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10/3/2018 Paris to Madrid | Intrepid Travel GB

Pari to Madrid
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Home > urope > France > Pari to Madrid

Jump aoard thi unforgettale trip through France

and pain
From the romantic capital of France to magnificent Madrid, thi adventure i packed with art, nature, culture and
hitor. njo the parkling light of Pari, viit the roal Chateau at Villandr and hike among the towering peak
of the Prenee. Cro into pain and kick ack on a unn each to recharge efore perhap emarking on a ig
night out. Finall, hit the panih capital to dicover a multitude of chic outique or loe ourelf in the wonder
of the world-famou Prado and Reina ofia mueum.

 Add to hortlit

tart Pari, France

Finih Madrid, pain
Detination France, pain
tle Original
Theme xplorer
Code AMF
Phical rating 
 
Age Min 15
Group ize Min 1, Max 12

Wh ou'll love thi trip

e romanced  Pari, the Cit of Love. The iffel Tower and Champ-lee are unforgettale when lit up
at night

njo a da of ccling through the Loire Valle, and tour the exquiite 16th-centur ornamental garden of
the Chateau Villandr

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There' nothing like tating wine from the ource. Viit a wine mueum in ordeaux to gain inight into the
wine-trading proce and to tate ome of the et product in town.

Canoe down a calm river in the unpoiled Dordogne region of outhwetern France

Hike through the foret and lope of the Prenee Mountain. Thi might range eparate the Ierian
peninula from the ret of urope

xperience the aque wa of life on the and hore of an eatian. Indulge at the local pinxto ar
and throw ourelf into northern panih nightlife

The Art Walk in Madrid i ever art lover' dream. In one mall tretch ou can rowe the Then-
ornemiza Mueum, the Reina ofia and the Prado, one of the world' mot celerated gallerie

I thi trip right for ou?

uropean train are comfortale and often decked out with air-conditioning. Toilet are alwa availale.
ome of the train have nack ar (or vending machine) and power point next to the eat ut that
cannot e guaranteed on ever journe. Train travel i a fat wa to travere long ditance, allowing ou to
avoid traffic jam and arrive right into the cit centre. Pleae note that ou will have to carr our own
luggage on and off the train, and alo up or down few flight of tair a unfortunatel ome of the tation
ma not have lift. In that cae it i recommended to ring a ackpack intead of rigid wheelie uitcae.
Make ure the luggage doen’t exceed our weight and ize recommendation. You can find thi information
in the 'What to Take' ection of the trip note.

ummer temperature can e extreme in man of the region viited (over 40°C), which can e
uncomfortale. It’ important to ue un protection, wear laer to comat the heat and drink plent of
water. Pleae alo note that not all hotel in urope would have Air Conditioning tem, ut onl fan. It
ma e uncomfortale for ome in ummer heat. Pleae carefull conider the time of the ear ou wih to
travel and our uitailit to that eaon.

A accommodation on thi trip i twin-hare, ingle traveller will hare a room with another traveller of the
ame ex. If ou’d prefer not to hare, a ingle room upplement i availale at an additional charge. Pleae
ak our travel conultant for more detail. Alo, hotel in urope often don't have doule ed, ut rather
two ingle ed that can e puhed together and room in urope can eem rather mall  American or
Autralian tandard..

Thi trip i deigned to give ou a fair amount of free time o ou can explore each detination at our own
pace. We will, however, take ou on regular orientation walk, o ou'll e on our feet quite a lot. While
thi ma e tiring for ome, it’ the et wa to get our head around a place and to et ourelf up for
further dicoverie.


 

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Da 1: Pari

onjour! Welcome to Pari. Your adventure egin with a welcome

meeting which i uuall around 6 pm. Pleae look for a note in the
hotel lo or ak the hotel reception where it will take place. If
ou're going to e late, pleae inform the hotel. We'll e collecting
our inurance detail and next of kin information at thi meeting, o
enure ou have all thee to provide to our leader. After the
meeting we will head out for an optional group dinner for ou to get
to know our fellow traveller. If ou arrive earl, get out and
explore thi 'Cit of Light'. Perhap go for a wander around the
Champ-lee, the tudent-filled Latin Quarter and the ohemian
Montmartre. Thi will give ou a good feel for the cit. Arriving
earlier to ee Pari' iconic ight i highl recommended.

