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Presented by: Jenalyn Bustinera

Angela Esplana
Kristine Cassandra Britanico
Ricky Kyle Badong
Chris Arthur Bino
Trisha Mae Verdeflor
What is the difference between
kayaks and canoes?
Canoes and kayaks may be confusing to some but it is really easy to
distinguish one from the other. Kayaking and canoeing both require a paddle for
propulsion and steering.

The most noticeable difference is the

structure of the boats. A kayak has a
covered deck, while a canoe is wide open
Kayakers extend legs and are seated low
or sometimes on the deck. It uses a
double-bladed padelle. A canoer, on one
hand, sits on a raised seat or kneels on the
bottom of the boat and uses a single-
bladed paddle.
The word "canoe" originated from the Carib word
"kenu" which meant dugout.
Canoes were originally made from large tree trunks.
The trunks were dried for months, and then the middle
part was burned. After which, the burned part was
scraped away with shells. The whole process took "one
moon" or 28 days.
Kayaks or "gajak," meaning "man's boat" or "hunter's boat"
originated from the Inuit and Aleut tribes of Arctic North
Interestingly, the early kayaks were very individualized as
each kayak was crafted by the user, basing the
measurements to the frame of his body and not on any
Building the kayak was also a joint effort of the man and his
Canoe Kayak
The oldest known canoe, The oldest existing kayaks are
Pesse Canoe, believed to be exhibited in North America
constructed between 8200 and Department of the State
7600 B.C was found in the Museum of Ethnology in
Netherlands. Munich.
What are the basic parts of the
kayak and canoe?

Canoes and kayaks have features that are common

and unique for each one. The decking, the hull
shape, and the bottom are just few of the
differences. Let us take a look at the parts of each
Basic parts of a Canoe:
Basic parts of a Canoe:
YOKE- a beam in the center of a canoe that allows the
canoe to rest on a person's shoulder when portaging.
STERN - rear end.
THWART - crossbars reinforcing the canoe and prevents
sides from pulling apart under load.
SEAT - for paddler at the bow part (if in tandem).
GUNWALE - acts as structural support and it defines
shape of boat.
BOW - front part.
Basic parts of a Kayak:

Basic parts of a Kayak:
HATCH - Covering on the deck where food and gears can
be stored.
DECK - Top half of the kayak.
COCKPIT - Opening in the kayak's deck where the paddler
sits, It can be covered with a spray kit or Waterproof kilt
that is placed around the waist then slip over the cockpit's
rim or coaming.
FOOTBRACE - Found inside where feet rest.
HULL - Bottom half of the kayak.

Length the distance from the tip of the stern to the

tip of the bow.

Longer boats are faster and move on a straight line. They

also can carry more people. However these are not easy to
maneuver. Shorter boats are easier to maneuver and
comparatively lighter and easier to handle. Longer boats
are best when touring and cruising the open water. A
shorter kayak would be a better choice for smaller lakes
and rivers.

Beam The width of the boat and is measured at

the widest part of the canoe or kayak.

Generally, the wider the boat, the more stable it is.

However, a narrower kayak or canoe may be faster but
less stable. A narrower kayak or canoe is more suitable for
those who want to travel a greater distance since it has
speed. A wider boat is suitable for bird-watching, fishing, or

Bottom Shape
The shape of the bottom has a lot to
do with the stability of the boat. There
are three basic bottom shapes: flat,
round, and vee.
Flat - this design has good stability in calm waters. However, the
characteristics of this boat provide the easy turning (boat spin)
in rougher water such as white waters.

Round - this is designed for speed and efficiency. One may feel
a little shaky when one steps in it. But with experience, one will
feel that a round shape will give the stability in most waters and
it is actually easier to propel through the water. The trade-off
however is balancing the boat in an upright position.
Vee - this boat is in between the flat and round bottom design
boats, thus with practice it comes with a good all-around

Profile or sides of a boat

1. Tumblehome design - the sides of the boat curve inward
as they come up, which makes the beam narrower on the
deck. This allows the paddler to reach the water easily while
at the same time has the stability of a wider and kayak.
2. Flared sides - the sides curve outward (flares out) making
the beam wider. Thus, as it goes deeper in the water (cargo
weight ¡ becomes heavier), the beam becomes wider
therefore giving a v6 more stable feeling.
3. Straight sides - is a little bit of the two.
How should one choose a paddle?
Paddles are the equipment used to maneuver the boat.
single-bladed paddles are usually used for canoes and
double- bladed paddles are for kayak. They are placed in
the water as one moves the boat.
Just like the boats, paddles also come in different kinds
according to use. Choosing what kind of paddle depends
on one's physique, the size of the boat, and stroking
How should one choose a paddle?
Wider and taller kayaks need longer paddles.
If a person has a small build, then a shorter, lighter paddle is best so as
not to overexert oneself. As a general rule, the shortest paddle that
allows you to properly reach the water is the best.
Another way of measuring canoe paddle is while in standing position.
Put the paddle in vertical position. Hold the grip or T-grip and see if it is
in level with your nose.
Wider blades give you more acceleration but must also deal with more
Narrower blades use less effort per stroke but require more strokes.
Curved blades increase power of each stroke.
What activities can be done when one
uses the kayaks or canoes?
Sea kayaking is done in open waters such as the ocean or the
lake. Kayaks may be a sit-on- top or decked design.

