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Articles Exercise 1
Please complete the following exercise using a/an/the/0 (no article) in the
underlined spaces
where appropriate. Change capital letters to lower case letters at the beginning
of a sentence if
Ms Parrot, (1) ___ most famous lady detective of (2) ___ twenty-first century,
was born in
(3) ___ United Kingdom in (4) ___ 1960s. Since then, she has been to many
countries, including (5)
___ Portugal, Singapore and Australia, and has lived in (6) ___ northern
hemisphere and (7) ___
southern hemisphere, as well as on (8) ___ equator. She has never been to (9)
___ Philippines or
(10) ___ United States, but she speaks (11) English, French and Portuguese.
Like Sherlock Holmes,
(12) ___ famous detective, she plays (13) ___ violin, and sometimes practises
up to five times (14)
___ day. She is also (15) ___ only person in (16) ___ world to have performed
Tchaikovsky’s 1812
overture [a long piece of music] in one breath on (17) ___ recorder.
She has been (18) ___ detective for thirty years and claims that although many
think that being (19) ___ detective is (20) ___ piece of cake, detectives
generally work very hard
and it’s not all fun and games. (21) ___ detective is someone who solves
mysteries, and (22) ___
people who contact Ms Parrot have some very unusual problems. Little
information is available
about some of (23) ___ cases she has solved, but quite (24) ___ few of her
most famous cases
have attracted worldwide attention and she has been offered up to (25) ___
thousand dollars (26)
___ hour to help solve mysteries such as (27) ___ case of (28) ___ Australian
owl in (29) ___
uniform. (30) ___ bird laid (31) ___ egg in (32) ___ European nest in less than
(33) ___ hour after
its arrival. What (34) ___ strange problem!
With great (35) ___ modesty, she has either declined such (36) ___ fee or
donated (37) ___
money to (38) ___ poor, or to (39) ___ Grammar Survival Fund, believing that
(40) ___ detective
should use their skills for (41) ___ common good.

Answers to Articles Exercise 1 – Passage with correct articles inserted

Ms Parrot, (1) the most famous lady detective of (2) the twenty-first century,
was born in
(3) the United Kingdom in (4) the 1960s. Since then, she has been to many
countries, including (5)
0 Portugal, Singapore and Australia, and has lived in (6) the northern
hemisphere and (7) the
southern hemisphere, as well as on (8) the equator. She has never been to (9)
the Philippines or
(10) the United States, but she speaks (11) 0 English, French and Portuguese.
Like Sherlock
Holmes, (12) the famous detective, she plays (13) the violin, and sometimes
practises up to five
times (14) a day. She is also (15) the only person in (16) the world to have
Tchaikovsky’s 1812 overture in one breath on (17) the recorder.
She has been (18) a detective for thirty years and claims that although many
people think
that being (19) a detective is (20) a piece of cake, detectives generally work
very hard and it’s not
all fun and games. (21) A detective is someone who solves mysteries, and (22)
the people who
contact Ms Parrot have some very unusual problems. Little information is
available about some of
(23) the cases she has solved, but quite (24) a few of her most famous cases
have attracted
worldwide attention and she has been offered up to (25) a thousand dollars
(26) an hour to help
solve mysteries such as (27) the case of (28) an Australian owl in (29) a uniform.
(30) The bird laid
(31) an egg in (32) a European nest in less than (33) an hour after its arrival.
What (34) a strange
With great (35) 0 modesty, she has either declined such (36) a fee or donated
(37) the
money to (38) the poor, or to (39) the Grammar Survival Fund, believing that
(40) the detective
should use their skills for (41) the common good.
Detailed Answers to Articles Exercise 1
1 the detective – Singular countable noun; superlative (most)
2 the century – Singular countable noun; ordinal (twenty-first)
3 the United Kingdom – a country with ‘United’ in the name
4 the 1960s – a decade
5 0 Portugal – Country names don’t usually take an article, unless they are
plural or
have ‘United’ in the name
6 the northern hemisphere – Singular countable noun; a unique place – there is
only one
northern hemisphere
7 the southern hemisphere – Singular countable noun; a unique place – there
is only one
southern hemisphere
8 the equator – a unique place – there is only one equator
9 the Philippines – a country with a plural name
10 the United States – a country with a plural name
11 0 English – a language
12 the detective – Singular countable noun; everyone knows about this
detective, so he is
not just ‘a famous detective’ (one of many) but ‘the famous detective’ whose
everyone knows
13 the violin – Singular countable noun; playing an instrument
14 a day – Singular countable noun; a rate

15 the only person – Singular countable noun preceded by a unique adjective

16 the world – Singular countable noun; a unique place
17 the recorder – Singular countable noun; this is similar to ‘she plays the
recorder’. It
refers to a kind of instrument, not a particular example of that instrument.
18 a detective – Singular countable noun; a job
19 a detective – Singular countable noun; a job
20 a piece – Singular countable noun; a single part of a whole. (A piece of cake
is also an
idiom meaning ‘very simple’.)
21 a detective – Singular countable noun; definition. Definitions can take ‘a’ or
‘the’. In
this case, it means that any detective is a person who solves mysteries.
22 the people – Plural countable noun followed by a relative clause (who
contact Ms
23 the cases – Plural countable noun followed by a relative clause (abbreviated
from which
she has solved)
24 a few – Pronoun (a few); positive, meaning ‘some’
25 a thousand – A number; a is used instead of one
26 an hour – Singular countable noun starting with a vowel sound; a rate.
27 the case – Singular countable noun; specific (we know which case) and
followed by of
28 an owl – Singular countable noun; first mention. Australian starts with a
vowel sound,
so it takes an. In many detective novels, you will see titles such as The case of
city clerk (by Agatha Christie). This is a convention in detective novel titles, and
draws the reader into the plot, as though they are already familiar with the
29 a uniform – Singular, countable noun starting with a consonant sound; first
30 the bird – Singular, countable noun; we know which bird – the owl that was
31 an egg – Singular, countable noun starting with a vowel sound; first mention
32 a European nest – Singular, countable noun preceded by an adjective
starting with a
consonant sound; first mention
33 an hour – Singular, countable noun starting with a vowel sound; first
34 a problem – Singular, countable noun; first mention. This is also an
exclamation, and
exclamations often take a
35 0 modesty – Uncountable noun
36 a fee – Singular, countable noun; expression such a takes a
37 the money – Uncountable noun; money is associated with fee, so we know
money and it becomes definite
38 the poor – Uncountable noun; an adjective used as a noun
39 the Grammar Survival Fund – Singular, countable noun; names of
organisations usually
take the
40 the detective – Singular, countable noun; a representative of a class
41 the good – Uncountable noun; an adjective used as a noun
Articles Exercise 2
Can you add articles (a/an/the) where necessary in the following text? (Some
articles have been
included for you, but others are missing.)
The Harvard referencing system has two essential components: brief in-text
throughout your assignment and a comprehensive list of references at end of
your assignment.
The in-text reference should give date that the work you are referring to was
published, the family
name of the author and, in the case of quotations, page where the quotation
was found. It is easy
system, once you understand it.

