred method for strength calculation of complex geometries such as rotor and rotor casing. One
example of relevant destructive testing is ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division I.


2.5 Containment
Containment for centrifugal and turbo compressors shall be fulfilled for compressor wheel failure at 110% of
maximum permissible operating speed.
For compressors with power over 1000 kW requirements according to Ch.3 Sec.1 [] shall be fulfilled.

2.6 Piping and arrangement

2.6.1 Safety valves
Compressors shall be protected by safety valves for every compressor stage. The safety valves shall be set
to open at the design pressure (set pressure = design pressure). For starting air compressors, see also Ch.7
Sec.5 [2.2].
Screw or displacement compressors may be instead equipped with an overflow valve to lead the gas from
discharge to the suction side
For reciprocating compressors where one compressor stage comprises several cylinders which can be shut off
individually, each cylinder shall be equipped with a safety valve.
Guidance note:
The design and the set pressure should be sufficiently higher than the working pressure in order to have margins for setting of the
safety valve.


2.6.2 Pressure gauges

Each compressor stage shall be fitted with a pressure gauge with a scale indicating the relevant maximum
working pressure.
Pressure transmitter showing the actual and maximum working pressure may be accepted.
For reciprocating compressors where one compressor stage comprises several cylinders which can be shut of
individually, each cylinder shall be equipped with a pressure gauge.

2.6.3 Condensation
The piping to and from air compressors shall be arranged to prevent condensation from entering the

2.6.4 For air compressors only

For air compressors, the following apply:
— After the final stage, all air compressors shall be equipped with a water trap and an after-cooler.
— Water traps, after-coolers and the compressed air spaces between the stages shall be provided with
discharge devices at their lowest points.

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— Unless the cooling water spaces of air compressors and coolers are provided with open discharges they

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4

shall be fitted with safety valves or rupture discs of sufficient cross-sectional area. High-pressure stage air
coolers shall not be located in the air compressor cooling water space.
Guidance note:
Exemption may be granted in case suitability of protecting devices for cooling water casing is verified by testing in the presence of
a surveyor.

---e-n-d---o-f---g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- For oil lubricated air compressors

The compressed air temperature, measured directly at the discharge from the individual stages, shall not
exceed 160°C for multi-stage compressors or 200°C for single-stage compressors. For discharge pressures of
up to 10 bar, temperatures may be higher by 20°C.
Guidance note:
Discharge air temperature of multi-stage compressors may be approved for up to 200°C if it can be shown that the applied
lubrication oil is suitable for this temperature. Specification of oil and documentation of capacity shall be provided by maker.
Testing may be required.


3 Inspection and testing

3.1 General
3.1.1 Certification and MSA
The certification principles and the principles of manufacturing survey arrangements (MSA) are described in
Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.4 [2.5].

3.1.2 Material and testing specification

For material and testing specifications, see Pt.1 Ch.3.

3.1.3 Ancillaries
Ancillaries not covered by Table 8, Table 9 and Table 10 and are integrated as part of the compressor shall be
checked as found relevant by the compressor manufacturer.
Guidance note:
As ancillaries in this contests we mean parts of lubrication and cooling system.


3.2 Inspection of the parts

Manufacturer's measurement report shall be presented for main items and shall be available upon request for
minor components.
Manufacturer's survey report shall be available upon request.

4 Workshop testing

4.1 General
4.1.1 Function testing
Function testing shall be carried out on each compressor in the presence of a surveyor.
The function testing as a minimum shall include the following:

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— safety functions, checking of correct opening pressure for the safety valves

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4

— capacity test, see []
— alarms, see [5.1.1]. Capacity test

A capacity test shall be carried out with the compressor running at design condition (rated sped, pressure,
temperature, type of gas, etc.).
Guidance note:
The capacity test may be waived for compressors produced in series and when previous tests have been carried out on similar
compressors with satisfactory result.


