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We created an Earthquake action plan to crucial strategy designed to ensure safety
during and After an Earthquake,and minimize risks during seismic events.

Earthquake:An Earthquake happens when two block of earth or called tectonic plates
suddenly slip or move past one another.

Seismic event: A seismic event occurs when natural tension in the bedrock quickly
changes,so that the rock breaks,in cracks,When the shock wave hits the ground,it is
sometimes felt in the form of a vibration.To have more information kindly visit at;~;text=What
%20is%20a%20seismic%20 event,occur%20in%20the%20rock%20mass.

After shock:An aftereffect of a distressing or traumatic event.

Preparing for an Earthquake:

•Create an earthquake safety plan for you and your loved ones.
•Identify safe places in each room of your home.
•Know your risk for earthquake in your area and what you must do to stay safe.
•Practice Drop,Cover,Hold on with each member of your household.
•Make or purchase Earthquake safety kits.
•Find out if your home is in need of Earthquake retrofitting and eligible for a
•Identify and fix potential Earthquake hazards in your home.
•Be informed:Understand your risk for Earthquake in your area and what you must
know to stay safe.

Procedure during an Earthquake:

if Inside when the shaking starts:
•first you need to stay clam, Don't panic is the best to do in this kind of a
•Drop,Cover,Hold on
Drop down onto your hands and knees before the Earthquake knocks you down.

Cover your head and neck and your entire body if possible.

Hold on to your shelter or to your head and neck until the shaking starts.

•if possible,within the few seconds before shaking intensifies,quickly move away
from glass,hanging object,book cases,cabinet to avoid to get fall to you,and avoid
•if available nearby,grab something to shield your head and face from falling
debris and broken glass.
•if you are in kitchen,quickly turn off the stove and take cover at the first sign
of shalking.
•if you are in bed,hold on and stay there,protecting your head with a pillow,you
are less likely to be injured staying where you are.

If outside of an infrastructure when the shaking starts:

•always stay calm,Don't panic.
•move away from buildings, utility wires,sinkholes,and fuel and gas lines
•Go to an open area away from trees, telephone poles,and buildings.
•find an evacuation area stay there until the authorities said.
References:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

After an Earthquake:
Once the earthquake has stopped
•Exit the building if safe to do.
•Go to evacuation area as soon as the shaking stops,take the fastest and safest way
•Check yourself and others for injuries provide first aidfor anyone who need it.
•Check water,gas and electric lines for damage.if any are damaged shut off the
valves.check for the smell of gas.if you smell it open all the window and
doors,leave immediately and report it the authorities.
•Turn on the radio, Don't use thephone uless it's emergency.
•stay out of damaged buildings.
•be careful around broken glass and debris.Wear boots or sturdy shoes to keep from
cutting your feet.
•Be carefull of chimneys they may fall on you.
•Stay away from damaged areas.
•If you're at school or work,follow the emergency plan or instructions of person in
Expect aftershock.

After this traumatic event,have time for you family for a relaxations.Remember;
Earthquake are unpredictable stay ready and informed to keep safety for you and
your loved ones.

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