Hotel (1 night)

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

pecial Information
Note: If ou can't arrange a flight that will arrive in time, ou ma
wih to arrive a da earl o ou're ale to attend the meeting. We'll
e happ to ook additional accommodation for ou (uject to

Da 2: Pari

Toda get out on an orientation walk and explore thi romantic cit further. With free time afterward to dicover
 GoDame
a ou pleae, perhap go for a wander around Notre to date
de Pari, a famou cathedral and one of the mot 3/10
10/3/2018 Paris to Madrid | Intrepid Travel GB

iconic example of French Gothic architecture. The Cit of Light ha alo a great cuiine cene to dicover. A
election of Uran Adventure taking ou to the ecret ite of food often comined with art i a great wa to
dicover the local wa of living. efore moving on, perhap end the da with gla of wine in one of the famou
and trend wine ar Pari ha on offer.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
iffel Tower - UR19
Louvre Mueum - UR15
Muee d'Ora - UR14
Palace of Veraille - UR20
Palace of Veraille Garden - Free
Paradi Latin caaret how - UR65
Arc de Triomphe - UR12
Catacom - UR13
Centre Pompidou - UR14
Napoleon' Tom & Le Invalide Arm Mueum - UR11
Notre Dame Tower - UR10
Picao Mueum - UR12
Rodin Mueum - UR10
ainte Chapelle & Conciergerie - UR15
Da Vinci Code walking tour - UR25
Fat Tire ike tour - UR34
Uran Adventure - ecret Pari: Cheee, Art, and Local Life - UR59
Uran Adventure - xperience ohemian Pari - UR59
Fragonard Perfume Mueum - Free
Uran Adventure - Gourmet Marai - UR78

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 3: Tour

a au revoir to Pari thi morning and travel  train to Tour (approximatel 3 hour). On arrival, the da i
our to pend a ou pleae. Thi cit i aed on the lower reache of the River Loire. eing a crucial frontier
etween northern and outhern France, it held man feudal tronghold, countr eat and even ome of the
poh plahoue of man of the French nole. You'll oon ee wh the cit of Tour i acclaimed a a town of art
and hitor. xplore the narrow treet, the outdoor cafe and ar in the main quare, and the Rue Colert and
Rue Grand Marche, lined with half-timered houe. Thi i alo a great place for a tipple, a the cit i well known
for it wine.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Cathedrale t-Gatien - Free
Hot air alloon - UR250
Muee de eaux-Art - UR5
Hotel Gouin Mueum - Free

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.
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Da 4: Tour

There are man wa to dicover the eaut of Loire Valle, ut ccling i perhap et for exploring thi rolling
countride and it hitoric chateaux. njo a da' ccling and tour the Chateau Villandr, which ha a eautiful
ornamental garden dating ack to the 16th centur. Thi i where French and nglih king ued to dicu peace.
It wa rought to toda' hape  Joachim Carvallo in the 20th centur. You'll ee jut  looking at it what an
enormou amount of mone and time it took. It' known to man a one of the mot eautiful et of garden in
the world. ou'll e ack in the late afternoon or earl evening, the ret of our da i then free.

Note: The ccling trip i a motl flat 35 kilometre, ut ou will need appropriate footwear (no flip-flop) to ccle
in. ring a da pack for our eential uch a water, unglae, un cream and a camera.

Hotel (1 night)

Included Activitie
Chateaux Villandr & Garden
Ccling tour - Tour

Meal Included

Da 5: arlat-la-Caneda

Journe outh  train to the mall medieval town of arlat, located in the Dordogne region (approximatel 6
hour). Thi i a great area to enjo a more relaxed pace of life, known for it rich cuiine and prehitoric hitor.
Time eem to have tood till in arlat-la-Caneda itelf, with a low winding river and a town o impeccal
preerved that it till reemle it 14th-centur tate. On arrival, check into our hotel and ue our free time
getting to know the town. impl enjo the atmophere of arlat  itting in one of the roadide cafe and
watching local going aout their everda tak.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Gaarre tour - UR8
Domme Cave - UR9
te Marie Panoramic Gla Lift - UR5