4.1.2 Hydraulic pressure testing

All parts subject to pressure of the compressors shall be hydraulically pressure tested to 1.5 times the design
The test pressure need not exceed the design pressure by more than 70 bars.

5 Control and monitoring

5.1 General
5.1.1 Control and monitoring
Control and monitoring shall be in accordance with Table 11. For control and monitoring of compressor
installed on ship with additional class notation RM, class notation Tanker for liquefied gas or Gas power
plants, see also [5.1.2], [5.1.3] or [5.1.4].

Table 11 Control and monitoring of compressors

Item Gr 1
System Indication alarm Comment
load reduction

1.0 Bearings Temperature HA For shaft power 1 500 kW

Pressure IL, LA Applicable for forced lubrication

2.0 Lubricating oil
Sump level IL or IR Applicable for splash lubrication

3.0 Compressed medium Pressure IL See [2.6.2]

Gr 1 = sensor(s) for indication, alarm, load reduction (common sensor permitted but with different set points and alarm
shall be activated before any load reduction)
IL = local indication (presentation of values), in vicinity of the monitored component
LA = alarm for low value
HA = alarm for high value
IR = remote indication (presentation of values), in engine control room or another centralized control station such as the
local platform/manoeuvring console.
dipstick is acceptable as local indicator

5.1.2 Control and monitoring of cargo refrigeration

For control and monitoring of cargo refrigeration (for ships having additional class notation RM), see Pt.6
Ch.4 Sec.9 [3.4].

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5.1.3 Control and monitoring for ships having class notation Tanker for liquefied gas

Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4

For control and monitoring of cargo, fuel, refrigeration and nitrogen plants for ships having class notation
Tanker for liquefied gas, see Pt.5 Ch.7 Sec.13 Table 2.

5.1.4 Control and monitoring for ships having class notation Gas power plants
For control and monitoring of gas power plants for ships having class notation Gas power plants, see Pt.6
Ch.5 Sec.20 [6].

6 Arrangement on-board

6.1 General
6.1.1 Air compressors
Air compressors shall be arranged and located so as to minimise the intake of oil or water contaminated air.

7 Vibration

7.1 Torsional vibration

7.1.1 Reciprocating compressors with shaft power exceeding 500 kW
For reciprocating compressors with shaft power exceeding 500 kW, torsional vibration analysis shall be
determined according to the requirements given in Ch.2 Sec.2.
The permissible limits of any component in the system shall not be exceeded.

8 Installation inspection onboard

8.1 Test and inspection

Tests and inspections shall be carried out as specified in [8.2], [8.3], [8.4] and [8.5].

8.2 Attendance
Unless otherwise accepted by the Society, a surveyor shall witness the tests and inspections given in [8.1].

8.3 Survey sequence

The following survey sequence is recommended:
1) verify the correct installation
2) confirm correct setting of the control, monitoring and safety devices
3) perform function test under working conditions, see [8.4]
4) vibration, if applicable, see [8.5].

8.4 Function test

The compressor, and the system to which it is connected, shall be function tested under working conditions.
The function test shall include testing of all:
— control and monitoring parameters, see [5.1.1]
— safety function, checking of correct opening pressure for the safety valves.

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Section 4
8.5 Vibration
8.5.1 For resilient mounted reciprocating compressors
For resilient mounted reciprocating compressors, the compressor movements shall be observed on all loads
including start and stop sequence with regards to all connections to the compressor such as coupling, piping,
etc. None of the compressor connections shall restrict the compressor movements. The operation of the
compressor shall not result in resonance vibrations on the compressor environment.

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Changes – historic

July 2021 edition

Changes July 2021, entering into force 1 January 2022

Topic Reference Description

Fatigue property of propeller Sec.1 [2.2.1] Fatigue test procedure has been updated and described more
blade material clearly now. The guidance note has been moved to DNVGL-

Introducing new required Sec.1 [2.2.2] and New safety factors for blade dimensioning following introduction
safety factor for blade Sec.1 Table 6 of direct assessment of blade strength using CFD combined.
dimensioning based on CFD
and FE

FE report for special propeller Sec.1 [2.2.5] Revised paragraph. Documentation of FE report is described in
designs DNVGL-CG-0039 for all propellers.

