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10/3/2018 Madrid to Venice | Intrepid Travel GB

Madrid to Venice
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laorate architecture and exceptional cuiine, legendar landcape and live hitor on the treet – wetern and
central urope i a place well worth it accolade. From the rah elegance of Madrid to the oft-hued cenerie
of Avignon and the eer and ar culture of ruel and erlin, thi 36-da journe take in the greatet gloat of
the world' mot travelled region. Check out the artitic edifice of arcelona, ccle along the canal-lined
oulevard of Amterdam, dicover Poland' heart cuiine and get our adrenaline kick in outdoor led.
triking the perfect alance of time for included activitie and independent exploration, thi i a great introduction
to – or recapping of – ome of the world' greatet citie.

 Add to hortlit

tart Madrid, pain

Finih Venice, Ital
Detination Autria, elgium, Czech Repulic, France, German, Hungar, Ital, Luxemourg,
Netherland, Poland, lovenia, pain
tle aix
Theme xplorer
Phical rating 
 
Age Min 15
Group ize Min 1, Max 16

Wh ou'll love thi trip

The Art Walk in Madrid i ever art lover' dream. In one mall tretch ou can rowe the Then-
ornemiza Mueum, the Reina ofia and the Prado, one of the world' mot celerated gallerie

It' ea to e conumed  the architecture, culture and virant nightlife of arcelona, ut the food
availale for conumption i jut a good. Traditional Catalan dihe uch a fideua (imilar to eafood
paella) and otifarra am mongete (haricot ean erved with auage) tate a little like heaven. The wine
in't ad either

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The eache of Valencia are ome of the mot pritine in urope, if not the world. Relax with a owl of
Valenciana paella at the gatewa to the Mediterranean

Dicover Roman, Mulim and Chritian influence in the churche and plaza of Cuenca, the ideal panih
cit to explore on foot

The iffel Tower and the Louvre are iconic French intitution. pend plent of free time in Pari to ee the
major attraction a well the cit' hidden gem

ruel i eail explored on foot and alo ha a great pulic tranport tem. Venture to the outkirt of
the cit and ack without loing ig chunk of our time

Amterdam ha een developed with cclit in mind, o hire a ike and hit the charming treet with the
local (jut watch out for thoe canal)

Now one of the world' mot artitic and exciting citie, erlin ha a complex hitor. ee remaining
fragment of the famou wall that once divided the cit in half

oak up the roal hitor of Krakow' Wawel Catle and tep ack in time with a troll through it medieval
main quare

Immere ourelf in the hitor, architecture and ohemian vie of the Czech Repulic. oak up the
mooth ound of jazz at a low-lit ar in Prague efore tepping right into a fairtale in the World Heritage-
lited town of Cek Krumlov

njo a cenic walk along the ank of the River Danue in udapet. Threaded with ridge and hemmed
in  catle and hitoric cit uilding, urope’ econd longet river i alo one of it mot eautiful

cape cit life on the peaceful hore of Lake led in lovenia. Viit a church on the tin iland in the
centre of the lake and treat ourelf to a lice of led' famou cream cake

The floating cit of Venice i one place ou’ll e happ to get lot in. The cit' maze of allewa, canal and
lagoon iland lead to over 130 churche, all with their own ditinct character

Feat on mouth-watering eafood along Ital' coat, drink fine wine in Tucan and indulge in the endle
pata dihe on offer in Rome

Walk along Cinque Terre' rock coatal pathwa, calling into the leep patel village of Manarola,
Riomaggiore and Vernazza

I thi trip right for ou?

A thi i a comination of 3 trip, our leader and the compoition of our group ma change in arcelona
and erlin.

The primar mean of tranportation on thi trip i  train. Train are a fat wa to cro long ditance,
allowing ou to avoid traffic jam and arrive right into the cit centre. The are comfortale and all have
toilet, however can ometime e quite u. Pleae note that ou will have to carr our own luggage on
and off the train, and alo up or down few flight of tair a unfortunatel ome of the tation ma not
have lift. It’ recommended that ou leave an wheelie ag/cae at home and ring a ackpack intead,
ut pleae make ure it doen’t exceed our weight and ize recommendation. You can find thi
information in the 'What to Take' ection of the trip note.

In man of the location we will e uing different mode of local tranport; tram, ue or metro; a thi i
often an adventure in itelf, it ma alo ring ome challenge – running up and down the tair in metro
tation or haring a u u ride with local commuter. Pleae make ure ou’ll prepare ourelf for that!

Thi trip i deigned to give ou a fair amount of free time o ou can explore each detination at our own
pace. We will, however, take ou on regular orientation walk, o ou'll e on our feet quite a lot. While
thi ma e tiring for ome, it’ the et wa to get our head around a place and to et ourelf up for
further dicoverie.

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In man Central uropean citie treet are made of coletone. On thi trip thi i the cae in Poland,
Czech Repulic and Hungar epeciall. Often there are no lift or ecalator at train tation and ome
accommodation we ue. You will have to carr our ag up and down the tair ourelf. Thi i another
reaon wh ackpack will make thi trip much eaier and enjoale than uitcae.

ummer temperature can e extreme (over 40°C), which can e uncomfortale. It’ important to ue un
protection, wear laer to comat the heat and drink plent of water. Pleae conider the time of the ear
ou wih to travel and our uitailit to that eaon.

A accommodation on thi trip i twin-hare, ingle traveller will hare a room with another traveller of the
ame ex. ingle upplement i not availale to purchae on thi trip.

