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Prateek Agarwal PGP13173 Section-D

Case – Jai Vakeel Foundation: Addressing Disability
Situational Context-
Jai Vakeel Foundation was started in 1944 with a sole motive of assisting their Down's
syndrome-affected daughter Dina. What began as a desire to provide her education,
rehabilitation, and encouragement expanded into a school that offered the same to other kids
with intellectual challenges. Jai Vakeel's principle was that no one would be rejected because
they needed aid, regardless of their background, the difficulty of their situation or upbringing.
The results of their choices and the examination of the exhibits show that its operation is a
rare instance of wise choices that have produced generally positive outcomes. In terms of
finance and reach, it is either their obligation to the community or their obligation to

Key Decisions-
• Changing Board Dynamics
• Fundraising
• CEO Succession Plan
• Axing of Non-Core Programs
1. Residential Section
2. Genetic Laboratory
3. Teacher Training College
• Respite Care
• Changing decision making structure
• New curriculum
• Skill development
• Community Integration

Problem Statement-
How to figure out the scaling strategy to fulfil the targets for the Mission 2022.
The newly inducted Database could serve as the base to formulate the strategies because it would be
the best tool in hand to analyse the trends and information collected about the children in the school
and based on that they can try to scale their operations and achieve the target they have set for mission

Their major focus should be on the area of expansion and they can try for opening various branches in
different states with the help of local NGOs and Government. The way they have been working in
Maharashtra is well known and because of that scaling up doesn’t seem that difficult.

The fund issue could be solved by having Fundraiser driver on a large scale. The target of having 50
more students in open employment is also achievable with right set of training and guidance and
support to children.

The scaling up seems to be the only viable option here as the foundation is into this noble work and
still millions of children in India are suffering from ID but not able to get proper treatment and care at
one place and lack out on opportunities in life.

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