Strengthening of propeller Sec.1 [2.2.7] The text has been amended to clarify requirements for propeller
blade of azimuth thrusters in blades for azimuth thrusters versus loads in crash stops.
crash stop operation

Strength evaluation of CP Sec.1 [2.3.2] An alternative method using FE has been introduced for the
system components based on static strength evaluation of CP components.
Sec.1 Table 8 Table 8 has been updated presenting new required safety factor
when using FE analysis.

Sec.1 [2.3.6] Clear and unambiguous requirements for the consideration

of realistic load cycles and loads dynamics for the strength

Sec.1 [2.3.7] Guidance note has been removed.

Thickness of hub cap fin Sec.1 [2.3.12] Guidance note text on required thickness for the hub cap fin
has been modified.

Pretention of blade bolt Sec.1 [2.4.1] The text has been clarified.

Rebranding to DNV All This document has been revised due to the rebranding of DNV
GL to DNV. The following have been updated: the company
name, material and certificate designations, and references to
other documents in the DNV portfolio. Some of the documents
referred to may not yet have been rebranded. If so, please see
the relevant DNV GL document.

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.4 Ch.5. Edition July 2022 Page 86
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Part 4 Chapter 5 Changes – historic
July 2019 edition

Amendments October 2020, entering into force 1 January 2021

Topic Reference Description

Complete revision of rules Sec.3 All requirements related to steering gear for thrusters are now included
for podded and geared in the thruster rules. Ch.10 Steering gear is not relevant for thrusters
thrusters anymore.
Rule requirements are more in line with industry standard, especially for
control systems.
IACS UI SC242 rev.2 is implemented.

Sec.3 Figure 1 New definitions are presented, especially for steering gears as presented
in Sec.3 Figure 1.

Sec.3 [1.6] Number of required technical documents is increased, mainly caused by

more clarified list reflecting actual practice.

Sec.3 [1.7] Product certificate for thruster may be replaced by separate product
certificates for steering gear unit and azimuthing unit.

Sec.3 [2] Requirements for operation and arrangement of main functions steering
and propulsion are highlighted and presented in a new subsection.

Sec.3 [2.2.1] It is required two independent thrusters serving both main functions
propulsion and steering, 'steering propulsion units'.

Sec.3 [2.3.2] It is required two independent steering actuating systems for each
steering gear, as required in IACS UI SC242. Exceptions given for
thrusters below 1000 kW installed on non-SOLAS vessels.

Sec.3 [3.4.5] Extended and detailed requirements to electric steering gear.

Required compliance Sec.1 [1.3] The subsections have changed name to reflect the common terminology
documentation Sec.2 [1.3] for compliance documents, which may include certificates and
declarations. The terminology is further described in DNVGL-CG-0550.
Sec.3 [1.7]
Sec.4 [1.4]

Changes July 2019, entering into force 1 January 2020

Topic Reference Description

Compressor requirement Sec.4 [1.4.4] Certification requirements for compressors with power less than 50 kW
changes are simplified.
Introduced new requirement on material certificate issued by the Society
for compressors with power above 1000 KW.
Added Sec.4 Table 5, Sec.4 Table 6 and Sec.4 Table 7 giving an overview
of requirements for various types of compressors.

Sec.4 [2.1.3] Introduced new requirements for materials intended for low
Added guidance note to clarify types of gases.

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.4 Ch.5. Edition July 2022 Page 87
Rotating machinery - driven units

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Topic Reference Description

Part 4 Chapter 5 Changes – historic

Sec.4 [2.4] Introduced new requirement on containment for turbo compressors with
power over 1000 KW.