Hotel in urope often don't have doule ed, ut rather two ingle ed that are puhed together. In
addition, pleae note that hotel room in man uropean hotel are rather mall. till, we have ourced the
et option in each detination in order to provide a much comfort a poile.


 

Thi itinerar i valid for departure from 01 Januar 2019 to 31 Decemer 2019. View the itinerar for
departure etween 01 Januar 2018 - 31 Decemer 2018

Da 1: Madrid

Welcome to Madrid, pain. The a central capital i known for it elegant oulevard and expanive, manicured
park, ut it alo pulate with energ, and i without dout a virant cit. Your adventure egin with a welcome
meeting at either 6 or 7pm, depending on common area availailit. Pleae doule check with reception to
confirm the time and place. If ou're going to e late, pleae inform the hotel reception. We'll e collecting our
inurance, paport detail and next of kin information at thi meeting, o pleae have thee on hand. If ou can't
arrange a flight that will have ou arrive on time, ou ma wih to arrive earl. We'll e happ to ook additional
accommodation for ou (uject to availailit). A there' limited time for ighteeing in Madrid, we recommend
arriving a few da earl. Perhap while awa the Go to
hour date
along the Paeo del Arte, or Art Walk, for an expanive 3/22
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hitor of Wetern art. tart with the Mueo del Prado, then dicover modern panih mater, including Picao
and Dali, in the Mueo Reina ofia. Finih at the Mueo Then-ornemiza, which dipla eight centurie of
uropean painting. After the welcome meeting, perhap get into the mind of a Madrileño with ome tapa and

Hotel (1 night)

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 2: Madrid

Toda i free to dicover Madrid. The cit i renowned for it rich repoitorie of uropean art, while the heart of
old Hapurg Madrid i the portico-lined Plaza Maor, and near i the aroque Roal Palace and Armour. Thi
tlih, comopolitan cit i alo well known for world-cla retaurant, hopping and nightlife, o take ome time
to uncover thee wonder. Take a reak in the Real Jardin otanico, a garden wonderland dating from the 18th
centur. Mae impl people watch while ou enjo a coffee in one of the atmopheric treet and quare
around the famou Plaza Maor. You could alo join an Uran Adventure to get a deeper inight into the cit
through it food and it market. port fan, if ou're luck enough for our trip to fall on match da, ou can don
a white t-hirt and head to the antiago ernaeu tadium to watch the might Real Madrid. At night, head out to
Chueca, Plaza Do de Mao or Plaza anta Ana, where the pule of the cit will lead ou from ar to ar on a night
out ou are ure to rememer.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Real Jardín otánico - UR4
Mueo Then-ornemiza - UR12
Mueo Reina ofia - UR8
Mueo del Prado - UR15
Roal Palace-Madrid - UR11
Market of Madrid - Uran Adventure - UR47
Madrid Tapa Adventure - Uran Adventure - UR82

Meal Included

Da 3: Cuenca

Toda travel  u to charming Cuenca (approximatel 2.5 hour). The town i located literar on the edge of
deep gorge created  two river: Jucar and Huecar. On arrival, venture out on an orientation walk around thi
hitoric World Heritage fortre cit. The old part of thi cit i an outtanding medieval development uilt on
teep mountainide, with man caa colgada (hanging houe) that are literall on the cliff edge. Like man
town in pain, it wa occupied for a period of time  the Mulim Moor who uilt the original fortre.
Afterward, ue our free time getting to know the cit. Perhap viit the impreive 12th-centur gothic
Cathedral, or venture out to the Mueum of panih Atract Art, located in the caa colgada, whoe front
alconie protrude into the gorge. There i wonderful art all over the town, with a numer of atract artit
making Cuenca their home in the 1960. vening i a great opportunit to gather together with the group and
enjo a dinner in thi pictureque town, with the old cit eautifull ruhed with light from a erie of high-
powered lamp upended half-wa up the rock.
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Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Fundacion Antonio Perez - UR2
Cuenca cathedral - UR5

Meal Included

Da 4: Valencia

Take a train and head eat to the coatal town of Valencia (approximatel 4 hour). It' known for eing the
panih gatewa to the Mediterranean, with a ig port, eautiful eache, retaurant and a each promenade
along the waterfront. The old town i et ack from the eafront through, and in the centre ou will find the
eautiful monument and hitorical uilding. u market, clean eache, pectacular mountain and a
facinating mix of old town and new town make up the et of Valencia. Over the next couple of da, ou have a
lot of free time to wander around the cit and ee the ight. xplore the colourful tall of the Mercado Central,
and thi evening perhap head out to ar-hop and eat tapa in the Ciutat Vella (old town).

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
treet Art in Old Valencia - Uran Adventure - UR35

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 5: Valencia

Take toda to explore. Poil viit the 13th-centur cathedral, which houe what' claimed to e the Hol Grail,
and clim the 207 tep of the Miguelete tower for the et view of the cit. The Mueum of the Falla i another
unique option, which contain a hitor of the Valencia Fire Fetival in the form of giant papier mache figure.
There are alo man fine park and garden, or ou ma want to head to the each of Plaa de la Malvarroa to
oak up ome un. To tr the paella that Valencia i famou for (rait and chicken), do a the local do and head
to the retaurant area of La Arena for a heart and reaonal priced lunch. Valencia i alo uilt with eparate
ccle path, o it' reall ea to get around. Perhap rent a ike from one of the man ike tation dotted
around the cit. Ccle through the park that run through the centre of the cit to the impreivel deigned
Mueu de le Ciencie Príncipe Felipe (Art and cience Mueum). Tonight, mae head outh to Ruzafa, one of
the cit’ coolet area.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Valencian Intitute of Modern Art - UR2
Gonzalez Marti Mueum - UR3
Ccling in Valencia - UR6
Miguelete Tower - UR2
The ilk xchange - UR2  Go to date 5/22
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Falla Mueum - UR2

