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Social media has become an integral part of the lives of many teenagers, with platforms like

Facebook, Instagram, Snap-chat, TikTok, Twitter also known as X and YouTube being widely used for

communication, information-sharing, and entertainment purposes. However, concerns have been

raised about the potential negative consequences of excessive social media use, particularly on

students’ academic achievements. (National Library Of Medicine,V. Schønning, 2020)

Several previous studies have explored the relationship between social media usage and

academic performance, but there remains a need for more focused research specifically on junior high

school students. This particular age group is crucial as it marks a significant transition from middle

school to high school, where academic demands and responsibilities significantly increase. It is

therefore valuable to understand the potential impact of social media use on their first-quarter grades.

(S.,.al 2019)

Social media has both negative and positive effects. Negative effects of social media: Increased

risk for depression, anxiety, and loneliness. Multiple studies have found a strong link between heavy

social media use and an increased risk for mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and

feelings of loneliness. Cyberbullying. Social media platforms can be a breeding ground for

cyberbullying, where individuals are subjected to harassment, rumors, and online abuse. Distraction

and disrupted sleep: Excessive use of social media can lead to distraction and disrupted sleep patterns,

affecting productivity and overall well-being. Body image issues, Internal research by social media

platforms has found that platforms like Facebook can worsen body image issues, particularly among

teenage girls. Spread of misinformation. Social media can be a source of misinformation, as false

information can spread rapidly and reach a wide audience. (By Lawrence Robinson et. Al.)

Positive effects of social media: Building relationships and staying connected: Social media

allows people to connect with friends, family, and communities, regardless of geographical boundaries.

Finding your voice: Social media provides a platform for individuals to express their opinions, share

their creativity, and raise awareness about important issues. Empathy and kindness: Social media can

foster empathy and kindness by promoting acts of support, encouragement, and understanding. Access

to information and research: Social media provides quick access to information, news, and research,

allowing users to stay informed about various topics of interest. (By Lawrence Robinson et. Al.)

In recent years, social media has gained immense popularity and has become an integral part

of the lives of adolescents. Various studies have explored the impact of social media on different

aspects of teenagers’ lives, including mental health, self-esteem, and academic performance.

Academic performance is a crucial indicator of students’ success and future prospects. It is

essential to understand the factors that may influence academic performance, as it can significantly

shape students’ educational experiences and opportunities. (J.Tus, et,.Al)

Research has suggested that excessive use of social media may negatively affect academic

performance. Excessive time spent on social media platforms can lead to distractions, reduced time for

studying, and poor time management. Additionally, the constant connectivity and potential exposure to

inappropriate content can also contribute to a decline in academic outcomes.

One key finding is that social media addiction can severely impact a student's academic

performance. The addictive nature of social media platforms can lead to distractions, reduced focus,

and decreased productivity. Students who spend excessive amounts of time on social media may find it

challenging to concentrate on their studies, complete assignments, or prepare for exams.

(ResearchGate., K.Caratiquit.,et al)

The constant exposure to social media can disrupt students' sleep patterns, leading to fatigue

and decreased cognitive functioning. Late-night scrolling through social media feeds can result in

inadequate rest, which can negatively affect memory retention and information processing. Social

media can create a sense of social pressure and comparison among students. The constant exposure

to others' achievements, lifestyles, and experiences on social media platforms can lead to feelings of

inadequacy and low self-esteem. This can impact students' motivation, self-confidence, and overall

academic performance. (National Institutes of Health, M. Kolhar, 2021)

Moreover, understanding this correlation can also lead to the development of targeted

interventions and strategies to minimize the negative effects of social media on academic performance.

Educators and parents can devise appropriate guidelines to help students manage their social media

usage and strike a balance between their virtual and academic lives. This study aims to examine

whether there is a relationship between the amount of time students spend on social media platforms

and their academic performance during the first-quarter of their academic year. To conduct this

research, a sample of Junior High Students will be selected from Bacnar National High School,

ensuring a diverse representation. The respondent will be asked to provide information about the

average amount of time they spend on different social media platforms each day, including platforms

such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok, Twitter also known as X and YouTube.


