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CS 512 – Computer Vision:

Course Description:

Introduction to the fundamental topics of computer vision and the application of

statistical estimation techniques to this area. It aims to give the student a good foundation
to work in this important field. Topics include: Feature Extraction, Probabilistic Modeling,
Camera Calibration, Epipolar Geometry, Statistical Estimation, Model Reconstruction,
Statistical Filtering, Motion Estimation, Recognition, Shape from Single Image Clues.

Credits: 3 C.H
Prerequisite: CS 430 Introduction to Algorithms

Justification for meeting the requirements:

The subject CS 430 introduces concepts related to the design, behavior and analysis of
sorting and search algorithms. This knowledge has been acquired in the 2nd year
Software Analysis and Design subject of GITST. Likewise, CS 530 deals with the
complexity of algorithms, a concept learned in the same subject of the second year.

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