Principe Filipe cience Mueum - UR8
Valencian Treat and Tate - Uran Adventure - UR55
treet Art in Old Valencia - Uran Adventure - UR35

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 6: arcelona

Toda take the train up the coat to arcelona (approximatel 3.5 hour). arcelona' quirk character and
faulou Catalan cuiine mixe eamlel with a groundreaking art cene, Gothic architecture, uper dining
and a non-top nightlife, making it a cit ou won't oon forget. In the afternoon, there are plent of option to
keep ou u. Wander the larinthine treet of the old Gothic Quarter and navigate our wa through the
throng of tourit along La Ramla, arcelona' famou tree-lined oulevard. Perhap pa a viit to the Picao
Mueum, the National Art Mueum of Catalonia or the Mueum of Cit Hitor to ruh up on our local
knowledge. Take the funicular to the top of Montjuic or Tiidao for panoramic view of arcelona and the
harour. The heart of Catalonia pride itelf a a gatronomic centre and o thi evening perhap head out to
tate the reputation for ourelf. Take a tapa crawl through rutic Catalan dihe in the funk neighourhood of
l orn.

Hotel (1 night)

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 7: arcelona

Your econd da here i free to partake in ome of the optional activitie on offer in arcelona. In the morning
perhap head to the tall of anta Catarina Market, a huge trove of local produce eneath a colourful, undulating
roof, and hang out with the local. The cit i famou for it architecture, from it impreive gothic main
cathedral to the houe, concert hall, palace and ailica deigned in the unique Catalan Modernita tle. The
mater of thi movement wa Antonio Gaudi, who' eccentric creation are dotted all over the cit. A viit to
Gaudi' materpiece, the modern cathedral of La agrada Familia, i a mut, even if it' jut to ee the outide.
Gaudi worked on thi hugel amitiou project for decade until hi death, and it remain in contant
contruction. Perhap check out the Neo-Gothic manion of Guell Palace, or the wave-inpired tructure of Caa
attlo. For more inight into the artit himelf, head to the Gaudi Houe Mueum inide Parc Guell. For omething
a little different, perhap have a poke around the Old anta Creu Hopital. For our final night, perhap finih the
da with a ip of red wine from a porro – a traditional gla pitcher.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
naphot of arcelona - UR48
arcelona Tapa Tour - UR70
Picao Mueum - UR14
National Art Mueum of Catalonia - UR12
Guell Palace - UR12
Caa atllo - UR24
Mueum of Cit Hitor - UR7
Andean-Amazonian thnographic Mueum - Free
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Mueum of Gaudi - UR6

Old anta Creu Hopital - UR10

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 8: arcelona

Toda i free for ou to enjo a ou pleae. et out to dicover more of arcelona in detail. With great
retaurant, art gallerie, hopping and nightlife on offer, arcelona i a world-cla cit exuding confidence and
tle through ever pore.

A thi i a comination trip, our group leader and the compoition of our group ma change at thi location.
There will e a group meeting to dicu the next tage of our itinerar and ou're welcome to attend, a thi i a
great chance to meet our new fellow traveller.

Hotel (1 night)

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 9: arcelona

Perhap ue our free time toda to go on a tapa tour or explore the outkirt of the cit with it leep village
and olive grove. Unearth the cit' groundreaking art cene, Gothic architecture, amazing cuiine, Catalan
identit, each vie and proud character. Viit the larinthine treet of the old Gothic Quarter, the Picao
Mueum, wander the tree-lined pedetrian oulevard of La Ramla or take the funicular to the top of Montjuic or
Tiidao for panoramic view of arcelona and the harour. Gaudi' izarre La agrada Familia Cathedral i
poil the mot iconic landmark, along with the Camp Nou. oth the cathedral and the footall tadium provide
guided tour at an additional charge.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
National Art Mueum of Catalonia - UR12
Mueum of Cit Hitor - UR7
Old anta Creu Hopital - UR10
Mueum of Gaudi - UR6
Andean-Amazonian thnographic Mueum - Free
Guell Palace - UR12
Contemporar Art Mueum - UR10
Cale car to Montjuic (one wa) - UR8
Picao Mueum - UR14
La agrada Familia - arcelona - UR15
Caa atllo - UR24
Cathedral viit - UR6
arcelona Tapa Tour - UR70
naphot of arcelona - UR48

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.  Go to date 7/22
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Da 10: Avignon

Take to the field of Provence on the train to Avignon, outh-wet France (approximatel 5-6 hour). Thi journe
i idllic, o make ure ou have a camera read. With mountain hideawa and emerald vineard, the
Mediterranean coatline of Provence fold into taletop mountain where field of lavender and wildflower cover
the landcape. On arrival into Avignon, check in to our hotel and then take a walk around thi walled cit that
wa once home to French pope for more than a centur.