Answers to Articles Exercise 2

(1) the Singular countable noun; followed by of and therefore specific, as we
know what
the writer is referring to
(2) the Singular countable noun; specific, as there is only one publication date
(3) the Singular countable noun; specific, as it refers to a particular page: the
page where
the information can be found
(4) an Singular countable noun; first mention; one of many systems, so not
specific; begins
with a vowel sound
More Detailed Answers to Articles Exercise 4
The comments on the underlined articles below have been added for extra
(a) The Harvard referencing system has two essential (b) components: brief
in-text (c) references
throughout your (d) assignment and (e) a comprehensive list of (f) references
at (1) the end of
your (g) assignment. (h) The in-text reference should give (2) the date that (i)
the work you are
referring to was published, (j) the family name of (k) the author and, in (l) the
case of (m)
quotations, (3) the page where (n) the quotation was found. It is (4) an easy
system, once you
understand it.
(a) the Singular countable noun; we know which referencing system, so it takes
(b) 0 Plural countable noun preceded by the number two, so there is no need
for an
(c) 0 Plural countable noun; not specific because we are talking about
generally in the assignment. However, you could also say the brief in-text
because we know they are the ones used in your assignment, so they are
Both these options are correct.
(d) 0 Singular countable noun preceded by the possessive your
(e) a First mention of a singular countable noun
(f) 0 Plural countable noun, not specific. However, you could also say the
because we know which references we are talking about – the ones in your
(1) the Singular countable noun; followed by of and therefore specific, as we
know what
the writer is referring to
(g) 0 Singular countable noun preceded by the possessive your
(h) the Singular countable noun; specific because we have mentioned the idea
of an in-text
reference before
(2) the Singular countable noun; specific, as there is only one publication date
(i) the Singular countable noun; specific because it is part of a relative clause –
the work
you are referring to
(j) the Singular countable noun; specific because the noun is followed by of and
we know
which name we are talking about
(k) the Singular countable noun; specific because we know which author – the
one in the
Julia Miller, Articles exercises, English for Uni,
for-uni 15
(l) the Singular countable noun; specific because the noun is followed by of and
we know
which case we are talking about – the case of quotations
(m) 0 Plural countable noun; not specific – any quotations
(3) the Singular countable noun; specific, as it refers to a particular page: the
page where
the information can be found
(n) the Singular countable noun; specific because we know which quotation is
referred to – the one in your text
(4) an Singular countable noun; first mention; one of many systems, so not
specific; begins
with a vowel sound

Fill in: THE, A, AN or ----- (no article)
1. Kate has been talking to ______ customer who has just come into ______
2. John uses ______ Internet a lot.
3. She went to ______ zoo, but she didn't see ______ monkeys there. She
hates ______
4. You won't like that restaurant. ______ food isn't very good there.
5. People don't write ______ letters nowadays. They write ______ emails. But I
haven't written
______ email for ages.
6. In England you must go to ______ school until you're 16.
7. Well Mary, here's ______ first question and it's ______ easy one.
8. Jerry works in ______ office in ______ centre of ______ London
9. He lives in ______ apartment in ______ middle of ______ Bronx.
10.Statistics say that ______ women live longer than ______ men.
11.Can you describe ______ wristwatch that Amy found? – Well, I only know
that it had ______
metal band.
12.Jamaica is ______ island in ______ Caribbean Sea.
13.He chose ______ school that has ______ best teachers.
14.I saw ______ interesting documentary on ______ TV ______ other day.
15.I don't like ______ museums. I never go to any when I'm in ______ London.
16.My dad thinks ______ Italian food is better than ______ Spanish food.
17.I like ______ coffee but I don't like ______ coffee they make at ______
18.She has ______ job in ______ shop in ______ Oxford Street.
19.Me friend Zoe went to ______ hospital to see her father.
20. Larry went to ______ bed very late last night.
21.She's looking for ______ work but at ______ moment she doesn't have any
hope of getting
______ job.
22.I have ______ aunt in Sydney and ______ few other relatives in ______ New
23.Jim wants to go to ______ USA, but he hasn't got ______ money for ______
24.Angela is looking for ______ romantic holiday somewhere in ______ south.
25.The man went to ______ prison because he had killed two women.

1. Kate has been talking to a customer who has just come into the shop.
2. John uses the Internet a lot.
3. She went to the zoo, but she didn't see the monkeys there. She hates ----
4. You won't like that restaurant. The food isn't very good there.
5. People don't write ---- letters nowadays. They write ---- emails. But I haven't
an email for ages.
6. In England you must go to ---- school until you're 16.
7. Well Mary, here's the first question and it's an easy one.
8. Jerry works in an office in the centre of ---- London
9. He lives in an apartment in the middle of the Bronx.
10.Statistics say that ---- women live longer than ----- men.
11.Can you describe the wristwatch that Amy found? – Well, I only know that it
had a
metal band.
12.Jamaica is an island in the Caribbean Sea.
13.He chose a school that has the best teachers.
14.I saw an interesting documentary on ---- TV the other day.
15.I don't like ----- museums. I never go to any when I'm in ----- London.
16.My dad thinks ---- Italian food is better than ---- Spanish food.
17.I like ---- coffee but I don't like the coffee they make at the office.
18.She has a job in a shop in ---- Oxford Street.
19.Me friend Zoe went to the hospital to see her father.
20.Larry went to ---- bed very late last night.
21.She's looking for ---- work but at the moment she doesn't have any hope of
getting a
22.I have an aunt in Sydney and a few other relatives in ---- New Zealand.
23.Jim wants to go to the USA, but he hasn't got the money for the trip.
24.Angela is looking for a romantic holiday somewhere in the south.
25.The man went to ----- prison because he had killed two women.