Social Media in the year 2019, we live in an age where social media is nit only prevented in our

day to day lives, but digital technology is literary at our fingertips. With access to so much information

and connectivity to so many people, one begins to wonder, how, if all does this affect a child

development? Is there something to be learned from using social media to better communication with

children? The researcher will briefly explore the possibilities through different development theorist;

Albert Bandura’s social learning theory,Erik Erickson's theory on psychological development, and finally

Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological system theory.

This theory focuses on how individual perceive, process and use information. In the context of

this study, information processing theory could be used to explore how students, excessive use of

social media, which may involve multitasking and distractions, can overload their cognitive resources;

leading to reduced focus and lower academic performance.

This study’s rationale is rooted in the need to explore the potential correlation between extent of

social media usage and Academic Performance among students, with the goal of enhancing academic

performance and creating a healthier digital environment for students.

This theory emphasize individuals innate psychological needs for anatomy, competence

and relatedness. Applying self-determination theory to this study would involve investigating whether

students’ excuse social media usage satisfies their needs for relatedness (connecting with others) but

potentially hampers their needs for competence (Academic Achievement)


The conceptual framework of this study is to establish the context of the study by highlighting the
significant role f social media to in the lives of junior high school students in Bacnar National High
School. Emphasize the importance of academic performance during the first-quarter of grade Junior
High School, as grades during this period often set the tone Academic Period.

Paradigm of the study

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Extent Usage of Social

Time Spent on Social Media
Social Media Platforms
Academic Performance

Identify and define the independent variable Social Media. Operationalize the independent

variable by measuring the duration and frequency of social media engagement per day or per week .

Define the dependent variable by collecting and analyzing the actual grades obtained by the grad e

Junior High school students in Bacnar National High School.


This study aims the determine the correlation between social media and Academic Performance

of student Bacnar National High School.

This is story seeks answer to this following question:

1. What is the Extent Usage of social media among students?

2. How does the level of engagement in Social Media relate to the Academic Performance of


3. Is there a significant relationship between social media usage and the Academic performance of



The significance of this lies in it’s potential to provide insight into the relationship between social

media usage and academic performance among Junior High School students. Understanding this

correlation can have several implication.

Students. The significance of students in this research is that they are target population. The

researchers aims to investigate the correlation between social media usage and Academic

Performance specially among students.

School administration. School can design intervention or campaign to raise awareness about

the potential impact of excessive social media use on students grades. Education students of effective

time management and the importance of balancing their online activities can be beneficial.

Parents. Parents can use the results to establish guidelines for their children’s social media

usage ensuring a balance between their online activities and academic responsibilities

Policy makers. The findings of this study can inform educational policies and initiatives aimed

at regulating or managing students social media usage to optimize their academic outcomes

Mental Health Expert. this study could shed light on the potential effect of excessive social

media use on students mental health. If a negative correlation between social media usage and grade

is found it could promote discussions around the importance of mental well being and the need to

prioritize offline activities.

Future researchers. This study can stimulate further research on the topic leading to more

enhanced investigation into the specific mechanisms linking social media usage and academic

performance subsequent studies could help identify mitigating factors or develop intervention to

counteract any negative impact.


The scope of this study is to explore and analyze the correlation between social media usage

and academic performance of Junior High School students during the first-quarter. This standing will

focus specifically on the social media platforms the student use, the average time spent on social

media and the impact on their grades.

The study will only include Junior High school students from Bacnar National High School. The

selection process will be limited to ensure a manageable sample size. This study will only consider the

grades of the academic year. It may not take into account the grades from the subsequent quarter of


The researcher rely on self-reported data from students which may be subject to biases in

inaccuracies. It will not involve monitoring actual usage of screen time on social media platforms. This

study will focus solely on the indicator of academic performance this study will consider other factors

such as attendance, participation, or extracurricular activities that may also influence grades. This

study’s findings may be limited to the Junior High school students and may not be generalizable to

other regions or schools with different educational systems.

The study will identify correlations between social media usage and grades, but it will not

establish a casual relationship. Overall, this study aims to provide insights into the relationship between

social media usage and first-quarter grades among Junior High School students but acknowledge its

limitation and specific focus on a particular context.


