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Design and Simulation of Anti-lock Braking

System(ABS) For Automobile

Basavprabhu Dastikop Shashank V S Keerti Ingali Aanchal Pawar
EC Industry Integrated EC Industry Integrated EC Industry Integrated EC Industry Integrated
KLE Technological University KLE Technological University KLE Technological University KLE Technological University
Hubli, India Hubli, India Hubli, India Hubli, India

Abstract—In this paper, we present the design and simulation not prevent all types of accidents, such as those involving a
of an anti-lock braking system (ABS) for automobile. ABS is collision with a fixed object. Additionally, ABS may not be
a safety system that prevents the wheels from locking during as effective on slippery surfaces or when braking on uneven
hard braking, thereby allowing the rider to maintain control
of the vehicle and reduce the stopping distance. The proposed terrain.
ABS system consists of a wheel speed calculator,vehicle speed Overall, ABS is a critical safety feature for motorcycles
calculator,relative slip calculator and stopping distance calcula- that has significantly improved motorcycle safety. Continued
tor. The desired slip is provided which further calculates the research into ABS and other safety features can help further
coefficient of friction and plots the graphs of wheel speed,vehicle improve motorcycle safety and reduce the number of accidents
speed and stopping distance. The ABS system is implemented
and tested on a Matlab simulink model, and the results show and fatalities on the road.
that the system effectively prevents wheel lockup and improves
the stopping distance. B. Motivation
The motivation for a research paper on ABS is to explore the
I. I NTRODUCTION various aspects of this critical safety feature. There are several
ABS is one of the most frequently used automobile safety areas of interest that can be explored in a research paper
system. on ABS, including the history and development of ABS, the
technical workings of the system, the benefits and limitations
A. Background of ABS, and the future of ABS technology.
ABS was initially developed for use in aircraft to prevent One of the primary motivations for studying ABS is to un-
skidding during landings. The first automotive ABS system derstand how this technology can improve motorcycle safety.
was introduced in 1966 by the American automotive company, In recent years, there has been a growing concern over
Chrysler. Since then, ABS has become a standard safety the number of accidents and fatalities involving motorcycles,
feature in many passenger cars. particularly in developing countries. ABS has been shown to
ABS for motorcycles was first introduced in the 1980s by reduce the risk of accidents and improve the overall safety
the German company, BMW. It quickly became apparent that of motorcycles, making it an important area of research for
ABS was a valuable safety feature for motorcycles, as it can anyone interested in motorcycle safety.
help prevent skidding and loss of control during hard braking. Another motivation for studying ABS is to explore the
As a result, many other motorcycle manufacturers began to technical aspects of the system. ABS is a complex technology
incorporate ABS into their models. that involves multiple components and sensors. Understanding
In the United States, the National Highway Traffic Safety how these components work together to prevent wheel lock-
Administration (NHTSA) mandated that all new motorcycles up can provide valuable insights into the overall design and
with an engine displacement of over 500cc must have ABS as function of motorcycle braking systems.
a standard feature starting in 2016. The European Union has Finally, studying ABS can provide insights into the future
had similar regulations in place since 2016, requiring all new of motorcycle safety. As technology continues to advance, new
motorcycles over 125cc to have ABS as standard. safety features are being developed that can further improve
ABS has been shown to significantly reduce the number of motorcycle safety. By studying ABS, researchers can gain
accidents and fatalities involving motorcycles. According to a insights into the potential for new safety features and how they
study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety can be integrated into existing motorcycle braking systems.
(IIHS), motorcycles with ABS are 37 II. PROBLEM DEFINITION
Despite the proven safety benefits of ABS, there are still
some limitations to the technology. For example, ABS may The problem that ABS seeks to address is the loss of control
of a vehicle during hard braking, which can result in skidding
Identify applicable funding agency here. If none, delete this. and loss of traction. Skidding occurs when the wheels of a
vehicle lock up due to excessive braking force, causing the 1)Speed sensors: ABS systems use wheel speed sensors to
tires to lose grip on the road surface. This can result in the detect the speed of each wheel. These sensors are typically
vehicle sliding or skidding out of control, which can lead to mounted on the wheel hub or axle and generate a signal that
accidents and injuries. is sent to the ABS control module.
The primary objective of ABS is to prevent wheel lock-
up during hard braking and improve the overall safety of a 2)Control module: The ABS control module is the brain
vehicle, especially in emergency situations. Specifically, the of the ABS system. It receives signals from the wheel speed
objectives of ABS are: sensors and uses this information to determine if a wheel is
• To prevent skidding and loss of control: ABS seeks to about to lock up. The control module also sends signals to the
