F 24025 6 09 CDN 92

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adpe ¥-24025/6/09-CDN {12— GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT LAND AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Dated 7-3-2009 OFFICE ORDER NO. 2/2009 ‘As per MPD-2021,Lutyens Bungalow Zone comprises of large size plots and has a very pleasant green environment. The essential character of wide avenues, large plots, extensive landscape and low rise development, has a heritage value which has to be conserved, Mixed use, high intensity development along MRTS corridor and de-densification of trees/reduction of green cover is not permitted at all. The strategy for development in this zone will be as per the approved plans and the LBZ guidelines, as may be issued by the Government of India from time to time. 2 To give effect to these provisions guidelines issued/to be issued by Government of India are applicable to govern the LBZ area. The issue has been examined and it has been decided in consultation with the Ministry that the LBZ area continues be governed by the ‘guidelines issued by Ministry of Urban Development vide D.O.No.K- 13011/17/86-DDIIA. dated 8-2-1988 (copy enclosed). oc ingh) Dy. Land and Development Officer All Officers/ Sections. Delhi Division (M/o U.D) Guard file of CDN section. Computer Cell for putting the order on L&DO web site. Wi (OST IMMEDIATE BY's) R.LsPARDEEP : SSS. guy of tiptA : SOL SECRETARE (UD) MINISTRY, OF URBAN DEVELCEMENT D. Onttoi R201 4/17/86-DDTIA “New Delhi, TAted 8.2.88 Dear shri Dharem Dutt/Kumar/Chauban/Majithia, : As you are avare, this Ministry had imposed temporaxy ban. on construction of miti-storeyed buildings in New Delbi, including areas. under the DDA and the M@ falling in South Delhi, with effect fron 17.10.85; till the ieter, Plzn for Delni-2001 is fimlised, This ban was rtially lifted in respect of Connaught Place area, “subject © certain conditions, vide tbls Ministry's 0.M.No. k 19/85-DDITA dated the 18te “July, 1986. . Pending finalisation of the Master Plan.for Delhi ‘for 2001, it wes decided that vevised comprehensive: guide-lines in. regard.to multi-storeyod buildings in pelhi shoild be prepared, A- Committee under ny, chairmanship with representatives of other con- concerned agencies, was accordingly set-up in this Ministry, This Comittes: mds. certain recommendations to the Governnent in its. report submitted in October, 1986, "Thereafter, the. DUAG wes-algo’ consulted and-thelr becomtendations made in Decenber, 1987 were Also placed before.the Covernmant. 2s After consideration of these recommendations, the Government have now decided that high rise constructions. in Delhi. may continue to bs regulated subject to compliance with conditions of detailed urban desig clearance, fire fighting requirenent and requirements under other provisions like the Master Plan, zoning reglations, Building bye-laws etc, but further subject to the following modifica tions +- f@) ‘the svace to be constructed should be guided only by per floor coverage and floor area ratio(MR) norms. These: would, in “general; influence the height of buildings, -Jeaving at tho same time some independence to the builders with vegird to height. There is, therefore, no need to impose any specific height restrictions. |The maximum per floor. coverage shotld be 25% of the net plot for all zones. ‘This will include: the area required’ for all services~except . qassage to the building. © she roneining *5% must include only the passage to the puilding’and’the green area around, ae B= en's Bungalow Zones In order, to main- nthe ‘Present character of Intyente Delhi, voich is still dominated. by" greoh Aroes' ahdsbunga lows, there should bea separate set Of noris for this Zone are’, is drea ‘has been clearly. demarcated, Tt will consist of the entire Iutyen's Delhi ‘groluding(4). the area lytng between Baba Rharek’ Singh MWirg. on ‘the South ,Panchkuin Read on the north and the ridge on’ the west, (14) the area between Baba Kharak “Singh Marg, Ashok /Road,- Merozeshah oad, Bazakhamba Road and, tho ‘Connaught Place (441). Mandi Houge and’ (iv) the. Institutlom area ‘where the Supreme Court is situated. . * It will, however, include the ares present’ nr cut of tutyents beTht watch ‘consist, of (1), Nehtu Pari(ii) Yashwant Place, (idi). tho area dying between Yashvant’.Place,and-the railway : dying betwoon Nehru Fark-Yashyent’ Place. on- *: the west and the boundary of. Iusyen's Delhi on the western odge of Safdarjung aerodrome and the Face.Course. The demarcation has Icoverae- of 25 1 1 Ne. on the south and (iv) the area. bean high lighted in-blue colour on tha mp. -enclosed. lere ‘will be following’ norms for constriction in the Intyen's. Bunga Loy: Zone. the height or. the bungalow in ‘place or, if the plot.is vacant; The new construction of dwellings, ona plot, ‘must have the same phinth.area asthe, oxistii bungélow and rust have a height not exceedin, the height of the bungali which is the’ Téwest of those on. the aajolnin, plots. (i) Inthe commercial, areas such as Ihan Mpket Yashwart “Place ate, and in institutio@l . +, areas ‘within the Intyents Bungalow Zone,: : the noms. will be the same ag those for’ the respective argag outside the zone, (ALL) the oxiting rogulations for the. Cental > Ee a ATT tone inne te bo aphaweine (iv } The dem@rcation line of the Intyen's Bungali . ‘Zong shold not run along prominent roids because, if it does so, there wil} be Dungelovs on the side Of the road and hiigh- risa buildings on the other side. It has, 1 st O% therefore, been decided that the demarcation of the lutyans Bungalow Zone shoula run . along the first Jmor/outer road or lang vane fron.the prominent road through which tho demarcation line is shown in the map, Howev: le or Ba “dug don ped thon ean. zon -thradgh thot. =: Profinent rend qhars:.therdtg_ be en Ae, ther pide, m "par: floor’ sited: for.all.- hho bul ding. - Thus ‘ba’ driclided in tho: re ground in d&se. of new ) in: the Central Business | and, Business. Districts. '% tasting ide: only the passage ¢ gs ant green pea rounds sola nd th apes around. “F ha) igo HAR Sor the etx sram dates bel vent be EE bs saab sgeinat nee 3 otod pense ° te tioferi iR- ime some for oven eps tor - bythe nomis specified £ zone’ + epnent budlaing - As: +0 be constmcteay”. 6. wagimum "por fisor “govarst oye ation in PAR norms coitld' b 6 erm S a! 11. saanee “proept in. sae ots : : ae a wrovided that the butiaes, re. adistional ¢o gos a aucune’ eo ‘ag. water, and fire velghtine gervigas account of additiona 3 igtines to" Soon ya tha: qeyebee addtional of Pal ALL ssued py the...

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