In order to ensure a clear understanding of the topic at hand, it is important to define key terms. In this

context, term refers to:

Correlation. In the context of this study, correlation refers to the statistical relationship or

association between two variables, specifically social media usage and first quarter grades of students.

It helps determine if there is a connection between the two variables and the strength and direction of

that connection.

Excessive Usage of social. Excessive usage of social media refers to spending an excessive

amount of time on social media platforms, often to the detriment of other activities and responsibilities.

it can be characterized by a loss of control over social media usage and a strong motivation to

constantly engage with social media.

Academic. It refers to the academic assessment grade earned by Junior High students during

the first quarter of their academic year or semester, it represents their performance and achievement in

specific subjects or courses during that period.

Junior High School Students. This refers to students who are enrolled in the tenth grade of

their education, typically around the age of 15 to 17 years old. They are still considered high school

students but are typically more focused on their academics and educational path, as they approach the

end of their secondary education.

Negative effect of Social Media. The negative effects of social media refer to the adverse

impacts that excessive or inappropriate use of social media can have on individuals. These effects may

include social isolation, depression, low self-esteem, and lifestyle disruptions.

Positive effect of Social Media. The positive effects of social media refer to the beneficial

Impacts that social media can have on Individuals. For example, it can allow people to stay connected

with friends and family, provide educational resources, and facilitate social and professional networking.

Social Media Usage. This term refers to the amount of time or frequency with which Junior

High School students engage with social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,

Snapchat, etc. It can Include activities like posting, liking, commenting, sharing, messaging, and

consuming various content on these platforms.

Social Media. Social media refers to online platforms and websites that allow users to create

and share content, as well as interact with others. It includes platforms like Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, Snap chat, TikTok and YouTube.

Teenagers. Teenagers, also known as teens or adolescents, are individuals who are between

the ages of 13 and 19. This is a stage of development between childhood and adulthood.



Related Literature

This study aims to prove that excessive use of social media can affect the academic

performances of students. They used primary data in the form of a questionnaire to collect the data.

Students from various years, mainly first, second, third, and fourth, were selected for social media use

with no authentic supervision from educators or accurate planning to employ its applications may affect

undergraduate students’ academic performance. Such technologies that are recently widely used

among students should be incorporated besides active learning approaches such as problem-based

learning, collaborative learning, and flipped classroom as supplementary tools to promote learning

outcomes. Students additionally should be directed and learned how to manage their times properly

when using social media for educational purposes(Almari,2019). ICT has been great tool for

revolutionizing our world in the past few decades. Social media usage of generation Z is linked with

their diurnal activities, critical decisions and performance measures for instance, career decision

making. (Tennakoon, et al.,2019).

Foreign Literature

Also in China, Wang et al. (2018) showed that addiction to social networking sites was

correlated positively with depression, and this correlation was mediated by rumination. These

researchers also found that this mediating effect was moderated by self-esteem. It means that the

effect of addiction on depression was compounded by low self-esteem through rumination. In another

work of research, Drouin et al. (2018) showed that though social media is expected to act as a form of

social support for the majority of university students, it can adversely affect students’ mental well-being,

especially for those who already have high levels of anxiety and depression. In their research, the

social media resources were found to be stress-inducing for half of the participants, all university

students. The higher education population was also studied by Iwamoto and Chun (2020). These

researchers investigated the emotional effects of social media in higher education and found that the

socially supportive role of social media was overshadowed in the long run in university students’ lives

and, instead, fed into their perceived depression, anxiety, and stress.

Keles et al. (2020) provided a systematic review of the effect of social media on young

and teenage students’ depression, psychological distress, and anxiety. They found that

depression acted as the most frequent affective variable measured. The most salient risk factors

of psychological distress, anxiety, and depression based on the systematic review were

activities such as repeated checking for messages, personal investment, the time spent on

social media, and problematic or addictive use. Similarly, Mathewson (2020) investigated the

effect of using social media on college students’ mental health. The participants stated the

experience of anxiety, depression, and suicidality (thoughts of suicide or attempts to suicide).

