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Exercise You hear a hospital doctor called Dr Abu Mohammed giving a presentation on the results of a recent patient survey. oO Take 10 seconds to scan the questions, then listen to Track 17 and answer questions 5 ~ 6. . Dr Mohammed was surprised by the year-long survey on the satisfaction a of patients staying in hospital because of the (A) happiness of the patients. (B) severity of most patients’ conditions. (c number of patients that got involved. 6. Why does Dr Mohammed suggest patients in their 20s were more satisfied than the rest of the patients surveyed in the study? (A) They were more optimistic. (B) They spent less time in hospital. © ‘They showed a greater rate of recovery. Case Studies In Part C, health professionals often discuss case studies. Questions in this section focus on the individual patient’s experiences, what was unusual about their treatment, and how effective the treatment was. Practise answering questions about specific patients by completing the exercise below. Exercise You hear a nurse called Jonathan McKenzie giving a presentation on treating patients who are dealing with stress. oO Take 10 seconds to scan the questions, then listen to Track 18 and answer questions 7 ~ 8. 7. Nurse McKenzie says that the CEO had trouble managing stress because (a) it was prolonged. ®) it was causing him to lose hours of sleep. © he was unfamiliar with such situations. 8. The patient was encouraged to read because (a) it was a hobby of his. ®) it created a relaxing atmosphere. © he needed to learn about the cause of his issues. In Part C of the Listening Test, you must show that you are able to follow a healthcare professional talking in detail on a healthcare topic. Practise listening to podcasts and presentations online covering healthcare topics, and make notes on the topic as you listen. IMPROVE YOUR SCORE Remember to read the questions first and underline any important words, so that you can listen actively for the answers when the speakers begin talking. IMPROVE YOUR SCORE Don’t worry if the speakers are talking about a topic you’re not familiar with. The the listening section of OET is designed to be understood by healthcare professionals from a variety of backgrounds, so even if the topic is unfamiliar to you, all the information needed to answer the questions is given in the recording. Listening Part C: Practice Set Part C In this part of the test, you’ll hear two different extracts. In each extract, you'll hear health professionals talking about aspects of their work. For questions 1 to 12, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear. Extract 1: Questions 1 to 6 You hear an interview with Dr Tadita Hussein, who’s talking about treating patients with cystic fibrosis. ‘Take 30 seconds to scan the questions, then play Track 19 and answer questions 1-6. 1. Dr Hussein says that patients with cystic fibrosis (A) may find the side effects alarming. (B) tend to require treatment from a young age. (2 can improve their condition with frequent hospital visits. (A) @) © “A (B) © A (B) © (A) (B) 2. What does Dr Hussain say is difficult when treating patients who are not in hospital? They often find the exercises too complicated. They tend to have difficulty socialising with other people. They don’t always understand the importance of their treatment. 3, What does Dr Hussein say about the role of ‘distraction therapy’ in cystic fibrosis treatment? It can be related to the treatment being provided. It allows patients to complete their activities more quickly. It provides staff with more information about the patient's condition. 4, What changes did Dr Hussein observe in one of her patients? He showed respiratory improvement. He deteriorated rapidly following a change in treatment. He began to enjoy aspects of their treatment. 5. Dr Hussein plans to use technology to help cystic fibrosis patients to communicate with other patients who suffer from the condition. with family members who cannot visit them in hospital. © with patients of a similar age suffering from different conditions. 6. Dr Hussein suggests that future treatments for cystic fibrosis (a) will always incorporate lengthy procedures. ®) could prevent breathing difficulties in sufferers. © might be less painful than the current options available. Extract 2: Questions 7 to 12 You hear an presentation given by Dr Hubert Johnson, who’s talking about ways to improve efficiency. oO Take 30 seconds to scan the questions, then play Track 20 and answer questions 7 — 12. 7. Dr Johnson explains that delays are increased when patients believe (A) their appointment will not begin on time. @) staff are not concerned about late-arrivals. © being late for appointments will not impact others. 8. Dr Johnson uses an example of poor efficiency to illustrate the point that (A) healthcare professionals should assist staff during busy times. (B) practices should avoid limiting appointment booking options. (C) staff should be trained to handle demanding situations. 9. Dr Johnson explains that, in order to improve efficiency, healthcare practices must (A) sanction patients arriving later than 10 minutes. (B) avoid booking appointments in the morning. © show patients that they can run on time. 10. Dr Johnson says healthcare professionals often forget that patients who book appointments must first (a) feel that they need a consultation. (B) find a time and date that works for them. © consider what might be causing their issue. 11. What happened when Dr Johnson began giving weekly presentations to patients? (A) Dr Johnson was able to work fewer hours. (B) The general health of patients was increased. (c The number of appointments at the practice decreased. 12. How does Dr Johnson feel about the use of technology when booking (A) @) © appointments? Practices should begin to encourage all patients to make bookings online. It can increase efficiency if other booking methods are continued. Elderly people are most likely to struggle to use it.

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