Complete the sentences with the definite article “THE” if necessary, otherwise
1. _______ money doesn’t always lead to _______ happiness.
2. _______ finals will be played in _______ O2 arena.
3. _______ more you eat, _______ fatter you’ll get.
4. _______ aluminium is made from _______ bauxite.
5. The old woman was not afraid of _______ death.
6. _______ fruits and _______ vegetables have got a lot of _______ vitamins.
7. _______ moon travels around _______ earth.
8. The ship was seen off _______ coast of Florida.
9. We are going to _______ Netherlands next summer.
10.Do your parents ever go to _______ church?
11.He wrote a book about _______ lives of former presidents.
12.My sister kissed me on _______ cheek.
13._______ Mount Everest is the highest peak on _______ earth.
14.Liverpool will probably win _______ Champions League this year.
15._______ Mississippi River is _______ largest in North America.
16.As a tourist you have to visit _______ Tower of London and _______
Piccadilly Circus.
17.He will not have a chance to compete at _______ 2020 Olympics.
18._______ cancer is a very serious disease.
19.People say that _______ British are very polite people.
20._______ public transport is an effective way of travel.
21.Someone stole valuable paintings from _______ gallery last week.
22._______ last time I saw him he was preparing for _______ university.
23.One of _______ most serious environmental problems is _______ pollution.
24.He went to _______ prison because he had mugged an old lady.
25.When I was 5 I got _______ measles.
1. --- money doesn’t always lead to --- happiness.
2. The finals will be played in the O2 arena.
3. The more you eat, the fatter you’ll get.
4. --- aluminium is made from --- bauxite.
5. The old woman was not afraid of --- death.
6. --- fruits and --- vegetables have got a lot of --- vitamins.
7. The moon travels around the earth.
8. The ship was seen off the coast of Florida.
9. We are going to the Netherlands next summer.
10.Do your parents ever go to --- church?
11.He wrote a book about the lives of former presidents.
12.My sister kissed me on the cheek.
13.--- Mount Everest is the highest peak on --- earth.
14.Liverpool will probably win the Champions League this year.
15.The Mississippi River is the largest in North America.
16.As a tourist you have to visit the Tower of London and --- Piccadilly Circus.
17.He will not have a chance to compete at the 2020 Olympics.
18.--- cancer is a very serious disease.
19.People say that the British are very polite people.
20.--- public transport is an effective way of travel.
21.Someone stole valuable paintings from the gallery last week.
22.The last time I saw him he was preparing for --- university.
23.One of the most serious environmental problems is --- pollution.
24.He went to --- prison because he had mugged an old lady.
25.When I was 5, I got --- measles
Explain whether sentences given below are correct or not with reference to the
use of articles.

1. He is the European.
2. Do you like butter?
3. Art is the wonderful subject.
4. I want to drive car.
5. She eats the apple every day.
6. I need a water.
7. Who is the man?
8. Radha has got new mobile phone, but its not an android phone.
9. Should I take admission into an university or a college after completing
my high school?
10.All the committed members have arrived at on decision.

1. Incorrect use ‘a’ in place of ‘the’.

2. Correct
3. Incorrect use ‘a’ before ‘wonderful’.
4. Incorrect use ‘a’ before ‘car’.
5. Incorrect use ‘an’ in place of ‘the’.
6. Incorrect use no article before water.
7. Correct
8. Incorrect use ‘a’ before ‘new’.
9. Incorrect use ‘a’ in place of ‘an’.
10.Incorrect use ‘a’ in place of ‘an’.


Complete the sentences with one of the prepositions (AT - FOR – FROM – ON –
1. My mother begged me to listen ______________ her.
2. The stranger stared ______________ me in surprise.
3. They saved me ______________ certain death.
4. In the last election I voted ______________ the Green Party.
5. After I heard what had happened, I apologised ______________ him.
6. I borrowed the car keys ______________ my best friend.
7. We agreed ______________ attending the meeting separately.
8. She applied ______________ a job at the local newspaper office.
9. We added a few shots of rum ______________ the drink to make it tastier.
10.The hunter aimed ______________ the deer and killed it with one shot.
11.Dad suffered ______________ Parkinson's disease during his final years.
12.I pray ______________ my family every day.
13.My brothers congratulated me ______________ winning the school finals.
14.Mary and a few other girls headed ______________ the new restaurant at
the far end of
15.The president had to resign ______________ office after the scandal
became public.
16.We arrived ______________ the station ten minutes early.
17.The bank robber was able to hide ______________ the police for a few
18.Jack depends ______________ his father to give him the money he needs
for his new
19.I would not like to comment ______________ what I heard on TV.
20.John admires her ______________ her bravery.
21.She separated ______________ her husband five years ago.
22. Frank is my best friend. I know I can rely ______________ him.
23.The attractive woman smiled ______________ me. I think she liked me.
24.I am not doing what you asked me because I don't work ______________
you anymore.
25.We had to adapt ______________ the cold weather so we brought a few
warm clothes with us.

1. My mother begged me to listen to her.
2. The stranger stared at me in surprise.
3. They saved me from certain death.
4. In the last election I voted for the Green Party.
5. After I heard what had happened, I apologised to him.
6. I borrowed the car keys from my best friend.
7. We agreed on attending the meeting separately.
8. She applied for a job at the local newspaper office.
9. We added a few shots of rum to the drink to make it tastier.
10.The hunter aimed at the deer and killed it with one shot.
11.Dad suffered from Parkinson's disease during his final years.
12.I pray for my family every day.
13.My brothers congratulated me on winning the school finals.
14.Mary and a few other girls headed for the new restaurant at the far end of
15.The president had to resign from office after the scandal became public.
16.We arrived at the station ten minutes early.
17.The bank robber was able to hide from the police for a few days.
18.Jack depends on his father to give him the money he needs for his new
19.I would not like to comment on what I heard on TV.
20.John admires her for her bravery.
21.She separated from her husband five years ago.
22. Frank is my best friend. I know I can rely on him.
23.The attractive woman smiled at me. I think she liked me.
24.I am not doing what you asked me because I don't work for you anymore.
25.We had to adapt to the cold weather so we brought a few warm clothes
with us

Complete the sentences with one of the prepositions (AT – BY – FOR - IN – ON)
1. She was _____________ university when she heard about the death of her
2. We usually go on holidays _____________ plane but this year we are going
to Italy
_____________ car.
3. Let's go _____________ a walk. The weather is so great!
4. The train was travelling _____________ a speed of over 150 km an hour.
5. She got _____________ the bus at Oxford Street and got off five stops later.
6. Despite the bad weather all trains are running _____________ time.
7. Bats are mammals that are highly active _____________ night.
8. This village isn't even _____________ the map. It's so small.
9. We usually go to dance class ______________ Mondays.
10. _____________ nightfall over 10 inches of snow had fallen.
11.Doctors hope that the spread of the virus will slow down _____________
the summer.
12.Dad always reads his daughter bedtime stories _____________ the evening.
13. Let's meet _____________ noon. We can have lunch and sort things out.
14.The cat was playing with a ball _____________ the corner of Michael's
15.She has been a member of the committee _____________ 6 years.
16.What are we having _____________ dinner today?
17. _____________ average, the unemployment rate has been going up 1 per
cent a year.
18.Take a seat. I'll be with you _____________ a minute.
19.We decided to meet _____________ the station.
20.The boss would like to have the report _____________ the end of the day at
the latest.