The findings showed that the types and frequency of using social media and the students’

perceived mental health were significantly correlated with each other.

Related Studies

As of January 2022, more than 4.95 billion people are using the Internet worldwide, and around

4.62 billion are active SM users (Johnson, 2022). In India, the number of Internet users was 680 million

by January 2022, and there were 487 million active social media users (Basuray, 2022). According to

Statista Research Department (2022), in India, SM is dominated by two social media sites, i.e.

YouTube and Facebook. YouTube has 467 million users followed by Facebook with 329 million users.

SM when used in academics has both advantages and disadvantages. Social media helps to improve

academic performance, but it may also distract the students from studies and indulge them in other

non-academic activities (Alshuaibi et al., 2018). Security and privacy are the two major concerns

associated with social media. Teachers are quite apprehensive in using social media for knowledge

sharing due to the same concerns (Fedock et al., 2019). Proper training on security and privacy, to use

social media platforms in academics, is needed for students and teachers (Bhatnagar & Pry, 2020).

Social media also enhances the communication between teachers and students as this
are no ambiguity and miscommunication from social media which eventually improves the
academic performance of the students (Oueder & Abousaber, 2018).

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are in trend since 2020 due to the COVID-19
pandemic (Raja & Kallarakal, 2020). MOOCs courses are generally free, and anyone may enroll
for them online. Many renowned institutions have their online courses on MOOCS platform
which provides a flexible learning opportunity to the students. Students find them useful to
enhance their knowledge base and also in career development.

Foreign Studies

The use of social media is incomparably on the rise among students, influenced by the

globalized forms of communication and the post-pandemic rush to use multiple social media

platforms for education in different fields of study. Though social media has created tremendous

chances for sharing ideas and emotions, the kind of social support it provides might fail to meet

students’ emotional needs, or the alleged positive effects might be short-lasting. In recent years,

several studies have been conducted to explore the potential effects of social media on

students’ affective traits, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and so on. The present paper

reviews the findings of the exemplary published works of research to shed light on the positive

and negative potential effects of the massive use of social media on students’ emotional well-

being. This review can be insightful for teachers who tend to take the potential psychological

effects of social media for granted. They may want to know more about the actual effects of the

over-reliance on and the excessive (and actually obsessive) use of social media on students’

developing certain images of self and certain emotions which are not necessarily positive. There

will be implications for pre- and in-service teacher training and professional development

programs and all those involved in student affairs. (Miao C. Et. Al.,2021)

Local Literature

What topic shall be discussed. To some students, they use this site to exchange

academic information and flag their school achievements. There are also teachers or faculty

members who utilize e-mail to submit requirements of students aside from hard copy. There are

some colleges or institutions that use SNS as effective means to disseminate information to

their students, alumni and prospective schools.

Social Networking is one of the most active wed based activities in the Philippines. It is

already a part of Filipino cyber culture. Power to the people declared that 83% of the Filipinos

are members of a social network. Filipino also ranked top on photo uploads and wed video

viewers and second on member of blog readers. Social networking in the Philippines is used in

education, election campaign material, media to propaganda and one of the aids in criminal

investigation. Since, Filipinos has high regard for family connection and communication usage

of this account is highly emphasized. With the birth of this SNS that allows real time

conversation and comments, more and more become engaged to it including not only families

abroad, but all those who has access to the internet. It is for this reason that Philippines has

been tagged as the Social Networking Capital of the world due to popularity of Facebook,

Instagram, and Twitter. Before, only celebrities and high profile personalities are those followed

in the internet. But now with these media, an ordinary person may enjoy celebrity status due to

massive sharing, likes, posts and comments of his friends, acquaintance or from other netizens.

As internet penetration in the country increases, not only an individual person has its

owned account but also some group organizations like the Batangas City and Sangguniang

Kabataan and others Municipalities or LGU, NGO’s or private officers. Batangas City has its

own account and there are several followers who are aware and interested on their activities.