prevent the wheels from locking up during hard braking, ABS actuator to modulate the brake pressure as needed.
which can cause the vehicle to skid and lose traction. By
preventing skidding, ABS allows the driver or rider to 3)Hydraulic modulator: The hydraulic modulator is respon-
maintain steering control and stop the vehicle safely. sible for modulating the brake pressure applied to the wheels.
• To shorten stopping distance: ABS can reduce the stop- It is typically located near the brake master cylinder and
ping distance of a vehicle by preventing wheel lock-up contains a series of solenoid valves that control the flow of
and allowing the wheels to maintain traction on the road brake fluid to each wheel.
surface. This can be particularly beneficial in emergency
situations, where a shorter stopping distance can help 4)Pump motor: The pump motor is responsible for pressur-
prevent accidents and injuries. izing the brake fluid in the hydraulic modulator. It is typically
• To improve stability and maneuverability: By prevent- an electric motor that is activated by the ABS control module.
ing skidding and maintaining steering control, ABS can
improve the stability and maneuverability of a vehicle 5)Brake calipers or wheel cylinders: The brake calipers or
during hard braking. This can help prevent accidents and wheel cylinders are the components that apply the brake pads
improve overall handling and control of the vehicle. or shoes to the brake rotor or drum to slow the vehicle. In an
• To reduce the risk of accidents and fatalities: The primary ABS system, these components may be equipped with special
objective of ABS is to improve the safety of a vehicle and valves or sensors that allow the ABS system to modulate the
reduce the risk of accidents and fatalities. ABS has been brake pressure.
shown to significantly reduce the number of accidents and
fatalities involving motorcycles, making it an important 6)Warning light: Most ABS systems are equipped with a
safety feature for all vehicles. warning light that illuminates if there is a problem with the
• To increase driver or rider confidence: By improving the system. The warning light is typically located on the dashboard
stability and control of a vehicle during hard braking, and is controlled by the ABS control module.
ABS can increase the confidence of the driver or rider
and improve overall driving or riding experience. This B. Existing ABS Technology
can also help reduce stress and fatigue while driving or
There are several existing ABS technologies in the market
that have been developed and refined over the years. Here are
some of the most common ones:
• Four-channel, four-sensor ABS: This is the most common
There has been a significant amount of research and devel- type of ABS found in modern vehicles. It uses four speed
opment in the field of ABS since its introduction in the 1960s. sensors, one at each wheel, and four channels to control
Researchers have explored various aspects of ABS technology, brake pressure independently at each wheel. This type of
including its design, performance, and effectiveness. ABS provides the most precise control over each wheel,
One important area of research has been the development allowing for maximum stability and stopping power.
of ABS algorithms. Researchers have developed a range of • Three-channel, four-sensor ABS: This type of ABS is
algorithms for ABS that are optimized for different vehicle commonly found in trucks and SUVs. It uses three
types and operating conditions. For example, some algorithms channels to control brake pressure - two for the front
are designed for use on slippery surfaces, while others are wheels and one for the rear - and four speed sensors, one
optimized for use on dry pavement. Researchers have also at each wheel. This type of ABS provides good stability
explored the use of advanced control strategies, such as neural and stopping power, but not as much as the four-channel
networks and fuzzy logic, to improve the performance of ABS system.
systems. • One-channel, one-sensor ABS: This is the simplest and
least expensive type of ABS. It uses a single sensor to
A. Components of ABS monitor the speed of one wheel and a single valve to
The components of an ABS system typically include the control the brake pressure for all wheels. This type of
following: ABS is typically found in older vehicles and does not
provide the same level of control as the more advanced IV. DEMONSTRATION OF ABS ON SIMULINK
• Electronic stability control (ESC): ESC is a more ad- A. Description
vanced form of ABS that uses additional sensors to This experiment demonstrates the working of ABS in
detect the vehicle’s yaw rate and lateral acceleration. matlab simulink.By giving the Desired slip as the Input we
This information is used to determine if the vehicle is first calculate the wheel speed and vehicle horizontal and
skidding or losing control, and the ABS system is used angular speed.later this is driven as a relative slip acting as
to apply brake pressure to specific wheels to help correct a limiting factor to the vehicle and outputs the braking torque
the situation. ESC is now a standard feature on most new which later is used to calculate the stopping distnace of the
vehicles. vehicle.Multiple instances of slip are simulated and desired
• Integrated ABS: This is a newer type of ABS that Outputs are shown.
combines the brake system with other vehicle systems,
such as traction control and electronic stability control.
By integrating these systems, the vehicle can provide B. Components and Equations of Experiment
more precise control over the vehicle’s handling and • Co-efficient of friction:
stability, improving safety and performance.