1. She was at university when she heard about the death of her father.
2. We usually go on holidays by plane but this year we are going to Italy by car.
3. Let's go for a walk. The weather is so great!
4. The train was travelling at a speed of over 150 km an hour.
5. She got on the bus at Oxford Street and got off five stops later.
6. Despite the bad weather all trains are running on time.
7. Bats are mammals that are highly active at night.
8. This village isn't even on the map. It's so small.
9. We usually go to dance class on Mondays.
10.By nightfall over 10 inches of snow had fallen.
11.Doctors hope that the spread of the virus will slow down in the summer.
12.Dad always reads his daughter bedtime stories in the evening.
13. Let's meet at noon. We can have lunch and sort things out.
14.The cat was playing with a ball in the corner of Michael's room.
15.She has been a member of the committee for 6 years.
16.What are we having for dinner today?
17.On average, the unemployment rate has been going up 1 per cent a year.
18.Take a seat. I'll be with you in a minute.
19.We decided to meet at the station.
20.The boss would like to have the report by the end of the day at the latest.

Complete the sentence with the correct preposition from the choices given.

1. We are very excited __________________ our trip to Spain next week. (AT,
2. I am very fond __________________ drinking green tea. (FOR, OF, ABOUT,
3. Almost all politicians were involved __________________ the scandal. (IN,
4. I am looking forward ______________ having a meeting with you next week.
5. At the moment, she is recovering __________________ her injuries. (AT, OF,
6. I’m dreaming ________________ becoming a famous scientist one day (FOR,
7. My cousin is married __________________ a famous American (WITH, FOR,
8. I am responsible __________________ training the new recruits. (AT,
9. Many people took advantage __________________ the low prices offered
by the new shop (OF,
10.I was not quite satisfied __________________ the exam results. (AT, FOR,
11.The president was thankful __________________ everyone who helped in
the campaign (TO,
12.Everyone in this town will benefit __________________ the new hospital
13.For two full days, the man was fighting __________________ his life.
14.My dad shouted __________________ me because I didn’t do what he said
15.She insisted __________________ helping me with the dishes. (ON, WITH,
16.Almost all car companies care __________________ the environment (FOR,
17.Wearing a seat belt can protect you ____________ being killed in a car.
18.Ten people were killed when a bus collided __________________ a car
19.The customers came to the shop to complain _____________ their service
20.Our atmosphere consists __________________ oxygen, nitrogen and
carbon dioxide (INTO, OF,
21.We decided __________________ buying the new car. (AGAINST, WITH, AT,
22.Many children depend __________________ their parents for money. (ON,
23.He graduated __________________ Oxford university (ON, FROM, OUT OF,
24.The advertising campaign resulted __________________ hundreds of new
customers for the
company. (TO, FOR, UP, IN)
25.As a scientist, I specialize __________________ marine biology (AT, IN, FOR,

Complete the sentence with the correct preposition from the choices given.
1. We are very excited about our trip to Spain next week. (AT, WITH, ABOUT,
2. I am very fond of drinking green tea. (FOR, OF, ABOUT, AT)
3. Almost all politicians were involved in the scandal. (IN, AT, WITH, FROM)
4. I am looking forward to having a meeting with you next week. (WITH, AT, TO,
5. At the moment, she is recovering from her injuries. (AT, OF, FROM, WITH)
6. I’m dreaming about becoming a famous scientist one day (FOR, WITH,
7. My cousin is married to a famous American (WITH, FOR, TO, FROM)
8. I am responsible for training the new recruits. (AT, ABOUT, WITH, FOR)
9. Many people took advantage of the low prices offered by the new shop (OF,
10.I was not quite satisfied with the exam results. (AT, FOR, WITH, ABOUT)
11.The president was thankful for everyone who helped in the campaign (TO,
12.Everyone in this town will benefit from the new hospital (FROM, WITH, AT,
13.For two full days, the man was fighting for his life. (UP,WITH, AT, FOR)
14.My dad shouted at me because I didn’t do what he said (TO, AT, WITH,
15.She insisted on helping me with the dishes. (ON, WITH, FOR, ABOUT)
16.Almost all car companies care about the environment (FOR, AT,
17.Wearing a seat belt can protect you from being killed in a car. (WITH, OF,
18.Ten people were killed when a bus collided with a car (INTO, WITH, AT,
19.The customers came to the shop to complain about their service (ABOUT,
20.Our atmosphere consists of oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide (INTO, OF,
21.We decided against buying the new car. (AGAINST, WITH, AT, OF)
22.Many children depend on their parents for money. (ON, AT, WITH, TO)
23.He graduated from Oxford university (ON, FROM, OUT OF, WITH)
24.The advertising campaign resulted in hundreds of new customers for the
company. (TO, FOR,
25.As a scientist, I specialize in marine biology (AT, IN, FOR, WITH)
Complete each sentence using one of the complex prepositions below.
ahead of away from in between in front of near to
next to on top of out of Outside of prior to
up to
1. There's a cat sitting _______the garage. Can you get up there and make it
2. Where's the mouse? It was _______the keyboard, but I don't see it anymore.
3. The police car stopped _________the driver to make him stop.
4. Take your hands _________your pockets and help me.
5. Did you learn any Italian_________ moving to Italy?
6. I found a note _________ the cover and the first page of the book.
7. _________ the main cities, there's only desert.
8. You don't need to take the bus. The cafe is very _________ my house.
9. The fire was very hot, so we tried to stand ________the flames.
10. At the moment, Julia is _________me, but I still have a chance to reach her.
11. The business was very successful _________ 2010. After that year, profits
started to fall.

1. on top of
2. next to
3. in front of
4. out of
5. prior to
6. in between
7. Outside of
8. near to
9. away from
10. ahead of
11. up to


Fill in the correct prepositions using the following

across - at – by - during - for - from - in – into – of - on –
through - to – towards – with -
1. Halloween is celebrated __________ the United States __________ October
2. Are you going away for the weekend? – I don’t know. It depends __________
the weather.
3. Don’t kiss the prince. He might turn __________ a frog.
4. He felt bad __________ no reason at all.
5. I have been living here __________ ten years.
6. Have you been __________ the cinema recently? Yes I was there a few days
7. I happened to meet an old friend __________ town.
8. Have you read the article? – It was __________ yesterday’s newspapers.
9. He always drives __________ a tremendous speed because he’s always
__________ a hurry.
10. He is very fond __________ good food.
11. He married __________ the age of 28.
12. I bought many things __________ my stay in New York.
13. According __________ the guide there are three hotels __________ town.
14. I saw him standing __________ the queue but I don’t know if he got
__________ the bus.
15. I want to post this letter __________ a friend.
16. I’m going __________ Glasgow on Monday. Would you like to come with
17. John has got a very strange taste __________ clothes.
18. Mum sat __________ the back of the car.
19. I’m interested __________ basketball but I’m not very good __________
playing it.
20. I’m returning __________ Spain __________ the end of the month.
21. My parents met __________ the war, in 1943.
22. Is it true that your mother died __________ cancer.
23. It was embarrassing. I didn’t have enough money __________ pay for the
24. It was __________ the radio yesterday morning.
25. It’s a quick journey __________ Manchester __________ Leeds.
26. Jane goes to the office early __________ Tuesdays.
27. I saw him sometime __________ June.
28. Meet me __________ the station.
29. The lights are moving __________ us.
30. My country is famous __________ great musicians.
31. Who is that girl over there __________ the red dress?
32. I live __________ Sweden but every summer I travel __________ Spain for
my holidays.
33. Turn right __________ the end of the street and then it will be right in front
of you
34. My sister has a beautiful apartment. She lives __________ the third floor.
35. Please sit down. Mr. Brown will be __________ you in a moment.
36. I have to apologize __________ being late.
37. She tried to prevent the children __________ jumping into the water.
38. Sometimes I have to walk to work and sometimes I go __________ bus.
39. Thank you __________ coming to visit us.
40. The boys met __________ the corner of the street.
41. The smallest room is located __________ the left of the hall.
42. We entered the building __________ entrance number 3.
43. There was a dark spot __________ the ceiling.
44. We arrived just __________ time to see the Queen.
45. We have to be at the airport __________ 6 p.m.
46. We ran __________ the doctor on our way to the bookshop.