They are enjoying the activities of Batangas City which are posted on its wall. Sangguniang

Kabataan has its own account and there are also several followers who want to know their

programs and projects designed to enhance the social political, economic, cultural and

intellectual, moral, spiritual and physical development of an individual. In the academic world,

use of internet is also significant. It offers broader range of perspective, various reference

obtained at one click. Lyceum of the Philippines University for instance provides Wi-Fi and

internet connections to students and faculty members. Bonafide students and employees can

access several accounts and search engines. Criminology students are one of the many

students who connect to this portal. Based on the Facebook account of the college, there are

125 connected students who upload, posts, comments, likes and tags to the group. This can be

evidenced by the date and time of use when comment or any action was made.

On the other hand, based on the interview with a faculty member of the College of

Criminology, academic performance is the key measure of school success. It can be determined

based on the result of the students” quizzes, major examinations and classroom participation.

Its primary factor is the students study habit. It can be also affected by level of the students”

compliance to school requirements such as projects, assignments, attendance and recitation. It

can be further affected by students” distractions such as peers, personality type, level of

students” interest to the subject and other outside factors like computer gaming and engaging

on various SNS.

Students use SNS like Facebook for the purpose of exchanging ideas with others and

asking about the topics they were discussed during class by creating group chats. With this, the

grades of the students will not decrease or become lower because they use SNS for academic

purpose. On the other hand, some students use SNS for chatting with others to play games

online and finding some friends. Using SNS for these purposes, student’s grades will become

lower because they waste their time in playing games online instead of studying their lessons

and instead of using SNS for academic purpose.

Social media can possibly affect the academic performance of the students. Social

Networking Sites can bring good effects to the students, but the students do not know that it can

also bring bad effects for the students especially to their academic performance. There are few

students who are presently observed to have been commenting, posting or using SNS during

class hours. This can be evidenced by the time and date the action was made. Upon the

researchers’ observation, the academic performance of these significant. It offers broader range

of perspective, various reference obtained at one click. Lyceum of the Philippines University for

instance provides Wi-Fi and internet connections to students and faculty members. Bonafide

students and employees can access several accounts and search engines. Criminology

students are one of the many students who connect to this portal. Based on the Facebook

account of the college, there are 125 connected students who upload, posts, comments, likes

and tags to the group. This can be evidenced by the date and time of use when comment or any

action was made.

On the other hand, based on the interview with a faculty member of the College of

Criminology, academic performance is the key measure of school success. It can be determined

based on the result of the students” quizzes, major examinations and classroom participation.

Its primary factor is the students study habit. It can be also affected by level of the students”

compliance to school requirements such as projects, assignments, attendance and recitation. It

can be further affected by students” distractions such as peers, personality type, level of

students” interest to the subject and other outside factors like computer gaming and engaging

on various SNS. (College of Criminal Justice, Lyceum of the Philippines University,Ace Albert P.

et al)

Students use SNS like Facebook for the purpose of exchanging ideas with others and

asking about the topics they were discussed during class by creating group chats. With this, the

grades of the students will not decrease or become lower because they use SNS for academic

purpose. On the other hand, some students use SNS for chatting with others to play games

online and finding some friends. Using SNS for these purposes, student’s grades will become

lower because they waste their time in playing games online instead of studying their lessons

and instead of using SNS for academic purpose.(Lyceum of the Philippines University,Ace

Albert P. et al)

Social Networking is one of the most active wed based activities in the Philippines. It is

already a part of Filipino cyber culture. Power to the people declared that 83% of the Filipinos

are members of a social network. Filipino also ranked top on photo uploads and wed video

viewers and second on member of blog readers. Social networking in the Philippines is used in

education, election campaign material, media to propaganda and one of the aids in criminal

investigation. Since, Filipinos has high regard for family connection and communication usage

of this account is highly emphasized. With the birth of this SNS that allows real time

conversation and comments, more and more become engaged to it including not only families

abroad, but all those who has access to the internet. It is for this reason that Philippines has

been tagged as the Social Networking Capital of the world due to popularity of Facebook,

Instagram, and Twitter. Before, only celebrities and high profile personalities are those followed

in the internet. But now with these media, an ordinary person may enjoy celebrity status due to

massive sharing, likes, posts and comments of his friends, acquaintance or from other netizens.