Hotel (1 night)

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 11: Avignon

Toda ue our free time here wiel, a there are lot of ight and activitie to keep ou u. Com the cit'
impreive collection of art, viit the grand Palai de Pape (Pope' Palace) and cro the iconic ridge of Pont t-
enezet. Perhap hire a ike to ee more of thi pictureque valle and head to one of the cit' amazing akerie.
You can even put a aguette in our aket. In the evening, there are man mall French itro that erve up
great cuiine that' native to the region.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
ike hire - UR15
Palai de Pape - UR15
Wine Mueum - Free
Roure Palace - UR5
Pont d`Avignon (ridge of Avignon) - UR5
Mueum of the Petit Palace - UR6
Mueum Calvet - UR6
Collection Lamert Mueum - UR10
Mueum Lapidaire - UR2

Meal Included

Da 12: Pari

Travel north on the train to France' comopolitan capital, Pari, which hould take around three to four hour.
Rich in mueum, art gallerie, monument, fahion and deliciou food, Pari offer a wealth of major ight and
thing to do. On arrival into the cit, check in to the hotel and then ou're free to do a ou wih. Wandering
around the Champ-lee, the tudent-filled Latin Quarter and the ohemian Montmartre will give ou a good
feel for the cit. There i o much to do in Pari that it might e a good idea to make a plan efore ou arrive.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie  Go to date 8/22
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Uran Adventure - ecret Pari: Cheee, Art, and Local Life - UR59
Uran Adventure - xperience ohemian Pari - UR59
Uran Adventure - Gourmet Marai - UR78

Meal Included

Da 13: Pari

The Tuilerie, Plante and Jardin du Luxemourg are all excellent place to enjo a imple aguette with cheee
on ummer da, or head to a cafe to have a coffee (the French drink it lack) and watch the world go . xplore
the world-famou Louvre, where ou can ee the Mona Lia and the Venu de Milo. Join the Thinker in hi eternal
contemplation at the Rodin Mueum. Viit the Muee d'Ora, home to ome of the mot famou Impreionit
painting. Clim the iffel Tower (or take the lift) for ome impreive aerial view of Pari. tud the Notre Dame
Cathedral with it vat roe window and menacing gargole. The Pari retaurant cene and nightlife i alo
worth inking our teeth into. Marai i a great ditrict for trend ar and eaterie, while atille i well-known
for it clu.
Note: To avoid queuing at the ticket window of the Louvre ou can u our ticket in advance, ut pre-old
ticket can't e collected at the Louvre. The ticket i valid ever da except Tueda (when the mueum i cloed)
and certain ank holida. ook our ticket at:

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Louvre Mueum - UR15
Fat Tire ike tour - UR34
iffel Tower - UR19
Palace of Veraille Garden - Free
Napoleon' Tom & Le Invalide Arm Mueum - UR11
Muee d'Ora - UR14
Palace of Veraille - UR20
Picao Mueum - UR12
Da Vinci Code walking tour - UR25
Paradi Latin caaret how - UR65
Rodin Mueum - UR10
Arc de Triomphe - UR12
ainte Chapelle & Conciergerie - UR15
Centre Pompidou - UR14
Catacom - UR13
Notre Dame Tower - UR10
Fragonard Perfume Mueum - Free
Mueum of Comparative Anatom and Paleontolog - UR7

Meal Included

Da 14: Pari

Another da in Pari? There i till plent to dicover in thi uropean cit. Perhap tart ticking more mueum or
cathedral of the lit – ou urel couldn’t have done them all eterda. If ou think ou have, tr Pari’ ‘other’
mueum. The Mueum of Comparative Anatom and Paleontolog provide an amazing look into a the world of
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19th centur cience with row and row of animal keleton marching houlder to houlder againt wall lined
with old wood and gla cainet. Within the Jardin de Plante where the mueum reide there i alo a
otanical garden, zoo and an arra of other natural hitor mueum. Feeling like Art? Pari ha a election of
world cla treet art port. The et pot for a graffiti-viewing uran afari i the Canal t. Martin in the 10th
arrondiement, one of the mot exciting and up-and-coming area in town. Chock-full of wonderful retaurant,
artitic hop and great graffiti, the area i a great place for leiurel trolling. In the evening, on warm ummer
da, viit he quai along the left ank of Port t. ernard. It come alive with people trolling, picnicking and
allroom dancing. ound like a perfect place to finih of our Pari adventure.

Hotel (1 night)

Meal Included

Da 15: Luxemourg

Cro the order from France on the train into Luxemourg Cit, which hould take around two hour. A the
econd mallet countr in the U after the Vatican Cit, Luxemourg ha tranformed itelf into a u,
ucceful and hitorical centre with ample of natural eaut. Check in to the hotel on arrival and then head out
into the cit' World Heritage lited Old Town, which i perched high aove the narrow valle of the Alzette and
Petrue river. troll along the promenade of Chemin de la Corniche, aid to e 'urope' mot eautiful
alcon', and take it all in. The cit i alo full of old and modern gallerie and mueum to explore, uch a the
Muee d'Hitoire de la Ville de Luxemourg (Luxemourg Cit Hitor Mueum). Perhap take a guided tour of the
turreted Palai Grand-Ducal (uilt in 1573), which i home to the Grand Duke. In the evening, poil venture out
with the group for a meal in thi ophiticated etting.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Palai Grand-Ducal - UR10
Muée d'Hitoire de la Ville de Luxemourg - UR5
MNHA (Muée National d'Hitoire et d'Art) - UR7
Luxemourg ike hire - UR5

Meal Included

Da 16: ruel

Leave Luxemourg ehind and jump a train to ruel, which hould take ou around three and a half hour.
During our time in ruel there are lot of ight to ee, deliciou food to eat and culture to e dicovered. It
might e a good idea to tart our journe at the medieval, coletone quare of the Grand Palace. Thi area can
onl e acceed on foot and i urrounded  local market, chocolate hop and expenive cafe and
retaurant. From here, wander down to the Manneken Pi (Little Man Pee), which i an iconic mol of elgium.
Viit the Cathedral of t. Michael and t. Gudula and then relax in the pulic Parc du Cinquantenaire. An evening
in ruel wouldn't e complete without a huge portion of moule-frite (muel and frie) and a gla of
elgian eer. If ou like a night out, Ilot acre i a great place to find good food and fun ar. The Delirium Cafe i
the ideal pot for litening to live lue deep into the night.