Meal Included

Da 6: arlat-la-Caneda

Toda' a fun, active da. Head out on the Dordogne River, where ou'll paddle a canoe down the river for around
15 kilometre. Thi i a pictureque etting, and ou'll e ale to take in ight uch a the gorgeou Chateau de
enac. It it atop a limetone cliff, dominating the towncape and north ank of the Dordogne River. Another
option for later in the da i to hire a ike, which i the ideal wa to get around in thi prett region. Check with
our leader for timing, though, a often it ma e difficult to fit oth canoeing and ccling on the ame da. The
evening i our to pend a ou pleae.
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Hotel (1 night)

Included Activitie
Canoeing - arlat

Optional Activitie
ike hire per da - UR25

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 7: ordeaux

Travel  train to the capital of the Gacon region, ordeaux (approximatel 3 hour). On arrival, drop our
luggage off at the hotel and tart to get a feel for the place. Famed for it wine, thi region ha ome facinating
hitor, and mot of the architecture viile toda in ordeaux date from the 18th centur (which i conidered
it golden age). Perhap cale the Gothic ell tower of the Tour Pe-erland for great view of the cit. Viit
famou Cathédrale t-André, a well a it man fine and contemporar art mueum and 18th- and 19th-centur
manion. Pulic garden line the curving river qua, and grand Place de la oure open to the water, with the
Three Grace fountain at it centre. The ret of our da i then free to do a ou wih.

Hotel (1 night)

Included Activitie
Wine Mueum ordeaux

Optional Activitie
Muee de eaux-Art - UR4
Pe erland Tower - UR6
CAPC Muee d'Art Contemporain - UR5
Cathedrale t Andre - Free

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 8: agnere de Luchon

Travel  train and u to the French Prenee and the pa town of agnere de Luchon (approximatel 6 hour).
The French Prenee tretch from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean and form a natural 450-kilometre arrier
etween the Ierian Peninula and the ret of urope. A well a their pectacular natural eaut, the are alo
famou for their thermal pring; curite (thoe eeking a cure) have een coming here for centurie. Luchon i
one of the pa town, and a great ae for exploring the urrounding trail. There won't e too much time to
explore toda, o perhap take a rief walk around town efore ou head out for dinner.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Therme de Luchon - UR15  Go to date 6/10
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Luchon Cale Car - UR10

Meal Included

Da 9: agnere de Luchon

Toda i another active da. Kick thing off nice and earl a ou take to the hill for a da of hiking in the
Prenee. e prepared for ome teep acent through the foret. You'll arrive at a fantatic vantage. If the
weather i clear, ou'll ee ome incredile mountainou vita from up here. Thee urround are well and trul
alpine, o tr not to forget our camera! The terrain can e quite unpredictale, o rememer to ring
appropriate footwear. turd trainer or light hiking oot will uffice. Pack our waterproof item, plent of
water, and energ ar or two o ou can e in peak condition to enjo the eautiful hill.

Hotel (1 night)

Included Activitie
Hiking in the Prenee

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 10: an eatian

Take a private tranfer acro the order to pain and continue to the coatal town of an eatian
(approximatel 5 hour). With it famil friendl eache, innovative gatronom and virant old cit, an
eatian i an ideal place to take it ea. troll along the promenade, hop, feat on pintxo (aque-tle tapa)
or impl laze on the and and oak up the un. If ou’re up for a different perpective of La Concha (the mot
central each), clim or catch a cale car to Monte Igueldo. The panoramic view form the ummit make one feel
like a hawk.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Gra Your Pintxo UA - UR73
t. Jame Wa Adventure - UR63
Roal, tar and urfer - an eatian UA - UR50
aque  ike- an eatian UA - UR43