2 Whitewater kayaking or canoeing is paddling down the whitewater rivers. A flat-bottomed boat will
help the boat spin on the water and take on the rapids for practicing various maneuvers. The rounded
bottom will involve paddling downriver from one point to a different point and usually a distance of
several miles.

Flatwater recreation is a relaxing canoeing or kayaking where you can take a gentle paddle
down a calm river, ocean, or lake to do some sightseeing.
What activities can be done when one
uses the kayaks or canoes?
Sailing is where the canoe or kayak is fitted with a sail.

Surf kayaking is where the kayak is typically fitted with a fin, rather like a surfboard.

Marathon racing is a lengthy race down a river using the kayak or canoe.
Aside from the boats and the paddles, what
other equipment will one need ?
The exact equipment differ slightly depending on one's paddling activity. But the basic
equipment aside from the boat and paddle are the following:
A personal flotation device (PFD), such as a life vest or jacket, will help one to be
afloat in case the boat capsizes.
A helmet that protects the head especially when paddling in rocky area.
The appropriate clothing depending on the air and water temperature. Wetsuits or
nylon. coated jackets and pants are recommended for cold water.
Footwear should be a lightweight canvas shoes or sturdy river sandals.
A water bottle for rehydrating oneself. It should have a short string or rope so it can
be clipped or tied to the boat securely and will also remain with the boat even when the
boat capsizes (not becoming a liter in the river).
Extra clothes and energy food placed in dry or waterproof bag.
Protective gears from the sun such as sunscreen or hats.
Whistle for emergency.
First aid kit and duct tape for emergency situations.
Spray skirt (for kayaking)
Aside from the boats and the paddles, what
other equipment will one need ?

Sea kayaking requires more specific extra equipment as it is done in the

open waters. These equipment are as follows:
Waterproof torch that floats
Bilge pump and bailing device
Distress signal devices such as orange smoke sticks and red
Spare paddle
What are the levels of difficulty in sea kayaking
and whitewater kayaking or canoeing?

For people who are more adventurous, sea kayaking or

canoeing and the whitewater rapids will certainly give
challenge. In the open sea, the waves will bring different
experiences to the kayakers. The kayaker will try to break the
waves and/or face the rolling of waves. In sea kayaking,
difficulty is measured according to wind, waves, current, tide
rips, length of open-water crossing, and shoreline conditions.
Taken from the book Sea Kayak (Harbord, 2004), the following
describes the levels of difficulty in sea kayaking:
The river rapids have a different scale of difficulty. The rivers are rated according to the technical difficulty and the skill level
required to traverse the river. The International Scale of River Difficulty is an American system used to rate the difficulty of a
stretch of river or a single rapid. The International scale as described in the Safety Code of American Whitewater (American
Whitewater, 2005) is as follows:

International Scale of River Difficulty

Classic I Rapids: Classic IV Rapids:

Easy Advance
Classic II Rapids: Classic V Rapids:
Novice Expert
Classic III Rapids: Classic VI Rapids:
Intermediate Extreme &
Exploratory Rapids
What are the health-related
benefits of paddling?

Canoeing and kayaking are activities that can range from low to high
intensity levels of activity. Paddling will work out the muscles and the
heart and thus will improve one's aerobic fitness, strength, and flexibility.
Specific health benefits include:

Improved cardiovascular fitness.

Stronger muscles and muscular endurance particularly in the back,
arms. shoulders, chest as these are the main muscles involved in
Development of the torso and leg strength as the strength to power à
canoe or kaya, comes mainly from rotating the torso and applying
pressure with your legs.
What are the important things that we should
always remember to be safe canoeine now
first your skills in kayaking or canoeing?
K now first your skills in swimming and canoeing or Kayaking.
A void paddling alone, paddling far from coastline, or paddling in routes of ships
Y ield to safety and know where to go in case or emergency.
A lways wear personal floatation device and other safety equipment
K eep hydrated as you will be under the sun.

C heck weather conditions

A lways plan ahead. This includes studying the river maps ahead of time.
N ever forget to put your things in waterproot bags
O rientations given by facilitators or leaders are important. They tell you the rules and
regulations _and safety procedures. Listen and follow them well
E quipment should be tried and always checked. Try on new or unfamiliar things and
ask question! on the proper way of using them

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