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Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Grand Place - Free
Manneken Pi - Free
Magritte Mueum - UR8
Mini urope Attraction Park - UR15
Cantillon rewer viit (1 eer included) - UR7
Mueum of the Muical Intrument - UR8

Meal Included

Da 17: ruel

njo a free da in ruel. Dicover the town further, perhap viit mini-urope theme park featuring miniature
replica of uropean monument and judge if the are imilar to the original one.  now, ou have definitel
een a handful of thoe in realit. If ou’re intereted in muic, the mut-ee place i The Muical Intrument
Mueum. Three floor of muical intrument coming from each ide of the world and hundred of ear of
muical hitor in one place. Alternativel, clim inide an iron crtal magnified 165 illion time it normal ize.
The Atomium - a trange looking tructure uilt in 1958 for ruel World Fair, now ecame a permanent part
of cit’ landcape. Finih off our da in Delirium Café, a co aement ar, tucked awa on a coletone
acktreet in the heart of ruel. Café ha an inventor of over 2000 eer.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
ruge Da trip  Train - UR30
Antwerp Da trip  Train - UR16

Meal Included

Da 18: Amterdam

Cro another order, a ou travel into the capital of the Netherland, Amterdam (approximatel three hour 
u with free WiFi). et wa to get our head around thi cit, i to do a local do – ccle. Conider a half da
tour of the cit on two wheel. Thi will provide ou with a good undertanding of the laout of the cit for the
next couple of da. Amterdam, a network of canal, ridge and park i alo poilt for choice when it come to
mueum. One of it et i the Rijkmueum, whoe mot famou work i Remrandt' 'The Night Watch'. Viit
the Van Gogh Mueum, which comprie nearl ever painting, ketch, print, etching, and piece of
correpondence that Vincent van Gogh ever produced, including 'unflower'. After eeing the painted variet,
wander through the real thing at the loemenmarkt (Flower Market).

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Uran Adventure - The Original Amterdam eer Tour - UR53
Uran Adventure - ike and Dke - UR38
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Uran Adventure - Home Cooked Amterdam - UR51

Uran Adventure - Amterdam Food  Foot - UR50

Meal Included

Da 19: Amterdam

Another da in Amterdam could eail e pent with hitor in mind. Viit Anne Frank' Houe, the former hiding
place of Anne Frank and even other during World War II, and the place where he wrote her now-famou diar,
i toda preerved a a mueum. A viit here not onl allow ou to clim into the attic and learn aout the hitor
of thoe who hid there, ut alo challenge ou to examine our view  poing modern ethical quetion. Move
on to De Waag (weigh houe), 15th-centur uilding on Nieuwmarkt quare. A man of Amterdam’ hitoric
uilding have enjoed multiple ue through the centurie, Dee Waag i no exception. Contructed firt a a gate
for the cit' fortified wall, it wa later tranformed into a 'weigh houe' where good rought ack  hip from
overea were weighed. In later ear, it erved a a guild houe for local profeion and ha alo een a
mueum, fire tation and more. In it mot recent incarnation, the Waag houe a well-received café-retaurant a
well a pace (the former anatom theater) for variou tpe of exhiit. The Waag i located in the Chinatown
ditrict of Amterdam. Great place to go for Chinee food afterward.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Heineken Mueum - UR18
Roal Palace - UR10
ike Hire - UR10
Oude Kerk - UR10
Ccling tour - UR30
Canal tour - UR14
Rijkmueum - UR18
Anne Frank' Houe - UR9
Van Gogh Mueum - UR17

Meal Included

Da 20: Amterdam

Toda i our lat da in Amterdam. Wh not get to know the ecret of it cuiine? Perhap find out wh Dutch
don't talk much aout their food, unle it’ aout pancake! Pannekoeken are a traditional Dutch treat —
ometime weet, ometime avour, ut alwa deliciou! nack on alt frie, avouring rich cheee and ip
ooz pirit. ak in the glor of liquid unhine – viit the et ar, rewerie and eer hall of thi rew-loving
cit. From a place where nun ued to rew ale, to the motherhip of Dutch eer rewing - the original Heineken
uilding - ee, and tate, the Netherland trong rewing hitor.

Hotel (1 night)

Meal Included
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Da 21: erlin

Leave Amterdam ehind and take the train into German for our final top of the trip, erlin (approximatel 6.5
hour). A there' not too much free time to full explore erlin, it' recommended that ou ook an extra couple
of da to give ourelf more time. Our reervation team can help (uject to availailit). If ou're a it daunted
 the ize of the cit, there are countle u tour that operate throughout erlin and the're an ideal wa to
find our feet. There are man unique memorial and ite holding ignificance in erlin' more recent hitor,
which are all deigned to provoke thought a well a commemorate. Thee include the Jewih Memorial, the
empt helve of eelplatz and the confronting Topograph of Terror.