Re-organised content of Sec.4 The section has been re-organised to give requirements according to
compressor rules compressor types.

Requirements for Sec.2 [8.1] Reference to Ch.2 Sec.6 is added for survey.
foundation are moved to
Ch.2 Sec.6 Sec.3 [6.1] Reference to Ch.2 Sec.6 is added as applicable requirements.

Sec.3 [8.2] Re-phrased to refer to Ch.2 Sec.6.

January 2017 edition

Amendments January 2018, entering into force 1 July 2018

Topic Reference Description

Update of DocReq. Sec.3 Table 2 Deleted 2 rows for C040 -Design analysis for torsional vibration
calculations and torsional impact calculations (this is covered in

Main changes January 2017, entering into force 1 July 2017

• General
— Various editorial updates.

• Sec.2 Water jets

— Sec.2 [3.1.2]: Ancillaries shall be handled by manufacturer as relevant.

• Sec.3 Podded and geared thrusters

— Sec.3 Table 1: Updated definition for steering system.
— Sec.3 [1.4.5]: Included control systems in certification.
— Sec.3 [2.4.3]: IACS UI SC242 is referred to in guidance note.
— Sec.3 [2.4.10]: Revised rules for crash stop with propulsion thrusters. Turning speed requirement of 2
rpm with quay test is removed. It is opened up for alternative procedures.
— Sec.3 [2.8.5]: Removed text regarding one pump per thruster.
— Sec.3 [1.4.9] and Sec.3 [3.1.2]: Ancillaries shall be handled by manufacturer as relevant.
— Sec.3 [2.4.13] and Sec.3 [9.1.1]: Steering gear tests for thrusters are now handled in Sec.3 and
references to Ch.10 Sec.1 is removed.
— Sec.3 [9.1.7]: Dockside test removed (now a part of SG trial).

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.4 Ch.5. Edition July 2022 Page 88
Rotating machinery - driven units

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Part 4 Chapter 5 Changes – historic
July 2016 edition

Main changes July 2016, entering into force 1 January 2017

• Sec.1 Propellers
— Sec.1: Updated text related to hub caps with fins (and cap bolts).
— Sec.1 [1.2.5]: Polar and diametrical mass moment of inertia of entrained water to be specified.

• Sec.2 Water jets

— New Sec.2 [2.1.4]: Requirements have been moved from guidance note in Sec.2 [2.1.3].

• Sec.3 Podded and geared thrusters

— Sec.3 [2.4.3] a): The paragraph has been rephrased to reflect the IACS UI SC242 / MSC.1 Circ 1416
regarding steering for thrusters.
— New Sec.3 [2.8.4] and Sec.3 [2.8.5]: Requirements moved from guidance note in Sec.3 [2.8.3].

• Sec.4 Compressors
— Sec.4 [4.1.4] and Sec.4 Table 7: Requirement for temperature measurement of compressed medium has
been deleted.

October 2015 edition

This is a new document.
The rules enter into force 1 January 2016.

Amendments January 2016

• General
— Only editorial corrections have been made.

Rules for classification: Ships — DNV-RU-SHIP Pt.4 Ch.5. Edition July 2022 Page 89
Rotating machinery - driven units

This copy of the document is intended for use by BÜRA DORU only. Downloaded 2023-11-02. No further distribution shall be made.
About DNV
DNV is the independent expert in risk management and assurance, operating in more than 100
countries. Through its broad experience and deep expertise DNV advances safety and sustainable
performance, sets industry benchmarks, and inspires and invents solutions.

Whether assessing a new ship design, optimizing the performance of a wind farm, analyzing sensor
data from a gas pipeline or certifying a food company’s supply chain, DNV enables its customers and
their stakeholders to make critical decisions with confidence.

Driven by its purpose, to safeguard life, property, and the environment, DNV helps tackle the
challenges and global transformations facing its customers and the world today and is a trusted
voice for many of the world’s most successful and forward-thinking companies.


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