1. Halloween is celebrated in the United States on October 31.

2. Are you going away for the weekend? – I don’t know. It depends on the
3. Don’t kiss the prince. He might turn into a frog.
4. He felt bad for no reason at all.
5. I have been living here for ten years.
6. Have you been to the cinema recently? Yes I was there a few days ago.
7. I happened to meet an old friend in town.
8. Have you read the article? – It was in yesterday’s newspapers.
9. He always drives at a tremendous speed because he’s always in a hurry.
10. He is very fond of good food.
11. He married at the age of 28.
12. I bought many things during my stay in New York.
13. According to the guide there are three hotels in town.
14. I saw him standing in the queue but I don’t know if he got on the bus.
15. I want to post this letter to a friend.
16. I’m going to Glasgow on Monday. Would you like to come with us?
17. John has got a very strange taste of clothes.
18. Mum sat in the back of the car.
19. I’m interested in basketball but I’m not very good at playing it.
20. I’m returning to Spain at the end of the month.
21. My parents met during the war, in 1943.
22. Is it true that your mother died of cancer.
23. It was embarrassing. I didn’t have enough money to pay for the meal.
24. It was on the radio yesterday morning.
25. It’s a quick journey from Manchester to Leeds.
26. Jane goes to the office early on Tuesdays.
27. I saw him sometime in June.
28. Meet me at the station.
29. The lights are moving towards us.
30. My country is famous for great musicians.
31. Who is that girl over there in the red dress?
32. I live in Sweden but every summer I travel to Spain for my holidays.
33. Turn right at the end of the street and then it will be right in front of you
34. My sister has a beautiful apartment. She lives on the third floor.
35. Please sit down. Mr. Brown will be with you in a moment.
36. I have to apologize for being late.
37. She tried to prevent the children from jumping into the water.
38. Sometimes I have to walk to work and sometimes I go by bus.
39. Thank you for coming to visit us.
40. The boys met at the corner of the street.
41. The smallest room is located to the left of the hall.
42. We entered the building through entrance number 3.
43. There was a dark spot on the ceiling.
44. We arrived just in time to see the Queen.
45. We have to be at the airport by , at 6 p.m.
46. We ran across the doctor on our way to the bookshop.





Fill in the sentences using the correct pronoun from this list: he, his, him, her,
their, its. Underline the word to which the pronoun refers.

Example: Mike, together with his wife, bought his new car.

1) Everybody in GOAL English is getting ______ homework completed.

2) Each of the girls lost ______ dolls.
3) Not only Karen but also her sons received ______ awards.
4) The winning team of all the games has ______ celebration tonight.
5) Joe, as well as the women, ate ______ lunch.
6) Everything in the pantry must be in ______ correct order.
7) Neither the daughter nor the son knew where ______ parents went.
8) Three-fourths of the class members pass ______ tests.
9) The papers in the book were not in ______ proper place.
10) Neither of the dogs from the pound went for ______ walk.
‹ Stop here and check your work.
11) The school band had ______ performance played on the radio.
12) The teacher and the student went to ______ classroom.
13) Someone wrote ______ name on the sidewalk.
14) Either Erin or James from Accounting left ______ ledger here.
15) Jeanne, along with Steve, visited ______ parents.
16) Neither Ian nor Andy knew where ______ was going.
17) The committee of seven people made ______ opinion known.
18) Neither the papers nor the book on the table has ______ pages numbered.
19) Dale, as well as Colin, lost the keys to ______ motorcycle.
20) The hurricanes have destroyed the towns and ______ surrounding areas.

1) Everybody in GOAL English is getting his/her homework completed.
2) Each of the girls lost her dolls.
3) Not only Karen but also her sons received their awards.
4) The winning team of soccer players has its celebration tonight.
5) Joe, as well as the women, ate his lunch.
6) Everything in the pantry must be in its correct order.
7) Neither the daughter nor the son knew where his parents went.
8) Three-fourths [of the class members] pass their tests. [3/4s is made plural by
prep phrase]
9) The papers in the book were not in their proper place.
10) Neither of the dogs from the pound went for its walk.
11) The school band had its performance played on the radio.
12) The teacher and the student went to their classroom.
13) Someone wrote his/her name on the sidewalk.
14) Either Erin or James from Accounting left his ledger here.
15) Jeanne, along with Steve, visited her parents.
16) Neither Ian nor Andy knew where he was going.
17) The committee of seven people made its [opinion] known. [opinion is sing.
= committee as 1 body
made 1 opinion known]
18) Neither the papers nor the book on the table has its pages numbered.
19) Dale, as well as Colin, lost the keys to his motorcycle.
20) The hurricanes have destroyed the towns and their surrounding areas.

