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DECLARATION I Am S.NAVANEETHAN hereby declare that this project work entitled “FACE RECOGNITION BASED ATTENDANCE SYSTEM USING PYTHON” submitted to the BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, COIMBATORE in partial fulfillment for the award of she Degree of Bachelor of Computer Applications is a record of original project work done by me during the period of study under the guidance of Mrs,V.Senbagavalli MCA., Assistant Professor in Computer Applications, DrA.NM. Arts and Science College, Erode-09, and that the project has not formed the basis for the award of any Degree similar title to any candidate of any University SO Nauleneshan mt Candidate Place = Erode Date: 13.04 202 (S NAVANEETHAN) Dr.R.A.N.M ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE, ERODE-638009 tment of Computer Appl PROJECT WORK FACE RECOGNITION BASED SYSTEM USING PYTHON Bonafide Work Done by S.NAVANEETHAN REG.NO:20220954 A project report submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Computer Applications, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-46. pr. KE Head ofthe Department Submitted for the Viva-Voce Examination heid on 13.0. 2043 Fess be Internal E as Examiner CoAlsees LA Dest ee aE eT Books ‘Chapter-10 References Programming in Java 2™ Edition, E, Balaguruswarny TMH Publications, @ Head first 2 Edition Chapter-9 Conclusion have dane my best to make the comalicated process of “Tic TAC TOE GAME” as simple as possible using Structured & Modular technique & Menu oriented interface. | have tried to design the software in such a way that user may not have any difficulty in using this package & further expansion is possible without much effort. Even though | cannot claim that this work to be entirely exhaustive. As every game has some limitations so my project ib not exceptional, but | will try to short out them very shartly and deliver a defective bess praduct to client. | am confident that this software package can be readily used by far prograniming personal avoiding human handled chance of error. Chapter-8 Limitations and Fature Enhancement 1 LIMMPATIONS: Though we tied our best i devel any System sare of our system. latins ane mene parts af 4&2 FUTURE SOOPE OF THE PROJECT: + Gar projoct will beable iplanee indsurcaties ring sorte changes one redial ions ax we ke ‘gar project al very lx level. she crexificalen (hat canbe dase sor paject ane: + Teviinane one charpe ena he done ip adding fe Grgcrprnete of Uke posocen Wf eich de akon orcad Andongo: cf o whack con be done im thax) yet i that to add the areope af the at mac fe nkbemsie erated Wess tbe sada wdaract dda othe idavakel 3. Testing, TaTesting : hh ro software development. Its basi he tor control as eveloprnen ic output 15 a Curent fay 4 Ss tual anil pa sola Me the 5 nt avi hat cam ¢ execute ree a as ey ah as eae mA T Sos Ee Blo aticovet feating fhe oulpats demy preyect areas 5.2.2 Use Case Diagram Compute aaa) a) Getnew frame Decide input impute next step Zero level cel: uw Chapter-6 Code lnplementation foplementation Kev irenment Challenges idemified for suceessfil design are implanieatanion of this project are dominated by: Complexity. reliability/ovmiabalicy, transparent data access, The project wars a revalt af a Croup consensus, The team was having two members, The team was guided by project mamager. The: lear structure depends on the stemagenient style oF the oeganiacation, tha nt, af pepe i the Testis Levels andl the poroibless diffaculey. 6.2 Program/Module Spectfication A Session is marintined throwghout she system when. a particular user enters into she Syskm. The Session is regularty checked whenever it i required Proper validation is placed as aad when it is eequize, 63 Coding Standards Sonmally, good web development organization requines their programmers 0 mairain Some well-defined and standard style of coding called coding standard, 6.1 Commend Standarids; The comics should describe wiht is happening, bow itis being dita: what parasiesers mean, sshich global are used ard which are modified, and any registration or bugs. The standards | have falkwwed are: (Comment may also be used in the body of the Cascading style sheets to explain individual sections of lines. of codes tn easily get mocess and cresify review or manage the classes.or pprnpesticss five the pues. Inline comments shold be made with the /!. Comment style and should be indented at the same level as ihe code described. For noltiple line comments we write between * _. Zero hewel dd: rr lesen ay Next step eal input Compute next step Game ete) ia 4.5 Selection ef Hardware and Settware and Justification The: configueation of the essing spstennns fs: Process: Penoum [¥ Processor Metiary: SIIME ar abane} Secondary storage: 3 GE {orabown For Software there are following alternatives: Cperating Sysneae MS Winners XP or Wiakewws Via Daevelopment tools: © c++, dew 0% Davcuurmeenition wal: M5-Wisedl Chapter-5 System Design 441 Input (Output interface 2 Home Base Oia a MO Aya as Figure 5.1.1 Home Page Fy — ae tO al Ppa’ : Currency Convertor_— 5.2 Ieterface Design Sd Class Diagram Non-Fanctonal System Requiem 1 EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENT: ‘When an online shopping cart android application impkmented customer can purchase product ini an efficient atseinee, (All onaders should Ise ncucligg at Ue adanine withanul any erro, ii, USABILITY REQUIREMENT: Tike: