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Monthly Test – January 2018

Subject : Physics
Class : 8 ….......
Duration : 25 minutes Date : ......................................
Candidate's name : ........................................................... Admission no : ........................

Mark your answers on the grid paper provided.

(1) A Grade 8 student notices that his pencil looks bent when it is placed in a glass of water.
This effect is caused due to
(a) reflection. (b) interference. (c) diffusion. (d) refraction.

(2) Choose the diagram which shows the paths of red and blue light when a beam of white light
enters a glass prism.
(a) red (b) (c) blue (d)
blue red red
red blue

(3) Sunil, a Grade 8 student, puts a coin at the bottom of an empty cup. He noticed that the coin was out
of sight. When he poured water into the cup, he was able to see the coin. This is because of
(a) reflection. (b) dispersion. (c) refraction. (d) diffraction.

(4) When you conduct experiments with bi convex lenses, the first thing that you should do is to
(a) hold the lens to the Sun. (b) measure the center of curvature.
(c) find the focal length. (d) find the optical center.

(5) Students in Grade 8 constructed a solar oven to cook rice. Which type of heat transfer takes
place when the Sun warms the oven to cook the rice ?
(a) convection (b) radiation (b) conduction (d) friction

(6) Underline the correct scales to measure temperature.

(a) Celisius (centigrade) (b) Fahrenheit
(c) Kelvin (d) above all three

(7) What is the reading of the thermometer ?


(a) 190C (b) 200C (c) 190F (d) 200F

(8) Which diagram shows the power stroke of the internal combustion engine ?
(a) (b) (c) (d)

[Total = 3 × 8 = 24 marks] page 2
Grade 8 Physics contd.....from page 1
(1) (i) Complete the table.
Stroke Inlet valve Exhaust valve What is happening Which way is the
to the fuel ? piston moving ?
(a) Intake (suck)
(b) Compression (squeeze)
(c) Power (bang)
(d) Exhaust (blow)
(8 marks)

(ii) Which stroke provides the useful energy ? -------------------------------------------------

(2 marks)

[Total = 10 marks]

(2) Complete the following ray diagrams.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

[Total = 8 marks]

(3) A strong uniform beam is balanced on its center line. Two weights on the beam are kept as
shown in the figure below.
5.0 m
10 N 20 N

(i) Work out the clockwise moment about the pivot.


(3 marks)
(ii) Work out the anticlockwise moment about the pivot.

(3 marks)
(iii) Find out whether the beam is in equilibrium.

(2 marks)

[Total = 8 marks]
END Ref : NR

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