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Republic of the Philippines

Division of Laguna

Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health 9

A. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the given choices. Write only the letter
of your choice.
1. Who is known as a greatest composer of Gregorian Chants during the Medieval Period?
A. George Friedrich Handel B. Thomas Morley C. Adam de la Halle D. Giovanni da Palestrina
2. What do you call the MONOPHONIC PLAINCHANT during the Medieval period and was NAMED AFTER A POPE?
A. Madrigal B. Troubadour Music C. Oratorio D. Gregorian Chant
3. Who is the most prominent composer of MADRIGAL SONGS during the Renaissance period?
A. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina B. Thomas Morley C. Johann Sebastian Bach D. Antonio Vivaldi
4. Who composed the oratorio entitled “MESSIAH” which chorus is named as “HALLELUJAH”?
A. George Friedrich Handel B. Antonio Vivaldi C. Johann Sebastian Bach D. Adam de la Halle
5. TROUBADOURS are group of musicians that perform secular music across Europe, and known for playing what STRING
A. Harpsichord B. Lute C. Clavichord D. Violin
6. Which among the following statement is TRUE?
A. Mass music is sacred while Madrigal is a secular music C. Both Mass Music and Madrigal are monophonic
B. Mass music is monophonic while Madrigal is polyphonic D. Mass Music and Madrigal are only sung in a capella
7. There are five main sections of mass music namely: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and Benedictus, and Agnus Dei. Which
is the only one among the five sections was derived from a GREEK TEXT?
A. Agnus Dei B. Sanctus and Benedictus C. Credo D. Kyrie
8. A COUNTERPOINT STYLE OF MUSIC to which a song is performed with two melodic lines played at the same time.
A. Opera B. Oratorio C. Fugue D. Concerto
9. All of the following are applied to GREGORIAN CHANTS, EXCEPT (maliban sa) __________________.
A. Monophonic Lines B. Polyphonic Lines C. Free Meter D. Use of Neume notation
10. MEDIEVAL PERIOD was known as DARK AGES. What did it signify during that time?
A. The rise of the Roman Empire C. The fall of the Roman Empire
B. The fall of the Protestant Church D. Fall of the Greek Empire
11. Which among the following best describe FIRE, FIRE MY HEART BY THOMAS MORLEY?
A. A Mass vocal music C. A Madrigal vocal music
B. Set texts of Eucharistic liturgy to music D. With accompaniment
12. All of the following are examples of SACRED MUSIC, EXCEPT (maliban sa) _____________.
A. Ama Namin B. Pope Marcellus Mass C. Hallelujah D. April is in My Mistress Face
13. Which among the following does NOT pertain to the word renaitre where Renaissance was derived?
A. Recall B. Rebirth C. Revival D. Rediscover
B. CLASSIFICATION. Listen to the song that your teacher will play and CATEGORIZE it accordingly. Choose among the given
choices for each item.
14. A. Madrigal B. Troubadour Music C. Mass Music D. Oratorio
15. A. Gregorian Chant B. Madrigal C. Oratorio D. Chorale
A. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the given choices. Write only the letter
of your choice.
16. Which among the following refers to the ANCIENT EGYPTIAN WAY OF WRITING?
A. Megaliths B. Sarcophagus C. Hieroglyphics D. Mastaba
A. Megaliths B. Pyramids C. Mastaba D. Sarcophagus
18. What do you call the RED, FIGURED POTTERY IN GREECE that depicts life of women, mythological beings and mythical
A. Panel Paintings B. Doric Column C. Kerch Vases D. Stone Vaults
19. What form of art was created during the Gothic Era aiming to transform the VAST STONE INTERIORS OF THE CHURCH
WITH WARM AND GLOWING COLORED WINDOWS and at the same time to instruct Christians in their faith?
A. Frescoe Paintings B. Stained Glass Windows C. Mozarabic Paintings D. Mosaic Paintings
20. What pre-historic architecture served as A STONE TABLE and was believed to be used in sacrificial offerings and altar?
A. Megaliths B. Menhir C. Dolmens D. Cromlech
21. What kind of painting is known for using pigmented HOT MELTED WAX as medium?
A. frescoe Paintings B. Romanesque Paintings C. Mosaic Paintings D. Encaustic Paintings
22. What era marked the BLENDING OF GREEK AND ORIENTAL STYLE on paintings?
A. Byzantine Painting B. Gothic Paintings C. Romanesque Paintings D. Panel Paintings
23. Roman sculptures are made from BROWNISH RED CLAY. What do you call the medium pertained to?
A. Bricks B. Ivory C. Terra-cotta D. Limestone
24. Which among the following are NOT belonging to the THREE PYRAMIDS OF GIZA?
25. What Kerch Vase should be used if one was looking for a WINE CONTAINER?
A. Pelike B. Lekanis C. Lebes Gamikos D. Krater
26. The following are characteristics of ROMANESQUE PAINTINGS, EXCEPT (maliban sa) __________.
A. Elongated Oval Faces B. Large starring eyes C. Big Mouth D. Long Nose
27. Which among the following sections of the Cave of Lascaux does NOT depict ANIMALS as theme?
A. Chamber of Engraving B. Chamber of Felines C. The Lateral Passage D. Great Hall of the Bulls
28. Which among the following is the most gradiose among the GREEK COLUMNS DESIGNED WITH A SCROLL?
A. Doric Column B. Corinthian Column C. Ionic Column D. Byzantine Column
B. CLASSIFICATION. CHOOSE THE PERIOD that corresponds to the classical artwork below.
Greek Era Roman Era Egyptian Era Byzantine Era