Complete the sentences with relative pronouns from the box.
1. The new movie is about a boy _____________ has lost his parents in a car
2. He is the young man, _____________ wife left him for someone else.
3. The DVD recorder _____________ I bought at this store a few days ago is not
4. That's the book _____________ I recommended reading in class.
5. Is this the hotel _____________ you are staying for the tournament?
6. My dad, _____________ travels a lot on business, is in Australia at the
7. It was midnight _____________ the first rescue team arrived at the scene of
the accident.
8. There are several reasons _____________ I am not allowed to give you any
9. We stayed at the famous Rockstar hotel, _____________ also had an indoor
10. Did you write back to the person _____________ offered you a job?
11. The story is about a young woman _____________ 5-year old son suddenly
12. The tennis court _____________ they usually play is currently not available.
13. My sister was born at a time _____________ my dad was out of work.
14. Where is the money _____________ I gave you yesterday?
15. That's the man _____________ I spoke to the other day.
16. Mr. Fields, _____________ sister is one of the leading experts in this
country, talked about
the dangers of the virus.
17. He didn't tell us _____________ he made such an irresponsible decision.
18. The present _____________ I got from my boyfriend was really fantastic.
19. I have to buy a present for my mother, _____________ birthday is next
20. The youth hostel _____________ we stayed last week was really big.
1. The new movie is about a boy who has lost his parents in a car accident.
2. He is the young man, whose wife left him for someone else.
3. The DVD recorder which I bought at this store a few days ago is not working.
4. That's the book that/which I recommended reading in class.
5. Is this the hotel where you are staying for the tournament?
6. My dad, who travels a lot on business, is in Australia at the moment.
7. It was midnight when the first rescue team arrived at the scene of the
8. There are several reasons why I am not allowed to give you any information.
9. We stayed at the famous Rockstar hotel, which also had an indoor swimming
10. Did you write back to the person who offered you a job?
11. The story is about a young woman whose 5 - year old son suddenly
12. The tennis court where they usually play is currently not available.
13. My sister was born at a time when my dad was out of work.
14. Where is the money that I gave you yesterday?
15. That's the man who I spoke to the other day.
16. Mr. Fields, whose sister is one of the leading experts in this country, talked
about the
dangers of the virus.
17. He didn't tell us why he made such an irresponsible decision.
18. The present that I got from my boyfriend was really fantastic.
19. I have to buy a present for my mother, whose birthday is next week.
20. The youth hostel where we stayed last week was really big.
Underline the subject (or compound subject) and then identify the verb that
agrees with it.
Everyone in the telecom focus group (has/have) experienced problems with
cell phones
1. Your friendship over the years and your support (has/have) meant a great
deal to us.
2. Hamilton Family Center, a shelter for teenage runaways in San Francisco,
(offers/offer) a wide variety of services.
3. The main source of income for Trinidad (is/are) oil and pitch.
4. The chances of your being promoted (is/are) excellent.
5. There (was/were) a Pokémon card stuck to the refrigerator.
6. Neither the professor nor his assistants (was/were) able to solve the mystery
the eerie glow in the laboratory.
7. Many hours at the driving range (has/have) led us to design golf balls with
GPS locators in them.
8. Discovered in the soil of our city garden (was/were) a button dating from the
Civil War dating from the turn of the century.
9. Every year, during the midsummer festival, the smoke of village bonfires
(fills/fill) the sky.
10. The story performers (was/were) surrounded by children and adults eager
to see magical tales.

ANSWER KEY- Exercise 3

1. Your friendship over the years and your support (has/have) meant a great
deal to us.
2. Hamilton Family Center, a shelter for teenage runaways in San Francisco,
(offers/offer) a wide variety of services.
3. The main source of income for Trinidad (is/are) oil and pitch.
4. The chances of your being promoted (is/are) excellent.
5. There (was/were) a Pokémon card stuck to the refrigerator.
6. Neither the professor nor his assistants (was/were) able to solve the mystery
of the eerie glow in the laboratory.
7. Many hours at the driving range (has/have) led us to design golf balls with
GPS locators in them.
8. Discovered in the soil of our city garden (was/were) a button dating from the
Civil War dating from the turn of the century.
9. Every year, during the midsummer festival, the smoke of village bonfires
(fills/fill) the sky.
10. The story performers (was/were) surrounded by children and adults eager
to see magical tales.

Edit the following sentences to eliminate problems with subject-verb
and write the edited sentence. If a sentence is correct, write “correct.”
Jack’s first days in the infantry was gruelling
Jack’s first days in the infantry were gruelling
1. One of the main reasons for elephant poaching are the profits received from
selling the ivory tusks.
2. Not until my interview with Dr. Chang were other possibilities opened to me.
3. Batik cloth from Bali, blue and white ceramics from Cambodia, and a bocce
ball from Turin has made Hannah’s room the talk of the dorm.
4. The board of directors, ignoring the wishes of the neighbourhood, has voted
allow further development.
5. Measles is a contagious childhood disease.
6. The presence of certain bacteria in our bodies are one of the factors that
determines our overall health.
7. Leah is the only one of the many applicants who has the ability to step into
8. Neither the explorer nor his companions was ever seen again.

ANSWER KEY- Exercise 4

1. One of the main reasons for elephant poaching is the profits received from
selling the ivory tusks.
3. Batik cloth from Bali, blue and white ceramics from Cambodia, and a bocce
ball from Turin have made Hannah’s rooms the talk of the dorm.
6. The presence of certain bacteria in our bodies is one of the factors that
determine our overall health.
8. Neither the explorer nor his companions were ever seen again.

Correct any misplaced modifiers in the following sentences.

1. The vehicle was parked on the front lawn of the Starr residence with a
“slightly flat tire.”

2. Two police officers arrested Mr. James outside Three Rivers Stadium on
the night of the raid on charges of marijuana possession.

3. The court upheld summary judgment in favor of the employer which

found that there was not enough evidence for a claim of false light
invasion of privacy.

4. The no-duty rule should not apply to a patron struck by a ball batted by a
player during the seventh inning stretch while seated in an open

5. Knowing that Jones feared snakes, the television show script contained a
scene that would force Jones to interact with serpents.

6. Flying over the barrier and into the stands, the fan could not escape the
foul ball.

7. Subjected to humiliation, the producers of the reality television show

should have anticipated the contestant might break the contract.
8. Enticed by the horses, the fence provided an inadequate barrier to
prevent the child from reaching the pasture.

9. The incident deeply upset Barnett, and he has been seeing a psychologist
with severe emotional distress.

10.Tom barely skidded 6 inches in the milk spill.

11.Anna suggested often that the children should play outside.

12.A friend Barnett had lunch with occasionally suggested that Barnett
compete on a reality show.

13.Without knowing about the content planned for the television show
segments, it was impossible to give full consent to participate.

14.Bill fell asleep under a tree, tired from the long hike up the mountain.

15.The pedestrian was hit by a car, sitting on the curb.

16.Mary stormed out of the office, frustrated by the argument with her

17.With leaking pipes and a broken air conditioner, the tenants rightfully
withheld the month’s rent on the property.
18.Contaminated with oil from the spill, Jeff refused to purchase the

19.Surrounded by allegations of mismanagement, shareholders demanded

the resignation of the company’s president.

20.The Hatfields’ claimed ownership of the land, having built and lived in a
house on the property for over 20 years.

21.Injured by a foul ball, the baseball team was sued by a spectator.

22.Failing to pay a royalty for the performance of a song, fair use was
claimed by the singer.

23.Claiming a neck injury, the bungee cord company was sued by a jumper.

24.Adventure Outings breached its duty to the deceased, supplying a faulty

shark cage for the “Great White Shark” dive.


