English 00

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Write a descriptive piece about the kitchen of a busy restaurant.

In your writing, focus on sound,

movement and smell to help your reader imagine the scene.

Ichiraku Ramen. A Japanese restaurant that servers Ramen which is Japanese noodle soup that consists of Chinese noodles
served in a meat or fish-based broth, often flavored with soy sauce or miso, and uses toppings such as sliced pork, nori, menma,
and scallions. Ramen is one of the most popular Japanese dishes, loved by all. Although Ichiraku is quite popular in Tokyo, it has
limited counter seating. This means for this Ramen shop to survive it needs to get customers in and out as quickly as possible to
make room for new customers. Ichiraku Ramen starts its day at around 8:50 where the chef comes in and greats everyone in the
kitchen. Testsuya is a 41 year old Ramen chef, and he will be showing us around Ichiraku ramen today.

Ichiraku is divided into three buildings. The main building is a one story,small Building. Where the Ramen is served to the
customers . The main building is black coated with a class front door. The door has a pretty painting of a funny looking reddish ape
with white smoke around it. On top of the glass door is a big, black sign that has Ichiraku Ramen written on it with shiny grey Kanji.
In fact, the sign is so big it casts a cool shadow for the customers to stand in as they wait on a double line separated by a red pole
chain fence.If you take a look at the opposite side of the street, you will see Ickiraku's second building: the kitchen of Ichiraku ramen.
That's right! the kitchen is separated from the shop itself. "The reason for that - " says Testsuya, "- is because the boiling broth
makes the Ramen shop so hot and steamy and the customers too uncomfortable as a result. The third ichiraku building is a shop
that sells Tsukemen and Maze-soup. But Testsuya and I are just going to show you around the main shop and the kitchen.

In the steel made kitchen Testsuya and the other employees start preparing for the day. They start by emptying out the heady
and laden smelling broth - which was so thick, you could hear the muffled sound of them pouring it - into small pots from this giant
cooking pot. Matter of fact, the pot is so big, you can fit five babies into it and no one would know where they poofed to. Testsuya
then starts working on a 'Gentei Menu' which is a menu only offered for a limited time at the shop. He decided to call his new dish on
the 'Gentei Menu' Squid Ramen. "It smells so good" Testsuya mumbles as he stirs his pot. Meanwhile Testsuya is indulged in his
objectophilia with the Squid Ramen, the other employees start prepare for the next day's batch of broth by refilling the large pots.
Although the process for making the animal broth takes more than ten hours. And that is only part of the soup that is serverd."Clearly
the making of Ramen is a drag." replies Testsuya to my bamboozled face as I watch him and his team work in perfect sync together,
barely uttering a word. Yet they all know exactly what to do and where to be. You'd think that such a small kitchen for a Ramen
restaurant with a whole team on it would feel crowded, noisy and musty, But you couldn't be more wrong. the only scent I smell is the
pork and broth - its making me hungry. However, the kitchen is still damp and extremely hot, the temperature is around 34 degrees, I
might as well be watching Testsuya cook in the Sahara dessert.

On the other hand, Customers start to fill the Ichiraku's pole and chain fence line. From the inside looking out, they look like a
bunch of hungry zombies. There was this one customer that thought one large bowl wasn't enough so he had to get another two, -
they might not be zombies but they sure are hungry, alright. When i first entered Ichiraku with Testsuya,the malodorous antiseptic
smell hit me harder than an Eastern parent's slap in the face. My nose tried to fool my brain that I in fact entered a hospital. But as
the customers start filling the counter settings in and out, the pleasant aroma of Ramen fills your soul and summons a godly level of
appetite into you. The shop had a tiny kitchen to cook the noodles and mix all the ingredients that came from the other kitchen
building together according to the customers' request. The kitchen was open towards the counter where the customers sat and
eagerly watched the creation of their glorious bowls. The shop was filled to the brim, but the pole and chain fence was still filled by
customers that keep coming. The kitchen was buzzing as Testsuya's team rush to serve all the customers. Team testsuya need to
work together on each bowl. Its like a formula one pit crew, where everyone seems to know their parts. They also make sure to put
all the ingredients together on the bowl as quickly as possible - like a ninja would - to serve it boiling hot. Today, they seem to have a
spicy special which is a hell's fire kind of spicy Ramen where they mix a bunch spicy spices together in one bowl. " Do you even like
spicy food?" I asked testsuya as I see him force down a bowl of spicy special to test its quality. " Im not so good with spices to be
honest." he muffles as he gulps down a bottle of water.

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