Pre Historic Era Byzantine Era Romanesque Era Gothic Era


A. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the given choices. Write only the letter
of your choice.
31. What do you call the system of managing a sport, specifically on implementing the game rules and keeping order in
the duration of the game?
A. Health Related Fitness B. Physical Fitness C. Sports Officiating D. Fitness Diet
32. Having belief in oneself is an emotional quality that an officiating official should possess. What does it pertain to?
A. Confidence B. Sportsmanship C. Fairness D. Accuracy
33. What is the term used to refers to how fast your heart should beat when you exercise?
A. Basal Metabolic Rate B. Body Mass Index C. Target Heart Rate D. Calorie
34. What do you call the BMI indicator that is measured from head (ulo) to toe (paa)?
A. Weight B. Height C. Fat Mass D. Muscle Weight
35. Decisiveness refers to having knowledge on the rules of the game, alertness, vigilance which result to timely, honest
and impartial judgment. What quality of an officiating official does it belong to?
A. Physical Qualities B. Social Qualities C. Mental Qualities D. Emotional Qualities
36. How will you classify the sports that is being played by three or more players per team?
A. Individual Sports B. Dual Sports C. Team Sports D. None of the above
37. What is the best value that a sports official must possess?
A. Fairness B. Punctuality C. Unjust D. Accuracy
38. What term refers to the individual or group practice of consuming food?
A. Eating Habits B. Plate Method C. Eating Disorder D. Diabetes
39. In games which require the official to run continuously, what fitness component should the official possess?
A. Balance B. Cardio Vascular Endurance C. Power D. Strength
40. Sports officials mostly flex their arms for signaling. What fitness component will be developed with this regular
A. CardioVascular Endurance B. Muscular Endurance C. Flexibility D. Muscular Strength
41. Hydration is important in officiating especially in running continuously for long minutes. Sports officials do not have
the luxury of a time out. If they want to hydrate their body, what’s the best drink to take?
A. Energy Drinks B. Softdrinks C. Sports Drink D. Water
42. What type of lifestyle can be developed when one spends most of his time in sitting?
A. Sedentary Lifestyle B. Sedimentary Lifestyle C. Senter Lifestyle D. None of the above
43. What lifestyle-related disease will an official have if he/she continues to have sedentary lifestyle?
A. Cancer B. Diabetes C. Heart Disease D. Stroke
B. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the BASKETBALL HAND SIGNAL shown by the following illustrations.

44. ___________________ 45. ________________________

A. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the questions carefully and choose your answer from the given choices. Write only the letter
of your choice.
46. What do you call the sociological group in a large place sharing one environment?
A. Individual B. Class C. Community D. Nation
47. What term refers to the art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all the members of
the community through organized and sustained community efforts?
A. Environmental Health B. Community Health C. Individual Health D. Physical Health
48. DoH is one of the agencies which can be coordinated for hosting activities and programs for the community. DoH
stands for ___
A. Department of Home B. Department of House C. Department of Healing D. Department of Health
49. PMA provides immunization of eligible children against measles and other vaccine-preventable diseases. PMA stands
for _____
A. Philippine Military Academy C. Philippine Medical Association
B. Preventing-Measles Association D. Philippine Measles Academy
50. What term refers to the unlawful digging (paghuhukay) of minerals, metals or jewels from the surface of the earth?
A. Illegal Logging B. Oil Spill C. Illegal Mining D. Deforestation
51. Baguio is experiencing a kind of pollution called “SMOG” which can be classified to what type of pollution?
A. Soil Pollution B. Air Pollution C. Noise Pollution D. Water Pollution
52. There are motorcycles that have modified loud mufflers (tambutso) which produce excessive UNPLEASANT SOUNDS
when driven on the streets. What pollution does it contribute to?
A. Air Pollution B. Noise Pollution C. Soil Pollution D. Water Pollution
A. Reforestation B. Deforestation C. Forest Conservation D. Reef Degradation
54. What is the best disposal method for dead animals?
A. Incineration/Burrying B. Throw it on the streets C. Sanitary Landfill D. Treatment Method
55. What is the best disposal method for garbage?
A. Throw it on the streets B. Composting C. Sanitary Landfill D. Burning
56. How should you dispose used diapers?
A. Throw it on the streets B. Composting C. Sanitary Landfill d. Composting
57. Which among the following statements is TRUE?
A. Candy Wrappers are Garbage and decayed fruits are Rubbish C. Garbage and Rubbish are the same
B. Decayed Fruits are Garbage and Candy Wrappers are Rubbish D. Rubbish decays faster than garbage
58. Why is it best that you dispose ashes by burrying it on the ground?
A. It is rich in nitrogen that may serve as fertilizer to plants
B. So it will not ignite when attached to anything that cause fire
C. So it will not be blown away by the wind
D. None of the given choices.


59. __________________ 60. __________________


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