The following are suggested answers; the sentences could be revised in a

number of ways.
1. The vehicle had a “slightly flat tire” and was parked on the front lawn of the
Starr residence.
2. On the night of the raid, two police officers arrested Mr. James outside Three
Rivers Stadium. They charged him with marijuana possession.
3. The court upheld summary judgment in favor of the employer because
there was not enough evidence for a claim of false light invasion of privacy.
4. The no-duty rule should not apply to a patron struck by a ball batted by a
player during the seventh inning stretch while the patron was seated in an
open concourse.
5. Knowing that Jones feared snakes, the television show script writers included
a scene that would force Jones to interact with serpents.
6. Flying over the barrier and into the stands, the foul ball struck the fan.
7. The producers of the reality television show should have anticipated that the
contestant might break the contract when he was subjected to humiliation.
8. Enticed by the horses, the child reached the pasture despite barrier provided
by the fence.
9. The incident deeply upset Barnett, and he has been seeing a psychologist for
severe emotional distress.
10. Tom skidded barely 6 inches in the milk spill.
11. Anna often suggested that the children should play outside.
Anna suggested that the children should play outside often.
12. A friend Barnett occasionally had lunch with suggested that Barnett
compete on a reality show.
A friend Barnett had lunch with suggested occasionally that Barnett compete
on a reality show.
13. Without knowing about the content planned for the television show
segments, the prospective candidate could not give full consent to participate.
14. Tired from the long hike up the mountain, Bill fell asleep under a tree.
15. Sitting on the curb, the pedestrian was hit by a car.
The pedestrian sitting on the curb was hit by a car.
OR, to avoid passive voice:
A car hit the pedestrian who was sitting on the curb.
16.Frustrated by the argument with her employer, Mary stormed out of the
Mary, frustrated by the argument with her employer, stormed out of the office.
Note, however, that it is better not to separate the subject from the verb.
17.With leaking pipes and a broken air conditioner, the tenants rightfully
withheld the
month’s rent on the property.
18. Jeff refused to purchase the property that was contaminated with oil from
the spill.
19. Shareholders demanded the resignation of the company’s president who
was surrounded
by allegations of mismanagement.
20. The Hatfields, having built and lived in a house on the property for over 20
years, claimed ownership of the property.
21. Injured by a foul ball, a spectator sued the baseball team.
22. Failing to pay a royalty for the performance of a song, the singer claimed
fair use.
23. Claiming a neck injury, a jumper sued the bungee cord company.
24. By supplying a faulty shark cage for the “Great White Shark” dive,
Adventure Outings breached its duty to the deceased.

Find any modifiers in the following sentences that are misplaced or unclear and
rewrite each
sentence to eliminate any problems.
1. Having eaten lunch, the tables were cleared.
2. I have a great picture of my aunt and her date wearing her prom dress.
3. I have a list of the people who danced on the table.
4. Browsing among the gifts for sale, my grandmother's words came to me.
5. Barking and leaping, I watched Bingo tear around the fence.
6. My dog is a Golden Retriever with a purple collar weighing 78 pounds.
7. I got instructions on how to make a centerpiece from a fourth-grader.
8. The exercises I did often left me feeling sore.
9. With a glance in my rear-view mirror, the car shot ahead.
10. He promised to fix the leak at the supermarket.
Other correct revisions are, of course, possible.
1. (The tables didn’t eat). When everyone had eaten lunch, the tables were
2. (Who’s wearing the dress?) I have a great picture of my aunt in her prom
dress, standing next to her date.
3. (Was the list on the table or did the people dance on the table?) I have a list
on the table of the people who danced.
4. (The words didn’t browse). Browsing among the gifts for sale, I remembered
my grandmother'sword.
5. (I don’t bark--usually). Barking and leaping, Bingo tore around the fence as I
6. (That’s one heavy collar). My dog is a 78-pound Golden Retriever with a
purple collar.
7. (Did I have to put glitter on the kid or just color and fold her?) I got
instructions from a fourthgrader on how to make a centerpiece.
8. (Did I do the exercises often or did they hurt often?) The exercises I did daily
sometimes left me feeling sore.
9. (The car didn’t glance). With a glance in my rear-view mirror, I hit the gas and
the car shot ahead.
10. (Did he promise to repair the supermarket, or was he at the supermarket
when he promised to fix the leak at home?) When we were at the
supermarket, he promised to fix the leak in the kitchen ceiling.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. After they _____________________ home from their honeymoon, they
_____________________building their new house. (COME, START)
2. Two years ago, my brother _____________________ an accident and he
_____________________since then. (HAVE, NOT RECOVER)
3. When I _____________________ home last night, my children
_____________________ chess.(COME, PLAY)
4. I would have come yesterday if I _____________________ anything to do.
5. She _____________________ happy after he _____________________ her
a bunch of roses. (BE,GIVE)
6. Last year _____________________ a good year, but this year
_____________________ very successful up to now. (BE, NOT BE)
7. After Dick _____________________ his work, he _____________________
8. Yesterday the phone _____________________ three times while we
_____________________dinner. (RING, HAVE)
9. After five years of travelling through Asia I _____________________ back to
Europe next week. I _____________________ a flight. (COME, ALREADY BOOK)
10.Grass normally _____________________ best when it rains. (GROW)
11.When I _____________________ home, I saw that my wife
_____________________ off our daughter’s hair. (COME, CUT)
12.Who _____________________ the guitar upstairs? – It’s Mary. She
_____________________ for the concert tomorrow. (PLAY,REHEARSE)
13.After she _____________________ on holiday, she
_____________________ much better. (BE, FEEL)
14.I _____________________ in this line for ages. It _____________________
at all in the last five minutes. (STAND, NOT MOVE)
15.How many games _____________________ so far this year? – Only 2. – And
how many _____________________ last year? – About 10. (YOU PLAY, YOU
16.We _____________________ married next June. (GET)
17.In yesterday’s paper I _____________________ that a fire
_____________________ out in my neighbourhood (READ, BREAK).
18.While I _____________________ with a lovely girl, the whole crowd
_____________________ us. (DANCE, WATCH).
1. After they had come home from their honeymoon, they started building
their new house. (COME, START)
2. Two years ago, my brother had an accident and he hasn’t recovered since
3. When I came home last night, my children were playing chess. (COME, PLAY)
4. I would have come yesterday if I hadn’t had anything to do. (NOT HAVE)
5. She was happy after he had given her a bunch of roses. (BE, GIVE)
6. Last year was a good year, but this year hasn’t been very successful up to
now. (BE, NOT BE)
7. After Dick had finished his work, he called Harry. (FINISH, CALL)
8. Yesterday the phone rang three times while we were having dinner. (RING,
9. After five years of travelling through Asia I am coming / am going to come /
will come back to Europe next week. I have already booked / already booked a
10.Grass normally grows best when it rains. (GROW)
11.When I came home, I saw that my wife had cut / was cutting off our
daughter’s hair.(COME, CUT)
12.Who is playing the guitar upstairs? – It’s Mary. She is rehearsing for the
concert tomorrow. (PLAY,REHEARSE)
13.After she had been on holiday, she felt much better. (BE, FEEL)
14.I have been standing in this line for ages. It hasn’t moved at all in the last
five minutes. (STAND, NOT MOVE)
15.How many games have you played so far this year? – Only 2. – And how
many did you play last year? – About 10. (YOU PLAY, YOU PLAY)
16.We are getting married next June. (GET)
17.In yesterday’s paper I read that a fire had broken out in my neighbourhood
18.While I was dancing with a lovely girl, the whole crowd was watching us.

