Individual Assignment - Product Leadership-Lovish Kumar Sharma

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Solution template

PART 1: Why is it important and challenging for you, as the Product Manager for
Healtheye, to prioritize the 3 features?

There are 3 highlights here being talked about and perception, for being focused on viz.,
• Water Intake Tracker
• Support for numerous Payment modes
• Social Media Integration
The reasons that this errand of focusing on these elements is testing and significant is that,
• These 3 elements are of higher significance and utility to the client similarly
• These 3 highlights include a devoted time and exertion (cash and worker hours) from
the organization to be created
• Mainly, this large number of highlights have either a Reach, Impact and Confidence
level among themselves which makes it even more interesting to pick the need among them
with regards to execution. This is on the grounds that however we have the RICE scores
determined we really want to deliberately accept a call like which boundary to be focussed on
like whether Reach or Impact or Confidence level on execution and their relating time for
• For instance, numerous installment mode highlight empowering could get 3000 paid
endorsers which will create income, which being the essential adage of any organization.
• Similarly the Social media coordination highlight has an arrive at up to 10000 endorsers,
with a 100 percent influence and a bigger improvement time contrasted with different
• Thus, in the over 2 cases the item supervisor needs to examine coherently the endeavors
and the business influence on both the cases and take an official choice on prioritization.
• Furthermore, awesome of everything is the one which has a high effect and low
exertion, which will make into creation and the leftover ones will get into item excesses.
• These excesses will be inspected and yet again surveyed during each run arranging and
run review so that the plan for the day/WIP list is dynamic and side by side of market
PART 2: What would the components of this RICE framework look like?

The underneath are the parts of the RICE Framework.

• Reach-Number of individuals this element will influence/impact when carried out. For
instance, for the 3 elements viable here, the beneath are the Reach values:
o Water Intake Tracker - 3000 clients
o Support for numerous Payment modes - 3000 clients
o Social Media Integration - 10,000 clients
• Influence The effect it will have on the above said individual clients when this
component is carried out in the item. It is extensively delegated underneath:
➢ Huge Impact – 3
➢ High Impact – 2
➢ Normal Impact – 1
➢ Low Impact – 0.5
For instance, for the 3 elements viable here, the underneath are the Impact values:
o Water Intake Tracker – high impact - 2
o Support for multiple Payment modes – high impact-2
o Social Media Integration – medium impact-1

• Certainty The level of the certainty rate that the organization has upon the range and
effect scores of the elements included the item. Its typically addressed in %.
• For instance, for the 3 highlights viable here, the underneath are the certainty values:
• o Water Intake Tracker - 70 % = 0.7
• o Support for numerous Payment modes - 100 % = 1
• o Social Media Integration - 80 % = 0.8
• • Exertion This alludes to the time and exertion required for the element from the
plan, advancement and item point of view. It is unmistakably alluded in weeks/months.
For better computations its assessed face to face months. Gauges are kept harsh by
adhering to entire numbers (or 0.5 for anything well under a month).
• For instance, for the 3 elements viable here, the underneath are the work values:
• o Water Intake Tracker - 1
• o Support for various Payment modes - 0.5
• o Social Media Integration - 1
1.Water Intake Tracker 3000 2 0.7 1 4200
2. Support for multiple 3000 2 1 0.5 12000
Payment modes
3. Social Media Integration 10,000 1 0.8 1 8000

PART 3: Which feature will finally make it into development and production?

The element which will make it into the turn of events and need in the primary goal opening is
"Backing for different Payment modes", due to its most noteworthy RICE score. The fundamental
justification behind its most elevated RICE score is that it has high effect, high reach and certainty
level and lower endeavors required. Thus, this component will at last make it into the turn of
events and creation.

The other 2 elements can be assessed again at the run review and resulting run wanting to check
whether they have a similar RICE scores and afterward can be focused on in the following runs
as needs be.

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