enced gepiicntionn is ahesignted fu uray Frienlly enrvisonnmeent atl case af wee, PLEMENTATION REQUIREMENT: the yen sess ann Lesa i fron cel w ith joyn as Ueck encl send wil be ‘ned for database connectivity. And the database part is developed by mysql. Responsive wolb chesigning is need for making the website compatible for any typ of screen. -xystent i exppectial to be deli hy the penject paide. in four moths of tine a weekly 44 Feasibility Study ‘The feasibility stady of amy system is mainly intended to study and amalyee the proposed systened oo decide whether the system ender comideratios will be viable or net afier implementacion. That is it determines the usability of the pengect alber deployment. To-come to result a setaf queryis answered keeping the efficiency of the sofiwure and ins imgect on the domain far which it wrealeveleped. ‘Technical Feasibitiny: Im technical feasibalicy, we stody all neckmical maues regarding the proposed system. i is maintyconcerned with the specifications of the equipments and the sodtware, which successfially satisfies the end/-inaes"s requirenieat. The technical needs af the syste may vary accordingly bt include: ‘The Fecesslity 88 ponedce aunputs it a piven time. Response time under certain conditions. Ability to process « contain volusie a the iiaisuction af a particular speed. Facility 90 communicate data, rr 4.3.2 Systema Requireme Fonctional System Requineme This seetion gives a fonctional vexuivesrnert hat sgyslicalsle 1 There are three sab modules in this phase 1. Customer module. 2. Adittin module. §, Mlodigrater mod ube, The functionality of each module ix as follows: 1 Cundemer mode: A user must bogin will his user name: anal poreeword inthe syne afier repsaration [ney ane aaval te On the user not allinwed to ener de syssnene, «Users and password will be provided after torr registration i confirmed. + Anew user will lave te register in the system by pending essential dowils i onker io view the peoducts im the system. Tih sywnenn nust esteryyet ee pocsouvinc a the castaneier 1 ©The user can add the desired product ime his cart by clicking add to conto the pecnluct. Henn view his cart By el wide secur ig cet the east ution + User can remove am item from the cart by clicking remove. * flor confirming the items in the cart ihe user com submit the cart by providing a delivery address. On successful submitting the cart willl became empty. + Styslem stust ensure that, only a pegimerad customer cam purchase ies. 2. Admin siediube: The adtuiniteatior cont add user, delete user, view mer and Block ues, «The adminisrator can add product delete product and view product. + The adininiseator eae view oeders and delete anders «The syskm must identify the login of the admin. = Audinin aeinanl Shiu be secre! ao thal oaly auner oF the Shap cue acoeas hut aseoanl, §. Medorator module: 4 modertor is considered 13.4 talf who can mamage orders for the ime Icing, os a fume apudenie stase nance etaly ve fei y to-adkd and manage his ven proaliacts «(loderator has all the privikege of an admin having excep managing other modernors. +He HaHEBE Lire and renege products He can abareleck dhe anders and edt Ibs profile, + The ayslein aust idewlify the logia of a moderator, ua Chapter-4 SYSTEM ANALYSIS 41 Study Current System is the stage where dhe Hheoretical design a tamed dato a weekly system. ial stage in achieving anew successful system anal in newsysiem Bor the users thet implemented only alber thorough testing is dene and iFit ts found to work acceding to the specification Tr invwelves earetial pcan impienesnucion, design hanes vie methods a pert from planning. Two major asks of preparing the implementation are education andiraining of the users and vesting of the sysnem. The more complcs the system being nplericsti, the solved will be the ystems analysis ared designs efTiet sequined just ft implementzsion, The implernceinion phase comprises of several act The eeyaivedd Barelware otal software acquisition is carried out. The system may require some software to be developed. For this, programe are wrimen and cested. The user then changes over to his mew fully tested sysnene and the ale eystenn is dscwertina eal. 42 Problem and weakness of current systens Inconsistency in data entry and generate errors System is fully dependent. om shalled individuals Time coreaming and oa to produce reports Enury ef false Lack of secarity Duplication of data erry 43 Requirements of New Syston 43.1 User Requirements: ‘The user requirement for this system is to make the system fast, flexible, kes prone to error, reduce expenses and save the time. Chapter-3 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS STUDY 3. Hardware and Software Requirement This shsvess tininnann requiremscets to curry on tir ran this system efficienlly. A.L1 Hardware Requirements Server-side Hardware Requirement: Fable 30.0 Server-side Hardware Requirement Devices Description paces Joel Core Davo 20) GiH 1H of Hard Dhsk ibn LGB or more ALE Soltware Requirements Table Saltware Requircnecnts For which ‘Sodtwure Operating Sysiem ‘Windows 7/0001 Linux, Frost End HIME CSS Back End JavaScript 3.1.3 Client-side Requirements Table Client side Requircascnts quiron JavaScript cam be med for Client-side developments as well as Server-side developmenes, JavaScript cam be added io your HTML file in teen ways: Tnvtersall JS: We ean aikt JavaScript dincetly tour HTML file Moy writing the cose inside the