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 11: an eatian

You have a full free da to explore an eatian toda. Perhap catch the one-hour local u to ilao. If ou do
decide to head there, the world-famou and architecturall ulime Guggenheim Mueum i well worth our time.
If ou have enough time in the afternoon, the an Telmo Mueum dipla a good collection of hitor, art and
photograph of the aque countr. Otherwie, an eatian ha till plent on offer. An intereting thing to ee
i the well-known Aquarium, which i proud to etheGofirt
date cience mueum founded in pain. ince 7/10
10/3/2018 Paris to Madrid | Intrepid Travel GB

opening in 1928 it ha hoted 12 million viitor, and though it ha undergone ome remodelling over the ear
it original character and principle ha remained true. In the evening, it might e a good idea to enjo one more
night of pinxto in an eatian.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Aquarium - UR13
Catedral del uen Pator - Free
Guggenheim Mueum - UR16
Monte Igueldo Cale Car - an eatian - UR3
an Telmo Mueum - UR6

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 12: egovia

a goode to an eatian and head to the remarkale walled town of egovia. You'll get there  train and
u (approximatel 6 hour). There' plent to do and ee in thi town, which i located in the heart of
mountainou Catilla. There' tunning cener, twiting allewa and deliciou local cuiine, not to mention the
world' highet concentration of Romaneque churche. Check out the aqueduct – the larget and et-preerved
of it kind. For omething different, there are two river ordering the medieval wall, and an extenive green elt
park with mile of haded walk. njo our evening relaxing and taking in the atmophere.

Hotel (1 night)

Included Activitie
Alcazar egovia

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

Da 13: Madrid

Journe  train to Madrid thi morning (approximatel 1 hour). On arrival, perhap while awa the hour on the
Paeo del Arte (Art Walk) for a panoramic perpective of wetern art hitor. Perhap wander through the pritine
garden of Real Jardin otanico and then delve deeper into the art of the cit at Mueo Reina ofia and Mueo
Then-ornemiza. port fan, if ou're luck enough for our trip to fall on match da, ou can don a white t-
hirt and head to the antiago ernaeu tadium to watch the might Real Madrid.

Hotel (1 night)

Optional Activitie
Aono Paeo del Arte (3 mueum como voucher) - UR30
Mueo Then-ornemiza - UR12
Mueo del Prado - UR15
Real Jardín otánico - UR4
Mueo Reina ofia - UR8  Go to date 8/10
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Madrid Tapa Adventure - Uran Adventure - UR82

Market of Madrid - Uran Adventure - UR47

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

pecial Information
Note: A there' limited time for ighteeing in Madrid, taing longer i highl recommended. Our reervation
team can help with ooking accommodation (uject to availailit).

Da 14: Madrid

Your adventure end after reakfat toda. There are no more activitie planned and ou're free to leave our
accommodation at an time.

Meal Included
There are no meal included on thi da.

   

3 reakfat

Date & availailit

There are currentl no cheduled departure on our Pari to Madrid trip. If ou are intereted in other trip in the
region viit one of the link elow.


Looking for flight? We can help ou ook flight from all major UK airport plu help with tranfer,
inurance, and extra accommodation.
Call u for free on 0808 274 5111

Important note
A ingle upplement i ookale on thi trip, uject to availailit at the time of ooking. Pleae note that due to
 Go to date
the mall propertie we ue in urope there i onl a limited amount of ingle upplement availale per trip 9/10
10/3/2018 Paris to Madrid | Intrepid Travel GB

departure. If ou would like to ook a ingle upplement and enquire aout availailit pleae peak to our
ooking agent.

ential trip information

Want an in-depth inight into thi trip? ential Trip Information provide a detailed itinerar, via info, how to
get to our hotel, what' included - prett much everthing ou need to know aout thi adventure and more.

View ential Trip Information

Our Pari to Madrid trip core an average of 4.75 out of 5 aed on 20 review in the lat ear.

 

Pari to Madrid, eptemer 2018
ue Kloeden
Intrepid gave me great opportunitie to undertand and experience local communitie; uing pulic tranport wa
an efficient and environmentall friendl wa to travel, ut take note of the advice regarding luggage! Heav or
large luggage piece are hard work. I loved the opportunitie I had to tr local eaterie and the free time gave me
jut the right amount of time to relax and explore thing of particular interet to me.

Review umitted 28 ep 2018

 
Pari to Madrid, Jul 2018
Dai Haward
An incredile wa to experience new culture, gain a new perpective and meet intereting people.

Review umitted 29 Aug 2018

how more review

 Go to date 10/10

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