Fill in the correct form of the verb given.
1. Jeff ____________ our bank manager at the moment. He
_________________ here for three
years. (BE, BE)
2. I ____________________ when the alarm ____________________ off at
5.30 this morning. (STILL
3. If everyone donates $5, we ____________________ enough to buy a new
machine. (HAVE)
4. There ______________ a great documentary on TV yesterday evening.
it? – No, I didn't. I ______________ to take my television set back to the store
to have it
repaired. (BE, YOU SEE, HAVE)
5. When I ____________________ to the car park I didn't know where I
____________________ my
6. My uncle ____________________ the same pullover the whole winter. I
guess he ____________
it. (WEAR, LOVE)
7. Mum ____________________ dinner when the doctor
__________________. (PREPARE, ARRIVE)
8. He ____________________ around with a limp since he
____________________ his accident a
few weeks ago. (WALK, HAVE)
9. You look pretty worried. – What ____________________? (HAPPEN)
10.When we ____________________ at the theatre the play
______________________. (ARRIVE,
11.When she ________________ home, she ________________ that her
____________________ for some time. (COME, SEE, DRINK)
12. ____________________ the good news? – Stan and Margie
____________________ married! –
That's not new. – I ____________________ about it for a few weeks. (YOU
13.I ____________________ to call you the whole week! – Where
______________________? (TRY,
14.The manager ____________________ to an important customer at the
moment, but he
____________________ you in a few minutes. (SPEAK, SEE)
15.Do you realize that you ____________________ on my toes? – It hurts!
16.I think I ____________________ a break. I surely deserve one. (TAKE)
17.I wonder if he ____________________ my number. I
______________________ for him to call for
the last two hours. (FORGET, EXPECT)
18.The novel is about a man who ____________________ home from the war
____________________ a new life. (COME, START)
19.When I ____________________ for my passport a few days ago, I
____________________ across
this old photo of our family reunion. (LOOK, COME)
20.I am sorry that I ____________________ to leave your party so early last
night. I
____________________ myself. (HAVE, REALLY ENJOY)
1. Jeff is our bank manager at the moment. He has been here for three years.
(BE, BE)
2. I was still sleeping when the alarm went off at 5.30 this morning. (STILL
3. If everyone donates $5, we will have enough to buy a new machine. (HAVE)
4. There was a great documentary on TV yesterday evening. Did you see it? –
No, I didn't. I had to take my television set back to the store to have it repaired.
5. When I returned to the car park I didn't know where I had parked my car.
6. My uncle has been wearing the same pullover the whole winter. I guess he
loves it.(WEAR, LOVE)
7. Mum was preparing dinner when the doctor arrived. (PREPARE, ARRIVE)
8. He has been walking around with a limp since he had his accident a few
weeks ago.
9. You look pretty worried. – What happened/ has happened? (HAPPEN)
10.When we arrived at the theatre the play had already started. (ARRIVE,
11.When she came home, she saw that her husband had been drinking for
some time.(COME, SEE, DRINK)
12.Have you heard the good news? – Stan and Margie are getting married! –
That's not new. – I have known about it for a few weeks. (YOU HEAR, GET,
13.I have been trying to call you the whole week! – Where have you been?
14.The manager is speaking to an important customer at the moment, but he
will see you in a few minutes. (SPEAK, SEE)
15.Do you realize that you are standing on my toes? – It hurts! (STAND)
16.I think I will take a break. I surely deserve one. (TAKE)
17.I wonder if he has forgotten/forgot my number. I have been expecting for
him to call for the last two hours. (FORGET, EXPECT)
18.The novel is about a man who came home from the war and started a new
life. (COME, START)
19.When I was looking for my passport a few days ago, I came across this old
photo of our family reunion. (LOOK, COME)
20.I am sorry that I had to leave your party so early last night. I was really
enjoying myself. (HAVE, REALLY ENJOY)

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate tense form.

1. When I opened my eyes, I ………………. a strange sight.

a) saw
b) was seeing
c) have seen
2. Every morning she …………….. up early and gets ready for work.
a) is waking
b) wakes
c) has woken
3. If I knew what he wanted, I ………………. this.
a) will not permit
b) would not permit
c) would not have permitted
4. I ………………….. anything from her in a long time.
a) didn't hear
b) haven't heard
c) am not hearing
5. The headmaster ……………… to talk to you.
a) want
b) wants
c) is wanting
6. Jane ………………. with her parents.
a) is living
b) lives
c) has lived
7. We ..................... Greece next month.
a) visit
b) will visit
c) would visit
d) are visiting
8. The moon …………….. around the earth.
a) is revolving
b) has revolved
c) revolves
9. She ………………… a novel.
a) wrote
b) writes
c) has written
10. All students ………………. in their work.
a) handed
b) have handed
c) hand
11. I …………………. English for twelve years.
a) am teaching
b) have been teaching
c) will be teaching
12. The students ............................. their dialogues.
a) rehearse
b) are rehearsing
c) Either could be used here
1. When I opened my eyes, I saw a strange sight.
2. Every morning she wakes up early and gets ready for work.
3. If I knew what he wanted, I would not permit this.
4. I haven’t heard anything from her in a long time.
5. The headmaster wants to talk to you.
6. Jane lives with her parents.
7. We are visiting Greece next month.
8. The moon revolves around the earth.
9. She has written a novel.
10. All students have handed in their work.
11. I have been teaching English for twelve years.
12. The students are rehearsing their dialogues.
WRITTEN Communication

Complete the following cliches

1. Better to be safe than

Better to be safe than sorry.
2. It’s always darkest
It’s always darkest before the storm. It’s always darkest before dawn.
3. Never underestimate the power of
Never underestimate the power of a woman.
4. You can lead a horse to water but you
You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.
5. Don’t bite
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
6. No news
No news is good news.
7. A miss is as good
A miss is as good as a mile.
8. You can’t teach an old dog
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
9. If you lie down with dogs,
If you lie down with dogs, you’ll rise up with fleas.
10. The pen is mightier
The pen is mightier than the sword.
11. Where there’s
Where there’s smoke there’s fire.
12. A penny saved is
A penny saved is a penny earned.
13. Two’s company, three’s
Two’s company, three’s a crowd.
14. Don’t put off till tomorrow
Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
15. Children should be ______________________ and not
Children should be seen and not heard.
16. If at first you don’t
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
17. You get out of something
You get out of something what you put into it.
18. Better late than
Better late than never.
19. Every cloud has
Every cloud has a silver lining.
20. The early
The early bird gets the worm.


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