The Reichtag, deigned  ritih architect Norman Foter, hold a pecial and molic meaning outide of it
role a the home of parliament. The great gla dome that crown the uilding alo offer weeping view over
erlin. Make ure ou ook our viit earl in the morning, a queue can nake around the uilding for hour on
end. Wander through the the randenurg Gate and witne the crumling remnant of the erlin Wall that are
cattered all over the cit. Checkpoint Charlie and it mueum overlook the former order checkpoint dividing
at and Wet, explaining how the cit came to e divided overnight and it attempt to ecape from ehind the
Iron Curtain. erlin i a haven for good food, with a mix of claic German, avarian and Italian influence.
Conider pending an evening celerating life a the local do - at a ar, lounge, nightclu or emracing ome live

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Uran Adventure - Hidden erlin - UR51
Uran Adventure - torline of erlin - UR61
Uran Adventure - Food and Art in Funk Kreuzerg - UR78

Meal Included

Da 22: erlin

Toda i free for ou to enjo a ou pleae. et out to dicover more of erlin in detail. Find out wh local follow
the credo 'live and let live' with greater emphai on peronal freedom and a creative lifetle than on material
wealth and tatu mol.

A thi i a comination trip, our group leader and the compoition of our group ma change at thi location.
There will e a group meeting to dicu the next tage of our itinerar and ou're welcome to attend, a thi i a
great chance to meet our new fellow traveller.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Mueum Pa, 3 Da Ticket - UR29
erliner Dom - UR7
Kulturforum Potdamer Platz - UR8
chlo Charlottenurg - UR21
National Hitor Mueum - UR8
Pergamon Mueum - UR13
Checkpoint Charlie Mueum - UR14  Go to date 13/22
10/3/2018 Madrid to Venice | Intrepid Travel GB

Jewih Mueum - UR8

German Hitor Mueum - UR8
tor of erlin Mueum - UR12
Topograph of Terror - Free
erlin TV Tower - UR13
ike Tour - UR28

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 23: erlin

The mot of the da toda i free, o perhap check out the remaining fragment of the Wall cattered around the
cit, dropping  Checkpoint Charlie to ee where the main gate etween at and Wet erlin ued to tand. Or
viit the randenurg Gate, the iconic Reichtag uilding or the powerful Holocaut Memorial. There alo i ome
great treet art in erlin, epeciall around the neighourhood of Mitte, Kreuzerg and Friedrichhain (where our
hotel i).In the evening, ou'll oard an overnight train for Krakow in Poland. Don’t e late!

Overnight leeper train (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Mueum Pa, 3 Da Ticket - UR29
ike Tour - UR28
Jewih Mueum - UR8
National Hitor Mueum - UR8
Pergamon Mueum - UR13
River Cruie ighteeing Tour - UR25
erlin Zoo and Aquarium - UR20
erliner Dom - UR7
erlin TV Tower - UR13
Checkpoint Charlie Mueum - UR14
German Hitor Mueum - UR8
Kulturforum Potdamer Platz - UR8
Reichtag (time lot mut e ooked online in advance) - Free
chlo Charlottenurg - UR21
tor of erlin Mueum - UR12
Topograph of Terror - Free

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 24: Krakow

Arrive into Krakow, our ae for the next two night. tep ack in time a our wander the World Heritage-lited
old town, hopping for amer jeweller or local craft. Dicover Wawel Roal Catle which it atop a hill next to
the Vitula River. Check out the 13th-centur town quare of Rnek Glown and get a glimpe of the impreive t
Mar' ailica (which feature an extraordinar wood-carved Gothic altarpiece). Another eautiful church i the
neo-Gothic t Franci' ailica, which oat ome of Poland' et Art Nouveau. Thi cit i alo home to the
econd oldet univerit in Central urope, Jagiellonian Univerit (the oldet i in Prague). It count Copernicu
and Pope John Paul II among it alumni.

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Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Uran Adventure - Home Cooked Krakow - UR60
Uran Adventure - Market and Flavor of Krakow - UR76
Uran Adventure - Food  Foot - UR73

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 25: Krakow

If ou can tear ourelf awa from Krakow, head out to the Wieliczka alt Mine, a network of tunnel and
chamer ome 135 metre elow the ground. Thi i a alt mine that ha een in operation for over 700 ear.
The mine ha a larinth of tunnel, pit and chamer, all hewn  hand from olid alt, with eautifull adorned
chapel and underground lake. Don't mi a look at the elaorate alt chandelier and carving in the leed
Kinga Chapel. Alternativel, ou might like to take a oering da trip out to Auchwitz and irkenau, the ite of
ome of the Holocaut' wort atrocitie. Perhap end the da in one of Krakow' man cellar retaurant for a
plate of pierogi and a drink.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
ike Tour - Da or Night - PLN60
Galicia Jewih Mueum - PLN15
Hitor Mueum - PLN8
t. Mar' ailica - PLN10
Wawel Roal Catle - PLN25
Wieliczka alt Mine tour - PLN145
tate Mueum Auchwitz-irkenau Tour - PLN155
Walking tour - Krakow - Free

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 26: Prague

Take a minivan trip to the town of Otrava (approximatel 2.5 hour), then oard the train to Prague
(approximatel 3 hour). Prague' architecture can e traced from the Middle Age through to the avant-garde of
the Gehr-deigned Dancing uilding (alo called the Fred and Ginger uilding). pend time at Prague Catle, the
igget in the Czech Repulic, where ou'll find the famou t Vitu Cathedral and Golden Lane. Wander through
the old Jewih Quarter to ee what remain of the cit' formerl large Jewih communit.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Uran Adventure - Prague Dicover - UR66
Uran Adventure - Prague eer and Czech Tapa Tour - UR68
Uran Adventure - ohemian Tate and Neighorhood - UR58