C. Existing ABS Solution

Existing ABS solutions have evolved significantly over the

years to provide more precise and effective control over a
vehicle’s braking system. Some of the most common ABS
solutions available in the market today include:
1)Bosch ABS: Bosch is a leading manufacturer of ABS
systems and has developed several advanced solutions over
the years. Their ABS solutions are known for their precise
control and high performance, and they are commonly used
in a wide range of vehicles.

2)Continental ABS: Continental is another major player

in the ABS market, and their solutions are known for their
reliability and effectiveness. Their systems are designed to
be highly adaptable and can be integrated with other vehicle
systems to provide even better control over the vehicle’s figure 1: Co-efficent of Friction Vs Slip
handling and stability.
• Normal Force: m*g/4 -where m=mass of
3)TRW ABS: TRW is a well-known manufacturer of auto- vehicle,g=acceleration due to gravity
motive safety systems, including ABS. Their ABS solutions
are designed to provide optimal control over the vehicle’s • Tire Torque:T=F*R -where F is force applied and R is
braking system, even in challenging road conditions. Their radius of wheel.
systems are also designed to be highly responsive and provide
instant feedback to the driver. • Deceleration of Vehicle:D=T/(m*R) -where T is tire
torque,m is mass of vehicle and R is radius of wheel.
4)Denso ABS: Denso is a leading supplier of automotive
electronics, and their ABS solutions are known for their
advanced technology and high performance. Their systems are • Bang Bang Controller:It outputs 0 for input less than 0
designed to be highly adaptable and can be customized to meet and outputs 1 for input greater than 0.
the specific needs of different vehicles and driving conditions.
• Relative Slip:It is a ratio of Vehicle speed to wheel
5)ATE ABS: ATE is a popular manufacturer of automotive angular speed.
braking systems, and their ABS solutions are widely used in a
range of vehicles. Their systems are known for their durability
and reliability, and they are designed to provide precise control
C. Block Diagram of SubSystems
over the vehicle’s braking system, even in challenging road
conditions. • Main Block:
figure 2: Main Block
• Wheel Speed:

figure 6: Slip

figure 3: Wheel Speed • Vehicle Speed:

• Bang Bang Controller:

figure 4: Bang Bang Controller

• Relative Slip:

figure 7: Vehicle Speed

• Wheel Speed:

figure 5: Relative Slip

figure 8: Wheel Speed
A. For Desired Slip=0.2(ABS is Triggered)
• Slip: • Stopping Distance:
figure 8: Wheel Speed
• Stopping Distance:

figure 9: Stopping Distance

B. For Desired Slip=1(ABS is not Triggered)
• Slip: figure 9: Stopping Distance
C. For Desired Slip=0.5
• Slip:

figure 6: Slip
• Vehicle Speed:
figure 6: Slip
• Vehicle Speed:

figure 7: Vehicle Speed

• Wheel Speed:

figure 7: Vehicle Speed

• Wheel Speed:
brakes/ 3)The Drive:
and-why-theyre-important 4)Car and Driver:
anti-lock-brakes-work-tech-dept/ 5)Popular Mechanics:
anti-lock-brakes-work/ 6)Engineering Explained:
anti-lock-brakes-abs-work.html 7)Edmunds:
anti-lock-brakes-work.html 8)AutoZone:
figure 8: Wheel Speed system 9)
is-abs-1420680587279/ 10)Brake System Guide:
• Stopping Distance:
system-abs/ 11)Bosch Automotive Technology:

figure 9: Stopping Distance


In conclusion, the ABS system demonstration using

Simulink has provided valuable insights into the functioning
and importance of this safety feature. Simulink’s simulation
capabilities have allowed us to visualize and analyze the ABS
system’s response in various scenarios, emphasizing its role
in preventing wheel lock-up and enhancing vehicle control.
This demonstration has furthered our understanding of ABS
systems and their crucial role in improving road safety.
The widespread adoption of ABS as a standard safety
feature in modern vehicles has significantly contributed to
reducing the severity and frequency of accidents. Its effec-
tiveness in preventing wheel lock-up and maintaining stability
underscores its importance in safeguarding lives on the road.
As automotive technology continues to advance, ABS re-
mains a fundamental component in ensuring safe braking
performance. The continuous refinement of ABS algorithms
and integration with other safety systems further enhances its
effectiveness, underscoring its importance as a cornerstone of
vehicle safety.

1)HowStuffWorks - Auto:
brake.htm 2)Brake Front End:

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