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Preparation for Assignment 2 GROUP A


1. “… everything that /has happened/ to us/ during the day”

This is an example of :
- A conditional construction
- A verb tense present perfect simple
- A modal verb pattern
- Verb tenses in combination
- A single event at a specified time in the past
- A series of completed events at an unspecified past time
- An action which started in past and is continuing now

- Sentence stress : Which words are stressed? In red above
- Weak forms?
- Any linking? That has & to us

Identify the structural form

Subject+ auxiliary has +verb in past participle.

Appropriacy : Neutral

2. “If scientists invented a pill (conditional clause) would you take it (main clause)”

This is an example of :
- A conditional construction : main clause + conditional clause
- A verb tense
- A modal verb pattern
- Verb tense in combination
- Two events that happened in past
- Two hypothetical past events
- Two events that are happening at the moment
- Two hypothetical future events two imaginary & future

- Sentence stress : Which words are stressed? See in red
- Weak forms? - you - a -
- Any linking? Invented+a Would+you Take+it

Identify the structural form in both clauses
If + subject + verb past simple + direct object & modal + verb in infinitive + direct object pronoun

Formal in the unlikely event that scientist had to invent…
3. … sooner or later we have to sleep
This is an example of :
- A conditional construction
- A verb tense
- A modal verb pattern: have to - a semi modal because normally modals cannot be
conjugated DIFFICULT FOR STUDENTS – I can use it changing the infinitive: I must have slept
- Verb tense in combination

Meaning in this context

- The person is tired now
- It’s OK to sleep later
- It’s necessary to sleep later
- We can’t live without sleep
- Sentence stress : Which words are stressed?
- Weak forms? we to
- Any linking? Af to

Identify the structural form
(To in the infinitive is called a particle )
Preparation for Assignment 2 GROUP B

1. We can put off sleeping

This is an example of
 A false friend
 A collocation ( words in combination)
 A verb + a dependent preposition (a verb which is always followed by the same preposition. E.g.
depend on, listen to , consist of , agree with .)
 A collective noun
 A phrasal verb ( (a verb which can change its meaning when in combination with a preposition or
an adverb particle . e.g. go away, go over, go on , go for, go with , go out with)
 An adverb

Here, in this context, put off means
 Stop doing something
 Decide to do something later - postponing
 Makes you dislike sleeping


Identify the parts of the verb and the position of the direct object when using this verb
Off is an adverb particle
Put off sleeping? == Yes, I can put it off
I have been putting off sleeping for a while == I have been putting it off for a while

Pronunciation Vocabulary sounds / syllables / word stress

 Provide phonemic script pu’tɒf

 Identify the word stress pattern on the second when with a pronoun / on both when
followed by a noun
 Any linking? YES t + o


2. We suffer hallucinations and eventually die

This is an example of:

3. A false friend
4. A collocation ( words in combination)
5. A verb + a dependent preposition
6. A collective noun
7. A phrasal verb
8. An adverb of time
Meaning: Here, in this context, eventually means:
Much later – after a long time

Identify the word class and possible position in the sentence.
At the beginning, before the verb or at end of sentence

 Provide phonemic script /ɪˈ vɛn tʃu ə li/
 Identify the word stress pattern oOooo


3. The unpleasant symptoms we suffer

This is an example of
 A false friend
 A collocation ( words in combination) adjective + noun
 A verb + a dependent preposition
 A collective noun
 A phrasal verb
 An adverb

Bad / negative effects of sleep deprivation

Identify the word class and the order of the two words in the phrase
Adjective + noun

 Provide phonemic script ʌnˈplɛzən ˈsɪmptəms
 Identify the word stress pattern oOo - Oo
 Any linking between the two words? Yes Elision of the /t / at the end of unpleasant


Note on collocation:
Only certain adjective + noun collocations are possible. E.g. with symptoms

ADJ. characteristic, classic, common, typical | minor, secondary | chronic | acute |

intermittent, recurrent | dangerous, distressing, potentially fatal, serious, severe, unpleasant
| mild | visual, visible These virus infections display obvious visual symptoms.

i.e. You can’t say hard symptoms , heavy symptoms , bad symptoms

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