Meal Included  Go to date 15/22
10/3/2018 Madrid to Venice | Intrepid Travel GB

There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 27: Prague

Another da in Prague and o man poiilitie. Dicover the ohemian Prague; extravagant, political,
paionate, and fueled with Czech Water. Learn how the ohemian artit, writer, diident, and the ohemian
mentalit haped the nation. Don’t forget to ample ome of the et Czech eer and traditional and modern
Czech nack along the wa. If ou feel like going for a da trip out of the cit, ak our leader to help ou organie
a trip to Kutna Hora. ee Church of anta arara and edlec ouar or The Church of one if ou like, a mall
Roman Catholic chapel that contain the keleton of etween 40.000 and 70.000 people. ack in Prague
rememer that the Old Town at night i trul pecial. There are man great retaurant and pu, ome in old
vaulted cellar. The nightlife in Prague i ome of the et in Central urope. Whether dance clu, eer-hall or
underground ainthe ar are our thing, there' omething for everone. The cit alo oat one of urope'
mot repected jazz cene. If ou find ourelf out until the earl hour in a jazz clu, have a wander along
Charle ridge or the Old Town quare a the un rie for magical photo opportunitie.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
ike tour - CZK490
Jewih Quarter - CZK500
Kafka Mueum - CZK200
Da Trip to Kutna Hora - CZK250
Mucha Mueum - CZK240
Mueum of Communim - CZK190
National Mueum - CZK120
Prague Catle ntrance - CZK350
edlec Ouar - CZK90
Church of t arara - CZK60
Town Hall Clock Tower - CZK250

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 28: Cek Krumlov

Depart Prague and travel  u to Cek Krumlov (approximatel 4 hour). Thi pictureque medieval town date
ack to the 13th centur and appear to e plucked traight out of a fairtale. Wander the coled allewa of
the old town and admire the uilding. Clim up to the catle perched on a hill and check out it faulou
Maquerade Hall. enational view can e een from the tower. Weather and time permitting, take a relaxing 2–3
hour rafting or canoeing trip along the river that run right through town. A tour of the hitoric rewer i
recommended – it will give ou a glimpe into rewing tradition that have exited here for centurie.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
rewer tour - CZK130
Canoe Trip - CZK700
Guided walking tour - CZK300
gon chiele Art Centrum - CZK160
Raft/canoe trip per peron - CZK1200  Go to date 16/22
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Guided catle tour - CZK250

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 29: Vienna

Take a minivan and a u to the comopolitan cit of Vienna. Art lover will e delighted  the vat arra of
mueum on offer, including the Alertina, the Leopold, Kunthalle Wien and the Mueum of Modern Art. Thoe
with an interet in 19th and 20th centur Autrian art hould viit the elvedere Palace, home to Gutav Klimt'
painting 'The Ki'. Check out the colourful Hundertwaerhau or admire the dome of the eceion uilding.
Perhap viit Hofurg Palace, once the impoing winter retreat of Haurg roal and now the official reidence
of the Autrian preident. Apparentl no viit to Vienna i complete without attending an opera or concert. Check
what Vienna tate Opera Houe ha on offer (worth doing that in advance) and immere ourelf in the cit’
immene muical pedigree.

Hotel (1 night)

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 30: Vienna

Free da in Vienna will give ou more time to viit place ou didn’t manage to get to eterda. Clim the tower
of t tephen' Cathedral, take a pin on the Prater Ferri Wheel or catch a dreage how at the panih Riding
chool. Head to choenrunn Palace, which wa deigned  mpre Maria Therea herelf. The garden are
free to all viitor ut there i a charge for entrance and tour of the palace. Avoid long queue  pre-ooking
our ticket at choen After all thi ighteeing, ou might like to indulge in a traditional Viennee coffee
and acher torte, efore capping off the evening with a pot of Mozart, ach or chuert at the opera houe.
Note: The panih Riding chool doen't operate throughout the ummer month. You will need to ook ticket in
advance to ee the performance of the Lipizzaner. Phone +43 (0)1 505 77 66 55 or e-mail to arrange ticket.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Alertina Mueum - UR13
elvedere Lower Galler - UR13
Hofurg Palace and ii Mueum - UR14
Leopold Mueum - UR13
Prater Ferri Wheel - UR10
choenrunn Palace - UR14
panih Riding chool Practice - UR28
t tephen' Tower - UR5
Vienna o Choir concert - UR70

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 31: udapet  Go to date 17/22
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Travel from Vienna to udapet  train (approximatel 3 hour). Known a the 'Pearl of the Danue', udapet'
grand architecture and oulevard evoke a gone era. With o much to ee and do, hiring a iccle i a great wa
to move etween the ight. Head out to tatue Park to ee the communit monument that were removed from
the cit after the fall of the Iron Curtain. One unmiale activit i a oak in one of the cit' man hot thermal
ath. The ath feature pool of varing degree; ome even have whirlpool or uilt-in eat where ou can
relax or pla a game of che. Dinner come, et wa to feat in udapet i to gra a owl of heart Hungarian

Hotel (1 night)

Included Activitie
udapet market viit and picnic

Optional Activitie
Uran Adventure - uda Catle xplorer - UR45
Uran Adventure - ite & ight - UR64

