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Types of Languages

21 December 2020 19:41

Types of programming languages

1. High-level Language
Language near to the user and far from the computer , i.e can be easily understood by humans
2. Low-level language
Language near to the computer and far from the computer , i.e can't be easily understood by humans

They can be also classified as

1. Procedural Programming Language
A sequence of statement is followed which leads to the result.
2. Functional Programming Language
They are primary focused on functions (a block of code to perform some task)
3. Object-Oriented Language
These treats everthing as an objects ( a entity with some data and functions)

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What are classes and Objects ?
21 December 2020 23:46

Java is an Object Oriented Language!

So what actually are objects ?

For now , objects can be considered as an entity with some data and some certain actions
to be performed on data !
Objects are blueprint of Class !
i.e class is the layout of an object !

Classes :-
It is the entity that binds the data and functions performed on data in a single
independent entity !

The data of the class is called as member data

The functions of the class are called as member functions

They are the real entities and are exact copy of the class .It is through objects that we
manipulate the data/functions of the class.

More will be discussed on classes and objects later !

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Feature of OOP's
22 December 2020 00:04

The main features of OOP's are


The binding and wrapping up of data and the function performed on data in a single unit called class is
known as encapsulation.
It is enabled by the keyword 'class'

The act of representing only essential features without including the background detials

When properties of 1 class are taken (inherited) from another class

The class that takes the properties are called as child/derived/sub - class
The class that gives the properties are called as parent/base/super - class

Single entity, many forms.
One function behaves differently for different objects

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Compiler vs Interpreter
22 December 2020 00:14

It executes the whole program at once
It executes the whole program line by line

Flow of code in Java

Java has 2 compilers : javac and jit

Java has 1 Interpreter :- JVM

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Java Compiler || JVM
22 December 2020 00:19

Java has 2 compiler

Java Byte Code
javac It is a machine independent code and can
It converts the whole program to byte code at once be termed as the machine instructions for
the JVM(Java virtual machine)
jit(Just in time) It can be in simple terms termed as
It compiles the most frequently used commands only once and hence improving the binary code in 0/1 form and thus can be
efficiency of the program. converted by the JVM from the source code
that we write and thus making it readable
After javac and jit have compiled the program , the code can be send to across any device and then through JVM can be by every device in the world .
executed on any device

JVM(Java Virtual Machine)

The programs written in Java are first compiled to byte
code and then are interpreted by a special java interpreter
that is unique for each machine/platform , this is known as
Java Virtual Machine.

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Characterstics of Java
22 December 2020 00:32

Types of Java Program

Program is partitioned into modules which reduces the complexity of program
and creates a well defined boundey for the programs.

There is no direct access to the ram , in between lies the JVM

Each variable is specified with the type of data it will hold

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