(Lyceum of the Philippines University,Ace Albert P. et al)

As internet penetration in the country increases, not only an individual person has its

owned account but also some group organizations like the Batangas City and Sangguniang

Kabataan and others Municipalities or LGU, NGO’s or private officers. Batangas City has its

own account and there are several followers who are aware and interested on their activities.

They are enjoying the activities of Batangas City which are posted on its wall. Sangguniang

Kabataan has its own account and there are also several followers who want to know their

programs and projects designed to enhance the social political, economic, cultural and

intellectual, moral, spiritual and physical development of an individual. In the academic world,

use of internet is also significant. It offers broader range of perspective, various reference

obtained at one click. Lyceum of the Philippines University for instance provides Wi-Fi and

internet connections to students and faculty members. Bonafide students and employees can

access several accounts and search engines. Criminology students are one of the many

students who connect to this portal. Based on the Facebook account of the college, there are

125 connected students who upload, posts, comments, likes and tags to the group. This can be

evidenced by the date and time of use when comment or any action was made.(Lyceum of the

Philippines University,Ace Albert P. et al)

On the other hand, based on the interview with a faculty member of the College of

Criminology, academic performance is the key measure of school success. It can be determined

based on the result of the students” quizzes, major examinations and classroom participation.

Its primary factor is the students study habit. It can be also affected by level of the students”

compliance to school requirements such as projects, assignments, attendance and recitation. It

can be further affected by students” distractions such as peers, personality type, level of

students” interest to the subject and other outside factors like computer gaming and engaging

on various SNS.(Lyceum of the Philippines University,Ace Albert P. et al)

Students use SNS like Facebook for the purpose of exchanging ideas with others and

asking about the topics they were discussed during class by creating group chats. With this, the

grades of the students will not decrease or become lower because they use SNS for academic

purpose. On the other hand, some students use SNS for chatting with others to play games

online and finding some friends. Using SNS for these purposes, student’s grades will become

lower because they waste their time in playing games online instead of studying their lessons

and instead of using SNS for academic purpose.(Lyceum of the Philippines University,Ace

Albert P. et al)

Social media can possibly affect the academic performance of the students. Social

Networking Sites can bring good effects to the students, but the students do not know that it can

also bring bad effects for the students especially to their academic performance. There are few

students who are presently observed to have been commenting, posting or using SNS during

class hours. This can be evidenced by the time and date the action was made. Upon the

researchers’ observation, the academic performance of these significant. It offers broader range

of perspective, various reference obtained at one click. Lyceum of the Philippines University for

instance provides Wi-Fi and internet connections to students and faculty members. Bonafide

students and employees can access several accounts and search engines. Criminology

students are one of the many students who connect to this portal. Based on the Facebook

account of the college, there are 125 connected students who upload, posts, comments, likes

and tags to the group. This can be evidenced by the date and time of use when comment or any

action was made.(Lyceum of the Philippines University,Ace Albert P. et al)

On the other hand, based on the interview with a faculty member of the College of

Criminology, academic performance is the key measure of school success. It can be determined

based on the result of the students” quizzes, major examinations and classroom participation.

Its primary factor is the students study habit. It can be also affected by level of the students”

compliance to school requirements such as projects, assignments, attendance and recitation. It

can be further affected by students” distractions such as peers, personality type, level of

students” interest to the subject and other outside factors like computer gaming and engaging

on various SNS.(Lyceum of the Philippines University,Ace Albert P. et al)

Students use SNS like Facebook for the purpose of exchanging ideas with others and

asking about the topics they were discussed during class by creating group chats. With this, the

grades of the students will not decrease or become lower because they use SNS for academic

purpose. On the other hand, some students use SNS for chatting with others to play games

online and finding some friends. Using SNS for these purposes, student’s grades will become

lower because they waste their time in playing games online instead of studying their lessons

and instead of using SNS for academic purpose.(Lyceum of the Philippines University,Ace

Albert P. et al)

Local Studies

Social media has become almost unavoidable, revolutionizing the way students

communicate, interact, and socialize, and has become an essential part of their social and

cultural fabric. As a result, students are spending a significant amount of time on social media

(Akakandelwa, & Walubita, 2018). Students use social media for not only social but also

educational purposes In the Philippines, social media is used to interact with others as well as to

learn. However, overuse of social media has been observed among the youth, which may have

an impact on the student’s productivity with home-based tasks. Over the last ten years, social

media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have evolved at a rapid pace.