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 32: udapet

njo another da in the Pearl of the Danue. Perhap explore the hitorical uda catle and palace complex of
the Hungarian king. Forget aout the utling cit and loe ourelf in the hitor of the winding treet of Catle
Ditrict, which date ack to the 13th centur and oak up the atmophere of a eloved mid-19th centur local
patr hop. In the afternoon perhap take one of the tourit oat trip along the Danue River for pectacular
view of the Parliament uilding, the Catle Ditrict and the ridge linking uda to Pet. The pectacle i
particularl eautiful at night.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
ike Ride - HUF6000
Great nagogue - HUF3500
Houe of Terror - HUF2000
Hungarian National Mueum - HUF1600
Hungarian tate Opera Houe Tour - HUF3000
Parliament Tour - HUF5200
Pu Crawl - tarting from - HUF5000
Thermal ath - tarting from - HUF4500
Tranport and ntr to tatue Park - HUF5000
udapet Central Market - Free
Uran Adventure - uda Catle xplorer - UR45

Meal Included

Da 33: led

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10/3/2018 Madrid to Venice | Intrepid Travel GB

Take a train (approximatel 8 hour) to the town of led, ituated on lovenia' tunning Lake led at the edge of
the Julian Alp. There are man outdoor activitie availale here to get the lood pumping, uch a rafting, caving,
canoeing and wimming. Wh not hire a ike and head four kilometre out of town to Vintgar Gorge, where ou
can take a walk through a eautiful natural canon. Perhap explore led Catle, perched atop the cliff
overlooking the lake, or catch a pletna (mall wooden oat) over to the iland in the middle of the lake to ring the
wihing ell. Another option i to take a da trip to Lake ohinj, ituated in a glaciated valle. There, ou can
acend Mt Vogel  cale car for aweome view of the range. If the weather i clear, ou ma even ee out to
Triglav, the highet peak in lovenia (note that the weather on top of Mt Vogel varie greatl; it' a ki reort in the
winter). For a tate of the local cuiine, ome led cake i a mut, made of vanilla, cutard, cream and patr.

Guethoue (1 night)

Meal Included

Da 34: led

No etter place to get active then in led. Go for a lake walk (or run if ou feel like!) in the morning, and perhap
enjo a full da adventure around Triglav Maive, including ome water rafting. Check with our leader for all the
option and ook in advance not to mi out. If ou don’t feel like going craz, jut enjo the eaut of the place;
perhap find a quite pot near the lake and pend a da reading our ook.

Guethoue (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Mountain ike Hire - UR15
led Pletna oat Trip - UR14
led Canoning - UR60
led - led Catle - UR11
River rafting - UR55
u and cale car trip to Mt Vogel - UR25
led merald River Adventure (full da) - UR110

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 35: Venice

Travel  train through tunning cener to one of the world' mot unique citie, Venice (approximatel 5.5
hour). A cit of canal, Venice i uilt over a hundred mall iland connected  400 ridge. njo free time to
explore. The et wa to do thi i  foot, taking in all the famou ight – the Grand Canal, the Rialto ridge, the
Palace of the Doge (the ruler of Venice), the Piazza an Marco with it golden ailica, and of coure the evocative
ridge of igh. Wander the coletone treet and paciou piazza, croing hundred of tin ridge. There
are hop, market, gallerie and churche around ever corner. Don't mi taking a gondola trip through the
romantic canal or ampling a lice of region' deert pecialit, tiramiu (coffee-oaked ponge cake).

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
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Doge' Palace and ridge of igh - UR19

Guggenheim Mueum - UR15
t Mark' Campanile - UR8
t Mark' ailica Treaur - UR3
Accademia Galler - UR15
Venezia Ca' d'Oro - UR10
Gondola Ride - UR80
Uran Adventure - Chicchetti of Venice - UR80

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 36: Venice

On the final da of the trip, there are no activitie planned and ou are ale to depart the accommodation at an

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

   

15 reakfat

Date & availailit

 Price ma change, o ecure our trip toda!

Jump to a departure month

 All

at 27 Apr 2019 £4,685 

at 27 April 2019  at 1 June 2019

Departure guaranteed

GP £4,685
 Go to date per adult in a twin hare room  20/22
10/3/2018 Madrid to Venice | Intrepid Travel GB

Own room option i unavailale

ook 

at 17 Aug 2019 £4,510 

at 17 Augut 2019  at 21 eptemer 2019

Departure guaranteed

GP £4,510
per adult in a twin hare room 
Own room option i unavailale

ook 

Looking for flight? We can help ou ook flight from all major UK airport plu help with tranfer,
inurance, and extra accommodation.
Call u for free on 0808 274 5111

Important note
A ingle upplement i NOT availale on thi trip.

ential trip information

Want an in-depth inight into thi trip? ential Trip Information provide a detailed itinerar, via info, how to
get to our hotel, what' included - prett much everthing ou need to know aout thi adventure and more.

View ential Trip Information

Our Madrid to Venice trip core an average of 5
Goof to
5 aed
dateon 1 review in the lat ear. 21/22
10/3/2018 Madrid to Venice | Intrepid Travel GB

 

Madrid to Venice, Augut 2018
Victoria ale
Madrid to Venice i a great trip which let’ ou cover all the major (and ome minor gem) in wetern and Central
urope. It’ a good wa to get a ‘tate’ for where ou would like to go ack to and pend more time.

Review umitted 28 ep 2018

 Go to date 22/22

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