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Objective scope of this type of residence permit

Those non-EU foreigners may apply for a residence permit for

international teleworking in order to carry out a work or
professional activity at a distance for companies located outside the
national territory, by means of the exclusive use of computer,
telematic and telecommunication means and systems.

In the case of exercise of a labor activity, the holder of the

authorization for telework of international character will only be
able to work for companies located outside the national territory.

In the case of exercise of a professional activity, the holder of the

authorization for teleworking of international character will be
allowed to work for a company located in Spain, as long as the
percentage of such work does not exceed 20% of the total of its
professional activity.

General requirements

1) To be graduates or postgraduates of universities of recognized

prestige, professional training and business schools of recognized
prestige or with a minimum professional experience of three years.
This must be proven by means of a copy of the degree related to the
performance of the position or, if applicable, minimum experience
in functions analogous to the position to be performed.

2) The company/s for which you work must be located outside


3) The income received in Spain or by Spanish companies cannot

represent more than 20% of the total.

INTASGES, S.L.P │ C/ Floridablanca 136, 1º 2ª, 08011 Barcelona (SPAIN) │

Telf. +34 93 423 52 64 │ Fax +34 93 423 13 48 │
4) Regarding the relationship with the foreign company, it is
necessary to prove the existence of a real and continuous activity
for at least one year of the company or group of companies with
which the worker has a labor or professional relationship. In short,
it is essential that the company/s have been in operation for at least
1 year prior to your application.

Important note: contract with the same company for at least 1 year
(a longer period is recommended, for example at least 3 years, in
order to obtain an initial residence permit for maximum duration).

5) Proof of employment or professional relationship (as freelance)

for at least three months prior to the date of application with the
foreign company/companies with which you maintain such

6) Documentation accrediting that the labor or professional

relationship can be carried out remotely. This could be proved with
a letter from the foreign company, authorizing the development of
the remote work from Spain, accrediting the profile of the position,
terms and other conditions under which the professional activity
will be carried out remotely.

7) Certificate of Social Security coverage (mandatory if there is an

agreement with the country of origin). If there is no coverage
agreement with the country where the company is located, the
company's registration with the Social Security and the
commitment to register the worker must be accredited.

8) Public or private health insurance. Travel insurance is not

accepted. In the case of private medical insurance, it must have full
coverage throughout Spain and the general conditions, particular
conditions and a certificate issued by the entity must be provided,
stating that it is in force and up to date with payment. All this must
be in Spanish or Catalan.

INTASGES, S.L.P │ C/ Floridablanca 136, 1º 2ª, 08011 Barcelona (SPAIN) │

Telf. +34 93 423 52 64 │ Fax +34 93 423 13 48 │
Not necessary if there is no bilateral agreement with the country of
origin and it is therefore necessary to register with the Social

9) Possession of sufficient economic resources. This can be

accredited by means of bank certificate demonstrating a minimum
amount (to be determined), but indicatively for security, it should
be at least approx. 28.000 € for the main applicant (and 7.000 € for
each additional family member).

The certificate issued by one or more banking institutions where

you have an account with signature and stamp of the bank, in which
it’s certified that you are the holder of a bank account, the number
of the account and the balance of the same. It is also recommended
to attach a statement of the last 3 months (also signed and stamped
by the bank). Electronic certificates are only accepted if they are
electronically signed with a digital signature recognized in Spain.
The certificate is valid for 30 days. In the case of being issued by
banks not located in Spain, the amount must be expressed in Euros
or converted to Euros and duly translated into Spanish.

10) Current criminal record certificate from the country or

countries where the applicant has resided during the last 5 years. It
will also be able to be presented of the last 2 years, if a responsible
declaration of the nonexistence of criminal records of the last 5
years is also presented.

This will not be applicable when the holder of a residence

authorization or a stay in Spain of more than 6 months.

Validity of the authorizations

If at the time of submitting the application the applicant is in a

regular situation in Spain, the validity of this authorization will be

INTASGES, S.L.P │ C/ Floridablanca 136, 1º 2ª, 08011 Barcelona (SPAIN) │

Telf. +34 93 423 52 64 │ Fax +34 93 423 13 48 │
valid for a maximum of three years unless it is requested for a
shorter period of work.

The holders of this authorization may request its renewal for

periods of two years as long as the conditions that generated the
right are maintained.

Apostilles, legalizations and translation of documents

All the above documents must, if necessary, be translated (sworn

translation) into Spanish and legalized or Apostilled (Hague

INTASGES, S.L.P │ C/ Floridablanca 136, 1º 2ª, 08011 Barcelona (SPAIN) │

Telf. +34 93 423 52 64 │ Fax +34 93 423 13 48 │
Any information contained in this note is for general informational
purposes only, and should not be construed as legal advice and is not
intended to be a substitute for legal counsel on any subject matter

INTASGES, S.L.P │ C/ Floridablanca 136, 1º 2ª, 08011 Barcelona (SPAIN) │

Telf. +34 93 423 52 64 │ Fax +34 93 423 13 48 │

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