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"Legend of Mount Iya, Meja, Wongge"

Once upon a time there was a girl named Dia. This girl is very beautiful and is a hot topic for the
youth in her village. Let's say there are two young men named Meja and Wongge. Meja is a
handsome young man, handsome and the idol of every girl there. Meanwhile, Wongge is the
opposite - an ugly young man.

These two young men fell in love with Dia, the village flower. Of course, when Meja proposed,
he immediately accepted and rejected Wongge's proposal. Ja'o bhazo Wongge ata mbuku koke is
his rejection of Wongge, which means I don't want to marry Wongge because he's not good-

Hurt because his love was rejected, Wongge plans to kill Meja. "It would be better if he did not
marry than to be owned by the table." he thought. So one night when Meja was fast asleep,
Wongge sneaked up and cut off her head with a machete.

Koa Island, which is east of Ende, is an uninhabited coral island and is shaped like a head, which
is believed to be a head cut from Meja. Meanwhile, Ende Island, which is west of Ende and is
shaped like a machete when seen from above, is believed to be the embodiment of the machete
thrown away by Wongge.
Respect and best wishes to all attendees,

The Youth Pledge, a historic moment in this nation's journey, has united young people from
various tribes, religions and cultures, for one great goal: Indonesian unity and independence.
Today, we gather here to remember and celebrate the spirit of unity that was sparked by the
youth on October 28, 1928. This spirit, indeed, must remain alive in the hearts and minds of us,
the nation's future generations.

The Youth Pledge teaches us a valuable lesson about the power of unity. At that time, young
people from various parts of the archipelago gathered to unite their determination in one sacred
oath. They are united despite their differences in ethnicity, language and religion. This is the
strong determination that inspired us to achieve independence.

The theme "Youth Pledge" reminds us that we are all one nation, one homeland, with the same
ideals, namely achieving independence, justice and prosperity. We, as the nation's next
generation, have a big responsibility to inherit the fighting spirit of the youth at that time. We
must ensure that the unity and diversity that characterize this nation remain our strengths.

We must always respect and celebrate differences, because that is what makes our nation so rich
and unique. We must learn from history and strive to achieve unity, despite diversity. This is a
challenge that we, the younger generation, must face.

Currently, we are faced with various complex problems and challenges. We need to unite like the
Youth Pledge youth of their time to overcome all of this. With a spirit of unity, we can overcome
all obstacles. Unity is the key to a better future.

In the spirit of the Youth Pledge, let us commit to working together, regardless of ethnicity,
religion or background, for a brighter future for this nation. Let us make the Youth Pledge a
reminder that we are all brothers and sisters of our country and country, and together, we can
achieve everything we dream of.

Thank you, I hope the spirit of the Youth Pledge will always guide our steps in building this
nation. Independent!

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