Attracting massive numbers of users .Rosenberg (2018) noted that one in every five college

students suffers from anxiety or depression. And excessive social media use may be a

contributing factor (Rosenberg. 2018)

Based on the Internet World Stats 2019, as of June 30, 2019, more than 4.5 billion

people, or more than 58 percent of the world’s human population, In conclusion, this review of

related literature has revealed a complex relationship between social media usage and first

quarter grades among junior high school students. While some studies suggest a negative

correlation between excessive social media usage and academic achievement, others

showcase little to no significant impact. It is evident that social media can both positively and

negatively affect students’ academic performance, depending on various factors such as the

amount of time spent on these platforms, the type of content consumed, and the individual's

ability to manage their time effectively. Thus, future research should delve deeper into

understanding these nuances and explore possible interventions or strategies that can mitigate

any adverse effects of social media on academic performance. Ultimately, it is crucial for

educators, parents, and students to foster a balanced approach to social media usage,

emphasizing responsible digital citizenship and the importance of prioritizing academic

commitments for optimal educational outcomes. Had used the Internet’s services (Internet

World Stats, 2019)

Parents always say that a student’s exposure to social media has a significant impact on

his or her academic performance. The researchers want to look into the students’ perspectives

on how they manage their time between home-based work and social media use. In this day

and age, it is clear that social media has taken a massive toll on most parts of the world.

However, the well-known negative impact on students’ academic work and performance is a

setback. It is an ideal distraction for the youth in order to postpone or even disregard important

home-based tasks from school.

When it comes to social media usage, the Philippines is on par with the rest of the world.

Filipinas, particularly Filipino students, are prone to using this media, but excessive use may

have negative consequences, primarily to the students’ ability to complete academic home-

based tasks, as it (social media) serves as a hindrance to them. Students’ perspectives may

change as a result of their increased awareness, and they may learn how to balance their time

between using social media and doing their activities or assignments.

The goal of this study was to determine the relationship between social media exposure

and junior high school students’ perceptions of home-based task productivity. Multiple students

from the tenth grade are observed producing efficient results. The allotted time difference

between social media use and school activities would be visible as a result of this.

In conclusion, this review of related literature has revealed a complex relationship

between social media usage and first quarter grades among Junior High School students. While

some studies suggest a negative correlation between excessive social media usage and

academic achievement, others showcase little to no significant impact. It is evident that social

media can both positively and negatively affect students' academic performance, depending on

various factors such as the amount of time spent on these platforms, the type of content

consumed, and the individual's ability to manage their time effectively. Thus, future research

should delve deeper into understanding these nuances and explore possible interventions or

strategies that can mitigate any adverse effects of social media on academic performance.

Ultimately, it is crucial for educators, parents, and students to foster a balanced approach to

social media usage, emphasizing responsible digital citizenship and the importance of

prioritizing academic commitments for optimal educational outcomes. (By M.Torainn,2023)


The current study will utilize correlational research design .The purpose of this study is

to investigate the possible correlation between social media usage and first quarter grades

among Junior High School students in Bacnar National High School.

The current study Is correlational because it aims to examine the relationship or

association between social media usage and first quarter grades among Junior High School

students. Correlational research is designed to Identify patterns or relationships be between

variables without manipulating or controlling them.

Correlational design is appropriate for this study as it allows researchers to examine the

relationship between social media usage and first quarter grades among Junior High School

students, without manipulating any variables, it provides valuable insight into the potential

association between these factors, which can inform educators parents, and policymakers in

developing strategies to enhance academic performance and manage social media usage

among students.


The research will be conducted at a high school located in a Barangay, Bacnar area in

the San Carlos City, Pangasinan. Brgy. Bacnar is near Brgy. Balite Sur and Brgy. Bolosan 7.6

km away from Poblacion, San Carlos proper. The school is likely to have a small campus with

multiple facilities such as classrooms, laboratories, sports fields, and a cafeteria. The school is

expected to have a diverse student population with different backgrounds, interests, and

academic abilities. The research may involve interacting with students, teachers, and

administrators, observing classroom activities, conducting surveys or interviews, and analyzing

data. The research locale will to provide a rich and dynamic environment for investigating

various educational issues and phenomena.


The respondents will be selected students of Bacnar National High School and

represented by Junior High School student population, with (2) two students coming from Brgy.

Tebag, (3) three from brgy.Bolosan, (1) one from brgy. Balite Sur, and (25) twenty five

students from brgy. Bacnar. The age range of the respondents is between (14-17) fourteen to

seventeen years old. All of the respondents use social media platforms such as Facebook,

Instagram, TikTok, Twitter also known as X, and YouTube. The study aimed to examine the

relationship between the amount of time spent on social media platforms and the academic

performance of students during the first quarter. Data will be collected through a combination of

self-reporting and academic records analysis.


A Survey questionnaires will be used to collect data on social media usage among Junior High

School Student from Bacnar national high school. The questionnaire will include question about the

frequency and duration of social usage the types of social media platform used, and the reason for

using social media.

The Academic records of Junior High School Student from Bacnar national high school

will be used to collect data on their grades. This data will be used to determine if there is a

correlation between social media usage and Academic Performance

A demographic questionnaire will be used to collect data on the student ages,

gender,socioeconomic status, and other relevant demographic information, this data Will be used

control for any confounding variables that may affect the relationship between social media usage and

Academic Performance.

Focus group interviews will be conducted with a sample of Junior High School Student

from Bacnar national high school to again a deeper understanding of their social media usage

habits and how they perceive the relationship between social media usage and Academic


A parental consent form will be used to obtain permission from the parents or guardians

of Junior High School Student to participate in the study: this form will also include information

about the study and how the data collect will be used.


Valid and reliable measurements will be used to collect data for the study. A structured

questionnaire will be developed based on existing validated scales and tailored to the context of

the research. The questionnaire will undergo vigorous pilot testing and validation to ensure its

clarity, comprehensiveness and relevance to the research objectives validation will be done by

three experts on this field.

The researchers will conduct their own survey question if they will not be able to adopt

research questionnaires that is suitable for the study.


Select Student from Bacnar national high school as the target population for the study.

Develop a comprehensive survey questionnaire that includes question about extent of social

media usage habits and Academic performance. Ensure the question are clear concise and

relevant to the study’s objective the Researcher seek the necessary ethical clearance from

relevant authorities,such as the school administration and research committee. Administer the

survey questionnaire to the selected population Student, ensuring confidentiality and anonymity,

provide clear instructions on how to complete the question are. Collect the completed Survey

questionnaires from the students check for completeness and Clarity of responses.


To determine the correlation between social media usage and academic performance

among students from Bacnar national High School. The following statistical treatment will be

applied Correlation analysis Perform correlation coefficient to determine the strength and

directions of the relationship between social media usage and first quarter grades. This analysis

will help identify if there is significant correlation between the two variables.


Data Entry and cleaning transcribe the gathered survey responses into a computerized

database , check for any errors or inconsistencies and correct them if necessary calculate descriptive

statistics, such as measures of central tendency (mean, median,) and measures of dispersion

(standard deviation, range) for the social media usage variables and first-quarter grade variables.

Conduct a correlation analysis to be determine whether there is relationship between social media

usage coefficient, to assess the strength and direction of the relationship.

Interpret the result of the statistical analysis and draw conclusion and how the findings. Discuss

the implementation of the correlation, considering potential limitation and alternative explanations.

Prepare ta comprehensive report summarizing the data gathered procedures, statistical treatment, and

data analysis use clear and concise language to present the finding logically and objectively.

The specific statistical tests and analytical techniques may vary depending on the nature and

complexity of the data. It is essential to consult with a statistical or experts in your field to ensure

accurate and appropriate analysis.


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